Robotics 67
☆ SPA: 3D Spatial-Awareness Enables Effective Embodied Representation
In this paper, we introduce SPA, a novel representation learning framework that emphasizes the importance of 3D spatial awareness in embodied AI. Our approach leverages differentiable neural rendering on multi-view images to endow a vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) with intrinsic spatial understanding. We present the most comprehensive evaluation of embodied representation learning to date, covering 268 tasks across 8 simulators with diverse policies in both single-task and language-conditioned multi-task scenarios. The results are compelling: SPA consistently outperforms more than 10 state-of-the-art representation methods, including those specifically designed for embodied AI, vision-centric tasks, and multi-modal applications, while using less training data. Furthermore, we conduct a series of real-world experiments to confirm its effectiveness in practical scenarios. These results highlight the critical role of 3D spatial awareness for embodied representation learning. Our strongest model takes more than 6000 GPU hours to train and we are committed to open-sourcing all code and model weights to foster future research in embodied representation learning. Project Page:
☆ SG-Nav: Online 3D Scene Graph Prompting for LLM-based Zero-shot Object Navigation NeurIPS 2024
In this paper, we propose a new framework for zero-shot object navigation. Existing zero-shot object navigation methods prompt LLM with the text of spatially closed objects, which lacks enough scene context for in-depth reasoning. To better preserve the information of environment and fully exploit the reasoning ability of LLM, we propose to represent the observed scene with 3D scene graph. The scene graph encodes the relationships between objects, groups and rooms with a LLM-friendly structure, for which we design a hierarchical chain-of-thought prompt to help LLM reason the goal location according to scene context by traversing the nodes and edges. Moreover, benefit from the scene graph representation, we further design a re-perception mechanism to empower the object navigation framework with the ability to correct perception error. We conduct extensive experiments on MP3D, HM3D and RoboTHOR environments, where SG-Nav surpasses previous state-of-the-art zero-shot methods by more than 10% SR on all benchmarks, while the decision process is explainable. To the best of our knowledge, SG-Nav is the first zero-shot method that achieves even higher performance than supervised object navigation methods on the challenging MP3D benchmark.
comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 2024. Project page:
☆ On the Evaluation of Generative Robotic Simulations
Due to the difficulty of acquiring extensive real-world data, robot simulation has become crucial for parallel training and sim-to-real transfer, highlighting the importance of scalable simulated robotic tasks. Foundation models have demonstrated impressive capacities in autonomously generating feasible robotic tasks. However, this new paradigm underscores the challenge of adequately evaluating these autonomously generated tasks. To address this, we propose a comprehensive evaluation framework tailored to generative simulations. Our framework segments evaluation into three core aspects: quality, diversity, and generalization. For single-task quality, we evaluate the realism of the generated task and the completeness of the generated trajectories using large language models and vision-language models. In terms of diversity, we measure both task and data diversity through text similarity of task descriptions and world model loss trained on collected task trajectories. For task-level generalization, we assess the zero-shot generalization ability on unseen tasks of a policy trained with multiple generated tasks. Experiments conducted on three representative task generation pipelines demonstrate that the results from our framework are highly consistent with human evaluations, confirming the feasibility and validity of our approach. The findings reveal that while metrics of quality and diversity can be achieved through certain methods, no single approach excels across all metrics, suggesting a need for greater focus on balancing these different metrics. Additionally, our analysis further highlights the common challenge of low generalization capability faced by current works. Our anonymous website:
comment: Project website:
☆ LiPO: LiDAR Inertial Odometry for ICP Comparison ICRA 2025
We introduce a LiDAR inertial odometry (LIO) framework, called LiPO, that enables direct comparisons of different iterative closest point (ICP) point cloud registration methods. The two common ICP methods we compare are point-to-point (P2P) and point-to-feature (P2F). In our experience, within the context of LIO, P2F-ICP results in less drift and improved mapping accuracy when robots move aggressively through challenging environments when compared to P2P-ICP. However, P2F-ICP methods require more hand-tuned hyper-parameters that make P2F-ICP less general across all environments and motions. In real-world field robotics applications where robots are used across different environments, more general P2P-ICP methods may be preferred despite increased drift. In this paper, we seek to better quantify the trade-off between P2P-ICP and P2F-ICP to help inform when each method should be used. To explore this trade-off, we use LiPO to directly compare ICP methods and test on relevant benchmark datasets as well as on our custom unpiloted ground vehicle (UGV). We find that overall, P2F-ICP has reduced drift and improved mapping accuracy, but, P2P-ICP is more consistent across all environments and motions with minimal drift increase.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ UW-SDF: Exploiting Hybrid Geometric Priors for Neural SDF Reconstruction from Underwater Multi-view Monocular Images IROS 2024
Due to the unique characteristics of underwater environments, accurate 3D reconstruction of underwater objects poses a challenging problem in tasks such as underwater exploration and mapping. Traditional methods that rely on multiple sensor data for 3D reconstruction are time-consuming and face challenges in data acquisition in underwater scenarios. We propose UW-SDF, a framework for reconstructing target objects from multi-view underwater images based on neural SDF. We introduce hybrid geometric priors to optimize the reconstruction process, markedly enhancing the quality and efficiency of neural SDF reconstruction. Additionally, to address the challenge of segmentation consistency in multi-view images, we propose a novel few-shot multi-view target segmentation strategy using the general-purpose segmentation model (SAM), enabling rapid automatic segmentation of unseen objects. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments on diverse datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the traditional underwater 3D reconstruction method and other neural rendering approaches in the field of underwater 3D reconstruction.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, presented at IROS 2024
☆ Dynamic Object Catching with Quadruped Robot Front Legs IROS 2024
This paper presents a framework for dynamic object catching using a quadruped robot's front legs while it stands on its rear legs. The system integrates computer vision, trajectory prediction, and leg control to enable the quadruped to visually detect, track, and successfully catch a thrown object using an onboard camera. Leveraging a fine-tuned YOLOv8 model for object detection and a regression-based trajectory prediction module, the quadruped adapts its front leg positions iteratively to anticipate and intercept the object. The catching maneuver involves identifying the optimal catching position, controlling the front legs with Cartesian PD control, and closing the legs together at the right moment. We propose and validate three different methods for selecting the optimal catching position: 1) intersecting the predicted trajectory with a vertical plane, 2) selecting the point on the predicted trajectory with the minimal distance to the center of the robot's legs in their nominal position, and 3) selecting the point on the predicted trajectory with the highest likelihood on a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) modelling the robot's reachable space. Experimental results demonstrate robust catching capabilities across various scenarios, with the GMM method achieving the best performance, leading to an 80% catching success rate. A video demonstration of the system in action can be found at .
comment: Accepted to IROS 2024
☆ Probabilistic Satisfaction of Temporal Logic Constraints in Reinforcement Learning via Adaptive Policy-Switching
Constrained Reinforcement Learning (CRL) is a subset of machine learning that introduces constraints into the traditional reinforcement learning (RL) framework. Unlike conventional RL which aims solely to maximize cumulative rewards, CRL incorporates additional constraints that represent specific mission requirements or limitations that the agent must comply with during the learning process. In this paper, we address a type of CRL problem where an agent aims to learn the optimal policy to maximize reward while ensuring a desired level of temporal logic constraint satisfaction throughout the learning process. We propose a novel framework that relies on switching between pure learning (reward maximization) and constraint satisfaction. This framework estimates the probability of constraint satisfaction based on earlier trials and properly adjusts the probability of switching between learning and constraint satisfaction policies. We theoretically validate the correctness of the proposed algorithm and demonstrate its performance and scalability through comprehensive simulations.
☆ Towards Synergistic, Generalized, and Efficient Dual-System for Robotic Manipulation
The increasing demand for versatile robotic systems to operate in diverse and dynamic environments has emphasized the importance of a generalist policy, which leverages a large cross-embodiment data corpus to facilitate broad adaptability and high-level reasoning. However, the generalist would struggle with inefficient inference and cost-expensive training. The specialist policy, instead, is curated for specific domain data and excels at task-level precision with efficiency. Yet, it lacks the generalization capacity for a wide range of applications. Inspired by these observations, we introduce RoboDual, a synergistic dual-system that supplements the merits of both generalist and specialist policy. A diffusion transformer-based specialist is devised for multi-step action rollouts, exquisitely conditioned on the high-level task understanding and discretized action output of a vision-language-action (VLA) based generalist. Compared to OpenVLA, RoboDual achieves 26.7% improvement in real-world setting and 12% gain on CALVIN by introducing a specialist policy with merely 20M trainable parameters. It maintains strong performance with 5% of demonstration data only, and enables a 3.8 times higher control frequency in real-world deployment. Code would be made publicly available. Our project page is hosted at:
comment: Project page:
☆ Fron CAD to URDF: Co-Design of a Jet-Powered Humanoid Robot Including CAD Geometry IROS 2024
Co-design optimization strategies usually rely on simplified robot models extracted from CAD. While these models are useful for optimizing geometrical and inertial parameters for robot control, they might overlook important details essential for prototyping the optimized mechanical design. For instance, they may not account for mechanical stresses exerted on the optimized geometries and the complexity of assembly-level design. In this paper, we introduce a co-design framework aimed at improving both the control performance and mechanical design of our robot. Specifically, we identify the robot links that significantly influence control performance. The geometric characteristics of these links are parameterized and optimized using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to achieve optimal control performance. Additionally, an automated Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is integrated into the framework to filter solutions not satisfying the required structural safety margin. We validate the framework by applying it to enhance the mechanical design for flight performance of the jet-powered humanoid robot iRonCub.
comment: IROS 2024
☆ Multimodal Perception System for Real Open Environment
This paper presents a novel multimodal perception system for a real open environment. The proposed system includes an embedded computation platform, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, GPS, and IMU devices. Unlike the traditional frameworks, our system integrates multiple sensors with advanced computer vision algorithms to help users walk outside reliably. The system can efficiently complete various tasks, including navigating to specific locations, passing through obstacle regions, and crossing intersections. Specifically, we also use ultrasonic sensors and depth cameras to enhance obstacle avoidance performance. The path planning module is designed to find the locally optimal route based on various feedback and the user's current state. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, we design several experiments under different scenarios. The results show that the system can help users walk efficiently and independently in complex situations.
☆ Understanding Human Activity with Uncertainty Measure for Novelty in Graph Convolutional Networks
Understanding human activity is a crucial aspect of developing intelligent robots, particularly in the domain of human-robot collaboration. Nevertheless, existing systems encounter challenges such as over-segmentation, attributed to errors in the up-sampling process of the decoder. In response, we introduce a promising solution: the Temporal Fusion Graph Convolutional Network. This innovative approach aims to rectify the inadequate boundary estimation of individual actions within an activity stream and mitigate the issue of over-segmentation in the temporal dimension. Moreover, systems leveraging human activity recognition frameworks for decision-making necessitate more than just the identification of actions. They require a confidence value indicative of the certainty regarding the correspondence between observations and training examples. This is crucial to prevent overly confident responses to unforeseen scenarios that were not part of the training data and may have resulted in mismatches due to weak similarity measures within the system. To address this, we propose the incorporation of a Spectral Normalized Residual connection aimed at enhancing efficient estimation of novelty in observations. This innovative approach ensures the preservation of input distance within the feature space by imposing constraints on the maximum gradients of weight updates. By limiting these gradients, we promote a more robust handling of novel situations, thereby mitigating the risks associated with overconfidence. Our methodology involves the use of a Gaussian process to quantify the distance in feature space.
comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, The International Journal of Robotics Research
☆ Understanding Spatio-Temporal Relations in Human-Object Interaction using Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network IROS 2022
Human activities recognition is an important task for an intelligent robot, especially in the field of human-robot collaboration, it requires not only the label of sub-activities but also the temporal structure of the activity. In order to automatically recognize both the label and the temporal structure in sequence of human-object interaction, we propose a novel Pyramid Graph Convolutional Network (PGCN), which employs a pyramidal encoder-decoder architecture consisting of an attention based graph convolution network and a temporal pyramid pooling module for downsampling and upsampling interaction sequence on the temporal axis, respectively. The system represents the 2D or 3D spatial relation of human and objects from the detection results in video data as a graph. To learn the human-object relations, a new attention graph convolutional network is trained to extract condensed information from the graph representation. To segment action into sub-actions, a novel temporal pyramid pooling module is proposed, which upsamples compressed features back to the original time scale and classifies actions per frame. We explore various attention layers, namely spatial attention, temporal attention and channel attention, and combine different upsampling decoders to test the performance on action recognition and segmentation. We evaluate our model on two challenging datasets in the field of human-object interaction recognition, i.e. Bimanual Actions and IKEA Assembly datasets. We demonstrate that our classifier significantly improves both framewise action recognition and segmentation, e.g., F1 micro and F1@50 scores on Bimanual Actions dataset are improved by $4.3\%$ and $8.5\%$ respectively.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, IROS 2022 conference
☆ Soothing Sensations: Enhancing Interactions with a Socially Assistive Robot through Vibrotactile Heartbeats
Physical interactions with socially assistive robots (SARs) positively affect user wellbeing. However, haptic experiences when touching a SAR are typically limited to perceiving the robot's movements or shell texture, while other modalities that could enhance the touch experience with the robot, such as vibrotactile stimulation, are under-explored. In this exploratory qualitative study, we investigate the potential of enhancing human interaction with the PARO robot through vibrotactile heartbeats, with the goal to regulate subjective wellbeing during stressful situations. We conducted in-depth one-on-one interviews with 30 participants, who watched three horror movie clips alone, with PARO, and with a PARO that displayed a vibrotactile heartbeat. Our findings show that PARO's presence and its interactive capabilities can help users regulate emotions through attentional redeployment from a stressor toward the robot. The vibrotactile heartbeat further reinforced PARO's physical and social presence, enhancing the socio-emotional support provided by the robot and its perceived life-likeness. We discuss the impact of individual differences in user experience and implications for the future design of life-like vibrotactile stimulation for SARs.
comment: 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)
☆ Constrained Skill Discovery: Quadruped Locomotion with Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning
Representation learning and unsupervised skill discovery can allow robots to acquire diverse and reusable behaviors without the need for task-specific rewards. In this work, we use unsupervised reinforcement learning to learn a latent representation by maximizing the mutual information between skills and states subject to a distance constraint. Our method improves upon prior constrained skill discovery methods by replacing the latent transition maximization with a norm-matching objective. This not only results in a much a richer state space coverage compared to baseline methods, but allows the robot to learn more stable and easily controllable locomotive behaviors. We successfully deploy the learned policy on a real ANYmal quadruped robot and demonstrate that the robot can accurately reach arbitrary points of the Cartesian state space in a zero-shot manner, using only an intrinsic skill discovery and standard regularization rewards.
☆ L-VITeX: Light-weight Visual Intuition for Terrain Exploration
This paper presents L-VITeX, a lightweight visual intuition system for terrain exploration designed for resource-constrained robots and swarms. L-VITeX aims to provide a hint of Regions of Interest (RoIs) without computationally expensive processing. By utilizing the Faster Objects, More Objects (FOMO) tinyML architecture, the system achieves high accuracy (>99%) in RoI detection while operating on minimal hardware resources (Peak RAM usage < 50 KB) with near real-time inference (<200 ms). The paper evaluates L-VITeX's performance across various terrains, including mountainous areas, underwater shipwreck debris regions, and Martian rocky surfaces. Additionally, it demonstrates the system's application in 3D mapping using a small mobile robot run by ESP32-Cam and Gaussian Splats (GS), showcasing its potential to enhance exploration efficiency and decision-making.
☆ Synergizing Morphological Computation and Generative Design: Automatic Synthesis of Tendon-Driven Grippers
Robots' behavior and performance are determined both by hardware and software. The design process of robotic systems is a complex journey that involves multiple phases. Throughout this process, the aim is to tackle various criteria simultaneously, even though they often contradict each other. The ultimate goal is to uncover the optimal solution that resolves these conflicting factors. Generative, computation or automatic designs are the paradigms aimed at accelerating the whole design process. Within this paper we propose a design methodology to generate linkage mechanisms for robots with morphological computation. We use a graph grammar and a heuristic search algorithm to create robot mechanism graphs that are converted into simulation models for testing the design output. To verify the design methodology we have applied it to a relatively simple quasi-static problem of object grasping. We found a way to automatically design an underactuated tendon-driven gripper that can grasp a wide range of objects. This is possible because of its structure, not because of sophisticated planning or learning.
☆ RDT-1B: a Diffusion Foundation Model for Bimanual Manipulation
Bimanual manipulation is essential in robotics, yet developing foundation models is extremely challenging due to the inherent complexity of coordinating two robot arms (leading to multi-modal action distributions) and the scarcity of training data. In this paper, we present the Robotics Diffusion Transformer (RDT), a pioneering diffusion foundation model for bimanual manipulation. RDT builds on diffusion models to effectively represent multi-modality, with innovative designs of a scalable Transformer to deal with the heterogeneity of multi-modal inputs and to capture the nonlinearity and high frequency of robotic data. To address data scarcity, we further introduce a Physically Interpretable Unified Action Space, which can unify the action representations of various robots while preserving the physical meanings of original actions, facilitating learning transferrable physical knowledge. With these designs, we managed to pre-train RDT on the largest collection of multi-robot datasets to date and scaled it up to 1.2B parameters, which is the largest diffusion-based foundation model for robotic manipulation. We finally fine-tuned RDT on a self-created multi-task bimanual dataset with over 6K+ episodes to refine its manipulation capabilities. Experiments on real robots demonstrate that RDT significantly outperforms existing methods. It exhibits zero-shot generalization to unseen objects and scenes, understands and follows language instructions, learns new skills with just 1~5 demonstrations, and effectively handles complex, dexterous tasks. We refer to for the code and videos.
comment: 10 pages, conference
☆ Online DNN-driven Nonlinear MPC for Stylistic Humanoid Robot Walking with Step Adjustment
This paper presents a three-layered architecture that enables stylistic locomotion with online contact location adjustment. Our method combines an autoregressive Deep Neural Network (DNN) acting as a trajectory generation layer with a model-based trajectory adjustment and trajectory control layers. The DNN produces centroidal and postural references serving as an initial guess and regularizer for the other layers. Being the DNN trained on human motion capture data, the resulting robot motion exhibits locomotion patterns, resembling a human walking style. The trajectory adjustment layer utilizes non-linear optimization to ensure dynamically feasible center of mass (CoM) motion while addressing step adjustments. We compare two implementations of the trajectory adjustment layer: one as a receding horizon planner (RHP) and the other as a model predictive controller (MPC). To enhance MPC performance, we introduce a Kalman filter to reduce measurement noise. The filter parameters are automatically tuned with a Genetic Algorithm. Experimental results on the ergoCub humanoid robot demonstrate the system's ability to prevent falls, replicate human walking styles, and withstand disturbances up to 68 Newton. Website: Youtube video:
comment: This paper has been accepted for publication at the 2024 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots,(Humanoids) Nancy, France, 2024
☆ SwarmPath: Drone Swarm Navigation through Cluttered Environments Leveraging Artificial Potential Field and Impedance Control
In the area of multi-drone systems, navigating through dynamic environments from start to goal while providing collision-free trajectory and efficient path planning is a significant challenge. To solve this problem, we propose a novel SwarmPath technology that involves the integration of Artificial Potential Field (APF) with Impedance Controller. The proposed approach provides a solution based on collision free leader-follower behaviour where drones are able to adapt themselves to the environment. Moreover, the leader is virtual while drones are physical followers leveraging APF path planning approach to find the smallest possible path to the target. Simultaneously, the drones dynamically adjust impedance links, allowing themselves to create virtual links with obstacles to avoid them. As compared to conventional APF, the proposed SwarmPath system not only provides smooth collision-avoidance but also enable agents to efficiently pass through narrow passages by reducing the total travel time by 30% while ensuring safety in terms of drones connectivity. Lastly, the results also illustrate that the discrepancies between simulated and real environment, exhibit an average absolute percentage error (APE) of 6% of drone trajectories. This underscores the reliability of our solution in real-world scenarios.
comment: Manuscript accepted in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2024)
☆ Autonomous Vehicles Path Planning under Temporal Logic Specifications
Path planning is an essential component of autonomous driving. A global planner is responsible for the high-level planning. It basically performs a shortest-path search on a known map, thereby defining waypoints used to control the local (low-level) planner. Local planning is a runtime verification method which is repeatedly run on the vehicle itself in real-time, so as to find the optimal short-horizon path which leads to the desired waypoint in a way which is both efficient and safe. The challenge is that the local planner has to take into account repeatedly incoming updates about the information available of the environment. In addition, it performs a complex task, as it has to take into account a large variety of requirements, originating from the necessity of collision avoidance with obstacles, respecting traffic rules, sticking to regulatory requirements, and lastly to reach the next waypoint efficiently. In this paper, we describe a logic-based specification mechanism which fulfills all these requirements.
comment: 10 pages, 5 Figures, 1 Table, Accepted as a short paper at 27th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2024)
☆ LaB-CL: Localized and Balanced Contrastive Learning for improving parking slot detection
Parking slot detection is an essential technology in autonomous parking systems. In general, the classification problem of parking slot detection consists of two tasks, a task determining whether localized candidates are junctions of parking slots or not, and the other that identifies a shape of detected junctions. Both classification tasks can easily face biased learning toward the majority class, degrading classification performances. Yet, the data imbalance issue has been overlooked in parking slot detection. We propose the first supervised contrastive learning framework for parking slot detection, Localized and Balanced Contrastive Learning for improving parking slot detection (LaB-CL). The proposed LaB-CL framework uses two main approaches. First, we propose to include class prototypes to consider representations from all classes in every mini batch, from the local perspective. Second, we propose a new hard negative sampling scheme that selects local representations with high prediction error. Experiments with the benchmark dataset demonstrate that the proposed LaB-CL framework can outperform existing parking slot detection methods.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ Robotic framework for autonomous manipulation of laboratory equipment with different degrees of transparency via 6D pose estimation
Many modern robotic systems operate autonomously, however they often lack the ability to accurately analyze the environment and adapt to changing external conditions, while teleoperation systems often require special operator skills. In the field of laboratory automation, the number of automated processes is growing, however such systems are usually developed to perform specific tasks. In addition, many of the objects used in this field are transparent, making it difficult to analyze them using visual channels. The contributions of this work include the development of a robotic framework with autonomous mode for manipulating liquid-filled objects with different degrees of transparency in complex pose combinations. The conducted experiments demonstrated the robustness of the designed visual perception system to accurately estimate object poses for autonomous manipulation, and confirmed the performance of the algorithms in dexterous operations such as liquid dispensing. The proposed robotic framework can be applied for laboratory automation, since it allows solving the problem of performing non-trivial manipulation tasks with the analysis of object poses of varying degrees of transparency and liquid levels, requiring high accuracy and repeatability.
comment: Accepted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO 2024), 8 pages, 11 figures
☆ Mastering Contact-rich Tasks by Combining Soft and Rigid Robotics with Imitation Learning
Soft robots have the potential to revolutionize the use of robotic systems with their capability of establishing safe, robust, and adaptable interactions with their environment, but their precise control remains challenging. In contrast, traditional rigid robots offer high accuracy and repeatability but lack the flexibility of soft robots. We argue that combining these characteristics in a hybrid robotic platform can significantly enhance overall capabilities. This work presents a novel hybrid robotic platform that integrates a rigid manipulator with a fully developed soft arm. This system is equipped with the intelligence necessary to perform flexible and generalizable tasks through imitation learning autonomously. The physical softness and machine learning enable our platform to achieve highly generalizable skills, while the rigid components ensure precision and repeatability.
☆ Neural Semantic Map-Learning for Autonomous Vehicles IROS 2024
Autonomous vehicles demand detailed maps to maneuver reliably through traffic, which need to be kept up-to-date to ensure a safe operation. A promising way to adapt the maps to the ever-changing road-network is to use crowd-sourced data from a fleet of vehicles. In this work, we present a mapping system that fuses local submaps gathered from a fleet of vehicles at a central instance to produce a coherent map of the road environment including drivable area, lane markings, poles, obstacles and more as a 3D mesh. Each vehicle contributes locally reconstructed submaps as lightweight meshes, making our method applicable to a wide range of reconstruction methods and sensor modalities. Our method jointly aligns and merges the noisy and incomplete local submaps using a scene-specific Neural Signed Distance Field, which is supervised using the submap meshes to predict a fused environment representation. We leverage memory-efficient sparse feature-grids to scale to large areas and introduce a confidence score to model uncertainty in scene reconstruction. Our approach is evaluated on two datasets with different local mapping methods, showing improved pose alignment and reconstruction over existing methods. Additionally, we demonstrate the benefit of multi-session mapping and examine the required amount of data to enable high-fidelity map learning for autonomous vehicles.
comment: Accepted at 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ Learning Low-Level Causal Relations using a Simulated Robotic Arm ICANN
Causal learning allows humans to predict the effect of their actions on the known environment and use this knowledge to plan the execution of more complex actions. Such knowledge also captures the behaviour of the environment and can be used for its analysis and the reasoning behind the behaviour. This type of knowledge is also crucial in the design of intelligent robotic systems with common sense. In this paper, we study causal relations by learning the forward and inverse models based on data generated by a simulated robotic arm involved in two sensorimotor tasks. As a next step, we investigate feature attribution methods for the analysis of the forward model, which reveals the low-level causal effects corresponding to individual features of the state vector related to both the arm joints and the environment features. This type of analysis provides solid ground for dimensionality reduction of the state representations, as well as for the aggregation of knowledge towards the explainability of causal effects at higher levels.
comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Appeared in 2024 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) proceedings. Published version copyrighted by Springer. This work was funded by the Horizon Europe Twinning project TERAIS, G.A. number 101079338 and in part by the Slovak Grant Agency for Science (VEGA), project 1/0373/23
☆ PHODCOS: Pythagorean Hodograph-based Differentiable Coordinate System
This paper presents PHODCOS, an algorithm that assigns a moving coordinate system to a given curve. The parametric functions underlying the coordinate system, i.e., the path function, the moving frame and its angular velocity, are exact -- approximation free -- differentiable, and sufficiently continuous. This allows for computing a coordinate system for highly nonlinear curves, while remaining compliant with autonomous navigation algorithms that require first and second order gradient information. In addition, the coordinate system obtained by PHODCOS is fully defined by a finite number of coefficients, which may then be used to compute additional geometric properties of the curve, such as arc-length, curvature, torsion, etc. Therefore, PHODCOS presents an appealing paradigm to enhance the geometrical awareness of existing guidance and navigation on-orbit spacecraft maneuvers. The PHODCOS algorithm is presented alongside an analysis of its error and approximation order, and thus, it is guaranteed that the obtained coordinate system matches the given curve within a desired tolerance. To demonstrate the applicability of the coordinate system resulting from PHODCOS, we present numerical examples in the Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) for the Lunar Gateway.
comment: Code:
☆ Design Method of a Kangaroo Robot with High Power Legs and an Articulated Soft Tail IROS2023
In this paper, we focus on the kangaroo, which has powerful legs capable of jumping and a soft and strong tail. To incorporate these unique structure into a robot for utilization, we propose a design method that takes into account both the feasibility as a robot and the kangaroo-mimetic structure. Based on the kangaroo's musculoskeletal structure, we determine the structure of the robot that enables it to jump by analyzing the muscle arrangement and prior verification in simulation. Also, to realize a tail capable of body support, we use an articulated, elastic structure as a tail. In order to achieve both softness and high power output, the robot is driven by a direct-drive, high-power wire-winding mechanism, and weight of legs and the tail is reduced by placing motors in the torso. The developed kangaroo robot can jump with its hind legs, moving its tail, and supporting its body using its hind legs and tail.
comment: accepted at IROS2023
☆ Lean Methodology for Garment Modernization
Lean Methodology for Garment Modernization. This article presents the lean methodology for modernizing garment manufacturing, focusing on lean thinking, lean practices, automation development, VSM, and CRP, and how to integrate them effectively. While isolated automation of specific operations can improve efficiency and reduce cycle time, it does not necessarily enhance overall garment output and efficiency. To achieve these broader improvements, it is essential to consider the entire production line and process using VSM and CRP to optimize production and center balance. This approach can increase efficiency, and reduce manufacturing costs, labor time, and lead time, ultimately adding value to the company and factory.
comment: 11 pages,7 Figures
☆ Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments: How Far Have We Come?
Research on autonomous driving in unstructured outdoor environments is less advanced than in structured urban settings due to challenges like environmental diversities and scene complexity. These environments-such as rural areas and rugged terrains-pose unique obstacles that are not common in structured urban areas. Despite these difficulties, autonomous driving in unstructured outdoor environments is crucial for applications in agriculture, mining, and military operations. Our survey reviews over 250 papers for autonomous driving in unstructured outdoor environments, covering offline mapping, pose estimation, environmental perception, path planning, end-to-end autonomous driving, datasets, and relevant challenges. We also discuss emerging trends and future research directions. This review aims to consolidate knowledge and encourage further research for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. To support ongoing work, we maintain an active repository with up-to-date literature and open-source projects at:
comment: Survey paper; 38 pages
☆ A Visual Cooperative Localization Method for Airborne Magnetic Surveying Based on a Manifold Sensor Fusion Algorithm Using Lie Groups
Recent advancements in UAV technology have spurred interest in developing multi-UAV aerial surveying systems for use in confined environments where GNSS signals are blocked or jammed. This paper focuses airborne magnetic surveying scenarios. To obtain clean magnetic measurements reflecting the Earth's magnetic field, the magnetic sensor must be isolated from other electronic devices, creating a significant localization challenge. We propose a visual cooperative localization solution. The solution incorporates a visual processing module and an improved manifold-based sensor fusion algorithm, delivering reliable and accurate positioning information. Real flight experiments validate the approach, demonstrating single-axis centimeter-level accuracy and decimeter-level overall 3D positioning accuracy.
comment: 12 pages
☆ Toward a Better Understanding of Robot Energy Consumption in Agroecological Applications
In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis and discussion of energy consumption in agricultural robots. Robots are emerging as a promising solution to address food production and agroecological challenges, offering potential reductions in chemical use and the ability to perform strenuous tasks beyond human capabilities. The automation of agricultural tasks introduces a previously unattainable level of complexity, enabling robots to optimize trajectories, control laws, and overall task planning. Consequently, automation can lead to higher levels of energy optimization in agricultural tasks. However, the energy consumption of robotic platforms is not fully understood, and a deeper analysis of contributing factors is essential to optimize energy use. We analyze the energy data of an automated agricultural tractor performing tasks throughout the year, revealing nontrivial correlations between the robot's velocity, the type of task performed, and energy consumption. This suggests a tradeoff between task efficiency, time to completion, and energy expenditure that can be harnessed to improve the energy efficiency of robotic agricultural operations.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
☆ PokeFlex: A Real-World Dataset of Deformable Objects for Robotics
Data-driven methods have shown great potential in solving challenging manipulation tasks, however, their application in the domain of deformable objects has been constrained, in part, by the lack of data. To address this, we propose PokeFlex, a dataset featuring real-world paired and annotated multimodal data that includes 3D textured meshes, point clouds, RGB images, and depth maps. Such data can be leveraged for several downstream tasks such as online 3D mesh reconstruction, and it can potentially enable underexplored applications such as the real-world deployment of traditional control methods based on mesh simulations. To deal with the challenges posed by real-world 3D mesh reconstruction, we leverage a professional volumetric capture system that allows complete 360{\deg} reconstruction. PokeFlex consists of 18 deformable objects with varying stiffness and shapes. Deformations are generated by dropping objects onto a flat surface or by poking the objects with a robot arm. Interaction forces and torques are also reported for the latter case. Using different data modalities, we demonstrated a use case for the PokeFlex dataset in online 3D mesh reconstruction. We refer the reader to our website ( ) for demos and examples of our dataset.
☆ The Power of Input: Benchmarking Zero-Shot Sim-To-Real Transfer of Reinforcement Learning Control Policies for Quadrotor Control
In the last decade, data-driven approaches have become popular choices for quadrotor control, thanks to their ability to facilitate the adaptation to unknown or uncertain flight conditions. Among the different data-driven paradigms, Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is currently one of the most explored. However, the design of DRL agents for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) remains an open challenge. While some works have studied the output configuration of these agents (i.e., what kind of control to compute), there is no general consensus on the type of input data these approaches should employ. Multiple works simply provide the DRL agent with full state information, without questioning if this might be redundant and unnecessarily complicate the learning process, or pose superfluous constraints on the availability of such information in real platforms. In this work, we provide an in-depth benchmark analysis of different configurations of the observation space. We optimize multiple DRL agents in simulated environments with different input choices and study their robustness and their sim-to-real transfer capabilities with zero-shot adaptation. We believe that the outcomes and discussions presented in this work supported by extensive experimental results could be an important milestone in guiding future research on the development of DRL agents for aerial robot tasks.
☆ Patterned Structure Muscle : Arbitrary Shaped Wire-driven Artificial Muscle Utilizing Anisotropic Flexible Structure for Musculoskeletal Robots IROS2024
Muscles of the human body are composed of tiny actuators made up of myosin and actin filaments. They can exert force in various shapes such as curved or flat, under contact forces and deformations from the environment. On the other hand, muscles in musculoskeletal robots so far have faced challenges in generating force in such shapes and environments. To address this issue, we propose Patterned Structure Muscle (PSM), artificial muscles for musculoskeletal robots. PSM utilizes patterned structures with anisotropic characteristics, wire-driven mechanisms, and is made of flexible material Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) using FDM 3D printing. This method enables the creation of various shapes of muscles, such as simple 1 degree-of-freedom (DOF) muscles, Multi-DOF wide area muscles, joint-covering muscles, and branched muscles. We created an upper arm structure using these muscles to demonstrate wide range of motion, lifting heavy objects, and movements through environmental contact. These experiments show that the proposed PSM is capable of operating in various shapes and environments, and is suitable for the muscles of musculoskeletal robots.
comment: accepted at IROS2024
☆ Simplified POMDP Planning with an Alternative Observation Space and Formal Performance Guarantees
Online planning under uncertainty in partially observable domains is an essential capability in robotics and AI. The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a mathematically principled framework for addressing decision-making problems in this challenging setting. However, finding an optimal solution for POMDPs is computationally expensive and is feasible only for small problems. In this work, we contribute a novel method to simplify POMDPs by switching to an alternative, more compact, observation space and simplified model to speedup planning with formal performance guarantees. We introduce the notion of belief tree topology, which encodes the levels and branches in the tree that use the original and alternative observation space and models. Each belief tree topology comes with its own policy space and planning performance. Our key contribution is to derive bounds between the optimal Q-function of the original POMDP and the simplified tree defined by a given topology with a corresponding simplified policy space. These bounds are then used as an adaptation mechanism between different tree topologies until the optimal action of the original POMDP can be determined. Further, we consider a specific instantiation of our framework, where the alternative observation space and model correspond to a setting where the state is fully observable. We evaluate our approach in simulation, considering exact and approximate POMDP solvers and demonstrating a significant speedup while preserving solution quality. We believe this work opens new exciting avenues for online POMDP planning with formal performance guarantees.
comment: Accepted to ISRR 2024
☆ Stop-N-Go: Search-based Conflict Resolution for Motion Planning of Multiple Robotic Manipulators
We address the motion planning problem for multiple robotic manipulators in packed environments where shared workspace can result in goal positions occupied or blocked by other robots unless those other robots move away to make the goal positions free. While planning in a coupled configuration space (C-space) is straightforward, it struggles to scale with the number of robots and often fails to find solutions. Decoupled planning is faster but frequently leads to conflicts between trajectories. We propose a conflict resolution approach that inserts pauses into individually planned trajectories using an A* search strategy to minimize the makespan--the total time until all robots complete their tasks. This method allows some robots to stop, enabling others to move without collisions, and maintains short distances in the C-space. It also effectively handles cases where goal positions are initially blocked by other robots. Experimental results show that our method successfully solves challenging instances where baseline methods fail to find feasible solutions.
☆ Imitation Learning with Limited Actions via Diffusion Planners and Deep Koopman Controllers
Recent advances in diffusion-based robot policies have demonstrated significant potential in imitating multi-modal behaviors. However, these approaches typically require large quantities of demonstration data paired with corresponding robot action labels, creating a substantial data collection burden. In this work, we propose a plan-then-control framework aimed at improving the action-data efficiency of inverse dynamics controllers by leveraging observational demonstration data. Specifically, we adopt a Deep Koopman Operator framework to model the dynamical system and utilize observation-only trajectories to learn a latent action representation. This latent representation can then be effectively mapped to real high-dimensional continuous actions using a linear action decoder, requiring minimal action-labeled data. Through experiments on simulated robot manipulation tasks and a real robot experiment with multi-modal expert demonstrations, we demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances action-data efficiency and achieves high task success rates with limited action data.
Self-Supervised Meta-Learning for All-Layer DNN-Based Adaptive Control with Stability Guarantees
A critical goal of adaptive control is enabling robots to rapidly adapt in dynamic environments. Recent studies have developed a meta-learning-based adaptive control scheme, which uses meta-learning to extract nonlinear features (represented by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)) from offline data, and uses adaptive control to update linear coefficients online. However, such a scheme is fundamentally limited by the linear parameterization of uncertainties and does not fully unleash the capability of DNNs. This paper introduces a novel learning-based adaptive control framework that pretrains a DNN via self-supervised meta-learning (SSML) from offline trajectories and online adapts the full DNN via composite adaptation. In particular, the offline SSML stage leverages the time consistency in trajectory data to train the DNN to predict future disturbances from history, in a self-supervised manner without environment condition labels. The online stage carefully designs a control law and an adaptation law to update the full DNN with stability guarantees. Empirically, the proposed framework significantly outperforms (19-39%) various classic and learning-based adaptive control baselines, in challenging real-world quadrotor tracking problems under large dynamic wind disturbance.
☆ Streamlined shape of cyborg cockroach promotes traversability in confined environments by gap negotiation
The centimeter-scale cyborg insects have a potential advantage for application in narrow environments where humans cannot operate. To realize such tasks, researchers have developed a small printed-circuit-board (PCB) which an insect can carry and control it. The electronic components usually remain bare on the board and the whole board is mounted on platform animals, resulting in uneven morphology of whole cyborg with sharp edges. It is well known that streamlined body shape in artificial vehicles or robots contributes to effective locomotion by reducing drag force in media. However, little is known how the entire body shape impacts on locomotor performance of cyborg insect. Here, we developed a 10 mm by 10 mm board which provided electrical stimulation via Sub-GHz communication and investigated the impact of physical arrangement of the board using Madagascar hissing cockroach. We compared the success rate of gap negotiation between the cyborg with mounted board and implanted board and found the latter outperformed the former. We demonstrated our cyborg cockroach with implanted board could follow faithfully to the locomotion command via antennal or cercal stimulation and traverse a narrow gap like air vent cover. In contrast to the conventional arrangement, our cyborg insects are suitable for application in a concealed environment.
☆ Force-Centric Imitation Learning with Force-Motion Capture System for Contact-Rich Manipulation ICRA 2025
In most contact-rich manipulation tasks, humans apply time-varying forces to the target object, compensating for inaccuracies in the vision-guided hand trajectory. However, current robot learning algorithms primarily focus on trajectory-based policy, with limited attention given to learning force-related skills. To address this limitation, we introduce ForceMimic, a force-centric robot learning system, providing a natural, force-aware and robot-free robotic demonstration collection system, along with a hybrid force-motion imitation learning algorithm for robust contact-rich manipulation. Using the proposed ForceCapture system, an operator can peel a zucchini in 5 minutes, while force-feedback teleoperation takes over 13 minutes and struggles with task completion. With the collected data, we propose HybridIL to train a force-centric imitation learning model, equipped with hybrid force-position control primitive to fit the predicted wrench-position parameters during robot execution. Experiments demonstrate that our approach enables the model to learn a more robust policy under the contact-rich task of vegetable peeling, increasing the success rates by 54.5% relatively compared to state-of-the-art pure-vision-based imitation learning. Hardware, code, data and more results would be open-sourced on the project website at
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025, project website at
☆ G$^{2}$TR: Generalized Grounded Temporal Reasoning for Robot Instruction Following by Combining Large Pre-trained Models
Consider the scenario where a human cleans a table and a robot observing the scene is instructed with the task "Remove the cloth using which I wiped the table". Instruction following with temporal reasoning requires the robot to identify the relevant past object interaction, ground the object of interest in the present scene, and execute the task according to the human's instruction. Directly grounding utterances referencing past interactions to grounded objects is challenging due to the multi-hop nature of references to past interactions and large space of object groundings in a video stream observing the robot's workspace. Our key insight is to factor the temporal reasoning task as (i) estimating the video interval associated with event reference, (ii) performing spatial reasoning over the interaction frames to infer the intended object (iii) semantically track the object's location till the current scene to enable future robot interactions. Our approach leverages existing large pre-trained models (which possess inherent generalization capabilities) and combines them appropriately for temporal grounding tasks. Evaluation on a video-language corpus acquired with a robot manipulator displaying rich temporal interactions in spatially-complex scenes displays an average accuracy of 70.10%. The dataset, code, and videos are available at .
☆ Autonomous Robotic System with Optical Coherence Tomography Guidance for Vascular Anastomosis
Vascular anastomosis, the surgical connection of blood vessels, is essential in procedures such as organ transplants and reconstructive surgeries. The precision required limits accessibility due to the extensive training needed, with manual suturing leading to variable outcomes and revision rates up to 7.9%. Existing robotic systems, while promising, are either fully teleoperated or lack the capabilities necessary for autonomous vascular anastomosis. We present the Micro Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (micro-STAR), an autonomous robotic system designed to perform vascular anastomosis on small-diameter vessels. The micro-STAR system integrates a novel suturing tool equipped with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) fiber-optic sensor and a microcamera, enabling real-time tissue detection and classification. Our system autonomously places sutures and manipulates tissue with minimal human intervention. In an ex vivo study, micro-STAR achieved outcomes competitive with experienced surgeons in terms of leak pressure, lumen reduction, and suture placement variation, completing 90% of sutures without human intervention. This represents the first instance of a robotic system autonomously performing vascular anastomosis on real tissue, offering significant potential for improving surgical precision and expanding access to high-quality care.
comment: This paper was submitted to IEEE TMRB and is currently under review. There are 9 pages, 9 figures, and 2 tables
♻ ☆ Towards Realistic UAV Vision-Language Navigation: Platform, Benchmark, and Methodology
Developing agents capable of navigating to a target location based on language instructions and visual information, known as vision-language navigation (VLN), has attracted widespread interest. Most research has focused on ground-based agents, while UAV-based VLN remains relatively underexplored. Recent efforts in UAV vision-language navigation predominantly adopt ground-based VLN settings, relying on predefined discrete action spaces and neglecting the inherent disparities in agent movement dynamics and the complexity of navigation tasks between ground and aerial environments. To address these disparities and challenges, we propose solutions from three perspectives: platform, benchmark, and methodology. To enable realistic UAV trajectory simulation in VLN tasks, we propose the OpenUAV platform, which features diverse environments, realistic flight control, and extensive algorithmic support. We further construct a target-oriented VLN dataset consisting of approximately 12k trajectories on this platform, serving as the first dataset specifically designed for realistic UAV VLN tasks. To tackle the challenges posed by complex aerial environments, we propose an assistant-guided UAV object search benchmark called UAV-Need-Help, which provides varying levels of guidance information to help UAVs better accomplish realistic VLN tasks. We also propose a UAV navigation LLM that, given multi-view images, task descriptions, and assistant instructions, leverages the multimodal understanding capabilities of the MLLM to jointly process visual and textual information, and performs hierarchical trajectory generation. The evaluation results of our method significantly outperform the baseline models, while there remains a considerable gap between our results and those achieved by human operators, underscoring the challenge presented by the UAV-Need-Help task.
♻ ☆ HBTP: Heuristic Behavior Tree Planning with Large Language Model Reasoning
Behavior Trees (BTs) are increasingly becoming a popular control structure in robotics due to their modularity, reactivity, and robustness. In terms of BT generation methods, BT planning shows promise for generating reliable BTs. However, the scalability of BT planning is often constrained by prolonged planning times in complex scenarios, largely due to a lack of domain knowledge. In contrast, pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated task reasoning capabilities across various domains, though the correctness and safety of their planning remain uncertain. This paper proposes integrating BT planning with LLM reasoning, introducing Heuristic Behavior Tree Planning (HBTP)-a reliable and efficient framework for BT generation. The key idea in HBTP is to leverage LLMs for task-specific reasoning to generate a heuristic path, which BT planning can then follow to expand efficiently. We first introduce the heuristic BT expansion process, along with two heuristic variants designed for optimal planning and satisficing planning, respectively. Then, we propose methods to address the inaccuracies of LLM reasoning, including action space pruning and reflective feedback, to further enhance both reasoning accuracy and planning efficiency. Experiments demonstrate the theoretical bounds of HBTP, and results from four datasets confirm its practical effectiveness in everyday service robot applications.
♻ ☆ Grounding Robot Policies with Visuomotor Language Guidance
Recent advances in the fields of natural language processing and computer vision have shown great potential in understanding the underlying dynamics of the world from large-scale internet data. However, translating this knowledge into robotic systems remains an open challenge, given the scarcity of human-robot interactions and the lack of large-scale datasets of real-world robotic data. Previous robot learning approaches such as behavior cloning and reinforcement learning have shown great capabilities in learning robotic skills from human demonstrations or from scratch in specific environments. However, these approaches often require task-specific demonstrations or designing complex simulation environments, which limits the development of generalizable and robust policies for new settings. Aiming to address these limitations, we propose an agent-based framework for grounding robot policies to the current context, considering the constraints of a current robot and its environment using visuomotor-grounded language guidance. The proposed framework is composed of a set of conversational agents designed for specific roles -- namely, high-level advisor, visual grounding, monitoring, and robotic agents. Given a base policy, the agents collectively generate guidance at run time to shift the action distribution of the base policy towards more desirable future states. We demonstrate that our approach can effectively guide manipulation policies to achieve significantly higher success rates both in simulation and in real-world experiments without the need for additional human demonstrations or extensive exploration. Project videos at
comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Context-Aware Command Understanding for Tabletop Scenarios
This paper presents a novel hybrid algorithm designed to interpret natural human commands in tabletop scenarios. By integrating multiple sources of information, including speech, gestures, and scene context, the system extracts actionable instructions for a robot, identifying relevant objects and actions. The system operates in a zero-shot fashion, without reliance on predefined object models, enabling flexible and adaptive use in various environments. We assess the integration of multiple deep learning models, evaluating their suitability for deployment in real-world robotic setups. Our algorithm performs robustly across different tasks, combining language processing with visual grounding. In addition, we release a small dataset of video recordings used to evaluate the system. This dataset captures real-world interactions in which a human provides instructions in natural language to a robot, a contribution to future research on human-robot interaction. We discuss the strengths and limitations of the system, with particular focus on how it handles multimodal command interpretation, and its ability to be integrated into symbolic robotic frameworks for safe and explainable decision-making.
♻ ☆ An Algorithm for Distributed Computation of Reachable Sets for Multi-Agent Systems
In this paper, we consider the problem of distributed reachable set computation for multi-agent systems (MASs) interacting over an undirected, stationary graph. A full state-feedback control input for such MASs depends no only on the current agent's state, but also of its neighbors. However, in most MAS applications, the dynamics are obscured by individual agents. This makes reachable set computation, in a fully distributed manner, a challenging problem. We utilize the ideas of polytopic reachable set approximation and generalize it to a MAS setup. We formulate the resulting sub-problems in a fully distributed manner and provide convergence guarantees for the associated computations. The proposed algorithm's convergence is proved for two cases: static MAS graphs, and time-varying graphs under certain restrictions.
comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 algorithm float. Preprint submitted to ACC 2025 for review
♻ ☆ Demonstration Based Explainable AI for Learning from Demonstration Methods
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a powerful type of machine learning that can allow novices to teach and program robots to complete various tasks. However, the learning process for these systems may still be difficult for novices to interpret and understand, making effective teaching challenging. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to address this challenge by explaining a system to the user. In this work, we investigate XAI within LfD by implementing an adaptive explanatory feedback system on an inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithm. The feedback is implemented by demonstrating selected learnt trajectories to users. The system adapts to user teaching by categorizing and then selectively sampling trajectories shown to a user, to show a representative sample of both successful and unsuccessful trajectories. The system was evaluated through a user study with 26 participants teaching a robot a navigation task. The results of the user study demonstrated that the proposed explanatory feedback system can improve robot performance, teaching efficiency and user understanding of the robot.
comment: 8 Pages, 9 Figures, 2 Tables
♻ ☆ A Planar-Symmetric SO(3) Representation for Learning Grasp Detection
Planar-symmetric hands, such as parallel grippers, are widely adopted in both research and industrial fields. Their symmetry, however, introduces ambiguity and discontinuity in the SO(3) representation, which hinders both the training and inference of neural-network-based grasp detectors. We propose a novel SO(3) representation that can parametrize a pair of planar-symmetric poses with a single parameter set by leveraging the 2D Bingham distribution. We also detail a grasp detector based on our representation, which provides a more consistent rotation output. An intensive evaluation with multiple grippers and objects in both the simulation and the real world quantitatively shows our approach's contribution.
comment: Accepted by CoRL2024
♻ ☆ Theia: Distilling Diverse Vision Foundation Models for Robot Learning
Vision-based robot policy learning, which maps visual inputs to actions, necessitates a holistic understanding of diverse visual tasks beyond single-task needs like classification or segmentation. Inspired by this, we introduce Theia, a vision foundation model for robot learning that distills multiple off-the-shelf vision foundation models trained on varied vision tasks. Theia's rich visual representations encode diverse visual knowledge, enhancing downstream robot learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Theia outperforms its teacher models and prior robot learning models using less training data and smaller model sizes. Additionally, we quantify the quality of pre-trained visual representations and hypothesize that higher entropy in feature norm distributions leads to improved robot learning performance. Code, models, and demo are available at
comment: CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Unpacking Failure Modes of Generative Policies: Runtime Monitoring of Consistency and Progress
Robot behavior policies trained via imitation learning are prone to failure under conditions that deviate from their training data. Thus, algorithms that monitor learned policies at test time and provide early warnings of failure are necessary to facilitate scalable deployment. We propose Sentinel, a runtime monitoring framework that splits the detection of failures into two complementary categories: 1) Erratic failures, which we detect using statistical measures of temporal action consistency, and 2) task progression failures, where we use Vision Language Models (VLMs) to detect when the policy confidently and consistently takes actions that do not solve the task. Our approach has two key strengths. First, because learned policies exhibit diverse failure modes, combining complementary detectors leads to significantly higher accuracy at failure detection. Second, using a statistical temporal action consistency measure ensures that we quickly detect when multimodal, generative policies exhibit erratic behavior at negligible computational cost. In contrast, we only use VLMs to detect failure modes that are less time-sensitive. We demonstrate our approach in the context of diffusion policies trained on robotic mobile manipulation domains in both simulation and the real world. By unifying temporal consistency detection and VLM runtime monitoring, Sentinel detects 18% more failures than using either of the two detectors alone and significantly outperforms baselines, thus highlighting the importance of assigning specialized detectors to complementary categories of failure. Qualitative results are made available at
comment: Project page: 35 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
♻ ☆ Mapping the Unseen: Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping with Dynamic Labeling using Foundation Models
In the field of robotics and computer vision, efficient and accurate semantic mapping remains a significant challenge due to the growing demand for intelligent machines that can comprehend and interact with complex environments. Conventional panoptic mapping methods, however, are limited by predefined semantic classes, thus making them ineffective for handling novel or unforeseen objects. In response to this limitation, we introduce the Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping (UPPM) method. UPPM utilizes recent advances in foundation models to enable real-time, on-demand label generation using natural language prompts. By incorporating a dynamic labeling strategy into traditional panoptic mapping techniques, UPPM provides significant improvements in adaptability and versatility while maintaining high performance levels in map reconstruction. We demonstrate our approach on real-world and simulated datasets. Results show that UPPM can accurately reconstruct scenes and segment objects while generating rich semantic labels through natural language interactions. A series of ablation experiments validated the advantages of foundation model-based labeling over fixed label sets.
comment: This paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letters
♻ ☆ Improving Robotic Arms through Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Edge Computing
This paper introduces a prototype for a new approach to assistive robotics, integrating edge computing with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and computer vision to enhance the interaction between humans and robotic systems. Our proof of concept demonstrates the feasibility of using large language models (LLMs) and vision systems in tandem for interpreting and executing complex commands conveyed through natural language. This integration aims to improve the intuitiveness and accessibility of assistive robotic systems, making them more adaptable to the nuanced needs of users with disabilities. By leveraging the capabilities of edge computing, our system has the potential to minimize latency and support offline capability, enhancing the autonomy and responsiveness of assistive robots. Experimental results from our implementation on a robotic arm show promising outcomes in terms of accurate intent interpretation and object manipulation based on verbal commands. This research lays the groundwork for future developments in assistive robotics, focusing on creating highly responsive, user-centric systems that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. For video demonstrations and source code, please refer to:
♻ ☆ Deployment of Large Language Models to Control Mobile Robots at the Edge
This paper investigates the possibility of intuitive human-robot interaction through the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) in mobile robotics. This work aims to explore the feasibility of using these technologies for edge-based deployment, where traditional cloud dependencies are eliminated. The study specifically contrasts the performance of GPT-4-Turbo, which requires cloud connectivity, with an offline-capable, quantized version of LLaMA 2 (LLaMA 2-7B.Q5 K M). These results show that GPT-4-Turbo delivers superior performance in interpreting and executing complex commands accurately, whereas LLaMA 2 exhibits significant limitations in consistency and reliability of command execution. Communication between the control computer and the mobile robot is established via a Raspberry Pi Pico W, which wirelessly receives commands from the computer without internet dependency and transmits them through a wired connection to the robot's Arduino controller. This study highlights the potential and challenges of implementing LLMs and NLP at the edge, providing groundwork for future research into fully autonomous and network-independent robotic systems. For video demonstrations and source code, please refer to:
♻ ☆ AO-Grasp: Articulated Object Grasp Generation
We introduce AO-Grasp, a grasp proposal method that generates 6 DoF grasps that enable robots to interact with articulated objects, such as opening and closing cabinets and appliances. AO-Grasp consists of two main contributions: the AO-Grasp Model and the AO-Grasp Dataset. Given a segmented partial point cloud of a single articulated object, the AO-Grasp Model predicts the best grasp points on the object with an Actionable Grasp Point Predictor. Then, it finds corresponding grasp orientations for each of these points, resulting in stable and actionable grasp proposals. We train the AO-Grasp Model on our new AO-Grasp Dataset, which contains 78K actionable parallel-jaw grasps on synthetic articulated objects. In simulation, AO-Grasp achieves a 45.0 % grasp success rate, whereas the highest performing baseline achieves a 35.0% success rate. Additionally, we evaluate AO-Grasp on 120 real-world scenes of objects with varied geometries, articulation axes, and joint states, where AO-Grasp produces successful grasps on 67.5% of scenes, while the baseline only produces successful grasps on 33.3% of scenes. To the best of our knowledge, AO-Grasp is the first method for generating 6 DoF grasps on articulated objects directly from partial point clouds without requiring part detection or hand-designed grasp heuristics. Project website:
comment: Project website:
♻ ☆ Large Language Models for Orchestrating Bimanual Robots
Although there has been rapid progress in endowing robots with the ability to solve complex manipulation tasks, generating control policies for bimanual robots to solve tasks involving two hands is still challenging because of the difficulties in effective temporal and spatial coordination. With emergent abilities in terms of step-by-step reasoning and in-context learning, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising potential in a variety of robotic tasks. However, the nature of language communication via a single sequence of discrete symbols makes LLM-based coordination in continuous space a particular challenge for bimanual tasks. To tackle this challenge, we present LAnguage-model-based Bimanual ORchestration (LABOR), an agent utilizing an LLM to analyze task configurations and devise coordination control policies for addressing long-horizon bimanual tasks. We evaluate our method through simulated experiments involving two classes of long-horizon tasks using the NICOL humanoid robot. Our results demonstrate that our method outperforms the baseline in terms of success rate. Additionally, we thoroughly analyze failure cases, offering insights into LLM-based approaches in bimanual robotic control and revealing future research trends. The project website can be found at
comment: Accepted in Humanoids 2024. The project website can be found at
♻ ☆ Hybrid Gripper with Passive Pneumatic Soft Joints for Grasping Deformable Thin Objects
Grasping a variety of objects remains a key challenge in the development of versatile robotic systems. The human hand is remarkably dexterous, capable of grasping and manipulating objects with diverse shapes, mechanical properties, and textures. Inspired by how humans use two fingers to pick up thin and large objects such as fabric or sheets of paper, we aim to develop a gripper optimized for grasping such deformable objects. Observing how the soft and flexible fingertip joints of the hand approach and grasp thin materials, a hybrid gripper design that incorporates both soft and rigid components was proposed. The gripper utilizes a soft pneumatic ring wrapped around a rigid revolute joint to create a flexible two-fingered gripper. Experiments were conducted to characterize and evaluate the gripper performance in handling sheets of paper and other objects. Compared to rigid grippers, the proposed design improves grasping efficiency and reduces the gripping distance by up to eightfold.
♻ ☆ DragTraffic: Interactive and Controllable Traffic Scene Generation for Autonomous Driving
Evaluating and training autonomous driving systems require diverse and scalable corner cases. However, most existing scene generation methods lack controllability, accuracy, and versatility, resulting in unsatisfactory generation results. Inspired by DragGAN in image generation, we propose DragTraffic, a generalized, interactive, and controllable traffic scene generation framework based on conditional diffusion. DragTraffic enables non-experts to generate a variety of realistic driving scenarios for different types of traffic agents through an adaptive mixture expert architecture. We employ a regression model to provide a general initial solution and a refinement process based on the conditional diffusion model to ensure diversity. User-customized context is introduced through cross-attention to ensure high controllability. Experiments on a real-world driving dataset show that DragTraffic outperforms existing methods in terms of authenticity, diversity, and freedom. Demo videos and code are available at
♻ ☆ Safe Task Planning for Language-Instructed Multi-Robot Systems using Conformal Prediction
This paper addresses task planning problems for language-instructed robot teams. Tasks are expressed in natural language (NL), requiring the robots to apply their capabilities at various locations and semantic objects. Several recent works have addressed similar planning problems by leveraging pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) to design effective multi-robot plans. However, these approaches lack mission completion guarantees. To address this challenge, we introduce a new distributed LLM-based planner, called S-ATLAS for Safe plAnning for Teams of Language-instructed AgentS, that is capable of achieving user-defined mission success rates. This is accomplished by leveraging conformal prediction (CP), a distribution-free uncertainty quantification tool in black-box models. CP allows the proposed multi-robot planner to reason about its inherent uncertainty in a distributed fashion, enabling robots to make individual decisions when they are sufficiently certain and seek help otherwise. We show, both theoretically and empirically, that the proposed planner can achieve user-specified task success rates while minimizing the overall number of help requests. We provide comparative experiments against related works showing that our method is significantly more computational efficient and achieves lower help rates. The advantage of our algorithm over baselines becomes more pronounced with increasing robot team size.
♻ ☆ Semantic Region Aware Autonomous Exploration for Multi-Type Map Construction in Unknown Indoor Environments
Mainstream autonomous exploration methods usually perform excessively-repeated explorations for the same region, leading to long exploration time and exploration trajectory in complex scenes. To handle this issue, we propose a novel semantic region aware autonomous exploration method, the core idea of which is considering the information of semantic regions to optimize the autonomous navigation strategy. Our method enables the mobile robot to fully explore the current semantic region before moving to the next region, contributing to avoid excessively-repeated explorations and accelerate the exploration speed. In addition, compared with existing au?tonomous exploration methods that usually construct the single-type map, our method allows to construct four types of maps including point cloud map, occupancy grid map, topological map, and semantic map. The experiment results demonstrate that our method achieves the highest 50.7% exploration time reduction and 48.1% exploration trajectory length reduction while maintaining >98% exploration rate when comparing with the classical RRT (Rapid-exploration Random Tree) based autonomous exploration method.
♻ ☆ Co-Design Optimisation of Morphing Topology and Control of Winged Drones
The design and control of winged aircraft and drones is an iterative process aimed at identifying a compromise of mission-specific costs and constraints. When agility is required, shape-shifting (morphing) drones represent an efficient solution. However, morphing drones require the addition of actuated joints that increase the topology and control coupling, making the design process more complex. We propose a co-design optimisation method that assists the engineers by proposing a morphing drone's conceptual design that includes topology, actuation, morphing strategy, and controller parameters. The method consists of applying multi-objective constraint-based optimisation to a multi-body winged drone with trajectory optimisation to solve the motion intelligence problem under diverse flight mission requirements, such as energy consumption and mission completion time. We show that co-designed morphing drones outperform fixed-winged drones in terms of energy efficiency and mission time, suggesting that the proposed co-design method could be a useful addition to the aircraft engineering toolbox.
♻ ☆ C$^3$P-VoxelMap: Compact, Cumulative and Coalescible Probabilistic Voxel Mapping
This work presents a compact, cumulative and coalescible probabilistic voxel mapping method to enhance performance, accuracy and memory efficiency in LiDAR odometry. Probabilistic voxel mapping requires storing past point clouds and re-iterating on them to update the uncertainty every iteration, which consumes large memory space and CPU cycles. To solve this problem, we propose a two-folded strategy. First, we introduce a compact point-free representation for probabilistic voxels and derive a cumulative update of the planar uncertainty without caching original point clouds. Our voxel structure only keeps track of a predetermined set of statistics for points that lie inside it. This method reduces the runtime complexity from $O(MN)$ to $O(N)$ and the space complexity from $O(N)$ to $O(1)$ where $M$ is the number of iterations and $N$ is the number of points. Second, to further minimize memory usage and enhance mapping accuracy, we provide a strategy to dynamically merge voxels associated with the same physical planes by taking advantage of the geometric features in the real world. Rather than scanning for these coalescible voxels constantly at every iteration, our merging strategy accumulates voxels in a locality-sensitive hash and triggers merging lazily. On-demand merging not only reduces memory footprint with minimal computational overhead but also improves localization accuracy thanks to cross-voxel denoising. Experiments exhibit 20% higher accuracy, 20% faster performance and 70% lower memory consumption than the state-of-the-art.
♻ ☆ Learning to Plan Maneuverable and Agile Flight Trajectory with Optimization Embedded Networks
In recent times, an increasing number of researchers have been devoted to utilizing deep neural networks for end-to-end flight navigation. This approach has gained traction due to its ability to bridge the gap between perception and planning that exists in traditional methods, thereby eliminating delays between modules. However, the practice of replacing original modules with neural networks in a black-box manner diminishes the overall system's robustness and stability. It lacks principled explanations and often fails to consistently generate high-quality motion trajectories. Furthermore, such methods often struggle to rigorously account for the robot's kinematic constraints, resulting in the generation of trajectories that cannot be executed satisfactorily. In this work, we combine the advantages of traditional methods and neural networks by proposing an optimization-embedded neural network. This network can learn high-quality trajectories directly from visual inputs without the need of mapping, while ensuring dynamic feasibility. Here, the deep neural network is employed to directly extract environment safety regions from depth images. Subsequently, we employ a model-based approach to represent these regions as safety constraints in trajectory optimization. Leveraging the availability of highly efficient optimization algorithms, our method robustly converges to feasible and optimal solutions that satisfy various user-defined constraints. Moreover, we differentiate the optimization process, allowing it to be trained as a layer within the neural network. This approach facilitates the direct interaction between perception and planning, enabling the network to focus more on the spatial regions where optimal solutions exist. As a result, it further enhances the quality and stability of the generated trajectories.
comment: Some statements in the introduction may be controversial
♻ ☆ Open-Vocabulary Action Localization with Iterative Visual Prompting
Video action localization aims to find the timings of specific actions from a long video. Although existing learning-based approaches have been successful, they require annotating videos, which comes with a considerable labor cost. This paper proposes a learning-free, open-vocabulary approach based on emerging off-the-shelf vision-language models (VLMs). The challenge stems from the fact that VLMs are neither designed to process long videos nor tailored for finding actions. We overcome these problems by extending an iterative visual prompting technique. Specifically, we sample video frames and create a concatenated image with frame index labels, making a VLM guess a frame that is considered to be closest to the start and end of the action. Iterating this process by narrowing a sampling time window results in finding the specific frames corresponding to the start and end of an action. We demonstrate that this technique yields reasonable performance, achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art zero-shot action localization. These results illustrate a practical extension of VLMs for understanding videos. A sample code is available at
comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables. Last updated on October 9th, 2024
♻ ☆ SE(3) Linear Parameter Varying Dynamical Systems for Globally Asymptotically Stable End-Effector Control
Linear Parameter Varying Dynamical Systems (LPV-DS) encode trajectories into an autonomous first-order DS that enables reactive responses to perturbations, while ensuring globally asymptotic stability at the target. However, the current LPV-DS framework is established on Euclidean data only and has not been applicable to broader robotic applications requiring pose control. In this paper we present an extension to the current LPV-DS framework, named Quaternion-DS, which efficiently learns a DS-based motion policy for orientation. Leveraging techniques from differential geometry and Riemannian statistics, our approach properly handles the non-Euclidean orientation data in quaternion space, enabling the integration with positional control, namely SE(3) LPV-DS, so that the synergistic behaviour within the full SE(3) pose is preserved. Through simulation and real robot experiments, we validate our method, demonstrating its ability to efficiently and accurately reproduce the original SE(3) trajectory while exhibiting strong robustness to perturbations in task space.
♻ ☆ Cross-Embodied Affordance Transfer through Learning Affordance Equivalences
Affordances represent the inherent effect and action possibilities that objects offer to the agents within a given context. From a theoretical viewpoint, affordances bridge the gap between effect and action, providing a functional understanding of the connections between the actions of an agent and its environment in terms of the effects it can cause. In this study, we propose a deep neural network model that unifies objects, actions, and effects into a single latent vector in a common latent space that we call the affordance space. Using the affordance space, our system can generate effect trajectories when action and object are given and can generate action trajectories when effect trajectories and objects are given. Our model does not learn the behavior of individual objects acted upon by a single agent. Still, rather, it forms a `shared affordance representation' spanning multiple agents and objects, which we call Affordance Equivalence. Affordance Equivalence facilitates not only action generalization over objects but also Cross Embodiment transfer linking actions of different robots. In addition to the simulation experiments that demonstrate the proposed model's range of capabilities, we also showcase that our model can be used for direct imitation in real-world settings.
comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
♻ ☆ CitDet: A Benchmark Dataset for Citrus Fruit Detection
In this letter, we present a new dataset to advance the state of the art in detecting citrus fruit and accurately estimate yield on trees affected by the Huanglongbing (HLB) disease in orchard environments via imaging. Despite the fact that significant progress has been made in solving the fruit detection problem, the lack of publicly available datasets has complicated direct comparison of results. For instance, citrus detection has long been of interest to the agricultural research community, yet there is an absence of work, particularly involving public datasets of citrus affected by HLB. To address this issue, we enhance state-of-the-art object detection methods for use in typical orchard settings. Concretely, we provide high-resolution images of citrus trees located in an area known to be highly affected by HLB, along with high-quality bounding box annotations of citrus fruit. Fruit on both the trees and the ground are labeled to allow for identification of fruit location, which contributes to advancements in yield estimation and potential measure of HLB impact via fruit drop. The dataset consists of over 32,000 bounding box annotations for fruit instances contained in 579 high-resolution images. In summary, our contributions are the following: (i) we introduce a novel dataset along with baseline performance benchmarks on multiple contemporary object detection algorithms, (ii) we show the ability to accurately capture fruit location on tree or on ground, and finally (ii) we present a correlation of our results with yield estimations.
comment: To be published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
Robotics 48
☆ Neural Circuit Architectural Priors for Quadruped Locomotion
Learning-based approaches to quadruped locomotion commonly adopt generic policy architectures like fully connected MLPs. As such architectures contain few inductive biases, it is common in practice to incorporate priors in the form of rewards, training curricula, imitation data, or trajectory generators. In nature, animals are born with priors in the form of their nervous system's architecture, which has been shaped by evolution to confer innate ability and efficient learning. For instance, a horse can walk within hours of birth and can quickly improve with practice. Such architectural priors can also be useful in ANN architectures for AI. In this work, we explore the advantages of a biologically inspired ANN architecture for quadruped locomotion based on neural circuits in the limbs and spinal cord of mammals. Our architecture achieves good initial performance and comparable final performance to MLPs, while using less data and orders of magnitude fewer parameters. Our architecture also exhibits better generalization to task variations, even admitting deployment on a physical robot without standard sim-to-real methods. This work shows that neural circuits can provide valuable architectural priors for locomotion and encourages future work in other sensorimotor skills.
☆ VIRT: Vision Instructed Transformer for Robotic Manipulation
Robotic manipulation, owing to its multi-modal nature, often faces significant training ambiguity, necessitating explicit instructions to clearly delineate the manipulation details in tasks. In this work, we highlight that vision instruction is naturally more comprehensible to recent robotic policies than the commonly adopted text instruction, as these policies are born with some vision understanding ability like human infants. Building on this premise and drawing inspiration from cognitive science, we introduce the robotic imagery paradigm, which realizes large-scale robotic data pre-training without text annotations. Additionally, we propose the robotic gaze strategy that emulates the human eye gaze mechanism, thereby guiding subsequent actions and focusing the attention of the policy on the manipulated object. Leveraging these innovations, we develop VIRT, a fully Transformer-based policy. We design comprehensive tasks using both a physical robot and simulated environments to assess the efficacy of VIRT. The results indicate that VIRT can complete very competitive tasks like ``opening the lid of a tightly sealed bottle'', and the proposed techniques boost the success rates of the baseline policy on diverse challenging tasks from nearly 0% to more than 65%.
☆ Embodied Agent Interface: Benchmarking LLMs for Embodied Decision Making NeurIPS 2024
We aim to evaluate Large Language Models (LLMs) for embodied decision making. While a significant body of work has been leveraging LLMs for decision making in embodied environments, we still lack a systematic understanding of their performance because they are usually applied in different domains, for different purposes, and built based on different inputs and outputs. Furthermore, existing evaluations tend to rely solely on a final success rate, making it difficult to pinpoint what ability is missing in LLMs and where the problem lies, which in turn blocks embodied agents from leveraging LLMs effectively and selectively. To address these limitations, we propose a generalized interface (Embodied Agent Interface) that supports the formalization of various types of tasks and input-output specifications of LLM-based modules. Specifically, it allows us to unify 1) a broad set of embodied decision-making tasks involving both state and temporally extended goals, 2) four commonly-used LLM-based modules for decision making: goal interpretation, subgoal decomposition, action sequencing, and transition modeling, and 3) a collection of fine-grained metrics which break down evaluation into various types of errors, such as hallucination errors, affordance errors, various types of planning errors, etc. Overall, our benchmark offers a comprehensive assessment of LLMs' performance for different subtasks, pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses in LLM-powered embodied AI systems, and providing insights for effective and selective use of LLMs in embodied decision making.
comment: Accepted for oral presentation at NeurIPS 2024 in the Datasets and Benchmarks track
☆ FlowBotHD: History-Aware Diffuser Handling Ambiguities in Articulated Objects Manipulation
We introduce a novel approach to manipulate articulated objects with ambiguities, such as opening a door, in which multi-modality and occlusions create ambiguities about the opening side and direction. Multi-modality occurs when the method to open a fully closed door (push, pull, slide) is uncertain, or the side from which it should be opened is uncertain. Occlusions further obscure the door's shape from certain angles, creating further ambiguities during the occlusion. To tackle these challenges, we propose a history-aware diffusion network that models the multi-modal distribution of the articulated object and uses history to disambiguate actions and make stable predictions under occlusions. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the state-of-art performance of our method and specifically improvements in ambiguity-caused failure modes. Our project website is available at
comment: Accepted to CoRL 2024
☆ RM4D: A Combined Reachability and Inverse Reachability Map for Common 6-/7-axis Robot Arms by Dimensionality Reduction to 4D ICRA 2025
Knowledge of a manipulator's workspace is fundamental for a variety of tasks including robot design, grasp planning and robot base placement. Consequently, workspace representations are well studied in robotics. Two important representations are reachability maps and inverse reachability maps. The former predicts whether a given end-effector pose is reachable from where the robot currently is, and the latter suggests suitable base positions for a desired end-effector pose. Typically, the reachability map is built by discretizing the 6D space containing the robot's workspace and determining, for each cell, whether it is reachable or not. The reachability map is subsequently inverted to build the inverse map. This is a cumbersome process which restricts the applications of such maps. In this work, we exploit commonalities of existing six and seven axis robot arms to reduce the dimension of the discretization from 6D to 4D. We propose Reachability Map 4D (RM4D), a map that only requires a single 4D data structure for both forward and inverse queries. This gives a much more compact map that can be constructed by an order of magnitude faster than existing maps, with no inversion overheads and no loss in accuracy. Our experiments showcase the usefulness of RM4D for grasp planning with a mobile manipulator.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025. See project page:
☆ Control System Design and Experiments for Autonomous Underwater Helicopter Docking Procedure Based on Acoustic-inertial-optical Guidance
A control system structure for the underwater docking procedure of an Autonomous Underwater Helicopter (AUH) is proposed in this paper, which utilizes acoustic-inertial-optical guidance. Unlike conventional Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), the maneuverability requirements for AUHs are more stringent during the docking procedure, requiring it to remain stationary or have minimal horizontal movement while moving vertically. The docking procedure is divided into two stages: Homing and Landing, each stage utilizing different guidance methods. Additionally, a segmented aligning strategy operating at various altitudes and a linear velocity decision are both adopted in Landing stage. Due to the unique structure of the Subsea Docking System (SDS), the AUH is required to dock onto the SDS in a fixed orientation with specific attitude and altitude. Therefore, a particular criterion is proposed to determine whether the AUH has successfully docked onto the SDS. Furthermore, the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control method in AUH's docking procedure are demonstrated through pool experiments and sea trials.
☆ Combining Planning and Diffusion for Mobility with Unknown Dynamics ICRA 2025
Manipulation of large objects over long horizons (such as carts in a warehouse) is an essential skill for deployable robotic systems. Large objects require mobile manipulation which involves simultaneous manipulation, navigation, and movement with the object in tow. In many real-world situations, object dynamics are incredibly complex, such as the interaction of an office chair (with a rotating base and five caster wheels) and the ground. We present a hierarchical algorithm for long-horizon robot manipulation problems in which the dynamics are partially unknown. We observe that diffusion-based behavior cloning is highly effective for short-horizon problems with unknown dynamics, so we decompose the problem into an abstract high-level, obstacle-aware motion-planning problem that produces a waypoint sequence. We use a short-horizon, relative-motion diffusion policy to achieve the waypoints in sequence. We train mobile manipulation policies on a Spot robot that has to push and pull an office chair. Our hierarchical manipulation policy performs consistently better, especially when the horizon increases, compared to a diffusion policy trained on long-horizon demonstrations or motion planning assuming a rigidly-attached object (success rate of 8 (versus 0 and 5 respectively) out of 10 runs). Importantly, our learned policy generalizes to new layouts, grasps, chairs, and flooring that induces more friction, without any further training, showing promise for other complex mobile manipulation problems. Project Page:
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Safe Reinforcement Learning Filter for Multicopter Collision-Free Tracking under disturbances
This paper proposes a safe reinforcement learning filter (SRLF) to realize multicopter collision-free trajectory tracking with input disturbance. A novel robust control barrier function (RCBF) with its analysis techniques is introduced to avoid collisions with unknown disturbances during tracking. To ensure the system state remains within the safe set, the RCBF gain is designed in control action. A safety filter is introduced to transform unsafe reinforcement learning (RL) control inputs into safe ones, allowing RL training to proceed without explicitly considering safety constraints. The SRLF obtains rigorous guaranteed safe control action by solving a quadratic programming (QP) problem that incorporates forward invariance of RCBF and input saturation constraints. Both simulation and real-world experiments on multicopters demonstrate the effectiveness and excellent performance of SRLF in achieving collision-free tracking under input disturbances and saturation.
☆ A Safety Modulator Actor-Critic Method in Model-Free Safe Reinforcement Learning and Application in UAV Hovering
This paper proposes a safety modulator actor-critic (SMAC) method to address safety constraint and overestimation mitigation in model-free safe reinforcement learning (RL). A safety modulator is developed to satisfy safety constraints by modulating actions, allowing the policy to ignore safety constraint and focus on maximizing reward. Additionally, a distributional critic with a theoretical update rule for SMAC is proposed to mitigate the overestimation of Q-values with safety constraints. Both simulation and real-world scenarios experiments on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) hovering confirm that the SMAC can effectively maintain safety constraints and outperform mainstream baseline algorithms.
☆ Dynamic Neural Potential Field: Online Trajectory Optimization in Presence of Moving Obstacles
We address a task of local trajectory planning for the mobile robot in the presence of static and dynamic obstacles. Local trajectory is obtained as a numerical solution of the Model Predictive Control (MPC) problem. Collision avoidance may be provided by adding repulsive potential of the obstacles to the cost function of MPC. We develop an approach, where repulsive potential is estimated by the neural model. We propose and explore three possible strategies of handling dynamic obstacles. First, environment with dynamic obstacles is considered as a sequence of static environments. Second, the neural model predict a sequence of repulsive potential at once. Third, the neural model predict future repulsive potential step by step in autoregressive mode. We implement these strategies and compare it with CIAO* and MPPI using BenchMR framework. First two strategies showed higher performance than CIAO* and MPPI while preserving safety constraints. The third strategy was a bit slower, however it still satisfy time limits. We deploy our approach on Husky UGV mobile platform, which move through the office corridors under proposed MPC local trajectory planner. The code and trained models are available at \url{}.
☆ Discrete time model predictive control for humanoid walking with step adjustment
This paper presents a Discrete-Time Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for humanoid walking with online footstep adjustment. The proposed controller utilizes a hierarchical control approach. The high-level controller uses a low-dimensional Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) to determine desired foot placement and Center of Mass (CoM) motion, to prevent falls while maintaining the desired velocity. A Task Space Controller (TSC) then tracks the desired motion obtained from the high-level controller, exploiting the whole-body dynamics of the humanoid. Our approach differs from existing MPC methods for walking pattern generation by not relying on a predefined foot-plan or a reference center of pressure (CoP) trajectory. The overall approach is tested in simulation on a torque-controlled Humanoid Robot. Results show that proposed control approach generates stable walking and prevents fall against push disturbances.
comment: 6 pages, 17 figures, 1 table
☆ Collective perception for tracking people with a robot swarm ICRA
Swarm perception refers to the ability of a robot swarm to utilize the perception capabilities of each individual robot, forming a collective understanding of the environment. Their distributed nature enables robot swarms to continuously monitor dynamic environments by maintaining a constant presence throughout the space.In this study, we present a preliminary experiment on the collective tracking of people using a robot swarm. The experiment was conducted in simulation across four different office environments, with swarms of varying sizes. The robots were provided with images sampled from a dataset of real-world office environment pictures.We measured the time distribution required for a robot to detect a person changing location and to propagate this information to increasing fractions of the swarm. The results indicate that robot swarms show significant promise in monitoring dynamic environments.
comment: Presented at ICRA@40, Rotterdam
☆ OmniPose6D: Towards Short-Term Object Pose Tracking in Dynamic Scenes from Monocular RGB
To address the challenge of short-term object pose tracking in dynamic environments with monocular RGB input, we introduce a large-scale synthetic dataset OmniPose6D, crafted to mirror the diversity of real-world conditions. We additionally present a benchmarking framework for a comprehensive comparison of pose tracking algorithms. We propose a pipeline featuring an uncertainty-aware keypoint refinement network, employing probabilistic modeling to refine pose estimation. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that our approach achieves performance superior to existing baselines on real datasets, underscoring the effectiveness of our synthetic dataset and refinement technique in enhancing tracking precision in dynamic contexts. Our contributions set a new precedent for the development and assessment of object pose tracking methodologies in complex scenes.
comment: 13 pages, 9 figures
☆ Autonomous localization of multiple ionizing radiation sources using miniature single-layer Compton cameras onboard a group of micro aerial vehicles IROS
A novel method for autonomous localization of multiple sources of gamma radiation using a group of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is presented in this paper. The method utilizes an extremely lightweight (44 g) Compton camera MiniPIX TPX3. The compact size of the detector allows for deployment onboard safe and agile small-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The proposed radiation mapping approach fuses measurements from multiple distributed Compton camera sensors to accurately estimate the positions of multiple radioactive sources in real time. Unlike commonly used intensity-based detectors, the Compton camera reconstructs the set of possible directions towards a radiation source from just a single ionizing particle. Therefore, the proposed approach can localize radiation sources without having to estimate the gradient of a radiation field or contour lines, which require longer measurements. The instant estimation is able to fully exploit the potential of highly mobile MAVs. The radiation mapping method is combined with an active search strategy, which coordinates the future actions of the MAVs in order to improve the quality of the estimate of the sources' positions, as well as to explore the area of interest faster. The proposed solution is evaluated in simulation and real world experiments with multiple Cesium-137 radiation sources.
comment: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024
☆ M${}^{3}$Bench: Benchmarking Whole-body Motion Generation for Mobile Manipulation in 3D Scenes
We propose M^3Bench, a new benchmark for whole-body motion generation for mobile manipulation tasks. Given a 3D scene context, M^3Bench requires an embodied agent to understand its configuration, environmental constraints and task objectives, then generate coordinated whole-body motion trajectories for object rearrangement tasks. M^3Bench features 30k object rearrangement tasks across 119 diverse scenes, providing expert demonstrations generated by our newly developed M^3BenchMaker. This automatic data generation tool produces coordinated whole-body motion trajectories from high-level task instructions, requiring only basic scene and robot information. Our benchmark incorporates various task splits to assess generalization across different dimensions and leverages realistic physics simulation for trajectory evaluation. Through extensive experimental analyses, we reveal that state-of-the-art models still struggle with coordinated base-arm motion while adhering to environment-context and task-specific constraints, highlighting the need to develop new models that address this gap. Through M^3Bench, we aim to facilitate future robotics research towards more adaptive and capable mobile manipulation in diverse, real-world environments.
☆ Task Coordination and Trajectory Optimization for Multi-Aerial Systems via Signal Temporal Logic: A Wind Turbine Inspection Study IROS'24
This paper presents a method for task allocation and trajectory generation in cooperative inspection missions using a fleet of multirotor drones, with a focus on wind turbine inspection. The approach generates safe, feasible flight paths that adhere to time-sensitive constraints and vehicle limitations by formulating an optimization problem based on Signal Temporal Logic (STL) specifications. An event-triggered replanning mechanism addresses unexpected events and delays, while a generalized robustness scoring method incorporates user preferences and minimizes task conflicts. The approach is validated through simulations in MATLAB and Gazebo, as well as field experiments in a mock-up scenario.
comment: 2 pages, Accepted for discussion at the workshop session "Formal methods techniques in robotics systems: Design and control" at IROS'24 in Abu Dhabi, UAE
☆ Pair-VPR: Place-Aware Pre-training and Contrastive Pair Classification for Visual Place Recognition with Vision Transformers
In this work we propose a novel joint training method for Visual Place Recognition (VPR), which simultaneously learns a global descriptor and a pair classifier for re-ranking. The pair classifier can predict whether a given pair of images are from the same place or not. The network only comprises Vision Transformer components for both the encoder and the pair classifier, and both components are trained using their respective class tokens. In existing VPR methods, typically the network is initialized using pre-trained weights from a generic image dataset such as ImageNet. In this work we propose an alternative pre-training strategy, by using Siamese Masked Image Modelling as a pre-training task. We propose a Place-aware image sampling procedure from a collection of large VPR datasets for pre-training our model, to learn visual features tuned specifically for VPR. By re-using the Mask Image Modelling encoder and decoder weights in the second stage of training, Pair-VPR can achieve state-of-the-art VPR performance across five benchmark datasets with a ViT-B encoder, along with further improvements in localization recall with larger encoders. The Pair-VPR website is:
☆ ES-Gaussian: Gaussian Splatting Mapping via Error Space-Based Gaussian Completion
Accurate and affordable indoor 3D reconstruction is critical for effective robot navigation and interaction. Traditional LiDAR-based mapping provides high precision but is costly, heavy, and power-intensive, with limited ability for novel view rendering. Vision-based mapping, while cost-effective and capable of capturing visual data, often struggles with high-quality 3D reconstruction due to sparse point clouds. We propose ES-Gaussian, an end-to-end system using a low-altitude camera and single-line LiDAR for high-quality 3D indoor reconstruction. Our system features Visual Error Construction (VEC) to enhance sparse point clouds by identifying and correcting areas with insufficient geometric detail from 2D error maps. Additionally, we introduce a novel 3DGS initialization method guided by single-line LiDAR, overcoming the limitations of traditional multi-view setups and enabling effective reconstruction in resource-constrained environments. Extensive experimental results on our new Dreame-SR dataset and a publicly available dataset demonstrate that ES-Gaussian outperforms existing methods, particularly in challenging scenarios. The project page is available at
comment: Project page:
☆ Disturbance Observer-based Control Barrier Functions with Residual Model Learning for Safe Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) agents need to explore their environment to learn optimal behaviors and achieve maximum rewards. However, exploration can be risky when training RL directly on real systems, while simulation-based training introduces the tricky issue of the sim-to-real gap. Recent approaches have leveraged safety filters, such as control barrier functions (CBFs), to penalize unsafe actions during RL training. However, the strong safety guarantees of CBFs rely on a precise dynamic model. In practice, uncertainties always exist, including internal disturbances from the errors of dynamics and external disturbances such as wind. In this work, we propose a new safe RL framework based on disturbance rejection-guarded learning, which allows for an almost model-free RL with an assumed but not necessarily precise nominal dynamic model. We demonstrate our results on the Safety-gym benchmark for Point and Car robots on all tasks where we can outperform state-of-the-art approaches that use only residual model learning or a disturbance observer (DOB). We further validate the efficacy of our framework using a physical F1/10 racing car. Videos:
☆ Agile Mobility with Rapid Online Adaptation via Meta-learning and Uncertainty-aware MPPI
Modern non-linear model-based controllers require an accurate physics model and model parameters to be able to control mobile robots at their limits. Also, due to surface slipping at high speeds, the friction parameters may continually change (like tire degradation in autonomous racing), and the controller may need to adapt rapidly. Many works derive a task-specific robot model with a parameter adaptation scheme that works well for the task but requires a lot of effort and tuning for each platform and task. In this work, we design a full model-learning-based controller based on meta pre-training that can very quickly adapt using few-shot dynamics data to any wheel-based robot with any model parameters, while also reasoning about model uncertainty. We demonstrate our results in small-scale numeric simulation, the large-scale Unity simulator, and on a medium-scale hardware platform with a wide range of settings. We show that our results are comparable to domain-specific well-engineered controllers, and have excellent generalization performance across all scenarios.
☆ Real-to-Sim Grasp: Rethinking the Gap between Simulation and Real World in Grasp Detection
For 6-DoF grasp detection, simulated data is expandable to train more powerful model, but it faces the challenge of the large gap between simulation and real world. Previous works bridge this gap with a sim-to-real way. However, this way explicitly or implicitly forces the simulated data to adapt to the noisy real data when training grasp detectors, where the positional drift and structural distortion within the camera noise will harm the grasp learning. In this work, we propose a Real-to-Sim framework for 6-DoF Grasp detection, named R2SGrasp, with the key insight of bridging this gap in a real-to-sim way, which directly bypasses the camera noise in grasp detector training through an inference-time real-to-sim adaption. To achieve this real-to-sim adaptation, our R2SGrasp designs the Real-to-Sim Data Repairer (R2SRepairer) to mitigate the camera noise of real depth maps in data-level, and the Real-to-Sim Feature Enhancer (R2SEnhancer) to enhance real features with precise simulated geometric primitives in feature-level. To endow our framework with the generalization ability, we construct a large-scale simulated dataset cost-efficiently to train our grasp detector, which includes 64,000 RGB-D images with 14.4 million grasp annotations. Sufficient experiments show that R2SGrasp is powerful and our real-to-sim perspective is effective. The real-world experiments further show great generalization ability of R2SGrasp. Project page is available on
☆ QuadBEV: An Efficient Quadruple-Task Perception Framework via Bird's-Eye-View Representation
Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception has become a vital component of autonomous driving systems due to its ability to integrate multiple sensor inputs into a unified representation, enhancing performance in various downstream tasks. However, the computational demands of BEV models pose challenges for real-world deployment in vehicles with limited resources. To address these limitations, we propose QuadBEV, an efficient multitask perception framework that leverages the shared spatial and contextual information across four key tasks: 3D object detection, lane detection, map segmentation, and occupancy prediction. QuadBEV not only streamlines the integration of these tasks using a shared backbone and task-specific heads but also addresses common multitask learning challenges such as learning rate sensitivity and conflicting task objectives. Our framework reduces redundant computations, thereby enhancing system efficiency, making it particularly suited for embedded systems. We present comprehensive experiments that validate the effectiveness and robustness of QuadBEV, demonstrating its suitability for real-world applications.
☆ BiC-MPPI: Goal-Pursuing, Sampling-Based Bidirectional Rollout Clustering Path Integral for Trajectory Optimization
This paper introduces the Bidirectional Clustered MPPI (BiC-MPPI) algorithm, a novel trajectory optimization method aimed at enhancing goal-directed guidance within the Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) framework. BiC-MPPI incorporates bidirectional dynamics approximations and a new guide cost mechanism, improving both trajectory planning and goal-reaching performance. By leveraging forward and backward rollouts, the bidirectional approach ensures effective trajectory connections between initial and terminal states, while the guide cost helps discover dynamically feasible paths. Experimental results demonstrate that BiC-MPPI outperforms existing MPPI variants in both 2D and 3D environments, achieving higher success rates and competitive computation times across 900 simulations on a modified BARN dataset for autonomous navigation. GitHub:
comment: 7 pages, 1 figures
☆ Overcoming Autoware-Ubuntu Incompatibility in Autonomous Driving Systems-Equipped Vehicles: Lessons Learned
Autonomous vehicles have been rapidly developed as demand that provides safety and efficiency in transportation systems. As autonomous vehicles are designed based on open-source operating and computing systems, there are numerous resources aimed at building an operating platform composed of Ubuntu, Autoware, and Robot Operating System (ROS). However, no explicit guidelines exist to help scholars perform trouble-shooting due to incompatibility between the Autoware platform and Ubuntu operating systems installed in autonomous driving systems-equipped vehicles (i.e., Chrysler Pacifica). The paper presents an overview of integrating the Autoware platform into the autonomous vehicle's interface based on lessons learned from trouble-shooting processes for resolving incompatible issues. The trouble-shooting processes are presented based on resolving the incompatibility and integration issues of Ubuntu 20.04, Autoware.AI, and ROS Noetic software installed in an autonomous driving systems-equipped vehicle. Specifically, the paper focused on common incompatibility issues and code-solving protocols involving Python compatibility, Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) installation, Autoware installation, and simulation in Autoware.AI. The objective of the paper is to provide an explicit and detail-oriented presentation to showcase how to address incompatibility issues among an autonomous vehicle's operating interference. The lessons and experience presented in the paper will be useful for researchers who encountered similar issues and could follow up by performing trouble-shooting activities and implementing ADS-related projects in the Ubuntu, Autoware, and ROS operating systems.
☆ Enabling Novel Mission Operations and Interactions with ROSA: The Robot Operating System Agent
The advancement of robotic systems has revolutionized numerous industries, yet their operation often demands specialized technical knowledge, limiting accessibility for non-expert users. This paper introduces ROSA (Robot Operating System Agent), an AI-powered agent that bridges the gap between the Robot Operating System (ROS) and natural language interfaces. By leveraging state-of-the-art language models and integrating open-source frameworks, ROSA enables operators to interact with robots using natural language, translating commands into actions and interfacing with ROS through well-defined tools. ROSA's design is modular and extensible, offering seamless integration with both ROS1 and ROS2, along with safety mechanisms like parameter validation and constraint enforcement to ensure secure, reliable operations. While ROSA is originally designed for ROS, it can be extended to work with other robotics middle-wares to maximize compatibility across missions. ROSA enhances human-robot interaction by democratizing access to complex robotic systems, empowering users of all expertise levels with multi-modal capabilities such as speech integration and visual perception. Ethical considerations are thoroughly addressed, guided by foundational principles like Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, ensuring that AI integration promotes safety, transparency, privacy, and accountability. By making robotic technology more user-friendly and accessible, ROSA not only improves operational efficiency but also sets a new standard for responsible AI use in robotics and potentially future mission operations. This paper introduces ROSA's architecture and showcases initial mock-up operations in JPL's Mars Yard, a laboratory, and a simulation using three different robots. The core ROSA library is available as open-source.
comment: Under review for IEEE Aerospace Conference, 20 pages, 20 figures
☆ LocoVR: Multiuser Indoor Locomotion Dataset in Virtual Reality
Understanding human locomotion is crucial for AI agents such as robots, particularly in complex indoor home environments. Modeling human trajectories in these spaces requires insight into how individuals maneuver around physical obstacles and manage social navigation dynamics. These dynamics include subtle behaviors influenced by proxemics - the social use of space, such as stepping aside to allow others to pass or choosing longer routes to avoid collisions. Previous research has developed datasets of human motion in indoor scenes, but these are often limited in scale and lack the nuanced social navigation dynamics common in home environments. To address this, we present LocoVR, a dataset of 7000+ two-person trajectories captured in virtual reality from over 130 different indoor home environments. LocoVR provides full body pose data and precise spatial information, along with rich examples of socially-motivated movement behaviors. For example, the dataset captures instances of individuals navigating around each other in narrow spaces, adjusting paths to respect personal boundaries in living areas, and coordinating movements in high-traffic zones like entryways and kitchens. Our evaluation shows that LocoVR significantly enhances model performance in three practical indoor tasks utilizing human trajectories, and demonstrates predicting socially-aware navigation patterns in home environments.
☆ TinyLidarNet: 2D LiDAR-based End-to-End Deep Learning Model for F1TENTH Autonomous Racing
Prior research has demonstrated the effectiveness of end-to-end deep learning for robotic navigation, where the control signals are directly derived from raw sensory data. However, the majority of existing end-to-end navigation solutions are predominantly camera-based. In this paper, we introduce TinyLidarNet, a lightweight 2D LiDAR-based end-to-end deep learning model for autonomous racing. An F1TENTH vehicle using TinyLidarNet won 3rd place in the 12th F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix competition, demonstrating its competitive performance. We systematically analyze its performance on untrained tracks and computing requirements for real-time processing. We find that TinyLidarNet's 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based architecture significantly outperforms widely used Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) based architecture. In addition, we show that it can be processed in real-time on low-end micro-controller units (MCUs).
☆ Zero-Shot Generalization of Vision-Based RL Without Data Augmentation
Generalizing vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) agents to novel environments remains a difficult and open challenge. Current trends are to collect large-scale datasets or use data augmentation techniques to prevent overfitting and improve downstream generalization. However, the computational and data collection costs increase exponentially with the number of task variations and can destabilize the already difficult task of training RL agents. In this work, we take inspiration from recent advances in computational neuroscience and propose a model, Associative Latent DisentAnglement (ALDA), that builds on standard off-policy RL towards zero-shot generalization. Specifically, we revisit the role of latent disentanglement in RL and show how combining it with a model of associative memory achieves zero-shot generalization on difficult task variations without relying on data augmentation. Finally, we formally show that data augmentation techniques are a form of weak disentanglement and discuss the implications of this insight.
☆ NeRF-Accelerated Ecological Monitoring in Mixed-Evergreen Redwood Forest
Forest mapping provides critical observational data needed to understand the dynamics of forest environments. Notably, tree diameter at breast height (DBH) is a metric used to estimate forest biomass and carbon dioxide (CO$_2$) sequestration. Manual methods of forest mapping are labor intensive and time consuming, a bottleneck for large-scale mapping efforts. Automated mapping relies on acquiring dense forest reconstructions, typically in the form of point clouds. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and mobile laser scanning (MLS) generate point clouds using expensive LiDAR sensing, and have been used successfully to estimate tree diameter. Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) are an emergent technology enabling photorealistic, vision-based reconstruction by training a neural network on a sparse set of input views. In this paper, we present a comparison of MLS and NeRF forest reconstructions for the purpose of trunk diameter estimation in a mixed-evergreen Redwood forest. In addition, we propose an improved DBH-estimation method using convex-hull modeling. Using this approach, we achieved 1.68 cm RMSE, which consistently outperformed standard cylinder modeling approaches. Our code contributions and forest datasets are freely available at
☆ A Rapid Trajectory Optimization and Control Framework for Resource-Constrained Applications
This paper presents a computationally efficient model predictive control formulation that uses an integral Chebyshev collocation method to enable rapid operations of autonomous agents. By posing the finite-horizon optimal control problem and recursive re-evaluation of the optimal trajectories, minimization of the L2 norms of the state and control errors are transcribed into a quadratic program. Control and state variable constraints are parameterized using Chebyshev polynomials and are accommodated in the optimal trajectory generation programs to incorporate the actuator limits and keepout constraints. Differentiable collision detection of polytopes is leveraged for optimal collision avoidance. Results obtained from the collocation methods are benchmarked against the existing approaches on an edge computer to outline the performance improvements. Finally, collaborative control scenarios involving multi-agent space systems are considered to demonstrate the technical merits of the proposed work.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE ACC 2025 for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Learning responsibility allocations for multi-agent interactions: A differentiable optimization approach with control barrier functions
From autonomous driving to package delivery, ensuring safe yet efficient multi-agent interaction is challenging as the interaction dynamics are influenced by hard-to-model factors such as social norms and contextual cues. Understanding these influences can aid in the design and evaluation of socially-aware autonomous agents whose behaviors are aligned with human values. In this work, we seek to codify factors governing safe multi-agent interactions via the lens of responsibility, i.e., an agent's willingness to deviate from their desired control to accommodate safe interaction with others. Specifically, we propose a data-driven modeling approach based on control barrier functions and differentiable optimization that efficiently learns agents' responsibility allocation from data. We demonstrate on synthetic and real-world datasets that we can obtain an interpretable and quantitative understanding of how much agents adjust their behavior to ensure the safety of others given their current environment.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ ACDC: Automated Creation of Digital Cousins for Robust Policy Learning
Training robot policies in the real world can be unsafe, costly, and difficult to scale. Simulation serves as an inexpensive and potentially limitless source of training data, but suffers from the semantics and physics disparity beween simulated and real-world environments. These discrepancies can be minimized by training in digital twins,which serve as virtual replicas of a real scene but are expensive to generate and cannot produce cross-domain generalization. To address these limitations, we propose the concept of digital cousins, a virtual asset or scene that, unlike a digital twin,does not explicitly model a real-world counterpart but still exhibits similar geometric and semantic affordances. As a result, digital cousins simultaneously reduce the cost of generating an analogous virtual environment while also facilitating better robustness during sim-to-real domain transfer by providing a distribution of similar training scenes. Leveraging digital cousins, we introduce a novel method for the Automatic Creation of Digital Cousins (ACDC), and propose a fully automated real-to-sim-to-real pipeline for generating fully interactive scenes and training robot policies that can be deployed zero-shot in the original scene. We find that ACDC can produce digital cousin scenes that preserve geometric and semantic affordances, and can be used to train policies that outperform policies trained on digital twins, achieving 90% vs. 25% under zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. Additional details are available at
comment: CoRL 2024
☆ On the Feasibility of A Mixed-Method Approach for Solving Long Horizon Task-Oriented Dexterous Manipulation
In-hand manipulation of tools using dexterous hands in real-world is an underexplored problem in the literature. In addition to more complex geometry and larger size of the tools compared to more commonly used objects like cubes or cylinders, task oriented in-hand tool manipulation involves many sub-tasks to be performed sequentially. This may involve reaching to the tool, picking it up, reorienting it in hand with or without regrasping to reach to a desired final grasp appropriate for the tool usage, and carrying the tool to the desired pose. Research on long-horizon manipulation using dexterous hands is rather limited and the existing work focus on learning the individual sub-tasks using a method like reinforcement learning (RL) and combine the policies for different subtasks to perform a long horizon task. However, in general a single method may not be the best for all the sub-tasks, and this can be more pronounced when dealing with multi-fingered hands manipulating objects with complex geometry like tools. In this paper, we investigate the use of a mixed-method approach to solve for the long-horizon task of tool usage and we use imitation learning, reinforcement learning and model based control. We also discuss a new RL-based teacher-student framework that combines real world data into offline training. We show that our proposed approach for each subtask outperforms the commonly adopted reinforcement learning approach across different subtasks and in performing the long horizon task in simulation. Finally we show the successful transferability to real world.
☆ Autonomous Navigation and Collision Avoidance for Mobile Robots: Classification and Review
This paper introduces a novel classification for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs), into three phases and five steps, focusing on autonomous collision-free navigation. Additionally, it presents the main methods and widely accepted technologies for each phase of the proposed classification. The purpose of this classification is to facilitate understanding and establish connections between the independent input variables of the system (hardware, software) and autonomous navigation. By analyzing well-established technologies in terms of sensors and methods used for autonomous navigation, this paper aims to provide a foundation of knowledge that can be applied in future projects of mobile robots.
comment: This paper was presented at the JAR Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and published as ID 27 at 9:20 on June 5, 2024. You can find more details on the conference at the following link: Additionally, the content of the presentation was re-recorded and uploaded to YouTube for better understanding:
♻ ☆ TURTLMap: Real-time Localization and Dense Mapping of Low-texture Underwater Environments with a Low-cost Unmanned Underwater Vehicle IROS 2024
Significant work has been done on advancing localization and mapping in underwater environments. Still, state-of-the-art methods are challenged by low-texture environments, which is common for underwater settings. This makes it difficult to use existing methods in diverse, real-world scenes. In this paper, we present TURTLMap, a novel solution that focuses on textureless underwater environments through a real-time localization and mapping method. We show that this method is low-cost, and capable of tracking the robot accurately, while constructing a dense map of a low-textured environment in real-time. We evaluate the proposed method using real-world data collected in an indoor water tank with a motion capture system and ground truth reference map. Qualitative and quantitative results validate the proposed system achieves accurate and robust localization and precise dense mapping, even when subject to wave conditions. The project page for TURTLMap is
comment: Accepted to IROS 2024
♻ ☆ The Brain-Inspired Cooperative Shared Control Framework for Brain-Machine Interface
In brain-machine interface (BMI) applications, a key challenge is the low information content and high noise level in neural signals, severely affecting stable robotic control. To address this challenge, we proposes a cooperative shared control framework based on brain-inspired intelligence, where control signals are decoded from neural activity, and the robot handles the fine control. This allows for a combination of flexible and adaptive interaction control between the robot and the brain, making intricate human-robot collaboration feasible. The proposed framework utilizes spiking neural networks (SNNs) for controlling robotic arm and wheel, including speed and steering. While full integration of the system remains a future goal, individual modules for robotic arm control, object tracking, and map generation have been successfully implemented. The framework is expected to significantly enhance the performance of BMI. In practical settings, the BMI with cooperative shared control, utilizing a brain-inspired algorithm, will greatly enhance the potential for clinical applications.
comment: This article need to update the corrected figure and content
♻ ☆ A Unified Generative Framework for Realistic Lidar Simulation in Autonomous Driving Systems
Simulation models for perception sensors are integral components of automotive simulators used for the virtual Verification and Validation (V\&V) of Autonomous Driving Systems (ADS). These models also serve as powerful tools for generating synthetic datasets to train deep learning-based perception models. Lidar is a widely used sensor type among the perception sensors for ADS due to its high precision in 3D environment scanning. However, developing realistic Lidar simulation models is a significant technical challenge. In particular, unrealistic models can result in a large gap between the synthesised and real-world point clouds, limiting their effectiveness in ADS applications. Recently, deep generative models have emerged as promising solutions to synthesise realistic sensory data. However, for Lidar simulation, deep generative models have been primarily hybridised with conventional algorithms, leaving unified generative approaches largely unexplored in the literature. Motivated by this research gap, we propose a unified generative framework to enhance Lidar simulation fidelity. Our proposed framework projects Lidar point clouds into depth-reflectance images via a lossless transformation, and employs our novel Controllable Lidar point cloud Generative model, CoLiGen, to translate the images. We extensively evaluate our CoLiGen model, comparing it with the state-of-the-art image-to-image translation models using various metrics to assess the realness, faithfulness, and performance of a downstream perception model. Our results show that CoLiGen exhibits superior performance across most metrics. The dataset and source code for this research are available at
♻ ☆ Exploring Human's Gender Perception and Bias toward Non-Humanoid Robots
In this study, we investigate the human perception of gender and bias toward non-humanoid robots. As robots increasingly integrate into various sectors beyond industry, it is essential to understand how humans engage with non-humanoid robotic forms. This research focuses on the role of anthropomorphic cues, including gender signals, in influencing human robot interaction and user acceptance of non-humanoid robots. Through three surveys, we analyze how design elements such as physical appearance, voice modulation, and behavioral attributes affect gender perception and task suitability. Our findings demonstrate that even non-humanoid robots like Spot, Mini-Cheetah, and drones are subject to gender attribution based on anthropomorphic features, affecting their perceived roles and operational trustworthiness. The results underscore the importance of balancing design elements to optimize both functional efficiency and user relatability, particularly in critical contexts.
♻ ☆ Long-horizon Locomotion and Manipulation on a Quadrupedal Robot with Large Language Models
We present a large language model (LLM) based system to empower quadrupedal robots with problem-solving abilities for long-horizon tasks beyond short-term motions. Long-horizon tasks for quadrupeds are challenging since they require both a high-level understanding of the semantics of the problem for task planning and a broad range of locomotion and manipulation skills to interact with the environment. Our system builds a high-level reasoning layer with large language models, which generates hybrid discrete-continuous plans as robot code from task descriptions. It comprises multiple LLM agents: a semantic planner for sketching a plan, a parameter calculator for predicting arguments in the plan, and a code generator to convert the plan into executable robot code. At the low level, we adopt reinforcement learning to train a set of motion planning and control skills to unleash the flexibility of quadrupeds for rich environment interactions. Our system is tested on long-horizon tasks that are infeasible to complete with one single skill. Simulation and real-world experiments show that it successfully figures out multi-step strategies and demonstrates non-trivial behaviors, including building tools or notifying a human for help. Demos are available on our project page:
♻ ☆ HGS-Planner: Hierarchical Planning Framework for Active Scene Reconstruction Using 3D Gaussian Splatting
In complex missions such as search and rescue,robots must make intelligent decisions in unknown environments, relying on their ability to perceive and understand their surroundings. High-quality and real-time reconstruction enhances situational awareness and is crucial for intelligent robotics. Traditional methods often struggle with poor scene representation or are too slow for real-time use. Inspired by the efficacy of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), we propose a hierarchical planning framework for fast and high-fidelity active reconstruction. Our method evaluates completion and quality gain to adaptively guide reconstruction, integrating global and local planning for efficiency. Experiments in simulated and real-world environments show our approach outperforms existing real-time methods.
♻ ☆ Gaitor: Learning a Unified Representation Across Gaits for Real-World Quadruped Locomotion
The current state-of-the-art in quadruped locomotion is able to produce a variety of complex motions. These methods either rely on switching between a discrete set of skills or learn a distribution across gaits using complex black-box models. Alternatively, we present Gaitor, which learns a disentangled and 2D representation across locomotion gaits. This learnt representation forms a planning space for closed-loop control delivering continuous gait transitions and perceptive terrain traversal. Gaitor's latent space is readily interpretable and we discover that during gait transitions, novel unseen gaits emerge. The latent space is disentangled with respect to footswing heights and lengths. This means that these gait characteristics can be varied independently in the 2D latent representation. Together with a simple terrain encoding and a learnt planner operating in the latent space, Gaitor can take motion commands including desired gait type and swing characteristics all while reacting to uneven terrain. We evaluate Gaitor in both simulation and the real world on the ANYmal C platform. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work learning a unified and interpretable latent space for multiple gaits, resulting in continuous blending between different locomotion modes on a real quadruped robot. An overview of the methods and results in this paper is found at
comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, Accepted to CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Hi-SLAM: Scaling-up Semantics in SLAM with a Hierarchically Categorical Gaussian Splatting
We propose Hi-SLAM, a semantic 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM method featuring a novel hierarchical categorical representation, which enables accurate global 3D semantic mapping, scaling-up capability, and explicit semantic label prediction in the 3D world. The parameter usage in semantic SLAM systems increases significantly with the growing complexity of the environment, making it particularly challenging and costly for scene understanding. To address this problem, we introduce a novel hierarchical representation that encodes semantic information in a compact form into 3D Gaussian Splatting, leveraging the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). We further introduce a novel semantic loss designed to optimize hierarchical semantic information through both inter-level and cross-level optimization. Furthermore, we enhance the whole SLAM system, resulting in improved tracking and mapping performance. Our Hi-SLAM outperforms existing dense SLAM methods in both mapping and tracking accuracy, while achieving a 2x operation speed-up. Additionally, it exhibits competitive performance in rendering semantic segmentation in small synthetic scenes, with significantly reduced storage and training time requirements. Rendering FPS impressively reaches 2,000 with semantic information and 3,000 without it. Most notably, it showcases the capability of handling the complex real-world scene with more than 500 semantic classes, highlighting its valuable scaling-up capability.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
♻ ☆ PointNetPGAP-SLC: A 3D LiDAR-based Place Recognition Approach with Segment-level Consistency Training for Mobile Robots in Horticulture
3D LiDAR-based place recognition remains largely underexplored in horticultural environments, which present unique challenges due to their semi-permeable nature to laser beams. This characteristic often results in highly similar LiDAR scans from adjacent rows, leading to descriptor ambiguity and, consequently, compromised retrieval performance. In this work, we address the challenges of 3D LiDAR place recognition in horticultural environments, particularly focusing on inter-row ambiguity by introducing three key contributions: (i) a novel model, PointNetPGAP, which combines the outputs of two statistically-inspired aggregators into a single descriptor; (ii) a Segment-Level Consistency (SLC) model, used exclusively during training to enhance descriptor robustness; and (iii) the HORTO-3DLM dataset, comprising LiDAR sequences from orchards and strawberry fields. Experimental evaluations conducted on the HORTO-3DLM and KITTI Odometry datasets demonstrate that PointNetPGAP outperforms state-of-the-art models, including OverlapTransformer and PointNetVLAD, particularly when the SLC model is applied. These results underscore the model's superiority, especially in horticultural environments, by significantly improving retrieval performance in segments with higher ambiguity.
comment: This preprint has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
♻ ☆ Two is Better Than One: Digital Siblings to Improve Autonomous Driving Testing
Simulation-based testing represents an important step to ensure the reliability of autonomous driving software. In practice, when companies rely on third-party general-purpose simulators, either for in-house or outsourced testing, the generalizability of testing results to real autonomous vehicles is at stake. In this paper, we enhance simulation-based testing by introducing the notion of digital siblings, a multi-simulator approach that tests a given autonomous vehicle on multiple general-purpose simulators built with different technologies, that operate collectively as an ensemble in the testing process. We exemplify our approach on a case study focused on testing the lane-keeping component of an autonomous vehicle. We use two open-source simulators as digital siblings, and we empirically compare such a multi-simulator approach against a digital twin of a physical scaled autonomous vehicle on a large set of test cases. Our approach requires generating and running test cases for each individual simulator, in the form of sequences of road points. Then, test cases are migrated between simulators, using feature maps to characterize the exercised driving conditions. Finally, the joint predicted failure probability is computed, and a failure is reported only in cases of agreement among the siblings. Our empirical evaluation shows that the ensemble failure predictor by the digital siblings is superior to each individual simulator at predicting the failures of the digital twin. We discuss the findings of our case study and detail how our approach can help researchers interested in automated testing of autonomous driving software.
♻ ☆ ScissorBot: Learning Generalizable Scissor Skill for Paper Cutting via Simulation, Imitation, and Sim2Real
This paper tackles the challenging robotic task of generalizable paper cutting using scissors. In this task, scissors attached to a robot arm are driven to accurately cut curves drawn on the paper, which is hung with the top edge fixed. Due to the frequent paper-scissor contact and consequent fracture, the paper features continual deformation and changing topology, which is diffult for accurate modeling. To ensure effective execution, we customize an action primitive sequence for imitation learning to constrain its action space, thus alleviating potential compounding errors. Finally, by integrating sim-to-real techniques to bridge the gap between simulation and reality, our policy can be effectively deployed on the real robot. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpasses all baselines in both simulation and real-world benchmarks and achieves performance comparable to human operation with a single hand under the same conditions.
comment: Accepted by CoRL2024
♻ ☆ Learning an Actionable Discrete Diffusion Policy via Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training NeurIPS 2024
Learning a generalist embodied agent capable of completing multiple tasks poses challenges, primarily stemming from the scarcity of action-labeled robotic datasets. In contrast, a vast amount of human videos exist, capturing intricate tasks and interactions with the physical world. Promising prospects arise for utilizing actionless human videos for pre-training and transferring the knowledge to facilitate robot policy learning through limited robot demonstrations. However, it remains a challenge due to the domain gap between humans and robots. Moreover, it is difficult to extract useful information representing the dynamic world from human videos, because of its noisy and multimodal data structure. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework to tackle these challenges, which leverages a unified discrete diffusion to combine generative pre-training on human videos and policy fine-tuning on a small number of action-labeled robot videos. We start by compressing both human and robot videos into unified video tokens. In the pre-training stage, we employ a discrete diffusion model with a mask-and-replace diffusion strategy to predict future video tokens in the latent space. In the fine-tuning stage, we harness the imagined future videos to guide low-level action learning with a limited set of robot data. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-fidelity future videos for planning and enhances the fine-tuned policies compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches with superior performance. Our project website is available at
comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2024. 24 pages
♻ ☆ YoloTag: Vision-based Robust UAV Navigation with Fiducial Markers
By harnessing fiducial markers as visual landmarks in the environment, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can rapidly build precise maps and navigate spaces safely and efficiently, unlocking their potential for fluent collaboration and coexistence with humans. Existing fiducial marker methods rely on handcrafted feature extraction, which sacrifices accuracy. On the other hand, deep learning pipelines for marker detection fail to meet real-time runtime constraints crucial for navigation applications. In this work, we propose YoloTag -a real-time fiducial marker-based localization system. YoloTag uses a lightweight YOLO v8 object detector to accurately detect fiducial markers in images while meeting the runtime constraints needed for navigation. The detected markers are then used by an efficient perspective-n-point algorithm to estimate UAV states. However, this localization system introduces noise, causing instability in trajectory tracking. To suppress noise, we design a higher-order Butterworth filter that effectively eliminates noise through frequency domain analysis. We evaluate our algorithm through real-robot experiments in an indoor environment, comparing the trajectory tracking performance of our method against other approaches in terms of several distance metrics.
♻ ☆ DRAL: Deep Reinforcement Adaptive Learning for Multi-UAVs Navigation in Unknown Indoor Environment
Autonomous indoor navigation of UAVs presents numerous challenges, primarily due to the limited precision of GPS in enclosed environments. Additionally, UAVs' limited capacity to carry heavy or power-intensive sensors, such as overheight packages, exacerbates the difficulty of achieving autonomous navigation indoors. This paper introduces an advanced system in which a drone autonomously navigates indoor spaces to locate a specific target, such as an unknown Amazon package, using only a single camera. Employing a deep learning approach, a deep reinforcement adaptive learning algorithm is trained to develop a control strategy that emulates the decision-making process of an expert pilot. We demonstrate the efficacy of our system through real-time simulations conducted in various indoor settings. We apply multiple visualization techniques to gain deeper insights into our trained network. Furthermore, we extend our approach to include an adaptive control algorithm for coordinating multiple drones to lift an object in an indoor environment collaboratively. Integrating our DRAL algorithm enables multiple UAVs to learn optimal control strategies that adapt to dynamic conditions and uncertainties. This innovation enhances the robustness and flexibility of indoor navigation and opens new possibilities for complex multi-drone operations in confined spaces. The proposed framework highlights significant advancements in adaptive control and deep reinforcement learning, offering robust solutions for complex multi-agent systems in real-world applications.
Robotics 59
☆ BEVLoc: Cross-View Localization and Matching via Birds-Eye-View Synthesis IROS 2024
Ground to aerial matching is a crucial and challenging task in outdoor robotics, particularly when GPS is absent or unreliable. Structures like buildings or large dense forests create interference, requiring GNSS replacements for global positioning estimates. The true difficulty lies in reconciling the perspective difference between the ground and air images for acceptable localization. Taking inspiration from the autonomous driving community, we propose a novel framework for synthesizing a birds-eye-view (BEV) scene representation to match and localize against an aerial map in off-road environments. We leverage contrastive learning with domain specific hard negative mining to train a network to learn similar representations between the synthesized BEV and the aerial map. During inference, BEVLoc guides the identification of the most probable locations within the aerial map through a coarse-to-fine matching strategy. Our results demonstrate promising initial outcomes in extremely difficult forest environments with limited semantic diversity. We analyze our model's performance for coarse and fine matching, assessing both the raw matching capability of our model and its performance as a GNSS replacement. Our work delves into off-road map localization while establishing a foundational baseline for future developments in localization. Our code is available at:
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Conference: IROS 2024
☆ Trajectory Improvement and Reward Learning from Comparative Language Feedback
Learning from human feedback has gained traction in fields like robotics and natural language processing in recent years. While prior works mostly rely on human feedback in the form of comparisons, language is a preferable modality that provides more informative insights into user preferences. In this work, we aim to incorporate comparative language feedback to iteratively improve robot trajectories and to learn reward functions that encode human preferences. To achieve this goal, we learn a shared latent space that integrates trajectory data and language feedback, and subsequently leverage the learned latent space to improve trajectories and learn human preferences. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to incorporate comparative language feedback into reward learning. Our simulation experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the learned latent space and the success of our learning algorithms. We also conduct human subject studies that show our reward learning algorithm achieves a 23.9% higher subjective score on average and is 11.3% more time-efficient compared to preference-based reward learning, underscoring the superior performance of our method. Our website is at
comment: 8th Annual Conference of Robot Learning (2024)
☆ Adver-City: Open-Source Multi-Modal Dataset for Collaborative Perception Under Adverse Weather Conditions
Adverse weather conditions pose a significant challenge to the widespread adoption of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) by impacting sensors like LiDARs and cameras. Even though Collaborative Perception (CP) improves AV perception in difficult conditions, existing CP datasets lack adverse weather conditions. To address this, we introduce Adver-City, the first open-source synthetic CP dataset focused on adverse weather conditions. Simulated in CARLA with OpenCDA, it contains over 24 thousand frames, over 890 thousand annotations, and 110 unique scenarios across six different weather conditions: clear weather, soft rain, heavy rain, fog, foggy heavy rain and, for the first time in a synthetic CP dataset, glare. It has six object categories including pedestrians and cyclists, and uses data from vehicles and roadside units featuring LiDARs, RGB and semantic segmentation cameras, GNSS, and IMUs. Its scenarios, based on real crash reports, depict the most relevant road configurations for adverse weather and poor visibility conditions, varying in object density, with both dense and sparse scenes, allowing for novel testing conditions of CP models. Benchmarks run on the dataset show that weather conditions created challenging conditions for perception models, reducing multi-modal object detection performance by up to 19%, while object density affected LiDAR-based detection by up to 29%. The dataset, code and documentation are available at
comment: 8 pages
☆ Cooperative and Asynchronous Transformer-based Mission Planning for Heterogeneous Teams of Mobile Robots
Coordinating heterogeneous teams of mobile robots for tasks such as search and rescue is highly challenging. This is due to the complexities of perception, decision making and planning in such environments, with agents' non-synchronous operation, constrained communication, and limited computational resources. This paper presents the Cooperative and Asynchronous Transformer-based Mission Planning (CATMiP) framework, which leverages multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) to effectively coordinate agents with heterogeneous sensing, motion, and actuation capabilities. The framework introduces a Class-based Macro-Action Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (CMD-POMDP) model to handle asynchronous decision-making among different agent classes via macro-actions. It also extends the Multi-Agent Transformer (MAT) architecture to facilitate distributed, ad hoc communication among the agents. CATMiP easily adapts to mission complexities and communication constraints, and scales to varying environment sizes and team compositions. Simulations demonstrate its scalability and ability to achieve cooperative mission objectives with two classes of explorer and rescuer agents, even under severe communication constraints. The code is available at
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Solving Multi-Goal Robotic Tasks with Decision Transformer
Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in robotics, with reinforcement learning (RL) emerging as one of the most promising approaches for robot control. However, several key challenges hinder its broader application. First, many RL methods rely on online learning, which requires either real-world hardware or advanced simulation environments--both of which can be costly, time-consuming, and impractical. Offline reinforcement learning offers a solution, enabling models to be trained without ongoing access to physical robots or simulations. A second challenge is learning multi-goal tasks, where robots must achieve multiple objectives simultaneously. This adds complexity to the training process, as the model must generalize across different goals. At the same time, transformer architectures have gained significant popularity across various domains, including reinforcement learning. Yet, no existing methods effectively combine offline training, multi-goal learning, and transformer-based architectures. In this paper, we address these challenges by introducing a novel adaptation of the decision transformer architecture for offline multi-goal reinforcement learning in robotics. Our approach integrates goal-specific information into the decision transformer, allowing it to handle complex tasks in an offline setting. To validate our method, we developed a new offline reinforcement learning dataset using the Panda robotic platform in simulation. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the decision transformer can outperform state-of-the-art online reinforcement learning methods.
☆ Meta-Learning Augmented MPC for Disturbance-Aware Motion Planning and Control of Quadrotors
A major challenge in autonomous flights is unknown disturbances, which can jeopardize safety and lead to collisions, especially in obstacle-rich environments. This paper presents a disturbance-aware motion planning and control framework designed for autonomous aerial flights. The framework is composed of two key components: a disturbance-aware motion planner and a tracking controller. The disturbance-aware motion planner consists of a predictive control scheme and a learned model of disturbances that is adapted online. The tracking controller is designed using contraction control methods to provide safety bounds on the quadrotor behaviour in the vicinity of the obstacles with respect to the disturbance-aware motion plan. Finally, the algorithm is tested in simulation scenarios with a quadrotor facing strong crosswind and ground-induced disturbances.
☆ Incremental Learning for Robot Shared Autonomy
Shared autonomy holds promise for improving the usability and accessibility of assistive robotic arms, but current methods often rely on costly expert demonstrations and lack the ability to adapt post-deployment. This paper introduces ILSA, an Incrementally Learned Shared Autonomy framework that continually improves its assistive control policy through repeated user interactions. ILSA leverages synthetic kinematic trajectories for initial pretraining, reducing the need for expert demonstrations, and then incrementally finetunes its policy after each manipulation interaction, with mechanisms to balance new knowledge acquisition with existing knowledge retention during incremental learning. We validate ILSA for complex long-horizon tasks through a comprehensive ablation study and a user study with 20 participants, demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness in both quantitative performance and user-reported qualitative metrics. Code and videos are available at
☆ A General Formulation for Path Constrained Time-Optimized Trajectory Planning with Environmental and Object Contacts
A typical manipulation task consists of a manipulator equipped with a gripper to grasp and move an object with constraints on the motion of the hand-held object, which may be due to the nature of the task itself or from object-environment contacts. In this paper, we study the problem of computing joint torques and grasping forces for time-optimal motion of an object, while ensuring that the grasp is not lost and any constraints on the motion of the object, either due to dynamics, environment contact, or no-slip requirements, are also satisfied. We present a second-order cone program (SOCP) formulation of the time-optimal trajectory planning problem that considers nonlinear friction cone constraints at the hand-object and object-environment contacts. Since SOCPs are convex optimization problems that can be solved optimally in polynomial time using interior point methods, we can solve the trajectory optimization problem efficiently. We present simulation results on three examples, including a non-prehensile manipulation task, which shows the generality and effectiveness of our approach.
☆ A New Architecture for Neural Enhanced Multiobject Tracking
Multiobject tracking (MOT) is an important task in robotics, autonomous driving, and maritime surveillance. Traditional work on MOT is model-based and aims to establish algorithms in the framework of sequential Bayesian estimation. More recent methods are fully data-driven and rely on the training of neural networks. The two approaches have demonstrated advantages in certain scenarios. In particular, in problems where plenty of labeled data for the training of neural networks is available, data-driven MOT tends to have advantages compared to traditional methods. A natural thought is whether a general and efficient framework can integrate the two approaches. This paper advances a recently introduced hybrid model-based and data-driven method called neural-enhanced belief propagation (NEBP). Compared to existing work on NEBP for MOT, it introduces a novel neural architecture that can improve data association and new object initialization, two critical aspects of MOT. The proposed tracking method is leading the nuScenes LiDAR-only tracking challenge at the time of submission of this paper.
☆ Monocular Visual Place Recognition in LiDAR Maps via Cross-Modal State Space Model and Multi-View Matching
Achieving monocular camera localization within pre-built LiDAR maps can bypass the simultaneous mapping process of visual SLAM systems, potentially reducing the computational overhead of autonomous localization. To this end, one of the key challenges is cross-modal place recognition, which involves retrieving 3D scenes (point clouds) from a LiDAR map according to online RGB images. In this paper, we introduce an efficient framework to learn descriptors for both RGB images and point clouds. It takes visual state space model (VMamba) as the backbone and employs a pixel-view-scene joint training strategy for cross-modal contrastive learning. To address the field-of-view differences, independent descriptors are generated from multiple evenly distributed viewpoints for point clouds. A visible 3D points overlap strategy is then designed to quantify the similarity between point cloud views and RGB images for multi-view supervision. Additionally, when generating descriptors from pixel-level features using NetVLAD, we compensate for the loss of geometric information, and introduce an efficient scheme for multi-view generation. Experimental results on the KITTI and KITTI-360 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization of our method. The code will be released upon acceptance.
☆ BoxMap: Efficient Structural Mapping and Navigation ICRA 2025
While humans can successfully navigate using abstractions, ignoring details that are irrelevant to the task at hand, most existing robotic applications require the maintenance of a detailed environment representation which consumes a significant amount of sensing, computing, and storage. These issues are particularly important in a resource-constrained setting with limited power budget. Deep learning methods can learn from prior experience to abstract knowledge of unknown environments, and use it to execute tasks (e.g., frontier exploration, object search, or scene understanding) more efficiently. We propose BoxMap, a Detection-Transformer-based architecture that takes advantage of the structure of the sensed partial environment to update a topological graph of the environment as a set of semantic entities (e.g. rooms and doors) and their relations (e.g. connectivity). These predictions from low-level measurements can then be leveraged to achieve high-level goals with lower computational costs than methods based on detailed representations. As an example application, we consider a robot equipped with a 2-D laser scanner tasked with exploring a residential building. Our BoxMap representation scales quadratically with the number of rooms (with a small constant), resulting in significant savings over a full geometric map. Moreover, our high-level topological representation results in 30.9% shorter trajectories in the exploration task with respect to a standard method.
comment: This manuscript has been submitted to IEEE ICRA 2025
☆ OrionNav: Online Planning for Robot Autonomy with Context-Aware LLM and Open-Vocabulary Semantic Scene Graphs
Enabling robots to autonomously navigate unknown, complex, dynamic environments and perform diverse tasks remains a fundamental challenge in developing robust autonomous physical agents. They must effectively perceive their surroundings while leveraging world knowledge for decision-making. While recent approaches utilize vision-language and large language models for scene understanding and planning, they often rely on offline processing, external computing, or restrictive environmental assumptions. We present a novel framework for efficient and scalable real-time, onboard autonomous navigation that integrates multi-level abstraction in both perception and planning in unknown large-scale environments that change over time. Our system fuses data from multiple onboard sensors for localization and mapping and integrates it with open-vocabulary semantics to generate hierarchical scene graphs. An LLM-based planner leverages these graphs to generate high-level task execution strategies, which guide low-level controllers in safely accomplishing goals. Our framework's real-time operation enables continuous updates to scene graphs and plans, allowing swift responses to environmental changes and on-the-fly error correction. This is a key advantage over static or rule-based planning systems. We demonstrate our system's efficacy on a quadruped robot navigating large-scale, dynamic environments, showcasing its adaptability and robustness in diverse scenarios.
☆ BUMBLE: Unifying Reasoning and Acting with Vision-Language Models for Building-wide Mobile Manipulation
To operate at a building scale, service robots must perform very long-horizon mobile manipulation tasks by navigating to different rooms, accessing different floors, and interacting with a wide and unseen range of everyday objects. We refer to these tasks as Building-wide Mobile Manipulation. To tackle these inherently long-horizon tasks, we introduce BUMBLE, a unified Vision-Language Model (VLM)-based framework integrating open-world RGBD perception, a wide spectrum of gross-to-fine motor skills, and dual-layered memory. Our extensive evaluation (90+ hours) indicates that BUMBLE outperforms multiple baselines in long-horizon building-wide tasks that require sequencing up to 12 ground truth skills spanning 15 minutes per trial. BUMBLE achieves 47.1% success rate averaged over 70 trials in different buildings, tasks, and scene layouts from different starting rooms and floors. Our user study demonstrates 22% higher satisfaction with our method than state-of-the-art mobile manipulation methods. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of using increasingly-capable foundation models to push performance further. For more information, see
comment: 7 Figures, 2 Tables, 11 Pages
☆ Hibikino-Musashi@Home 2024 Team Description Paper
This paper provides an overview of the techniques employed by Hibikino-Musashi@Home, which intends to participate in the domestic standard platform league. The team has developed a dataset generator for training a robot vision system and an open-source development environment running on a Human Support Robot simulator. The large language model powered task planner selects appropriate primitive skills to perform the task requested by users. The team aims to design a home service robot that can assist humans in their homes and continuously attends competitions to evaluate and improve the developed system.
☆ GSLoc: Visual Localization with 3D Gaussian Splatting
We present GSLoc: a new visual localization method that performs dense camera alignment using 3D Gaussian Splatting as a map representation of the scene. GSLoc backpropagates pose gradients over the rendering pipeline to align the rendered and target images, while it adopts a coarse-to-fine strategy by utilizing blurring kernels to mitigate the non-convexity of the problem and improve the convergence. The results show that our approach succeeds at visual localization in challenging conditions of relatively small overlap between initial and target frames inside textureless environments when state-of-the-art neural sparse methods provide inferior results. Using the byproduct of realistic rendering from the 3DGS map representation, we show how to enhance localization results by mixing a set of observed and virtual reference keyframes when solving the image retrieval problem. We evaluate our method both on synthetic and real-world data, discussing its advantages and application potential.
☆ GR-2: A Generative Video-Language-Action Model with Web-Scale Knowledge for Robot Manipulation
We present GR-2, a state-of-the-art generalist robot agent for versatile and generalizable robot manipulation. GR-2 is first pre-trained on a vast number of Internet videos to capture the dynamics of the world. This large-scale pre-training, involving 38 million video clips and over 50 billion tokens, equips GR-2 with the ability to generalize across a wide range of robotic tasks and environments during subsequent policy learning. Following this, GR-2 is fine-tuned for both video generation and action prediction using robot trajectories. It exhibits impressive multi-task learning capabilities, achieving an average success rate of 97.7% across more than 100 tasks. Moreover, GR-2 demonstrates exceptional generalization to new, previously unseen scenarios, including novel backgrounds, environments, objects, and tasks. Notably, GR-2 scales effectively with model size, underscoring its potential for continued growth and application. Project page: \url{}.
comment: Tech Report. Authors are listed in alphabetical order. Project page:
☆ Provable Methods for Searching with an Imperfect Sensor
Assume that a target is known to be present at an unknown point among a finite set of locations in the plane. We search for it using a mobile robot that has imperfect sensing capabilities. It takes time for the robot to move between locations and search a location; we have a total time budget within which to conduct the search. We study the problem of computing a search path/strategy for the robot that maximizes the probability of detection of the target. Considering non-uniform travel times between points (e.g., based on the distance between them) is crucial for search and rescue applications; such problems have been investigated to a limited extent due to their inherent complexity. In this paper, we describe fast algorithms with performance guarantees for this search problem and some variants, complement them with complexity results, and perform experiments to observe their performance.
comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 3 algorithms
☆ Concurrent-Learning Based Relative Localization in Shape Formation of Robot Swarms
In this paper, we address the shape formation problem for massive robot swarms in environments where external localization systems are unavailable. Achieving this task effectively with solely onboard measurements is still scarcely explored and faces some practical challenges. To solve this challenging problem, we propose the following novel results. Firstly, to estimate the relative positions among neighboring robots, a concurrent-learning based estimator is proposed. It relaxes the persistent excitation condition required in the classical ones such as least-square estimator. Secondly, we introduce a finite-time agreement protocol to determine the shape location. This is achieved by estimating the relative position between each robot and a randomly assigned seed robot. The initial position of the seed one marks the shape location. Thirdly, based on the theoretical results of the relative localization, a novel behavior-based control strategy is devised. This strategy not only enables adaptive shape formation of large group of robots but also enhances the observability of inter-robot relative localization. Numerical simulation results are provided to verify the performance of our proposed strategy compared to the state-of-the-art ones. Additionally, outdoor experiments on real robots further demonstrate the practical effectiveness and robustness of our methods.
☆ QT-DoG: Quantization-aware Training for Domain Generalization
Domain Generalization (DG) aims to train models that perform well not only on the training (source) domains but also on novel, unseen target data distributions. A key challenge in DG is preventing overfitting to source domains, which can be mitigated by finding flatter minima in the loss landscape. In this work, we propose Quantization-aware Training for Domain Generalization (QT-DoG) and demonstrate that weight quantization effectively leads to flatter minima in the loss landscape, thereby enhancing domain generalization. Unlike traditional quantization methods focused on model compression, QT-DoG exploits quantization as an implicit regularizer by inducing noise in model weights, guiding the optimization process toward flatter minima that are less sensitive to perturbations and overfitting. We provide both theoretical insights and empirical evidence demonstrating that quantization inherently encourages flatter minima, leading to better generalization across domains. Moreover, with the benefit of reducing the model size through quantization, we demonstrate that an ensemble of multiple quantized models further yields superior accuracy than the state-of-the-art DG approaches with no computational or memory overheads. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that QT-DoG generalizes across various datasets, architectures, and quantization algorithms, and can be combined with other DG methods, establishing its versatility and robustness.
comment: Code will be released soon
☆ SplaTraj: Camera Trajectory Generation with Semantic Gaussian Splatting
Many recent developments for robots to represent environments have focused on photorealistic reconstructions. This paper particularly focuses on generating sequences of images from the photorealistic Gaussian Splatting models, that match instructions that are given by user-inputted language. We contribute a novel framework, SplaTraj, which formulates the generation of images within photorealistic environment representations as a continuous-time trajectory optimization problem. Costs are designed so that a camera following the trajectory poses will smoothly traverse through the environment and render the specified spatial information in a photogenic manner. This is achieved by querying a photorealistic representation with language embedding to isolate regions that correspond to the user-specified inputs. These regions are then projected to the camera's view as it moves over time and a cost is constructed. We can then apply gradient-based optimization and differentiate through the rendering to optimize the trajectory for the defined cost. The resulting trajectory moves to photogenically view each of the specified objects. We empirically evaluate our approach on a suite of environments and instructions, and demonstrate the quality of generated image sequences.
☆ Sitting, Standing and Walking Control of the Series-Parallel Hybrid Recupera-Reha Exoskeleton
This paper presents advancements in the functionalities of the Recupera-Reha lower extremity exoskeleton robot. The exoskeleton features a series-parallel hybrid design characterized by multiple kinematic loops resulting in 148 degrees of freedom in its spanning tree and 102 independent loop closure constraints, which poses significant challenges for modeling and control. To address these challenges, we applied an optimal control approach to generate feasible trajectories such as sitting, standing, and static walking, and tested these trajectories on the exoskeleton robot. Our method efficiently solves the optimal control problem using a serial abstraction of the model to generate trajectories. It then utilizes the full series-parallel hybrid model, which takes all the kinematic loop constraints into account to generate the final actuator commands. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating the desired motions for the exoskeleton.
comment: 8 pages, 16 figures, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2024
☆ AIVIO: Closed-loop, Object-relative Navigation of UAVs with AI-aided Visual Inertial Odometry
Object-relative mobile robot navigation is essential for a variety of tasks, e.g. autonomous critical infrastructure inspection, but requires the capability to extract semantic information about the objects of interest from raw sensory data. While deep learning-based (DL) methods excel at inferring semantic object information from images, such as class and relative 6 degree of freedom (6-DoF) pose, they are computationally demanding and thus often not suitable for payload constrained mobile robots. In this letter we present a real-time capable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system for object-relative, closed-loop navigation with a minimal sensor configuration consisting of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and RGB camera. Utilizing a DL-based object pose estimator, solely trained on synthetic data and optimized for companion board deployment, the object-relative pose measurements are fused with the IMU data to perform object-relative localization. We conduct multiple real-world experiments to validate the performance of our system for the challenging use case of power pole inspection. An example closed-loop flight is presented in the supplementary video.
comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024
☆ DeMo: Decoupling Motion Forecasting into Directional Intentions and Dynamic States NeurIPS 2024
Accurate motion forecasting for traffic agents is crucial for ensuring the safety and efficiency of autonomous driving systems in dynamically changing environments. Mainstream methods adopt a one-query-one-trajectory paradigm, where each query corresponds to a unique trajectory for predicting multi-modal trajectories. While straightforward and effective, the absence of detailed representation of future trajectories may yield suboptimal outcomes, given that the agent states dynamically evolve over time. To address this problem, we introduce DeMo, a framework that decouples multi-modal trajectory queries into two types: mode queries capturing distinct directional intentions and state queries tracking the agent's dynamic states over time. By leveraging this format, we separately optimize the multi-modality and dynamic evolutionary properties of trajectories. Subsequently, the mode and state queries are integrated to obtain a comprehensive and detailed representation of the trajectories. To achieve these operations, we additionally introduce combined Attention and Mamba techniques for global information aggregation and state sequence modeling, leveraging their respective strengths. Extensive experiments on both the Argoverse 2 and nuScenes benchmarks demonstrate that our DeMo achieves state-of-the-art performance in motion forecasting.
comment: NeurIPS 2024
☆ CubiX: Portable Wire-Driven Parallel Robot Connecting to and Utilizing the Environment IROS2024
A wire-driven parallel robot is a type of robotic system where multiple wires are used to control the movement of a end-effector. The wires are attached to the end-effector and anchored to fixed points on external structures. This configuration allows for the separation of actuators and end-effectors, enabling lightweight and simplified movable parts in the robot. However, its range of motion remains confined within the space formed by the wires, limiting the wire-driven capability to only within the pre-designed operational range. Here, in this study, we develop a wire-driven robot, CubiX, capable of connecting to and utilizing the environment. CubiX connects itself to the environment using up to 8 wires and drives itself by winding these wires. By integrating actuators for winding the wires into CubiX, a portable wire-driven parallel robot is realized without limitations on its workspace. Consequently, the robot can form parallel wire-driven structures by connecting wires to the environment at any operational location.
comment: Accepted at IROS2024, website - , YouTube -
☆ Construction of Musculoskeletal Simulation for Shoulder Complex with Ligaments and Its Validation via Model Predictive Control IROS2024
The complex ways in which humans utilize their bodies in sports and martial arts are remarkable, and human motion analysis is one of the most effective tools for robot body design and control. On the other hand, motion analysis is not easy, and it is difficult to measure complex body motions in detail due to the influence of numerous muscles and soft tissues, mainly ligaments. In response, various musculoskeletal simulators have been developed and applied to motion analysis and robotics. However, none of them reproduce the ligaments but only the muscles, nor do they focus on the shoulder complex, including the clavicle and scapula, which is one of the most complex parts of the body. Therefore, in this study, a detailed simulation model of the shoulder complex including ligaments is constructed. The model will mimic not only the skeletal structure and muscle arrangement but also the ligament arrangement and maximum muscle strength. Through model predictive control based on the constructed simulation, we confirmed that the ligaments contribute to joint stabilization in the first movement and that the proper distribution of maximum muscle force contributes to the equalization of the load on each muscle, demonstrating the effectiveness of this simulation.
comment: accepted at IROS2024, websites -
☆ Towards an Autonomous Surface Vehicle Prototype for Artificial Intelligence Applications of Water Quality Monitoring
The use of Autonomous Surface Vehicles, equipped with water quality sensors and artificial vision systems, allows for a smart and adaptive deployment in water resources environmental monitoring. This paper presents a real implementation of a vehicle prototype that to address the use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms and enhanced sensing techniques for water quality monitoring. The vehicle is fully equipped with high-quality sensors to measure water quality parameters and water depth. Furthermore, by means of a stereo-camera, it also can detect and locate macro-plastics in real environments by means of deep visual models, such as YOLOv5. In this paper, experimental results, carried out in Lago Mayor (Sevilla), has been presented as proof of the capabilities of the proposed architecture. The overall system, and the early results obtained, are expected to provide a solid example of a real platform useful for the water resource monitoring task, and to serve as a real case scenario for deploying Artificial Intelligence algorithms, such as path planning, artificial vision, etc.
☆ A Robust Quadruped Robot with Twisting Waist for Flexible Motions
The waist plays a crucial role in the agile movement of many animals in nature. It provides the torso with additional degrees of freedom and flexibility, inspiring researchers to incorporate this biological feature into robotic structures to enhance robot locomotion. This paper presents a cost-effective and low-complexity waist mechanism integrated into the structure of the open-source robot solo8, adding a new degree of freedom (DOF) to its torso. We refer to this novel robot as solo9. Additionally, we propose a full-body control method for the waist-equipped quadruped robot based on generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL). During training, the discriminator is used as input for iterative optimization of the policy and dataset, enabling solo9 to achieve flexible steering maneuvers across various gaits. Extensive tests of solo9's steering capabilities, terrain adaptability, and robustness are conducted in both simulation and real-world scenarios, with detailed comparisons to solo8 and solo12, demonstrating the effectiveness of the control algorithm and the advantages of the waist mechanism.
☆ Unobserved Object Detection using Generative Models
Can we detect an object that is not visible in an image? This study introduces the novel task of 2D and 3D unobserved object detection for predicting the location of objects that are occluded or lie outside the image frame. We adapt several state-of-the-art pre-trained generative models to solve this task, including 2D and 3D diffusion models and vision--language models, and show that they can be used to infer the presence of objects that are not directly observed. To benchmark this task, we propose a suite of metrics that captures different aspects of performance. Our empirical evaluations on indoor scenes from the RealEstate10k dataset with COCO object categories demonstrate results that motivate the use of generative models for the unobserved object detection task. The current work presents a promising step towards compelling applications like visual search and probabilistic planning that can leverage object detection beyond what can be directly observed.
comment: 16 pages; 41 figures
☆ A GPT-based Decision Transformer for Multi-Vehicle Coordination at Unsignalized Intersections
In this paper, we explore the application of the Decision Transformer, a decision-making algorithm based on the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) architecture, to multi-vehicle coordination at unsignalized intersections. We formulate the coordination problem so as to find the optimal trajectories for multiple vehicles at intersections, modeling it as a sequence prediction task to fully leverage the power of GPTs as a sequence model. Through extensive experiments, we compare our approach to a reservation-based intersection management system. Our results show that the Decision Transformer can outperform the training data in terms of total travel time and can be generalized effectively to various scenarios, including noise-induced velocity variations, continuous interaction environments, and different vehicle numbers and road configurations.
comment: 7 pages
☆ Effort Allocation for Deadline-Aware Task and Motion Planning: A Metareasoning Approach
In robot planning, tasks can often be achieved through multiple options, each consisting of several actions. This work specifically addresses deadline constraints in task and motion planning, aiming to find a plan that can be executed within the deadline despite uncertain planning and execution times. We propose an effort allocation problem, formulated as a Markov decision process (MDP), to find such a plan by leveraging metareasoning perspectives to allocate computational resources among the given options. We formally prove the NP-hardness of the problem by reducing it from the knapsack problem. Both a model-based approach, where transition models are learned from past experience, and a model-free approach, which overcomes the unavailability of prior data acquisition through reinforcement learning, are explored. For the model-based approach, we investigate Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to approximately solve the proposed MDP and further design heuristic schemes to tackle NP-hardness, leading to the approximate yet efficient algorithm called DP_Rerun. In experiments, DP_Rerun demonstrates promising performance comparable to MCTS while requiring negligible computation time.
comment: 48 pages, 6 figures
☆ Single Actuator Undulation Soft-bodied Robots Using A Precompressed Variable Thickness Flexible Beam IROS 2024
Soft robots - due to their intrinsic flexibility of the body - can adaptively navigate unstructured environments. One of the most popular locomotion gaits that has been implemented in soft robots is undulation. The undulation motion in soft robots resembles the locomotion gait of stringy creatures such as snakes, eels, and C. Elegans. Typically, the implementation of undulation locomotion on a soft robot requires many actuators to control each segment of the stringy body. The added weight of multiple actuators limits the navigating performance of soft-bodied robots. In this paper, we propose a simple tendon-driven flexible beam with only one actuator (a DC motor) that can generate a mechanical traveling wave along the beam to support the undulation locomotion of soft robots. The beam will be precompressed along its axis by shortening the length of the two tendons to form an S-shape, thus pretensioning the tendons. The motor will wind and unwind the tendons to deform the flexible beam and generate traveling waves along the body of the robot. We experiment with different pre-tension to characterize the relationship between tendon pre-tension forces and the DC-motor winding/unwinding. Our proposal enables a simple implementation of undulation motion to support the locomotion of soft-bodied robots.
comment: Accepted to IROS 2024
☆ Integrating Online Learning and Connectivity Maintenance for Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Coordination IROS 2024
This paper proposes a novel data-driven control strategy for maintaining connectivity in networked multi-robot systems. Existing approaches often rely on a pre-determined communication model specifying whether pairwise robots can communicate given their relative distance to guide the connectivity-aware control design, which may not capture real-world communication conditions. To relax that assumption, we present the concept of Data-driven Connectivity Barrier Certificates, which utilize Control Barrier Functions (CBF) and Gaussian Processes (GP) to characterize the admissible control space for pairwise robots based on communication performance observed online. This allows robots to maintain a satisfying level of pairwise communication quality (measured by the received signal strength) while in motion. Then we propose a Data-driven Connectivity Maintenance (DCM) algorithm that combines (1) online learning of the communication signal strength and (2) a bi-level optimization-based control framework for the robot team to enforce global connectivity of the realistic multi-robot communication graph and minimally deviate from their task-related motions. We provide theoretical proofs to justify the properties of our algorithm and demonstrate its effectiveness through simulations with up to 20 robots.
comment: 8 pages, accepted to IROS 2024
☆ Hybrid Gripper with Passive Pneumatic Soft Joints for Grasping Deformable Thin Objects
Grasping a variety of objects remains a key challenge in the development of versatile robotic systems. The human hand is remarkably dexterous, capable of grasping and manipulating objects with diverse shapes, mechanical properties, and textures. Inspired by how humans use two fingers to pick up thin and large objects such as fabric or sheets of paper, we aim to develop a gripper optimized for grasping such deformable objects. Observing how the soft and flexible fingertip joints of the hand approach and grasp thin materials, a hybrid gripper design that incorporates both soft and rigid components was proposed. The gripper utilizes a soft pneumatic ring wrapped around a rigid revolute joint to create a flexible two-fingered gripper. Experiments were conducted to characterize and evaluate the gripper performance in handling sheets of paper and other objects. Compared to rigid grippers, the proposed design improves grasping efficiency and reduces the gripping distance by up to eightfold.
☆ Viscoelasticity Estimation of Sports Prosthesis by Energy-minimizing Inverse Kinematics and Its Validation by Forward Dynamics
In this study, we present a method for estimating the viscoelasticity of a leaf-spring sports prosthesis using advanced energy minimizing inverse kinematics based on the Piece-wise Constant Strain (PCS) model to reconstruct the three-dimensional dynamic behavior. Dynamic motion analysis of the athlete and prosthesis is important to clarify the effect of prosthesis characteristics on foot function. However, three-dimensional deformation calculations of the prosthesis and viscoelasticity have rarely been investigated. In this letter, we apply the PCS model to a prosthesis deformation, which can calculate flexible deformation with low computational cost and handle kinematics and dynamics. In addition, we propose an inverse kinematics calculation method that is consistent with the material properties of the prosthesis by considering the minimization of elastic energy. Furthermore, we propose a method to estimate the viscoelasticity by solving a quadratic programming based on the measured motion capture data. The calculated strains are more reasonable than the results obtained by conventional inverse kinematics calculation. From the result of the viscoelasticity estimation, we simulate the prosthetic motion by forward dynamics calculation and confirm that this result corresponds to the measured motion. These results indicate that our approach adequately models the dynamic phenomena, including the viscoelasticity of the prosthesis.
☆ Learning the Generalizable Manipulation Skills on Soft-body Tasks via Guided Self-attention Behavior Cloning Policy
Embodied AI represents a paradigm in AI research where artificial agents are situated within and interact with physical or virtual environments. Despite the recent progress in Embodied AI, it is still very challenging to learn the generalizable manipulation skills that can handle large deformation and topological changes on soft-body objects, such as clay, water, and soil. In this work, we proposed an effective policy, namely GP2E behavior cloning policy, which can guide the agent to learn the generalizable manipulation skills from soft-body tasks, including pouring, filling, hanging, excavating, pinching, and writing. Concretely, we build our policy from three insights:(1) Extracting intricate semantic features from point cloud data and seamlessly integrating them into the robot's end-effector frame; (2) Capturing long-distance interactions in long-horizon tasks through the incorporation of our guided self-attention module; (3) Mitigating overfitting concerns and facilitating model convergence to higher accuracy levels via the introduction of our two-stage fine-tuning strategy. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by achieving the 1st prize in the soft-body track of the ManiSkill2 Challenge at the CVPR 2023 4th Embodied AI workshop. Our findings highlight the potential of our method to improve the generalization abilities of Embodied AI models and pave the way for their practical applications in real-world scenarios.
☆ Learning to Race in Extreme Turning Scene with Active Exploration and Gaussian Process Regression-based MPC
Extreme cornering in racing often induces large side-slip angles, presenting a formidable challenge in vehicle control. To tackle this issue, this paper introduces an Active Exploration with Double GPR (AEDGPR) system. The system initiates by planning a minimum-time trajectory with a Gaussian Process Regression(GPR) compensated model. The planning results show that in the cornering section, the yaw angular velocity and side-slip angle are in opposite directions, indicating that the vehicle is drifting. In response, we develop a drift controller based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) and incorporate Gaussian Process Regression to correct discrepancies in the vehicle dynamics model. Moreover, the covariance from the GPR is employed to actively explore various cornering states, aiming to minimize trajectory tracking errors. The proposed algorithm is validated through simulations on the Simulink-Carsim platform and experiments using a 1/10 scale RC vehicle.
☆ Design, Localization, Perception, and Control for GPS-Denied Autonomous Aerial Grasping and Harvesting
In this paper, we present a comprehensive UAV system design to perform the highly complex task of off-centered aerial grasping. This task has several interdisciplinary research challenges which need to be addressed at once. The main design challenges are GPS-denied functionality, solely onboard computing, and avoiding off-the-shelf costly positioning systems. While in terms of algorithms, visual perception, localization, control, and grasping are the leading research problems. Hence in this paper, we make interdisciplinary contributions: (i) A detailed description of the fundamental challenges in indoor aerial grasping, (ii) a novel lightweight gripper design, (iii) a complete aerial platform design and in-lab fabrication, and (iv) localization, perception, control, grasping systems, and an end-to-end flight autonomy state-machine. Finally, we demonstrate the resulting aerial grasping system Drone-Bee achieving a high grasping rate for a highly challenging agricultural task of apple-like fruit harvesting, indoors in a vertical farming setting (Fig. 1). To our knowledge, such a system has not been previously discussed in the literature, and with its capabilities, this system pushes aerial manipulation towards 4th generation.
☆ Thrust Microstepping via Acceleration Feedback in Quadrotor Control for Aerial Grasping of Dynamic Payload
In this work, we propose an end-to-end Thrust Microstepping and Decoupled Control (TMDC) of quadrotors. TMDC focuses on precise off-centered aerial grasping of payloads dynamically, which are attached rigidly to the UAV body via a gripper contrary to the swinging payload. The dynamic payload grasping quickly changes UAV's mass, inertia etc, causing instability while performing a grasping operation in-air. We identify that to handle unknown payload grasping, the role of thrust controller is crucial. Hence, we focus on thrust control without involving system parameters such as mass etc. TMDC is based on our novel Thrust Microstepping via Acceleration Feedback (TMAF) thrust controller and Decoupled Motion Control (DMC). TMAF precisely estimates the desired thrust even at smaller loop rates while DMC decouples the horizontal and vertical motion to counteract disturbances in the case of dynamic payloads. We prove the controller's efficacy via exhaustive experiments in practically interesting and adverse real-world cases, such as fully onboard state estimation without any positioning sensor, narrow and indoor flying workspaces with intense wind turbulence, heavy payloads, non-uniform loop rates, etc. Our TMDC outperforms recent direct acceleration feedback thrust controller (DA) and geometric tracking control (GT) in flying stably for aerial grasping and achieves RMSE below 0.04m in contrast to 0.15m of DA and 0.16m of GT.
☆ Whole-Body Dynamic Throwing with Legged Manipulators
Most robotic behaviours focus on either manipulation or locomotion, where tasks that require the integration of both, such as full-body throwing, remain under-explored. Throwing with a robot involves complex coordination between object manipulation and legged locomotion, which is crucial for advanced real-world interactions. This work investigates the challenge of full-body throwing in robotic systems and highlights the advantages of utilising the robot's entire body. We propose a deep reinforcement learning (RL) approach that leverages the robot's body to enhance throwing performance through a strategically designed curriculum to avoid local optima and sparse but informative reward functions to improve policy flexibility. The robot's body learns to generate additional momentum and fine-tune the projectile release velocity. Our full-body method achieves on average 47% greater throwing distance and 34% greater throwing accuracy than the arm alone, across two robot morphologies - an armed quadruped and a humanoid. We also extend our method to optimise robot stability during throws. The learned policy effectively generalises throwing to targets at any 3D point in space within a specified range, which has not previously been achieved and does so with human-level throwing accuracy. We successfully transferred this approach from simulation to a real robot using sim2real techniques, demonstrating its practical viability.
☆ Abstract Hardware Grounding towards the Automated Design of Automation Systems
Crafting automation systems tailored for specific domains requires aligning the space of human experts' semantics with the space of robot executable actions, and scheduling the required resources and system layout accordingly. Regrettably, there are three major gaps, fine-grained domain-specific knowledge injection, heterogeneity between human knowledge and robot instructions, and diversity of users' preferences, resulting automation system design a case-by-case and labour-intensive effort, thus hindering the democratization of automation. We refer to this challenging alignment as the abstract hardware grounding problem, where we firstly regard the procedural operations in humans' semantics space as the abstraction of hardware requirements, then we ground such abstractions to instantiated hardware devices, subject to constraints and preferences in the real world -- optimizing this problem is essentially standardizing and automating the design of automation systems. On this basis, we develop an automated design framework in a hybrid data-driven and principle-derived fashion. Results on designing self-driving laboratories for enhancing experiment-driven scientific discovery suggest our framework's potential to produce compact systems that fully satisfy domain-specific and user-customized requirements with no redundancy.
comment: In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA'24)
☆ Towards Robust Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization via Transformers
Future multi-spacecraft missions require robust autonomous trajectory optimization capabilities to ensure safe and efficient rendezvous operations. This capability hinges on solving non-convex optimal control problems in real time, although traditional iterative methods such as sequential convex programming impose significant computational challenges. To mitigate this burden, the Autonomous Rendezvous Transformer introduced a generative model trained to provide near-optimal initial guesses. This approach provides convergence to better local optima (e.g., fuel optimality), improves feasibility rates, and results in faster convergence speed of optimization algorithms through warm-starting. This work extends the capabilities of ART to address robust chance-constrained optimal control problems. Specifically, ART is applied to challenging rendezvous scenarios in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), ensuring fault-tolerant behavior under uncertainty. Through extensive experimentation, the proposed warm-starting strategy is shown to consistently produce high-quality reference trajectories, achieving up to 30% cost improvement and 50% reduction in infeasible cases compared to conventional methods, demonstrating robust performance across multiple state representations. Additionally, a post hoc evaluation framework is proposed to assess the quality of generated trajectories and mitigate runtime failures, marking an initial step toward the reliable deployment of AI-driven solutions in safety-critical autonomous systems such as spacecraft.
comment: Submitted to the IEEE Aerospace Conference 2025. 13 pages, 10 figures
☆ Gen-Drive: Enhancing Diffusion Generative Driving Policies with Reward Modeling and Reinforcement Learning Fine-tuning
Autonomous driving necessitates the ability to reason about future interactions between traffic agents and to make informed evaluations for planning. This paper introduces the \textit{Gen-Drive} framework, which shifts from the traditional prediction and deterministic planning framework to a generation-then-evaluation planning paradigm. The framework employs a behavior diffusion model as a scene generator to produce diverse possible future scenarios, thereby enhancing the capability for joint interaction reasoning. To facilitate decision-making, we propose a scene evaluator (reward) model, trained with pairwise preference data collected through VLM assistance, thereby reducing human workload and enhancing scalability. Furthermore, we utilize an RL fine-tuning framework to improve the generation quality of the diffusion model, rendering it more effective for planning tasks. We conduct training and closed-loop planning tests on the nuPlan dataset, and the results demonstrate that employing such a generation-then-evaluation strategy outperforms other learning-based approaches. Additionally, the fine-tuned generative driving policy shows significant enhancements in planning performance. We further demonstrate that utilizing our learned reward model for evaluation or RL fine-tuning leads to better planning performance compared to relying on human-designed rewards. Project website:
☆ Submodular Optimization for Keyframe Selection & Usage in SLAM
Keyframes are LiDAR scans saved for future reference in Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), but despite their central importance most algorithms leave choices of which scans to save and how to use them to wasteful heuristics. This work proposes two novel keyframe selection strategies for localization and map summarization, as well as a novel approach to submap generation which selects keyframes that best constrain localization. Our results show that online keyframe selection and submap generation reduce the number of saved keyframes and improve per scan computation time without compromising localization performance. We also present a map summarization feature for quickly capturing environments under strict map size constraints.
♻ ☆ Control-oriented Clustering of Visual Latent Representation
We initiate a study of the geometry of the visual representation space -- the information channel from the vision encoder to the action decoder -- in an image-based control pipeline learned from behavior cloning. Inspired by the phenomenon of neural collapse (NC) in image classification, we investigate whether a similar law of clustering emerges in the visual representation space. Since image-based control is a regression task without explicitly defined classes, the central piece of the puzzle lies in determining according to what implicit classes the visual features cluster, if such a law exists. Focusing on image-based planar pushing, we posit the most important role of the visual representation in a control task is to convey a goal to the action decoder. We then classify training samples of expert demonstrations into eight "control-oriented" classes based on (a) the relative pose between the object and the target in the input or (b) the relative pose of the object induced by expert actions in the output, where one class corresponds to one relative pose orthant (REPO). Across four different instantiations of architecture, we report the prevalent emergence of control-oriented clustering in the visual representation space according to the eight REPOs. Beyond empirical observation, we show such a law of clustering can be leveraged as an algorithmic tool to improve test-time performance when training a policy with limited expert demonstrations. Particularly, we pretrain the vision encoder using NC as a regularization to encourage control-oriented clustering of the visual features. Surprisingly, such an NC-pretrained vision encoder, when finetuned end-to-end with the action decoder, boosts the test-time performance by 10% to 35% in the low-data regime. Real-world vision-based planar pushing experiments confirmed the surprising advantage of control-oriented visual representation pretraining.
♻ ☆ Goal-Conditioned Terminal Value Estimation for Real-time and Multi-task Model Predictive Control
While MPC enables nonlinear feedback control by solving an optimal control problem at each timestep, the computational burden tends to be significantly large, making it difficult to optimize a policy within the control period. To address this issue, one possible approach is to utilize terminal value learning to reduce computational costs. However, the learned value cannot be used for other tasks in situations where the task dynamically changes in the original MPC setup. In this study, we develop an MPC framework with goal-conditioned terminal value learning to achieve multitask policy optimization while reducing computational time. Furthermore, by using a hierarchical control structure that allows the upper-level trajectory planner to output appropriate goal-conditioned trajectories, we demonstrate that a robot model is able to generate diverse motions. We evaluate the proposed method on a bipedal inverted pendulum robot model and confirm that combining goal-conditioned terminal value learning with an upper-level trajectory planner enables real-time control; thus, the robot successfully tracks a target trajectory on sloped terrain.
comment: 16 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ Multimodal Active Measurement for Human Mesh Recovery in Close Proximity
For physical human-robot interactions (pHRI), a robot needs to estimate the accurate body pose of a target person. However, in these pHRI scenarios, the robot cannot fully observe the target person's body with equipped cameras because the target person must be close to the robot for physical interaction. This close distance leads to severe truncation and occlusions and thus results in poor accuracy of human pose estimation. For better accuracy in this challenging environment, we propose an active measurement and sensor fusion framework of the equipped cameras with touch and ranging sensors such as 2D LiDAR. Touch and ranging sensor measurements are sparse but reliable and informative cues for localizing human body parts. In our active measurement process, camera viewpoints and sensor placements are dynamically optimized to measure body parts with higher estimation uncertainty, which is closely related to truncation or occlusion. In our sensor fusion process, assuming that the measurements of touch and ranging sensors are more reliable than the camera-based estimations, we fuse the sensor measurements to the camera-based estimated pose by aligning the estimated pose towards the measured points. Our proposed method outperformed previous methods on the standard occlusion benchmark with simulated active measurement. Furthermore, our method reliably estimated human poses using a real robot, even with practical constraints such as occlusion by blankets.
comment: Accepted at Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) on Sep 2024
♻ ☆ Feudal Networks for Visual Navigation
Visual navigation follows the intuition that humans can navigate without detailed maps. A common approach is interactive exploration while building a topological graph with images at nodes that can be used for planning. Recent variations learn from passive videos and can navigate using complex social and semantic cues. However, a significant number of training videos are needed, large graphs are utilized, and scenes are not unseen since odometry is utilized. We introduce a new approach to visual navigation using feudal learning, which employs a hierarchical structure consisting of a worker agent, a mid-level manager, and a high-level manager. Key to the feudal learning paradigm, agents at each level see a different aspect of the task and operate at different spatial and temporal scales. Two unique modules are developed in this framework. For the high-level manager, we learn a memory proxy map in a self supervised manner to record prior observations in a learned latent space and avoid the use of graphs and odometry. For the mid-level manager, we develop a waypoint network that outputs intermediate subgoals imitating human waypoint selection during local navigation. This waypoint network is pre-trained using a new, small set of teleoperation videos that we make publicly available, with training environments different from testing environments. The resulting feudal navigation network achieves near SOTA performance, while providing a novel no-RL, no-graph, no-odometry, no-metric map approach to the image goal navigation task.
♻ ☆ Generative Image as Action Models
Image-generation diffusion models have been fine-tuned to unlock new capabilities such as image-editing and novel view synthesis. Can we similarly unlock image-generation models for visuomotor control? We present GENIMA, a behavior-cloning agent that fine-tunes Stable Diffusion to 'draw joint-actions' as targets on RGB images. These images are fed into a controller that maps the visual targets into a sequence of joint-positions. We study GENIMA on 25 RLBench and 9 real-world manipulation tasks. We find that, by lifting actions into image-space, internet pre-trained diffusion models can generate policies that outperform state-of-the-art visuomotor approaches, especially in robustness to scene perturbations and generalizing to novel objects. Our method is also competitive with 3D agents, despite lacking priors such as depth, keypoints, or motion-planners.
comment: CoRL 2024. Website, code, checkpoints:
♻ ☆ Embodied-RAG: General Non-parametric Embodied Memory for Retrieval and Generation
There is no limit to how much a robot might explore and learn, but all of that knowledge needs to be searchable and actionable. Within language research, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) has become the workhouse of large-scale non-parametric knowledge, however existing techniques do not directly transfer to the embodied domain, which is multimodal, data is highly correlated, and perception requires abstraction. To address these challenges, we introduce Embodied-RAG, a framework that enhances the foundational model of an embodied agent with a non-parametric memory system capable of autonomously constructing hierarchical knowledge for both navigation and language generation. Embodied-RAG handles a full range of spatial and semantic resolutions across diverse environments and query types, whether for a specific object or a holistic description of ambiance. At its core, Embodied-RAG's memory is structured as a semantic forest, storing language descriptions at varying levels of detail. This hierarchical organization allows the system to efficiently generate context-sensitive outputs across different robotic platforms. We demonstrate that Embodied-RAG effectively bridges RAG to the robotics domain, successfully handling over 200 explanation and navigation queries across 19 environments, highlighting its promise for general-purpose non-parametric system for embodied agents.
comment: Web:
♻ ☆ Design and Experimental Study of Vacuum Suction Grabbing Technology to Grasp Fabric Piece
Vacuum Suction Grabbing Technology. The primary objective of this study was to design the grabbing technique used to determine the vacuum suction gripper and its design parameters for the pocket welting operation in apparel manufacturing. It presents the application of vacuum suction in grabbing technology, a technique that has revolutionized the handling and manipulation to grasp the various fabric materials in a range of garment industries. Vacuum suction, being non-intrusive and non-invasive, offers several advantages compared to traditional grabbing methods. It is particularly useful in scenarios where soft woven fabric and air-impermeable fabric items need to be handled with utmost care. The paper delves into the working principles of vacuum suction, its various components, and the underlying physics involved. Furthermore, it explores the various applications of vacuum suction in the garment industry into the automation exploration. The paper also highlights the challenges and limitations of vacuum suction technology and suggests potential areas for further research and development.
comment: 9 Pages, 3 figures, 6 diagrams, 1 table
♻ ☆ Integrating One-Shot View Planning with a Single Next-Best View via Long-Tail Multiview Sampling
Existing view planning systems either adopt an iterative paradigm using next-best views (NBV) or a one-shot pipeline relying on the set-covering view-planning (SCVP) network. However, neither of these methods can concurrently guarantee both high-quality and high-efficiency reconstruction of 3D unknown objects. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a crucial hypothesis: with the availability of more information about the unknown object, the prediction quality of the SCVP network improves. There are two ways to provide extra information: (1) leveraging perception data obtained from NBVs, and (2) training on an expanded dataset of multiview inputs. In this work, we introduce a novel combined pipeline that incorporates a single NBV before activating the proposed multiview-activated (MA-)SCVP network. The MA-SCVP is trained on a multiview dataset generated by our long-tail sampling method, which addresses the issue of unbalanced multiview inputs and enhances the network performance. Extensive simulated experiments substantiate that our system demonstrates a significant surface coverage increase and a substantial 45% reduction in movement cost compared to state-of-the-art systems. Real-world experiments justify the capability of our system for generalization and deployment.
comment: Conditionally accepted by IEEE Transaction on Robotics, revised and resubmitted
♻ ☆ Evaluating UAV Path Planning Algorithms for Realistic Maritime Search and Rescue Missions
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as very important tools in search and rescue (SAR) missions at sea, enabling swift and efficient deployment for locating individuals or vessels in distress. The successful execution of these critical missions heavily relies on effective path planning algorithms that navigate UAVs through complex maritime environments while considering dynamic factors such as water currents and wind flow. Furthermore, they need to account for the uncertainty in search target locations. However, existing path planning methods often fail to address the inherent uncertainty associated with the precise location of search targets and the uncertainty of oceanic forces. In this paper, we develop a framework to develop and investigate trajectory planning algorithms for maritime SAR scenarios employing UAVs. We adopt it to compare multiple planning strategies, some of them used in practical applications by the United States Coast Guard. Furthermore, we propose a novel planner that aims at bridging the gap between computation heavy, precise algorithms and lightweight strategies applicable to real-world scenarios.
♻ ☆ D(R, O) Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping
Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present D(R,O) Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand's description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. D(R,O) Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at
♻ ☆ LBR-Stack: ROS 2 and Python Integration of KUKA FRI for Med and IIWA Robots
The LBR-Stack is a collection of packages that simplify the usage and extend the capabilities of KUKA's Fast Robot Interface (FRI). It is designed for mission critical hard real-time applications. Supported are the KUKA LBR Med 7/14 and KUKA LBR IIWA 7/14 robots in the Gazebo simulation and for communication with real hardware.
comment: Under review at Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS)
♻ ☆ First Place Solution to the ECCV 2024 BRAVO Challenge: Evaluating Robustness of Vision Foundation Models for Semantic Segmentation
In this report, we present the first place solution to the ECCV 2024 BRAVO Challenge, where a model is trained on Cityscapes and its robustness is evaluated on several out-of-distribution datasets. Our solution leverages the powerful representations learned by vision foundation models, by attaching a simple segmentation decoder to DINOv2 and fine-tuning the entire model. This approach outperforms more complex existing approaches, and achieves first place in the challenge. Our code is publicly available at
comment: v2 fixes ECE and FPR@95, among other small changes. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2409.15107
♻ ☆ DenseMTL: Cross-task Attention Mechanism for Dense Multi-task Learning WACV
Multi-task learning has recently emerged as a promising solution for a comprehensive understanding of complex scenes. In addition to being memory-efficient, multi-task models, when appropriately designed, can facilitate the exchange of complementary signals across tasks. In this work, we jointly address 2D semantic segmentation and three geometry-related tasks: dense depth estimation, surface normal estimation, and edge estimation, demonstrating their benefits on both indoor and outdoor datasets. We propose a novel multi-task learning architecture that leverages pairwise cross-task exchange through correlation-guided attention and self-attention to enhance the overall representation learning for all tasks. We conduct extensive experiments across three multi-task setups, showing the advantages of our approach compared to competitive baselines in both synthetic and real-world benchmarks. Additionally, we extend our method to the novel multi-task unsupervised domain adaptation setting. Our code is available at
comment: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023
♻ ☆ FoundationGrasp: Generalizable Task-Oriented Grasping with Foundation Models
Task-oriented grasping (TOG), which refers to synthesizing grasps on an object that are configurationally compatible with the downstream manipulation task, is the first milestone towards tool manipulation. Analogous to the activation of two brain regions responsible for semantic and geometric reasoning during cognitive processes, modeling the intricate relationship between objects, tasks, and grasps necessitates rich semantic and geometric prior knowledge about these elements. Existing methods typically restrict the prior knowledge to a closed-set scope, limiting their generalization to novel objects and tasks out of the training set. To address such a limitation, we propose FoundationGrasp, a foundation model-based TOG framework that leverages the open-ended knowledge from foundation models to learn generalizable TOG skills. Extensive experiments are conducted on the contributed Language and Vision Augmented TaskGrasp (LaViA-TaskGrasp) dataset, demonstrating the superiority of FoundationGrasp over existing methods when generalizing to novel object instances, object classes, and tasks out of the training set. Furthermore, the effectiveness of FoundationGrasp is validated in real-robot grasping and manipulation experiments on a 7-DoF robotic arm. Our code, data, appendix, and video are publicly available at
comment: 18 pages, 13 figures
♻ ☆ RoboEXP: Action-Conditioned Scene Graph via Interactive Exploration for Robotic Manipulation
We introduce the novel task of interactive scene exploration, wherein robots autonomously explore environments and produce an action-conditioned scene graph (ACSG) that captures the structure of the underlying environment. The ACSG accounts for both low-level information (geometry and semantics) and high-level information (action-conditioned relationships between different entities) in the scene. To this end, we present the Robotic Exploration (RoboEXP) system, which incorporates the Large Multimodal Model (LMM) and an explicit memory design to enhance our system's capabilities. The robot reasons about what and how to explore an object, accumulating new information through the interaction process and incrementally constructing the ACSG. Leveraging the constructed ACSG, we illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our RoboEXP system in facilitating a wide range of real-world manipulation tasks involving rigid, articulated objects, nested objects, and deformable objects.
comment: Project Page:
♻ ☆ LANCAR: Leveraging Language for Context-Aware Robot Locomotion in Unstructured Environments
Navigating robots through unstructured terrains is challenging, primarily due to the dynamic environmental changes. While humans adeptly navigate such terrains by using context from their observations, creating a similar context-aware navigation system for robots is difficult. The essence of the issue lies in the acquisition and interpretation of context information, a task complicated by the inherent ambiguity of human language. In this work, we introduce LANCAR, which addresses this issue by combining a context translator with reinforcement learning (RL) agents for context-aware locomotion. LANCAR allows robots to comprehend context information through Large Language Models (LLMs) sourced from human observers and convert this information into actionable context embeddings. These embeddings, combined with the robot's sensor data, provide a complete input for the RL agent's policy network. We provide an extensive evaluation of LANCAR under different levels of context ambiguity and compare with alternative methods. The experimental results showcase the superior generalizability and adaptability across different terrains. Notably, LANCAR shows at least a 7.4% increase in episodic reward over the best alternatives, highlighting its potential to enhance robotic navigation in unstructured environments. More details and experiment videos could be found in
Robotics 59
☆ Proprioceptive State Estimation for Quadruped Robots using Invariant Kalman Filtering and Scale-Variant Robust Cost Functions
Accurate state estimation is crucial for legged robot locomotion, as it provides the necessary information to allow control and navigation. However, it is also challenging, especially in scenarios with uneven and slippery terrain. This paper presents a new Invariant Extended Kalman filter for legged robot state estimation using only proprioceptive sensors. We formulate the methodology by combining recent advances in state estimation theory with the use of robust cost functions in the measurement update. We tested our methodology on quadruped robots through experiments and public datasets, showing that we can obtain a pose drift up to 40% lower in trajectories covering a distance of over 450m, in comparison with a state-of-the-art Invariant Extended Kalman filter.
comment: Accepted to the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2024
☆ ETGL-DDPG: A Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Reward Continuous Control
We consider deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) in the context of reinforcement learning with sparse rewards. To enhance exploration, we introduce a search procedure, \emph{${\epsilon}{t}$-greedy}, which generates exploratory options for exploring less-visited states. We prove that search using $\epsilon t$-greedy has polynomial sample complexity under mild MDP assumptions. To more efficiently use the information provided by rewarded transitions, we develop a new dual experience replay buffer framework, \emph{GDRB}, and implement \emph{longest n-step returns}. The resulting algorithm, \emph{ETGL-DDPG}, integrates all three techniques: \bm{$\epsilon t$}-greedy, \textbf{G}DRB, and \textbf{L}ongest $n$-step, into DDPG. We evaluate ETGL-DDPG on standard benchmarks and demonstrate that it outperforms DDPG, as well as other state-of-the-art methods, across all tested sparse-reward continuous environments. Ablation studies further highlight how each strategy individually enhances the performance of DDPG in this setting.
☆ LADEV: A Language-Driven Testing and Evaluation Platform for Vision-Language-Action Models in Robotic Manipulation
Building on the advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision Language Models (VLMs), recent research has introduced Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models as an integrated solution for robotic manipulation tasks. These models take camera images and natural language task instructions as input and directly generate control actions for robots to perform specified tasks, greatly improving both decision-making capabilities and interaction with human users. However, the data-driven nature of VLA models, combined with their lack of interpretability, makes the assurance of their effectiveness and robustness a challenging task. This highlights the need for a reliable testing and evaluation platform. For this purpose, in this work, we propose LADEV, a comprehensive and efficient platform specifically designed for evaluating VLA models. We first present a language-driven approach that automatically generates simulation environments from natural language inputs, mitigating the need for manual adjustments and significantly improving testing efficiency. Then, to further assess the influence of language input on the VLA models, we implement a paraphrase mechanism that produces diverse natural language task instructions for testing. Finally, to expedite the evaluation process, we introduce a batch-style method for conducting large-scale testing of VLA models. Using LADEV, we conducted experiments on several state-of-the-art VLA models, demonstrating its effectiveness as a tool for evaluating these models. Our results showed that LADEV not only enhances testing efficiency but also establishes a solid baseline for evaluating VLA models, paving the way for the development of more intelligent and advanced robotic systems.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ State Estimation of Marine Vessels Affected by Waves by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A novel approach for robust state estimation of marine vessels in rough water is proposed in this paper to enable tight collaboration between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and a marine vessel, such as cooperative landing or object manipulation, regardless of weather conditions. Our study of marine vessel (in our case Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)) dynamics influenced by strong wave motion has resulted in a novel nonlinear mathematical USV model with 6 degrees of freedom (DOFs), which is required for precise USV state estimation and motion prediction. The proposed state estimation approach fuses data from multiple sensors onboard the UAV and the USV to enable redundancy and robustness under varying weather conditions of real-world applications. The proposed approach provides estimated states of the USV with 6 DOFs and predicts its future states to enable tight control of both vehicles on a receding control horizon. The proposed approach was extensively tested in the realistic Gazebo simulator and successfully experimentally validated in many real-world experiments representing different application scenarios, including agile landing on an oscillating and moving USV. A comparative study indicates that the proposed approach significantly surpassed the current state-of-the-art.
☆ MARs: Multi-view Attention Regularizations for Patch-based Feature Recognition of Space Terrain ECCV 2024
The visual detection and tracking of surface terrain is required for spacecraft to safely land on or navigate within close proximity to celestial objects. Current approaches rely on template matching with pre-gathered patch-based features, which are expensive to obtain and a limiting factor in perceptual capability. While recent literature has focused on in-situ detection methods to enhance navigation and operational autonomy, robust description is still needed. In this work, we explore metric learning as the lightweight feature description mechanism and find that current solutions fail to address inter-class similarity and multi-view observational geometry. We attribute this to the view-unaware attention mechanism and introduce Multi-view Attention Regularizations (MARs) to constrain the channel and spatial attention across multiple feature views, regularizing the what and where of attention focus. We thoroughly analyze many modern metric learning losses with and without MARs and demonstrate improved terrain-feature recognition performance by upwards of 85%. We additionally introduce the Luna-1 dataset, consisting of Moon crater landmarks and reference navigation frames from NASA mission data to support future research in this difficult task. Luna-1 and source code are publicly available at
comment: ECCV 2024. Project page available at
☆ Real-Time Truly-Coupled Lidar-Inertial Motion Correction and Spatiotemporal Dynamic Object Detection IROS
Over the past decade, lidars have become a cornerstone of robotics state estimation and perception thanks to their ability to provide accurate geometric information about their surroundings in the form of 3D scans. Unfortunately, most of nowadays lidars do not take snapshots of the environment but sweep the environment over a period of time (typically around 100 ms). Such a rolling-shutter-like mechanism introduces motion distortion into the collected lidar scan, thus hindering downstream perception applications. In this paper, we present a novel method for motion distortion correction of lidar data by tightly coupling lidar with Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. The motivation of this work is a map-free dynamic object detection based on lidar. The proposed lidar data undistortion method relies on continuous preintegrated of IMU measurements that allow parameterising the sensors' continuous 6-DoF trajectory using solely eleven discrete state variables (biases, initial velocity, and gravity direction). The undistortion consists of feature-based distance minimisation of point-to-line and point-to-plane residuals in a non-linear least-square formulation. Given undistorted geometric data over a short temporal window, the proposed pipeline computes the spatiotemporal normal vector of each of the lidar points. The temporal component of the normals is a proxy for the corresponding point's velocity, therefore allowing for learning-free dynamic object classification without the need for registration in a global reference frame. We demonstrate the soundness of the proposed method and its different components using public datasets and compare them with state-of-the-art lidar-inertial state estimation and dynamic object detection algorithms.
comment: Paper presented at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
☆ Towards a Modern and Lightweight Rendering Engine for Dynamic Robotic Simulations
Interactive dynamic simulators are an accelerator for developing novel robotic control algorithms and complex systems involving humans and robots. In user training and synthetic data generation applications, a high-fidelity visualization of the simulation is essential. Visual fidelity is dependent on the quality of the computer graphics algorithms used to render the simulated scene. Furthermore, the rendering algorithms must be implemented on the graphics processing unit (GPU) to achieve real-time performance, requiring the use of a graphics application programming interface (API). This paper presents a performance-focused and lightweight rendering engine supporting the Vulkan graphics API. The engine is designed to modernize the legacy rendering pipeline of Asynchronous Multi-Body Framework (AMBF), a dynamic simulation framework used extensively for interactive robotics simulation development. This new rendering engine implements graphical features such as physically based rendering (PBR), anti-aliasing, and ray-traced shadows, significantly improving the image quality of AMBF. Computational experiments show that the engine can render a simulated scene with over seven million triangles while maintaining GPU computation times within two milliseconds.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC)
☆ Reinforcement Learning Control for Autonomous Hydraulic Material Handling Machines with Underactuated Tools IROS 2024
The precise and safe control of heavy material handling machines presents numerous challenges due to the hard-to-model hydraulically actuated joints and the need for collision-free trajectory planning with a free-swinging end-effector tool. In this work, we propose an RL-based controller that commands the cabin joint and the arm simultaneously. It is trained in a simulation combining data-driven modeling techniques with first-principles modeling. On the one hand, we employ a neural network model to capture the highly nonlinear dynamics of the upper carriage turn hydraulic motor, incorporating explicit pressure prediction to handle delays better. On the other hand, we model the arm as velocity-controllable and the free-swinging end-effector tool as a damped pendulum using first principles. This combined model enhances our simulation environment, enabling the training of RL controllers that can be directly transferred to the real machine. Designed to reach steady-state Cartesian targets, the RL controller learns to leverage the hydraulic dynamics to improve accuracy, maintain high speeds, and minimize end-effector tool oscillations. Our controller, tested on a mid-size prototype material handler, is more accurate than an inexperienced operator and causes fewer tool oscillations. It demonstrates competitive performance even compared to an experienced professional driver.
comment: Presented at IROS 2024, Abu Dhabi, as oral presentation
☆ HE-Nav: A High-Performance and Efficient Navigation System for Aerial-Ground Robots in Cluttered Environments
Existing AGR navigation systems have advanced in lightly occluded scenarios (e.g., buildings) by employing 3D semantic scene completion networks for voxel occupancy prediction and constructing Euclidean Signed Distance Field (ESDF) maps for collision-free path planning. However, these systems exhibit suboptimal performance and efficiency in cluttered environments with severe occlusions (e.g., dense forests or tall walls), due to limitations arising from perception networks' low prediction accuracy and path planners' high computational overhead. In this paper, we present HE-Nav, the first high-performance and efficient navigation system tailored for AGRs operating in cluttered environments. The perception module utilizes a lightweight semantic scene completion network (LBSCNet), guided by a bird's eye view (BEV) feature fusion and enhanced by an exquisitely designed SCB-Fusion module and attention mechanism. This enables real-time and efficient obstacle prediction in cluttered areas, generating a complete local map. Building upon this completed map, our novel AG-Planner employs the energy-efficient kinodynamic A* search algorithm to guarantee planning is energy-saving. Subsequent trajectory optimization processes yield safe, smooth, dynamically feasible and ESDF-free aerial-ground hybrid paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HE-Nav achieved 7x energy savings in real-world situations while maintaining planning success rates of 98% in simulation scenarios. Code and video are available on our project page:
comment: Accepted to IEEE RA-L
☆ Control-oriented Clustering of Visual Latent Representation
We initiate a study of the geometry of the visual representation space -- the information channel from the vision encoder to the action decoder -- in an image-based control pipeline learned from behavior cloning. Inspired by the phenomenon of neural collapse (NC) in image classification, we investigate whether a similar law of clustering emerges in the visual representation space. Since image-based control is a regression task without explicitly defined classes, the central piece of the puzzle lies in determining according to what implicit classes the visual features cluster, if such a law exists. Focusing on image-based planar pushing, we posit the most important role of the visual representation in a control task is to convey a goal to the action decoder. We then classify training samples of expert demonstrations into eight "control-oriented" classes based on (a) the relative pose between the object and the target in the input or (b) the relative pose of the object induced by expert actions in the output, where one class corresponds to one relative pose orthant (REPO). Across four different instantiations of architecture, we report the prevalent emergence of control-oriented clustering in the visual representation space according to the eight REPOs. Beyond empirical observation, we show such a law of clustering can be leveraged as an algorithmic tool to improve test-time performance when training a policy with limited expert demonstrations. Particularly, we pretrain the vision encoder using NC as a regularization to encourage control-oriented clustering of the visual features. Surprisingly, such an NC-pretrained vision encoder, when finetuned end-to-end with the action decoder, boosts the test-time performance by 10% to 35% in the low-data regime. Real-world vision-based planar pushing experiments confirmed the surprising advantage of control-oriented visual representation pretraining.
☆ HE-Drive: Human-Like End-to-End Driving with Vision Language Models
In this paper, we propose HE-Drive: the first human-like-centric end-to-end autonomous driving system to generate trajectories that are both temporally consistent and comfortable. Recent studies have shown that imitation learning-based planners and learning-based trajectory scorers can effectively generate and select accuracy trajectories that closely mimic expert demonstrations. However, such trajectory planners and scorers face the dilemma of generating temporally inconsistent and uncomfortable trajectories. To solve the above problems, Our HE-Drive first extracts key 3D spatial representations through sparse perception, which then serves as conditional inputs for a Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)-based motion planner to generate temporal consistency multi-modal trajectories. A Vision-Language Models (VLMs)-guided trajectory scorer subsequently selects the most comfortable trajectory from these candidates to control the vehicle, ensuring human-like end-to-end driving. Experiments show that HE-Drive not only achieves state-of-the-art performance (i.e., reduces the average collision rate by 71% than VAD) and efficiency (i.e., 1.9X faster than SparseDrive) on the challenging nuScenes and OpenScene datasets but also provides the most comfortable driving experience on real-world data.For more information, visit the project website:
☆ Can LLMs plan paths with extra hints from solvers?
Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in natural language processing, mathematical problem solving, and tasks related to program synthesis. However, their effectiveness in long-term planning and higher-order reasoning has been noted to be limited and fragile. This paper explores an approach for enhancing LLM performance in solving a classical robotic planning task by integrating solver-generated feedback. We explore four different strategies for providing feedback, including visual feedback, we utilize fine-tuning, and we evaluate the performance of three different LLMs across a 10 standard and 100 more randomly generated planning problems. Our results suggest that the solver-generated feedback improves the LLM's ability to solve the moderately difficult problems, but the harder problems still remain out of reach. The study provides detailed analysis of the effects of the different hinting strategies and the different planning tendencies of the evaluated LLMs.
☆ PhotoReg: Photometrically Registering 3D Gaussian Splatting Models
Building accurate representations of the environment is critical for intelligent robots to make decisions during deployment. Advances in photorealistic environment models have enabled robots to develop hyper-realistic reconstructions, which can be used to generate images that are intuitive for human inspection. In particular, the recently introduced \ac{3DGS}, which describes the scene with up to millions of primitive ellipsoids, can be rendered in real time. \ac{3DGS} has rapidly gained prominence. However, a critical unsolved problem persists: how can we fuse multiple \ac{3DGS} into a single coherent model? Solving this problem will enable robot teams to jointly build \ac{3DGS} models of their surroundings. A key insight of this work is to leverage the {duality} between photorealistic reconstructions, which render realistic 2D images from 3D structure, and \emph{3D foundation models}, which predict 3D structure from image pairs. To this end, we develop PhotoReg, a framework to register multiple photorealistic \ac{3DGS} models with 3D foundation models. As \ac{3DGS} models are generally built from monocular camera images, they have \emph{arbitrary scale}. To resolve this, PhotoReg actively enforces scale consistency among the different \ac{3DGS} models by considering depth estimates within these models. Then, the alignment is iteratively refined with fine-grained photometric losses to produce high-quality fused \ac{3DGS} models. We rigorously evaluate PhotoReg on both standard benchmark datasets and our custom-collected datasets, including with two quadruped robots. The code is released at \url{}.
☆ GARField: Addressing the visual Sim-to-Real gap in garment manipulation with mesh-attached radiance fields
While humans intuitively manipulate garments and other textiles items swiftly and accurately, it is a significant challenge for robots. A factor crucial to the human performance is the ability to imagine, a priori, the intended result of the manipulation intents and hence develop predictions on the garment pose. This allows us to plan from highly obstructed states, adapt our plans as we collect more information and react swiftly to unforeseen circumstances. Robots, on the other hand, struggle to establish such intuitions and form tight links between plans and observations. This can be attributed in part to the high cost of obtaining densely labelled data for textile manipulation, both in quality and quantity. The problem of data collection is a long standing issue in data-based approaches to garment manipulation. Currently, the generation of high quality and labelled garment manipulation data is mainly attempted through advanced data capture procedures that create simplified state estimations from real-world observations. In this work, however, we propose to generate real-world observations from given object states. To achieve this, we present GARField (Garment Attached Radiance Field) a differentiable rendering architecture allowing data generation from simulated states stored as triangle meshes. Code will be available on
comment: Project site:
☆ Active Fine-Tuning of Generalist Policies
Pre-trained generalist policies are rapidly gaining relevance in robot learning due to their promise of fast adaptation to novel, in-domain tasks. This adaptation often relies on collecting new demonstrations for a specific task of interest and applying imitation learning algorithms, such as behavioral cloning. However, as soon as several tasks need to be learned, we must decide which tasks should be demonstrated and how often? We study this multi-task problem and explore an interactive framework in which the agent adaptively selects the tasks to be demonstrated. We propose AMF (Active Multi-task Fine-tuning), an algorithm to maximize multi-task policy performance under a limited demonstration budget by collecting demonstrations yielding the largest information gain on the expert policy. We derive performance guarantees for AMF under regularity assumptions and demonstrate its empirical effectiveness to efficiently fine-tune neural policies in complex and high-dimensional environments.
☆ Enhanced Multi-Robot SLAM System with Cross-Validation Matching and Exponential Threshold Keyframe Selection
The evolving field of mobile robotics has indeed increased the demand for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems. To augment the localization accuracy and mapping efficacy of SLAM, we refined the core module of the SLAM system. Within the feature matching phase, we introduced cross-validation matching to filter out mismatches. In the keyframe selection strategy, an exponential threshold function is constructed to quantify the keyframe selection process. Compared with a single robot, the multi-robot collaborative SLAM (CSLAM) system substantially improves task execution efficiency and robustness. By employing a centralized structure, we formulate a multi-robot SLAM system and design a coarse-to-fine matching approach for multi-map point cloud registration. Our system, built upon ORB-SLAM3, underwent extensive evaluation utilizing the TUM RGB-D, EuRoC MAV, and TUM_VI datasets. The experimental results demonstrate a significant improvement in the positioning accuracy and mapping quality of our enhanced algorithm compared to those of ORB-SLAM3, with a 12.90% reduction in the absolute trajectory error.
☆ Anticipating Human Behavior for Safe Navigation and Efficient Collaborative Manipulation with Mobile Service Robots
The anticipation of human behavior is a crucial capability for robots to interact with humans safely and efficiently. We employ a smart edge sensor network to provide global observations along with future predictions and goal information to integrate anticipatory behavior for the control of a mobile manipulation robot. We present approaches to anticipate human behavior in the context of safe navigation and a collaborative mobile manipulation task. First, we anticipate human motion by employing projections of human trajectories from smart edge sensor network observations into the planning map of a mobile robot. Second, we anticipate human intentions in a collaborative furniture-carrying task to achieve a given goal. Our experiments indicate that anticipating human behavior allows for safer navigation and more efficient collaboration. Finally, we showcase an integrated system that anticipates human behavior and collaborates with a human to achieve a target room layout, including the placement of tables and chairs.
☆ Efficient Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Through Optimistic Thompson Sampling
Learning complex robot behavior through interactions with the environment necessitates principled exploration. Effective strategies should prioritize exploring regions of the state-action space that maximize rewards, with optimistic exploration emerging as a promising direction aligned with this idea and enabling sample-efficient reinforcement learning. However, existing methods overlook a crucial aspect: the need for optimism to be informed by a belief connecting the reward and state. To address this, we propose a practical, theoretically grounded approach to optimistic exploration based on Thompson sampling. Our model structure is the first that allows for reasoning about joint uncertainty over transitions and rewards. We apply our method on a set of MuJoCo and VMAS continuous control tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that optimistic exploration significantly accelerates learning in environments with sparse rewards, action penalties, and difficult-to-explore regions. Furthermore, we provide insights into when optimism is beneficial and emphasize the critical role of model uncertainty in guiding exploration.
☆ Goal-Conditioned Terminal Value Estimation for Real-time and Multi-task Model Predictive Control
While MPC enables nonlinear feedback control by solving an optimal control problem at each timestep, the computational burden tends to be significantly large, making it difficult to optimize a policy within the control period. To address this issue, one possible approach is to utilize terminal value learning to reduce computational costs. However, the learned value cannot be used for other tasks in situations where the task dynamically changes in the original MPC setup. In this study, we develop an MPC framework with goal-conditioned terminal value learning to achieve multitask policy optimization while reducing computational time. Furthermore, by using a hierarchical control structure that allows the upper-level trajectory planner to output appropriate goal-conditioned trajectories, we demonstrate that a robot model is able to generate diverse motions. We evaluate the proposed method on a bipedal inverted pendulum robot model and confirm that combining goal-conditioned terminal value learning with an upper-level trajectory planner enables real-time control; thus, the robot successfully tracks a target trajectory on sloped terrain.
comment: 16 pages, 9 figures
☆ Cloud-Based Scheduling Mechanism for Scalable and Resource-Efficient Centralized Controllers
This paper proposes a novel approach to address the challenges of deploying complex robotic software in large-scale systems, i.e., Centralized Nonlinear Model Predictive Controllers (CNMPCs) for multi-agent systems. The proposed approach is based on a Kubernetes-based scheduling mechanism designed to monitor and optimize the operation of CNMPCs, while addressing the scalability limitation of centralized control schemes. By leveraging a cluster in a real-time cloud environment, the proposed mechanism effectively offloads the computational burden of CNMPCs. Through experiments, we have demonstrated the effectiveness and performance of our system, especially in scenarios where the number of robots is subject to change. Our work contributes to the advancement of cloud-based control strategies and lays the foundation for enhanced performance in cloud-controlled robotic systems.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, IECON 2024
☆ TeX-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields from Pseudo-TeX Vision
Neural radiance fields (NeRF) has gained significant attention for its exceptional visual effects. However, most existing NeRF methods reconstruct 3D scenes from RGB images captured by visible light cameras. In practical scenarios like darkness, low light, or bad weather, visible light cameras become ineffective. Therefore, we propose TeX-NeRF, a 3D reconstruction method using only infrared images, which introduces the object material emissivity as a priori, preprocesses the infrared images using Pseudo-TeX vision, and maps the temperatures (T), emissivities (e), and textures (X) of the scene into the saturation (S), hue (H), and value (V) channels of the HSV color space, respectively. Novel view synthesis using the processed images has yielded excellent results. Additionally, we introduce 3D-TeX Datasets, the first dataset comprising infrared images and their corresponding Pseudo-TeX vision images. Experiments demonstrate that our method not only matches the quality of scene reconstruction achieved with high-quality RGB images but also provides accurate temperature estimations for objects in the scene.
☆ Predictive Spliner: Data-Driven Overtaking in Autonomous Racing Using Opponent Trajectory Prediction
Head-to-head racing against opponents is a challenging and emerging topic in the domain of autonomous racing. We propose Predictive Spliner, a data-driven overtaking planner that learns the behavior of opponents through Gaussian Process (GP) regression, which is then leveraged to compute viable overtaking maneuvers in future sections of the racing track. Experimentally validated on a 1:10 scale autonomous racing platform using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) information to perceive the opponent, Predictive Spliner outperforms State-of-the-Art (SotA) algorithms by overtaking opponents at up to 83.1% of its own speed, being on average 8.4% faster than the previous best-performing method. Additionally, it achieves an average success rate of 84.5%, which is 47.6% higher than the previous best-performing method. The method maintains computational efficiency with a Central Processing Unit (CPU) load of 22.79% and a computation time of 8.4 ms, evaluated on a Commercial off-the-Shelf (CotS) Intel i7-1165G7, making it suitable for real-time robotic applications. These results highlight the potential of Predictive Spliner to enhance the performance and safety of autonomous racing vehicles. The code for Predictive Spliner is available at:
comment: Submitted to RA-L
☆ Unsupervised Skill Discovery for Robotic Manipulation through Automatic Task Generation
Learning skills that interact with objects is of major importance for robotic manipulation. These skills can indeed serve as an efficient prior for solving various manipulation tasks. We propose a novel Skill Learning approach that discovers composable behaviors by solving a large and diverse number of autonomously generated tasks. Our method learns skills allowing the robot to consistently and robustly interact with objects in its environment. The discovered behaviors are embedded in primitives which can be composed with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning to solve unseen manipulation tasks. In particular, we leverage Asymmetric Self-Play to discover behaviors and Multiplicative Compositional Policies to embed them. We compare our method to Skill Learning baselines and find that our skills are more interactive. Furthermore, the learned skills can be used to solve a set of unseen manipulation tasks, in simulation as well as on a real robotic platform.
comment: Accepted at the 2024 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
☆ A Planar-Symmetric SO(3) Representation for Learning Grasp Detection
Planar-symmetric hands, such as parallel grippers, are widely adopted in both research and industrial fields. Their symmetry, however, introduces ambiguity and discontinuity in the SO(3) representation, which hinders both the training and inference of neural-network-based grasp detectors. We propose a novel SO(3) representation that can parametrize a pair of planar-symmetric poses with a single parameter set by leveraging the 2D Bingham distribution. We also detail a grasp detector based on our representation, which provides a more consistent rotation output. An intensive evaluation with multiple grippers and objects in both the simulation and the real world quantitatively shows our approach's contribution.
comment: Accepted by CoRL2024
☆ Data-driven Diffusion Models for Enhancing Safety in Autonomous Vehicle Traffic Simulations
Safety-critical traffic scenarios are integral to the development and validation of autonomous driving systems. These scenarios provide crucial insights into vehicle responses under high-risk conditions rarely encountered in real-world settings. Recent advancements in critical scenario generation have demonstrated the superiority of diffusion-based approaches over traditional generative models in terms of effectiveness and realism. However, current diffusion-based methods fail to adequately address the complexity of driver behavior and traffic density information, both of which significantly influence driver decision-making processes. In this work, we present a novel approach to overcome these limitations by introducing adversarial guidance functions for diffusion models that incorporate behavior complexity and traffic density, thereby enhancing the generation of more effective and realistic safety-critical traffic scenarios. The proposed method is evaluated on two evaluation metrics: effectiveness and realism.The proposed method is evaluated on two evaluation metrics: effectiveness and realism, demonstrating better efficacy as compared to other state-of-the-art methods.
comment: 6 pages, 1 Figure, 2 Tables
☆ Domains as Objectives: Domain-Uncertainty-Aware Policy Optimization through Explicit Multi-Domain Convex Coverage Set Learning
The problem of uncertainty is a feature of real world robotics problems and any control framework must contend with it in order to succeed in real applications tasks. Reinforcement Learning is no different, and epistemic uncertainty arising from model uncertainty or misspecification is a challenge well captured by the sim-to-real gap. A simple solution to this issue is domain randomization (DR), which unfortunately can result in conservative agents. As a remedy to this conservativeness, the use of universal policies that take additional information about the randomized domain has risen as an alternative solution, along with recurrent neural network-based controllers. Uncertainty-aware universal policies present a particularly compelling solution able to account for system identification uncertainties during deployment. In this paper, we reveal that the challenge of efficiently optimizing uncertainty-aware policies can be fundamentally reframed as solving the convex coverage set (CCS) problem within a multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) context. By introducing a novel Markov decision process (MDP) framework where each domain's performance is treated as an independent objective, we unify the training of uncertainty-aware policies with MORL approaches. This connection enables the application of MORL algorithms for domain randomization (DR), allowing for more efficient policy optimization. To illustrate this, we focus on the linear utility function, which aligns with the expectation in DR formulations, and propose a series of algorithms adapted from the MORL literature to solve the CCS, demonstrating their ability to enhance the performance of uncertainty-aware policies.
comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 12 tables, under review by IJRR
☆ Next Best Sense: Guiding Vision and Touch with FisherRF for 3D Gaussian Splatting
We propose a framework for active next best view and touch selection for robotic manipulators using 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). 3DGS is emerging as a useful explicit 3D scene representation for robotics, as it has the ability to represent scenes in a both photorealistic and geometrically accurate manner. However, in real-world, online robotic scenes where the number of views is limited given efficiency requirements, random view selection for 3DGS becomes impractical as views are often overlapping and redundant. We address this issue by proposing an end-to-end online training and active view selection pipeline, which enhances the performance of 3DGS in few-view robotics settings. We first elevate the performance of few-shot 3DGS with a novel semantic depth alignment method using Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2) that we supplement with Pearson depth and surface normal loss to improve color and depth reconstruction of real-world scenes. We then extend FisherRF, a next-best-view selection method for 3DGS, to select views and touch poses based on depth uncertainty. We perform online view selection on a real robot system during live 3DGS training. We motivate our improvements to few-shot GS scenes, and extend depth-based FisherRF to them, where we demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative improvements on challenging robot scenes. For more information, please see our project page at
☆ A Universal Formulation for Path-Parametric Planning and Control
This work presents a unified framework for path-parametric planning and control. This formulation is universal as it standardizes the entire spectrum of path-parametric techniques -- from traditional path following to more recent contouring or progress-maximizing Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning -- under a single framework. The ingredients underlying this universality are twofold: First, we present a compact and efficient technique capable of computing singularity-free, smooth and differentiable moving frames. Second, we derive a spatial path parameterization of the Cartesian coordinates applicable to any arbitrary curve without prior assumptions on its parametric speed or moving frame, and that perfectly interplays with the aforementioned path parameterization method. The combination of these two ingredients leads to a planning and control framework that brings togehter existing path-parametric techniques in literature. Aiming to unify all these approaches, we open source PACOR, a software library that implements the presented content, thereby providing a self-contained toolkit for the formulation of path-parametric planning and control methods.
comment: Preprint. Code:
☆ FogROS2-PLR: Probabilistic Latency-Reliability For Cloud Robotics
Cloud robotics enables robots to offload computationally intensive tasks to cloud servers for performance, cost, and ease of management. However, the network and cloud computing infrastructure are not designed for reliable timing guarantees, due to fluctuating Quality-of-Service (QoS). In this work, we formulate an impossibility triangle theorem for: Latency reliability, Singleton server, and Commodity hardware. The LSC theorem suggests that providing replicated servers with uncorrelated failures can exponentially reduce the probability of missing a deadline. We present FogROS2-Probabilistic Latency Reliability (PLR) that uses multiple independent network interfaces to send requests to replicated cloud servers and uses the first response back. We design routing mechanisms to discover, connect, and route through non-default network interfaces on robots. FogROS2-PLR optimizes the selection of interfaces to servers to minimize the probability of missing a deadline. We conduct a cloud-connected driving experiment with two 5G service providers, demonstrating FogROS2-PLR effectively provides smooth service quality even if one of the service providers experiences low coverage and base station handover. We use 99 Percentile (P99) latency to evaluate anomalous long-tail latency behavior. In one experiment, FogROS2-PLR improves P99 latency by up to 3.7x compared to using one service provider. We deploy FogROS2-PLR on a physical Stretch 3 robot performing an indoor human-tracking task. Even in a fully covered Wi-Fi and 5G environment, FogROS2-PLR improves the responsiveness of the robot reducing mean latency by 36% and P99 latency by 33%.
comment: Submitted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation
☆ MultiNash-PF: A Particle Filtering Approach for Computing Multiple Local Generalized Nash Equilibria in Trajectory Games
Modern-world robotics involves complex environments where multiple autonomous agents must interact with each other and other humans. This necessitates advanced interactive multi-agent motion planning techniques. Generalized Nash equilibrium(GNE), a solution concept in constrained game theory, provides a mathematical model to predict the outcome of interactive motion planning, where each agent needs to account for other agents in the environment. However, in practice, multiple local GNEs may exist. Finding a single GNE itself is complex as it requires solving coupled constrained optimal control problems. Furthermore, finding all such local GNEs requires exploring the solution space of GNEs, which is a challenging task. This work proposes the MultiNash-PF framework to efficiently compute multiple local GNEs in constrained trajectory games. Potential games are a class of games for which a local GNE of a trajectory game can be found by solving a single constrained optimal control problem. We propose MultiNash-PF that integrates the potential game approach with implicit particle filtering, a sample-efficient method for non-convex trajectory optimization. We first formulate the underlying game as a constrained potential game and then utilize the implicit particle filtering to identify the coarse estimates of multiple local minimizers of the game's potential function. MultiNash-PF then refines these estimates with optimization solvers, obtaining different local GNEs. We show through numerical simulations that MultiNash-PF reduces computation time by up to 50\% compared to a baseline approach.
☆ Understanding and Imitating Human-Robot Motion with Restricted Visual Fields
When working around humans, it is important to model their perception limitations in order to predict their behavior more accurately. In this work, we consider agents with a limited field of view, viewing range, and ability to miss objects within viewing range (e.g., transparency). By considering the observation model independently from the motion policy, we can better predict the agent's behavior by considering these limitations and approximating them. We perform a user study where human operators navigate a cluttered scene while scanning the region for obstacles with a limited field of view and range. Using imitation learning, we show that a robot can adopt a human's strategy for observing an environment with limitations on observation and navigate with minimal collision with dynamic and static obstacles. We also show that this learned model helps it successfully navigate a physical hardware vehicle in real time.
☆ Toward General Object-level Mapping from Sparse Views with 3D Diffusion Priors
Object-level mapping builds a 3D map of objects in a scene with detailed shapes and poses from multi-view sensor observations. Conventional methods struggle to build complete shapes and estimate accurate poses due to partial occlusions and sensor noise. They require dense observations to cover all objects, which is challenging to achieve in robotics trajectories. Recent work introduces generative shape priors for object-level mapping from sparse views, but is limited to single-category objects. In this work, we propose a General Object-level Mapping system, GOM, which leverages a 3D diffusion model as shape prior with multi-category support and outputs Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) for both texture and geometry for all objects in a scene. GOM includes an effective formulation to guide a pre-trained diffusion model with extra nonlinear constraints from sensor measurements without finetuning. We also develop a probabilistic optimization formulation to fuse multi-view sensor observations and diffusion priors for joint 3D object pose and shape estimation. Our GOM system demonstrates superior multi-category mapping performance from sparse views, and achieves more accurate mapping results compared to state-of-the-art methods on the real-world benchmarks. We will release our code:
comment: Accepted by CoRL 2024
☆ Propeller damage detection, classification and estimation in multirotor vehicles
This manuscript details an architecture and training methodology for a data-driven framework aimed at detecting, identifying, and quantifying damage in the propeller blades of multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. By substituting one propeller with a damaged counterpart-encompassing three distinct damage types of varying severity-real flight data was collected. This data was then used to train a composite model, comprising both classifiers and neural networks, capable of accurately identifying the type of failure, estimating damage severity, and pinpointing the affected rotor. The data employed for this analysis was exclusively sourced from inertial measurements and control command inputs, ensuring adaptability across diverse multirotor vehicle platforms.
comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, 9 tables
☆ 2FAST-2LAMAA: A Lidar-Inertial Localisation and Mapping Framework for Non-Static Environments
This document presents a framework for lidar-inertial localisation and mapping named 2Fast-2Lamaa. The method revolves around two main steps which are the inertial-aided undistortion of the lidar data and the scan-to-map registration using a distance-field representation of the environment. The initialisation-free undistortion uses inertial data to constrain the continuous trajectory of the sensor during the lidar scan. The eleven DoFs that fully characterise the trajectory are estimated by minimising lidar point-to-line and point-to-plane distances in a non-linear least-square formulation. The registration uses a map that provides a distance field for the environment based on Gaussian Process regression. The pose of an undistorted lidar scan is optimised to minimise the distance field queries of its points with respect to the map. After registration, the new geometric information is efficiently integrated into the map. The soundness of 2Fast-2Lamaa is demonstrated over several datasets (qualitative evaluation only). The real-time implementation is made publicly available at
☆ SharpSLAM: 3D Object-Oriented Visual SLAM with Deblurring for Agile Drones
The paper focuses on the algorithm for improving the quality of 3D reconstruction and segmentation in DSP-SLAM by enhancing the RGB image quality. SharpSLAM algorithm developed by us aims to decrease the influence of high dynamic motion on visual object-oriented SLAM through image deblurring, improving all aspects of object-oriented SLAM, including localization, mapping, and object reconstruction. The experimental results revealed noticeable improvement in object detection quality, with F-score increased from 82.9% to 86.2% due to the higher number of features and corresponding map points. The RMSE of signed distance function has also decreased from 17.2 to 15.4 cm. Furthermore, our solution has enhanced object positioning, with an increase in the IoU from 74.5% to 75.7%. SharpSLAM algorithm has the potential to highly improve the quality of 3D reconstruction and segmentation in DSP-SLAM and to impact a wide range of fields, including robotics, autonomous vehicles, and augmented reality.
comment: Manuscript accepted to IEEE Telepresence 2024
♻ ☆ CAnDOIT: Causal Discovery with Observational and Interventional Data from Time-Series
The study of cause-and-effect is of the utmost importance in many branches of science, but also for many practical applications of intelligent systems. In particular, identifying causal relationships in situations that include hidden factors is a major challenge for methods that rely solely on observational data for building causal models. This paper proposes CAnDOIT, a causal discovery method to reconstruct causal models using both observational and interventional time-series data. The use of interventional data in the causal analysis is crucial for real-world applications, such as robotics, where the scenario is highly complex and observational data alone are often insufficient to uncover the correct causal structure. Validation of the method is performed initially on randomly generated synthetic models and subsequently on a well-known benchmark for causal structure learning in a robotic manipulation environment. The experiments demonstrate that the approach can effectively handle data from interventions and exploit them to enhance the accuracy of the causal analysis. A Python implementation of CAnDOIT has also been developed and is publicly available on GitHub:
comment: Published in Advanced Intelligent Systems
♻ ☆ LGMCTS: Language-Guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Executable Semantic Object Rearrangement
We introduce a novel approach to the executable semantic object rearrangement problem. In this challenge, a robot seeks to create an actionable plan that rearranges objects within a scene according to a pattern dictated by a natural language description. Unlike existing methods such as StructFormer and StructDiffusion, which tackle the issue in two steps by first generating poses and then leveraging a task planner for action plan formulation, our method concurrently addresses pose generation and action planning. We achieve this integration using a Language-Guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search (LGMCTS). Quantitative evaluations are provided on two simulation datasets, and complemented by qualitative tests with a real robot.
comment: Our code and supplementary materials are accessible at
♻ ☆ Towards Embedding Dynamic Personas in Interactive Robots: Masquerading Animated Social Kinematics (MASK)
This paper presents the design and development of an innovative interactive robotic system to enhance audience engagement using character-like personas. Built upon the foundations of persona-driven dialog agents, this work extends the agent's application to the physical realm, employing robots to provide a more captivating and interactive experience. The proposed system, named the Masquerading Animated Social Kinematic (MASK), leverages an anthropomorphic robot which interacts with guests using non-verbal interactions, including facial expressions and gestures. A behavior generation system based upon a finite-state machine structure effectively conditions robotic behavior to convey distinct personas. The MASK framework integrates a perception engine, a behavior selection engine, and a comprehensive action library to enable real-time, dynamic interactions with minimal human intervention in behavior design. Throughout the user subject studies, we examined whether the users could recognize the intended character in both personality- and film-character-based persona conditions. We conclude by discussing the role of personas in interactive agents and the factors to consider for creating an engaging user experience.
comment: Accepted at Robotics and Automation Letters
♻ ☆ SKT: Integrating State-Aware Keypoint Trajectories with Vision-Language Models for Robotic Garment Manipulation
Automating garment manipulation poses a significant challenge for assistive robotics due to the diverse and deformable nature of garments. Traditional approaches typically require separate models for each garment type, which limits scalability and adaptability. In contrast, this paper presents a unified approach using vision-language models (VLMs) to improve keypoint prediction across various garment categories. By interpreting both visual and semantic information, our model enables robots to manage different garment states with a single model. We created a large-scale synthetic dataset using advanced simulation techniques, allowing scalable training without extensive real-world data. Experimental results indicate that the VLM-based method significantly enhances keypoint detection accuracy and task success rates, providing a more flexible and general solution for robotic garment manipulation. In addition, this research also underscores the potential of VLMs to unify various garment manipulation tasks within a single framework, paving the way for broader applications in home automation and assistive robotics for future.
♻ ☆ Entropy-Based Uncertainty Modeling for Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving
In autonomous driving, accurate motion prediction is essential for safe and efficient motion planning. To ensure safety, planners must rely on reliable uncertainty information about the predicted future behavior of surrounding agents, yet this aspect has received limited attention. This paper addresses the so-far neglected problem of uncertainty modeling in trajectory prediction. We adopt a holistic approach that focuses on uncertainty quantification, decomposition, and the influence of model composition. Our method is based on a theoretically grounded information-theoretic approach to measure uncertainty, allowing us to decompose total uncertainty into its aleatoric and epistemic components. We conduct extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset to assess how different model architectures and configurations affect uncertainty quantification and model robustness.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to International Conference on Learning Representations (2025)
♻ ☆ VILENS: Visual, Inertial, Lidar, and Leg Odometry for All-Terrain Legged Robots
We present visual inertial lidar legged navigation system (VILENS), an odometry system for legged robots based on factor graphs. The key novelty is the tight fusion of four different sensor modalities to achieve reliable operation when the individual sensors would otherwise produce degenerate estimation. To minimize leg odometry drift, we extend the robot's state with a linear velocity bias term, which is estimated online. This bias is observable because of the tight fusion of this preintegrated velocity factor with vision, lidar, and inertial measurement unit (IMU) factors. Extensive experimental validation on different ANYmal quadruped robots is presented, for a total duration of 2 h and 1.8 km traveled. The experiments involved dynamic locomotion over loose rocks, slopes, and mud, which caused challenges such as slippage and terrain deformation. Perceptual challenges included dark and dusty underground caverns, and open and feature-deprived areas. We show an average improvement of 62% translational and 51% rotational errors compared to a state-of-the-art loosely coupled approach. To demonstrate its robustness, VILENS was also integrated with a perceptive controller and a local path planner.
comment: Video:
♻ ☆ A Survey of Optimization-based Task and Motion Planning: From Classical To Learning Approaches
Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) integrates high-level task planning and low-level motion planning to equip robots with the autonomy to effectively reason over long-horizon, dynamic tasks. Optimization-based TAMP focuses on hybrid optimization approaches that define goal conditions via objective functions and are capable of handling open-ended goals, robotic dynamics, and physical interaction between the robot and the environment. Therefore, optimization-based TAMP is particularly suited to solve highly complex, contact-rich locomotion and manipulation problems. This survey provides a comprehensive review on optimization-based TAMP, covering (i) planning domain representations, including action description languages and temporal logic, (ii) individual solution strategies for components of TAMP, including AI planning and trajectory optimization (TO), and (iii) the dynamic interplay between logic-based task planning and model-based TO. A particular focus of this survey is to highlight the algorithm structures to efficiently solve TAMP, especially hierarchical and distributed approaches. Additionally, the survey emphasizes the synergy between the classical methods and contemporary learning-based innovations such as large language models. Furthermore, the future research directions for TAMP is discussed in this survey, highlighting both algorithmic and application-specific challenges.
comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, published at IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
♻ ☆ QMP: Q-switch Mixture of Policies for Multi-Task Behavior Sharing
Multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL) aims to learn several tasks simultaneously for better sample efficiency than learning them separately. Traditional methods achieve this by sharing parameters or relabeled data between tasks. In this work, we introduce a new framework for sharing behavioral policies across tasks, which can be used in addition to existing MTRL methods. The key idea is to improve each task's off-policy data collection by employing behaviors from other task policies. Selectively sharing helpful behaviors acquired in one task to collect training data for another task can lead to higher-quality trajectories, leading to more sample-efficient MTRL. Thus, we introduce a simple and principled framework called Q-switch mixture of policies (QMP) that selectively shares behavior between different task policies by using the task's Q-function to evaluate and select useful shareable behaviors. We theoretically analyze how QMP improves the sample efficiency of the underlying RL algorithm. Our experiments show that QMP's behavioral policy sharing provides complementary gains over many popular MTRL algorithms and outperforms alternative ways to share behaviors in various manipulation, locomotion, and navigation environments. Videos are available at
♻ ☆ Bayesian Optimization for Sample-Efficient Policy Improvement in Robotic Manipulation IROS
Sample efficient learning of manipulation skills poses a major challenge in robotics. While recent approaches demonstrate impressive advances in the type of task that can be addressed and the sensing modalities that can be incorporated, they still require large amounts of training data. Especially with regard to learning actions on robots in the real world, this poses a major problem due to the high costs associated with both demonstrations and real-world robot interactions. To address this challenge, we introduce BOpt-GMM, a hybrid approach that combines imitation learning with own experience collection. We first learn a skill model as a dynamical system encoded in a Gaussian Mixture Model from a few demonstrations. We then improve this model with Bayesian optimization building on a small number of autonomous skill executions in a sparse reward setting. We demonstrate the sample efficiency of our approach on multiple complex manipulation skills in both simulations and real-world experiments. Furthermore, we make the code and pre-trained models publicly available at http://bopt-gmm.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, Accepted at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
♻ ☆ Auto-Multilift: Distributed Learning and Control for Cooperative Load Transportation With Quadrotors
Designing motion control and planning algorithms for multilift systems remains challenging due to the complexities of dynamics, collision avoidance, actuator limits, and scalability. Existing methods that use optimization and distributed techniques effectively address these constraints and scalability issues. However, they often require substantial manual tuning, leading to suboptimal performance. This paper proposes Auto-Multilift, a novel framework that automates the tuning of model predictive controllers (MPCs) for multilift systems. We model the MPC cost functions with deep neural networks (DNNs), enabling fast online adaptation to various scenarios. We develop a distributed policy gradient algorithm to train these DNNs efficiently in a closed-loop manner. Central to our algorithm is distributed sensitivity propagation, which is built on fully exploiting the unique dynamic couplings within the multilift system. It parallelizes gradient computation across quadrotors and focuses on actual system state sensitivities relative to key MPC parameters. Extensive simulations demonstrate favorable scalability to a large number of quadrotors. Our method outperforms a state-of-the-art open-loop MPC tuning approach by effectively learning adaptive MPCs from trajectory tracking errors. It also excels in learning an adaptive reference for reconfiguring the system when traversing multiple narrow slots.
♻ ☆ Learning an Actionable Discrete Diffusion Policy via Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training NeurIPS 2024
Learning a generalist embodied agent capable of completing multiple tasks poses challenges, primarily stemming from the scarcity of action-labeled robotic datasets. In contrast, a vast amount of human videos exist, capturing intricate tasks and interactions with the physical world. Promising prospects arise for utilizing actionless human videos for pre-training and transferring the knowledge to facilitate robot policy learning through limited robot demonstrations. However, it remains a challenge due to the domain gap between humans and robots. Moreover, it is difficult to extract useful information representing the dynamic world from human videos, because of its noisy and multimodal data structure. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework to tackle these challenges, which leverages a unified discrete diffusion to combine generative pre-training on human videos and policy fine-tuning on a small number of action-labeled robot videos. We start by compressing both human and robot videos into unified video tokens. In the pre-training stage, we employ a discrete diffusion model with a mask-and-replace diffusion strategy to predict future video tokens in the latent space. In the fine-tuning stage, we harness the imagined future videos to guide low-level action learning with a limited set of robot data. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-fidelity future videos for planning and enhances the fine-tuned policies compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches with superior performance. Our project website is available at
comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2024. 24 pages
♻ ☆ TD-NeRF: Novel Truncated Depth Prior for Joint Camera Pose and Neural Radiance Field Optimization
The reliance on accurate camera poses is a significant barrier to the widespread deployment of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) models for 3D reconstruction and SLAM tasks. The existing method introduces monocular depth priors to jointly optimize the camera poses and NeRF, which fails to fully exploit the depth priors and neglects the impact of their inherent noise. In this paper, we propose Truncated Depth NeRF (TD-NeRF), a novel approach that enables training NeRF from unknown camera poses - by jointly optimizing learnable parameters of the radiance field and camera poses. Our approach explicitly utilizes monocular depth priors through three key advancements: 1) we propose a novel depth-based ray sampling strategy based on the truncated normal distribution, which improves the convergence speed and accuracy of pose estimation; 2) to circumvent local minima and refine depth geometry, we introduce a coarse-to-fine training strategy that progressively improves the depth precision; 3) we propose a more robust inter-frame point constraint that enhances robustness against depth noise during training. The experimental results on three datasets demonstrate that TD-NeRF achieves superior performance in the joint optimization of camera pose and NeRF, surpassing prior works, and generates more accurate depth geometry. The implementation of our method has been released at
♻ ☆ Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Behavior-Based Cooperative Navigation
In this paper, we address the problem of behavior-based cooperative navigation of mobile robots using safe multi-agent reinforcement learning~(MARL). Our work is the first to focus on cooperative navigation without individual reference targets for the robots, using a single target for the formation's centroid. This eliminates the complexities involved in having several path planners to control a team of robots. To ensure safety, our MARL framework uses model predictive control (MPC) to prevent actions that could lead to collisions during training and execution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in simulation and on real robots, achieving safe behavior-based cooperative navigation without using individual reference targets, with zero collisions, and faster target reaching compared to baselines. Finally, we study the impact of MPC safety filters on the learning process, revealing that we achieve faster convergence during training and we show that our approach can be safely deployed on real robots, even during early stages of the training.
♻ ☆ Centroidal State Estimation based on the Koopman Embedding for Dynamic Legged Locomotion IROS 2024
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to centroidal state estimation, which plays a crucial role in predictive model-based control strategies for dynamic legged locomotion. Our approach uses the Koopman operator theory to transform the robot's complex nonlinear dynamics into a linear system, by employing dynamic mode decomposition and deep learning for model construction. We evaluate both models on their linearization accuracy and capability to capture both fast and slow dynamic system responses. We then select the most suitable model for estimation purposes, and integrate it within a moving horizon estimator. This estimator is formulated as a convex quadratic program to facilitate robust, real-time centroidal state estimation. Through extensive simulation experiments on a quadruped robot executing various dynamic gaits, our data-driven framework outperforms conventional Extended Kalman Filtering technique based on nonlinear dynamics. Our estimator addresses challenges posed by force/torque measurement noise in highly dynamic motions and accurately recovers the centroidal states, demonstrating the adaptability and effectiveness of the Koopman-based linear representation for complex locomotive behaviors. Importantly, our model based on dynamic mode decomposition, trained with two locomotion patterns (trot and jump), successfully estimates the centroidal states for a different motion (bound) without retraining.
comment: Accepted in IROS 2024
♻ ☆ A Framework for Guided Motion Planning
Randomized sampling based algorithms are widely used in robot motion planning due to the problem's intractability, and are experimentally effective on a wide range of problem instances. Most variants bias their sampling using various heuristics related to the known underlying structure of the search space. In this work, we formalize the intuitive notion of guided search by defining the concept of a guiding space. This new language encapsulates many seemingly distinct prior methods under the same framework, and allows us to reason about guidance, a previously obscured core contribution of different algorithms. We suggest an information theoretic method to evaluate guidance, which experimentally matches intuition when tested on known algorithms in a variety of environments. The language and evaluation of guidance suggests improvements to existing methods, and allows for simple hybrid algorithms that combine guidance from multiple sources.
♻ ☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data. Videos can be found on our project page:
♻ ☆ ViewActive: Active viewpoint optimization from a single image
When observing objects, humans benefit from their spatial visualization and mental rotation ability to envision potential optimal viewpoints based on the current observation. This capability is crucial for enabling robots to achieve efficient and robust scene perception during operation, as optimal viewpoints provide essential and informative features for accurately representing scenes in 2D images, thereby enhancing downstream tasks. To endow robots with this human-like active viewpoint optimization capability, we propose ViewActive, a modernized machine learning approach drawing inspiration from aspect graph, which provides viewpoint optimization guidance based solely on the current 2D image input. Specifically, we introduce the 3D Viewpoint Quality Field (VQF), a compact and consistent representation of viewpoint quality distribution similar to an aspect graph, composed of three general-purpose viewpoint quality metrics: self-occlusion ratio, occupancy-aware surface normal entropy, and visual entropy. We utilize pre-trained image encoders to extract robust visual and semantic features, which are then decoded into the 3D VQF, allowing our model to generalize effectively across diverse objects, including unseen categories. The lightweight ViewActive network (72 FPS on a single GPU) significantly enhances the performance of state-of-the-art object recognition pipelines and can be integrated into real-time motion planning for robotic applications. Our code and dataset are available here:
♻ ☆ Real-World Cooking Robot System from Recipes Based on Food State Recognition Using Foundation Models and PDDL
Although there is a growing demand for cooking behaviours as one of the expected tasks for robots, a series of cooking behaviours based on new recipe descriptions by robots in the real world has not yet been realised. In this study, we propose a robot system that integrates real-world executable robot cooking behaviour planning using the Large Language Model (LLM) and classical planning of PDDL descriptions, and food ingredient state recognition learning from a small number of data using the Vision-Language model (VLM). We succeeded in experiments in which PR2, a dual-armed wheeled robot, performed cooking from arranged new recipes in a real-world environment, and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed system.
comment: Accepted at Advanced Robotics, website -
♻ ☆ Adaptive Step Duration for Precise Foot Placement: Achieving Robust Bipedal Locomotion on Terrains with Restricted Footholds ICRA 2025
Traditional one-step preview planning algorithms for bipedal locomotion struggle to generate viable gaits when walking across terrains with restricted footholds, such as stepping stones. To overcome such limitations, this paper introduces a novel multi-step preview foot placement planning algorithm based on the step-to-step discrete evolution of the Divergent Component of Motion (DCM) of walking robots. Our proposed approach adaptively changes the step duration and the swing foot trajectory for optimal foot placement under constraints, thereby enhancing the long-term stability of the robot and significantly improving its ability to navigate environments with tight constraints on viable footholds. We demonstrate its effectiveness through various simulation scenarios with complex stepping-stone configurations and external perturbations. These tests underscore its improved performance for navigating foothold-restricted terrains, even with external disturbances.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025, for associated simulation video, see
♻ ☆ A Complete Algorithm for a Moving Target Traveling Salesman Problem with Obstacles
The moving target traveling salesman problem with obstacles (MT-TSP-O) is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) where, as its name suggests, the targets are moving. A solution to the MT-TSP-O is a trajectory that visits each moving target during a certain time window(s), and this trajectory avoids stationary obstacles. We assume each target moves at a constant velocity during each of its time windows. The agent has a speed limit, and this speed limit is no smaller than any target's speed. This paper presents the first complete algorithm for finding feasible solutions to the MT-TSP-O. Our algorithm builds a tree where the nodes are agent trajectories intercepting a unique sequence of targets within a unique sequence of time windows. We generate each of a parent node's children by extending the parent's trajectory to intercept one additional target, each child corresponding to a different choice of target and time window. This extension consists of planning a trajectory from the parent trajectory's final point in space-time to a moving target. To solve this point-to-moving-target subproblem, we define a novel generalization of a visibility graph called a moving target visibility graph (MTVG). Our overall algorithm is called MTVG-TSP. To validate MTVG-TSP, we test it on 570 instances with up to 30 targets. We implement a baseline method that samples trajectories of targets into points, based on prior work on special cases of the MT-TSP-O. MTVG-TSP finds feasible solutions in all cases where the baseline does, and when the sum of the targets' time window lengths enters a critical range, MTVG-TSP finds a feasible solution with up to 38 times less computation time.
comment: Accepted to WAFR 2024
♻ ☆ Initialization of Monocular Visual Navigation for Autonomous Agents Using Modified Structure from Small Motion
We propose a standalone monocular visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM) initialization pipeline for autonomous space robots. Our method, a state-of-the-art factor graph optimization pipeline, extends Structure from Small Motion (SfSM) to robustly initialize a monocular agent in spacecraft inspection trajectories, addressing visual estimation challenges such as weak-perspective projection and center-pointing motion, which exacerbates the bas-relief ambiguity, dominant planar geometry, which causes motion estimation degeneracies in classical Structure from Motion, and dynamic illumination conditions, which reduce the survivability of visual information. We validate our approach on realistic, simulated satellite inspection image sequences with a tumbling spacecraft and demonstrate the method's effectiveness over existing monocular initialization procedures.
comment: 6 pages, 1 page for references, 6 figures, 1 table, IEEEtran format. This work has been submitted to ACC for possible publication as an invited session paper. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Decision-theoretic MPC: Motion Planning with Weighted Maneuver Preferences Under Uncertainty
Continuous optimization based motion planners require specifying a maneuver class before calculating the optimal trajectory for that class. In traffic, the intentions of other participants are often unclear, presenting multiple maneuver options for the autonomous vehicle. This uncertainty can make it difficult for the vehicle to decide on the best option. This work introduces a continuous optimization based motion planner that combines multiple maneuvers by weighting the trajectory of each maneuver according to the vehicle's preferences. In this way, the planner eliminates the need for committing to a single maneuver. To maintain safety despite this increased complexity, the planner considers uncertainties ranging from perception to prediction, while ensuring the feasibility of a chance-constrained emergency maneuver. Evaluations in both driving experiments and simulation studies show enhanced interaction capabilities and comfort levels compared to conventional planners, which consider only a single maneuver.
♻ ☆ Solving Reach-Avoid-Stay Problems Using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
Reach-Avoid-Stay (RAS) optimal control enables systems such as robots and air taxis to reach their targets, avoid obstacles, and stay near the target. However, current methods for RAS often struggle with handling complex, dynamic environments and scaling to high-dimensional systems. While reinforcement learning (RL)-based reachability analysis addresses these challenges, it has yet to tackle the RAS problem. In this paper, we propose a two-step deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) method to extend RL-based reachability method to solve RAS problems. First, we train a function that characterizes the maximal robust control invariant set within the target set, where the system can safely stay, along with its corresponding policy. Second, we train a function that defines the set of states capable of safely reaching the robust control invariant set, along with its corresponding policy. We prove that this method results in the maximal robust RAS set in the absence of training errors and demonstrate that it enables RAS in complex environments, scales to high-dimensional systems, and achieves higher success rates for the RAS task compared to previous methods, validated through one simulation and two high-dimensional experiments.
♻ ☆ Fast Explicit-Input Assistance for Teleoperation in Clutter
The performance of prediction-based assistance for robot teleoperation degrades in unseen or goal-rich environments due to incorrect or quickly-changing intent inferences. Poor predictions can confuse operators or cause them to change their control input to implicitly signal their goal. We present a new assistance interface for robotic manipulation where an operator can explicitly communicate a manipulation goal by pointing the end-effector. The pointing target specifies a region for local pose generation and optimization, providing interactive control over grasp and placement pose candidates. We compare the explicit pointing interface to an implicit inference-based assistance scheme in a within-subjects user study (N=20) where participants teleoperate a simulated robot to complete a multi-step singulation and stacking task in cluttered environments. We find that operators prefer the explicit interface, experience fewer pick failures and report lower cognitive workload. Our code is available at:
Robotics 22
☆ Mode-GS: Monocular Depth Guided Anchored 3D Gaussian Splatting for Robust Ground-View Scene Rendering
We present a novel-view rendering algorithm, Mode-GS, for ground-robot trajectory datasets. Our approach is based on using anchored Gaussian splats, which are designed to overcome the limitations of existing 3D Gaussian splatting algorithms. Prior neural rendering methods suffer from severe splat drift due to scene complexity and insufficient multi-view observation, and can fail to fix splats on the true geometry in ground-robot datasets. Our method integrates pixel-aligned anchors from monocular depths and generates Gaussian splats around these anchors using residual-form Gaussian decoders. To address the inherent scale ambiguity of monocular depth, we parameterize anchors with per-view depth-scales and employ scale-consistent depth loss for online scale calibration. Our method results in improved rendering performance, based on PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS metrics, in ground scenes with free trajectory patterns, and achieves state-of-the-art rendering performance on the R3LIVE odometry dataset and the Tanks and Temples dataset.
☆ Unpacking Failure Modes of Generative Policies: Runtime Monitoring of Consistency and Progress
Robot behavior policies trained via imitation learning are prone to failure under conditions that deviate from their training data. Thus, algorithms that monitor learned policies at test time and provide early warnings of failure are necessary to facilitate scalable deployment. We propose Sentinel, a runtime monitoring framework that splits the detection of failures into two complementary categories: 1) Erratic failures, which we detect using statistical measures of temporal action consistency, and 2) task progression failures, where we use Vision Language Models (VLMs) to detect when the policy confidently and consistently takes actions that do not solve the task. Our approach has two key strengths. First, because learned policies exhibit diverse failure modes, combining complementary detectors leads to significantly higher accuracy at failure detection. Second, using a statistical temporal action consistency measure ensures that we quickly detect when multimodal, generative policies exhibit erratic behavior at negligible computational cost. In contrast, we only use VLMs to detect failure modes that are less time-sensitive. We demonstrate our approach in the context of diffusion policies trained on robotic mobile manipulation domains in both simulation and the real world. By unifying temporal consistency detection and VLM runtime monitoring, Sentinel detects 18% more failures than using either of the two detectors alone and significantly outperforms baselines, thus highlighting the importance of assigning specialized detectors to complementary categories of failure. Qualitative results are made available at
comment: Project page: . 35 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
☆ Admissibility Over Winning: A New Approach to Reactive Synthesis in Robotics
Reactive synthesis is a framework for modeling and automatically synthesizing strategies in robotics, typically through computing a \emph{winning} strategy in a 2-player game between the robot and the environment. Winning strategies, however, do not always exist, even in some simple cases. In such situations, it is still desirable for the robot to attempt its task rather than "giving up". In this work, we explore the notion of admissibility to define strategies beyond winning, tailored specifically for robotic systems. We introduce an ordering of admissible strategies and define \emph{admissibly rational strategies}, which aim to be winning and cooperative when possible, and non-violating and hopeful when necessary. We present an efficient synthesis algorithm and demonstrate that admissibly rational strategies produce desirable behaviors through case studies.
comment: Preprint. Under Review
☆ Distributed Detection of Adversarial Attacks for Resilient Cooperation of Multi-Robot Systems with Intermittent Communication
This paper concerns the consensus and formation of a network of mobile autonomous agents in adversarial settings where a group of malicious (compromised) agents are subject to deception attacks. In addition, the communication network is arbitrarily time-varying and subject to intermittent connections, possibly imposed by denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. We provide explicit bounds for network connectivity in an integral sense, enabling the characterization of the system's resilience to specific classes of adversarial attacks. We also show that under the condition of connectivity in an integral sense uniformly in time, the system is finite-gain $\mathcal{L}_{p}$ stable and uniformly exponentially fast consensus and formation are achievable, provided malicious agents are detected and isolated from the network. We present a distributed and reconfigurable framework with theoretical guarantees for detecting malicious agents, allowing for the resilient cooperation of the remaining cooperative agents. Simulation studies are provided to illustrate the theoretical findings.
comment: to be published in IEEE
☆ Multi-LED Classification as Pretext For Robot Heading Estimation ICRA
We propose a self-supervised approach for visual robot detection and heading estimation by learning to estimate the states (OFF or ON) of four independent robot-mounted LEDs. Experimental results show a median image-space position error of 14 px and relative heading MAE of 17 degrees, versus a supervised upperbound scoring 10 px and 8 degrees, respectively.
comment: Accepted and presented at ICRA@40
☆ LiteVLoc: Map-Lite Visual Localization for Image Goal Navigation
This paper presents LiteVLoc, a hierarchical visual localization framework that uses a lightweight topo-metric map to represent the environment. The method consists of three sequential modules that estimate camera poses in a coarse-to-fine manner. Unlike mainstream approaches relying on detailed 3D representations, LiteVLoc reduces storage overhead by leveraging learning-based feature matching and geometric solvers for metric pose estimation. A novel dataset for the map-free relocalization task is also introduced. Extensive experiments including localization and navigation in both simulated and real-world scenarios have validate the system's performance and demonstrated its precision and efficiency for large-scale deployment. Code and data will be made publicly available.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ A physics-based sensor simulation environment for lunar ground operations
This contribution reports on a software framework that uses physically-based rendering to simulate camera operation in lunar conditions. The focus is on generating synthetic images qualitatively similar to those produced by an actual camera operating on a vehicle traversing and/or actively interacting with lunar terrain, e.g., for construction operations. The highlights of this simulator are its ability to capture (i) light transport in lunar conditions and (ii) artifacts related to the vehicle-terrain interaction, which might include dust formation and transport. The simulation infrastructure is built within an in-house developed physics engine called Chrono, which simulates the dynamics of the deformable terrain-vehicle interaction, as well as fallout of this interaction. The Chrono::Sensor camera model draws on ray tracing and Hapke Photometric Functions. We analyze the performance of the simulator using two virtual experiments featuring digital twins of NASA's VIPER rover navigating a lunar environment, and of the NASA's RASSOR excavator engaged into a digging operation. The sensor simulation solution presented can be used for the design and testing of perception algorithms, or as a component of in-silico experiments that pertain to large lunar operations, e.g., traversability, construction tasks.
comment: 19 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables. This work has been submitted to the 2025 IEEE Aerospace Conference for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ DABI: Evaluation of Data Augmentation Methods Using Downsampling in Bilateral Control-Based Imitation Learning with Images
Autonomous robot manipulation is a complex and continuously evolving robotics field. This paper focuses on data augmentation methods in imitation learning. Imitation learning consists of three stages: data collection from experts, learning model, and execution. However, collecting expert data requires manual effort and is time-consuming. Additionally, as sensors have different data acquisition intervals, preprocessing such as downsampling to match the lowest frequency is necessary. Downsampling enables data augmentation and also contributes to the stabilization of robot operations. In light of this background, this paper proposes the Data Augmentation Method for Bilateral Control-Based Imitation Learning with Images, called "DABI". DABI collects robot joint angles, velocities, and torques at 1000 Hz, and uses images from gripper and environmental cameras captured at 100 Hz as the basis for data augmentation. This enables a tenfold increase in data. In this paper, we collected just 5 expert demonstration datasets. We trained the bilateral control Bi-ACT model with the unaltered dataset and two augmentation methods for comparative experiments and conducted real-world experiments. The results confirmed a significant improvement in success rates, thereby proving the effectiveness of DABI. For additional material, please check
♻ ☆ KISS-Matcher: Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration Revisited
While global point cloud registration systems have advanced significantly in all aspects, many studies have focused on specific components, such as feature extraction, graph-theoretic pruning, or pose solvers. In this paper, we take a holistic view on the registration problem and develop an open-source and versatile C++ library for point cloud registration, called \textit{KISS-Matcher}. KISS-Matcher combines a novel feature detector, \textit{Faster-PFH}, that improves over the classical fast point feature histogram (FPFH). Moreover, it adopts a $k$-core-based graph-theoretic pruning to reduce the time complexity of rejecting outlier correspondences. Finally, it combines these modules in a complete, user-friendly, and ready-to-use pipeline. As verified by extensive experiments, KISS-Matcher has superior scalability and broad applicability, achieving a substantial speed-up compared to state-of-the-art outlier-robust registration pipelines while preserving accuracy. Our code will be available at \href{}{\texttt{}}.
comment: 9 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ The AEIF Data Collection: A Dataset for Infrastructure-Supported Perception Research with Focus on Public Transportation
This paper we present our vision and ongoing work for a novel dataset designed to advance research into the interoperability of intelligent vehicles and infrastructure, specifically aimed at enhancing cooperative perception and interaction in the realm of public transportation. Unlike conventional datasets centered on ego-vehicle data, this approach encompasses both a stationary sensor tower and a moving vehicle, each equipped with cameras, LiDARs, and GNSS, while the vehicle additionally includes an inertial navigation system. Our setup features comprehensive calibration and time synchronization, ensuring seamless and accurate sensor data fusion crucial for studying complex, dynamic scenes. Emphasizing public transportation, the dataset targets to include scenes like bus station maneuvers and driving on dedicated bus lanes, reflecting the specifics of small public buses. We introduce the open-source ".4mse" file format for the new dataset, accompanied by a research kit. This kit provides tools such as ego-motion compensation or LiDAR-to-camera projection enabling advanced research on intelligent vehicle-infrastructure integration. Our approach does not include annotations; however, we plan to implement automatically generated labels sourced from state-of-the-art public repositories. Several aspects are still up for discussion, and timely feedback from the community would be greatly appreciated. A sneak preview on one data frame will be available at a Google Colab Notebook. Moreover, we will use the related GitHub Repository to collect remarks and suggestions.
♻ ☆ System-Level Safety Monitoring and Recovery for Perception Failures in Autonomous Vehicles
The safety-critical nature of autonomous vehicle (AV) operation necessitates development of task-relevant algorithms that can reason about safety at the system level and not just at the component level. To reason about the impact of a perception failure on the entire system performance, such task-relevant algorithms must contend with various challenges: complexity of AV stacks, high uncertainty in the operating environments, and the need for real-time performance. To overcome these challenges, in this work, we introduce a Q-network called SPARQ (abbreviation for Safety evaluation for Perception And Recovery Q-network) that evaluates the safety of a plan generated by a planning algorithm, accounting for perception failures that the planning process may have overlooked. This Q-network can be queried during system runtime to assess whether a proposed plan is safe for execution or poses potential safety risks. If a violation is detected, the network can then recommend a corrective plan while accounting for the perceptual failure. We validate our algorithm using the NuPlan-Vegas dataset, demonstrating its ability to handle cases where a perception failure compromises a proposed plan while the corrective plan remains safe. We observe an overall accuracy and recall of 90% while sustaining a frequency of 42Hz on the unseen testing dataset. We compare our performance to a popular reachability-based baseline and analyze some interesting properties of our approach in improving the safety properties of an AV pipeline.
♻ ☆ Partially Observable Task and Motion Planning with Uncertainty and Risk Awareness
Integrated task and motion planning (TAMP) has proven to be a valuable approach to generalizable long-horizon robotic manipulation and navigation problems. However, the typical TAMP problem formulation assumes full observability and deterministic action effects. These assumptions limit the ability of the planner to gather information and make decisions that are risk-aware. We propose a strategy for TAMP with Uncertainty and Risk Awareness (TAMPURA) that is capable of efficiently solving long-horizon planning problems with initial-state and action outcome uncertainty, including problems that require information gathering and avoiding undesirable and irreversible outcomes. Our planner reasons under uncertainty at both the abstract task level and continuous controller level. Given a set of closed-loop goal-conditioned controllers operating in the primitive action space and a description of their preconditions and potential capabilities, we learn a high-level abstraction that can be solved efficiently and then refined to continuous actions for execution. We demonstrate our approach on several robotics problems where uncertainty is a crucial factor and show that reasoning under uncertainty in these problems outperforms previously proposed determinized planning, direct search, and reinforcement learning strategies. Lastly, we demonstrate our planner on two real-world robotics problems using recent advancements in probabilistic perception.
♻ ☆ Transferable Tactile Transformers for Representation Learning Across Diverse Sensors and Tasks
This paper presents T3: Transferable Tactile Transformers, a framework for tactile representation learning that scales across multi-sensors and multi-tasks. T3 is designed to overcome the contemporary issue that camera-based tactile sensing is extremely heterogeneous, i.e. sensors are built into different form factors, and existing datasets were collected for disparate tasks. T3 captures the shared latent information across different sensor-task pairings by constructing a shared trunk transformer with sensor-specific encoders and task-specific decoders. The pre-training of T3 utilizes a novel Foundation Tactile (FoTa) dataset, which is aggregated from several open-sourced datasets and it contains over 3 million data points gathered from 13 sensors and 11 tasks. FoTa is the largest and most diverse dataset in tactile sensing to date and it is made publicly available in a unified format. Across various sensors and tasks, experiments show that T3 pre-trained with FoTa achieved zero-shot transferability in certain sensor-task pairings, can be further fine-tuned with small amounts of domain-specific data, and its performance scales with bigger network sizes. T3 is also effective as a tactile encoder for long horizon contact-rich manipulation. Results from sub-millimeter multi-pin electronics insertion tasks show that T3 achieved a task success rate 25% higher than that of policies trained with tactile encoders trained from scratch, or 53% higher than without tactile sensing. Data, code, and model checkpoints are open-sourced at
comment: Accepted to 2024 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)
♻ ☆ Learning to Estimate the Pose of a Peer Robot in a Camera Image by Predicting the States of its LEDs IROS
We consider the problem of training a fully convolutional network to estimate the relative 6D pose of a robot given a camera image, when the robot is equipped with independent controllable LEDs placed in different parts of its body. The training data is composed by few (or zero) images labeled with a ground truth relative pose and many images labeled only with the true state (\textsc{on} or \textsc{off}) of each of the peer LEDs. The former data is expensive to acquire, requiring external infrastructure for tracking the two robots; the latter is cheap as it can be acquired by two unsupervised robots moving randomly and toggling their LEDs while sharing the true LED states via radio. Training with the latter dataset on estimating the LEDs' state of the peer robot (\emph{pretext task}) promotes learning the relative localization task (\emph{end task}). Experiments on real-world data acquired by two autonomous wheeled robots show that a model trained only on the pretext task successfully learns to localize a peer robot on the image plane; fine-tuning such model on the end task with few labeled images yields statistically significant improvements in 6D relative pose estimation with respect to baselines that do not use pretext-task pre-training, and alternative approaches. Estimating the state of multiple independent LEDs promotes learning to estimate relative heading. The approach works even when a large fraction of training images do not include the peer robot and generalizes well to unseen environments.
comment: Accepted at International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024
♻ ☆ Visual collective behaviors on spherical robots
The implementation of collective motion, traditionally, disregard the limited sensing capabilities of an individual, to instead assuming an omniscient perception of the environment. This study implements a visual flocking model in a ``robot-in-the-loop'' approach to reproduce these behaviors with a flock composed of 10 independent spherical robots. The model achieves robotic collective motion by only using panoramic visual information of each robot, such as retinal position, optical size and optic flow of the neighboring robots. We introduce a virtual anchor to confine the collective robotic movements so to avoid wall interactions. For the first time, a simple visual robot-in-the-loop approach succeed in reproducing several collective motion phases, in particular, swarming, and milling. Another milestone achieved with by this model is bridging the gap between simulation and physical experiments by demonstrating nearly identical behaviors in both environments with the same visual model. To conclude, we show that our minimal visual collective motion model is sufficient to recreate most collective behaviors on a robot-in-the-loop system that is scalable, behaves as numerical simulations predict and is easily comparable to traditional models.
comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, journal bioinspired and biomimetics
♻ ☆ SCANet: Correcting LEGO Assembly Errors with Self-Correct Assembly Network
Autonomous assembly in robotics and 3D vision presents significant challenges, particularly in ensuring assembly correctness. Presently, predominant methods such as MEPNet focus on assembling components based on manually provided images. However, these approaches often fall short in achieving satisfactory results for tasks requiring long-term planning. Concurrently, we observe that integrating a self-correction module can partially alleviate such issues. Motivated by this concern, we introduce the single-step assembly error correction task, which involves identifying and rectifying misassembled components. To support research in this area, we present the LEGO Error Correction Assembly Dataset (LEGO-ECA), comprising manual images for assembly steps and instances of assembly failures. Additionally, we propose the Self-Correct Assembly Network (SCANet), a novel method to address this task. SCANet treats assembled components as queries, determining their correctness in manual images and providing corrections when necessary. Finally, we utilize SCANet to correct the assembly results of MEPNet. Experimental results demonstrate that SCANet can identify and correct MEPNet's misassembled results, significantly improving the correctness of assembly. Our code and dataset are available at
♻ ☆ Comparative Evaluation of Learning Models for Bionic Robots: Non-Linear Transfer Function Identifications
The control and modeling of robot dynamics have increasingly adopted model-free control strategies using machine learning. Given the non-linear elastic nature of bionic robotic systems, learning-based methods provide reliable alternatives by utilizing numerical data to establish a direct mapping from actuation inputs to robot trajectories without complex kinematics models. However, for developers, the method of identifying an appropriate learning model for their specific bionic robots and further constructing the transfer function has not been thoroughly discussed. Thus, this research introduces a comprehensive evaluation strategy and framework for the application of model-free control, including data collection, learning model selection, comparative analysis, and transfer function identification to effectively deal with the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) robotic data.
comment: 12 pages, 21 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Rethinking 6-Dof Grasp Detection: A Flexible Framework for High-Quality Grasping
Robotic grasping is a primitive skill for complex tasks and is fundamental to intelligence. For general 6-Dof grasping, most previous methods directly extract scene-level semantic or geometric information, while few of them consider the suitability for various downstream applications, such as target-oriented grasping. Addressing this issue, we rethink 6-Dof grasp detection from a grasp-centric view and propose a versatile grasp framework capable of handling both scene-level and target-oriented grasping. Our framework, FlexLoG, is composed of a Flexible Guidance Module and a Local Grasp Model. Specifically, the Flexible Guidance Module is compatible with both global (e.g., grasp heatmap) and local (e.g., visual grounding) guidance, enabling the generation of high-quality grasps across various tasks. The Local Grasp Model focuses on object-agnostic regional points and predicts grasps locally and intently. Experiment results reveal that our framework achieves over 18% and 23% improvement on unseen splits of the GraspNet-1Billion Dataset. Furthermore, real-world robotic tests in three distinct settings yield a 95% success rate.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ A Multimedia Framework for Continuum Robots: Systematic, Computational, and Control Perspectives
Continuum robots, which often rely on interdisciplinary and multimedia collaborations, have been increasingly recognized for their potential to revolutionize the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) in varied applications due to their adaptive, responsive, and flexible characteristics. Despite their promises, the lack of an integrated framework poses a significant limitation for both users and developers, resulting in inefficiency and complexity during preliminary developments. Thus, this paper introduces a unified framework for continuum robotic systems that addresses these challenges by integrating system architecture, dynamics computation, and control strategy within a computer-aided design (CAD) platform. The proposed method allows for efficient modeling and quick preview of the robot performance, and thus facilitating iterative design and implementation, with a view to enhancing the quality of robot developments.
comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table
♻ ☆ Deep Learning Innovations for Underwater Waste Detection: An In-Depth Analysis
Addressing the issue of submerged underwater trash is crucial for safeguarding aquatic ecosystems and preserving marine life. While identifying debris present on the surface of water bodies is straightforward, assessing the underwater submerged waste is a challenge due to the image distortions caused by factors such as light refraction, absorption, suspended particles, color shifts, and occlusion. This paper conducts a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art architectures and on the existing datasets to establish a baseline for submerged waste and trash detection. The primary goal remains to establish the benchmark of the object localization techniques to be leveraged by advanced underwater sensors and autonomous underwater vehicles. The ultimate objective is to explore the underwater environment, to identify, and remove underwater debris. The absence of benchmarks (dataset or algorithm) in many researches emphasizes the need for a more robust algorithmic solution. Through this research, we aim to give performance comparative analysis of various underwater trash detection algorithms.
♻ ☆ Simplex-enabled Safe Continual Learning Machine
This paper proposes the SeC-Learning Machine: Simplex-enabled safe continual learning for safety-critical autonomous systems. The SeC-learning machine is built on Simplex logic (that is, ``using simplicity to control complexity'') and physics-regulated deep reinforcement learning (Phy-DRL). The SeC-learning machine thus constitutes HP (high performance)-Student, HA (high assurance)-Teacher, and Coordinator. Specifically, the HP-Student is a pre-trained high-performance but not fully verified Phy-DRL, continuing to learn in a real plant to tune the action policy to be safe. In contrast, the HA-Teacher is a mission-reduced, physics-model-based, and verified design. As a complementary, HA-Teacher has two missions: backing up safety and correcting unsafe learning. The Coordinator triggers the interaction and the switch between HP-Student and HA-Teacher. Powered by the three interactive components, the SeC-learning machine can i) assure lifetime safety (i.e., safety guarantee in any continual-learning stage, regardless of HP-Student's success or convergence), ii) address the Sim2Real gap, and iii) learn to tolerate unknown unknowns in real plants. The experiments on a cart-pole system and a real quadruped robot demonstrate the distinguished features of the SeC-learning machine, compared with continual learning built on state-of-the-art safe DRL frameworks with approaches to addressing the Sim2Real gap.
♻ ☆ VoxAct-B: Voxel-Based Acting and Stabilizing Policy for Bimanual Manipulation
Bimanual manipulation is critical to many robotics applications. In contrast to single-arm manipulation, bimanual manipulation tasks are challenging due to higher-dimensional action spaces. Prior works leverage large amounts of data and primitive actions to address this problem, but may suffer from sample inefficiency and limited generalization across various tasks. To this end, we propose VoxAct-B, a language-conditioned, voxel-based method that leverages Vision Language Models (VLMs) to prioritize key regions within the scene and reconstruct a voxel grid. We provide this voxel grid to our bimanual manipulation policy to learn acting and stabilizing actions. This approach enables more efficient policy learning from voxels and is generalizable to different tasks. In simulation, we show that VoxAct-B outperforms strong baselines on fine-grained bimanual manipulation tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate VoxAct-B on real-world $\texttt{Open Drawer}$ and $\texttt{Open Jar}$ tasks using two UR5s. Code, data, and videos are available at
comment: Accepted to the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
Robotics 22
☆ Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment Method for ADAS and Connected and Automated Driving Function Development/Demonstration/Evaluation
The current approach for new Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) function development involves a significant amount of public road testing which is inefficient due to the number miles that need to be driven for rare and extreme events to take place, thereby being very costly also, and unsafe as the rest of the road users become involuntary test subjects. A new development, evaluation and demonstration method for safe, efficient, and repeatable development, demonstration and evaluation of ADAS and CAD functions called VehicleInVirtualEnvironment (VVE) was recently introduced as a solution to this problem. The vehicle is operated in a large, empty, and flat area during VVE while its localization and perception sensor data is fed from the virtual environment with other traffic and rare and extreme events being generated as needed. The virtual environment can be easily configured and modified to construct different testing scenarios on demand. This paper focuses on the VVE approach and introduces the coordinate transformations needed to sync pose (location and orientation) in the virtual and physical worlds and handling of localization and perception sensor data using the highly realistic 3D simulation model of a recent autonomous shuttle deployment site in Columbus, Ohio as the virtual world. As a further example that uses multiple actors, the use of VVE for VehicleToVRU communication based Vulnerable Road User (VRU) safety is presented in the paper using VVE experiments and real pedestrian(s) in a safe and repeatable manner. VVE experiments are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the method.
comment: 8 pages, 16 figures
☆ PANav: Toward Privacy-Aware Robot Navigation via Vision-Language Models
Navigating robots discreetly in human work environments while considering the possible privacy implications of robotic tasks presents significant challenges. Such scenarios are increasingly common, for instance, when robots transport sensitive objects that demand high levels of privacy in spaces crowded with human activities. While extensive research has been conducted on robotic path planning and social awareness, current robotic systems still lack the functionality of privacy-aware navigation in public environments. To address this, we propose a new framework for mobile robot navigation that leverages vision-language models to incorporate privacy awareness into adaptive path planning. Specifically, all potential paths from the starting point to the destination are generated using the A* algorithm. Concurrently, the vision-language model is used to infer the optimal path for privacy-awareness, given the environmental layout and the navigational instruction. This approach aims to minimize the robot's exposure to human activities and preserve the privacy of the robot and its surroundings. Experimental results on the S3DIS dataset demonstrate that our framework significantly enhances mobile robots' privacy awareness of navigation in human-shared public environments. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical applicability of our framework by successfully navigating a robotic platform through real-world office environments. The supplementary video and code can be accessed via the following link:
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, conference
☆ Compositional Diffusion Models for Powered Descent Trajectory Generation with Flexible Constraints
This work introduces TrajDiffuser, a compositional diffusion-based flexible and concurrent trajectory generator for 6 degrees of freedom powered descent guidance. TrajDiffuser is a statistical model that learns the multi-modal distributions of a dataset of simulated optimal trajectories, each subject to only one or few constraints that may vary for different trajectories. During inference, the trajectory is generated simultaneously over time, providing stable long-horizon planning, and constraints can be composed together, increasing the model's generalizability and decreasing the training data required. The generated trajectory is then used to initialize an optimizer, increasing its robustness and speed.
comment: Full manuscript submitted to IEEE Aerospace 2025 on 4-Oct-2024
☆ Pareto Control Barrier Function for Inner Safe Set Maximization Under Input Constraints
This article introduces the Pareto Control Barrier Function (PCBF) algorithm to maximize the inner safe set of dynamical systems under input constraints. Traditional Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) ensure safety by maintaining system trajectories within a safe set but often fail to account for realistic input constraints. To address this problem, we leverage the Pareto multi-task learning framework to balance competing objectives of safety and safe set volume. The PCBF algorithm is applicable to high-dimensional systems and is computationally efficient. We validate its effectiveness through comparison with Hamilton-Jacobi reachability for an inverted pendulum and through simulations on a 12-dimensional quadrotor system. Results show that the PCBF consistently outperforms existing methods, yielding larger safe sets and ensuring safety under input constraints.
comment: Submitted to ACC 2025
☆ Advancements in Robotics Process Automation: A Novel Model with Enhanced Empirical Validation and Theoretical Insights
Robotics Process Automation is revolutionizing business operations by significantly enhancing efficiency, productivity, and operational excellence across various industries. This manuscript delivers a comprehensive review of recent advancements in RPA technologies and proposes a novel model designed to elevate RPA capabilities.
comment: 9 pages
☆ ETHcavation: A Dataset and Pipeline for Panoptic Scene Understanding and Object Tracking in Dynamic Construction Environments
Construction sites are challenging environments for autonomous systems due to their unstructured nature and the presence of dynamic actors, such as workers and machinery. This work presents a comprehensive panoptic scene understanding solution designed to handle the complexities of such environments by integrating 2D panoptic segmentation with 3D LiDAR mapping. Our system generates detailed environmental representations in real-time by combining semantic and geometric data, supported by Kalman Filter-based tracking for dynamic object detection. We introduce a fine-tuning method that adapts large pre-trained panoptic segmentation models for construction site applications using a limited number of domain-specific samples. For this use case, we release a first-of-its-kind dataset of 502 hand-labeled sample images with panoptic annotations from construction sites. In addition, we propose a dynamic panoptic mapping technique that enhances scene understanding in unstructured environments. As a case study, we demonstrate the system's application for autonomous navigation, utilizing real-time RRT* for reactive path planning in dynamic scenarios. The dataset ( and code ( for training and deployment are publicly available to support future research.
comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, submitted to 2024 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA 2024)
☆ A Framework for Reproducible Benchmarking and Performance Diagnosis of SLAM Systems IROS 2024
We propose SLAMFuse, an open-source SLAM benchmarking framework that provides consistent crossplatform environments for evaluating multi-modal SLAM algorithms, along with tools for data fuzzing, failure detection, and diagnosis across different datasets. Our framework introduces a fuzzing mechanism to test the resilience of SLAM algorithms against dataset perturbations. This enables the assessment of pose estimation accuracy under varying conditions and identifies critical perturbation thresholds. SLAMFuse improves diagnostics with failure detection and analysis tools, examining algorithm behaviour against dataset characteristics. SLAMFuse uses Docker to ensure reproducible testing conditions across diverse datasets and systems by streamlining dependency management. Emphasizing the importance of reproducibility and introducing advanced tools for algorithm evaluation and performance diagnosis, our work sets a new precedent for reliable benchmarking of SLAM systems. We provide ready-to-use docker compatible versions of the algorithms and datasets used in the experiments, together with guidelines for integrating and benchmarking new algorithms. Code is available at
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Equal contribution of first two authors, Accepted at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ Fast Object Detection with a Machine Learning Edge Device
This machine learning study investigates a lowcost edge device integrated with an embedded system having computer vision and resulting in an improved performance in inferencing time and precision of object detection and classification. A primary aim of this study focused on reducing inferencing time and low-power consumption and to enable an embedded device of a competition-ready autonomous humanoid robot and to support real-time object recognition, scene understanding, visual navigation, motion planning, and autonomous navigation of the robot. This study compares processors for inferencing time performance between a central processing unit (CPU), a graphical processing unit (GPU), and a tensor processing unit (TPU). CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs are all processors that can be used for machine learning tasks. Related to the aim of supporting an autonomous humanoid robot, there was an additional effort to observe whether or not there was a significant difference in using a camera having monocular vision versus stereo vision capability. TPU inference time results for this study reflect a 25% reduction in time over the GPU, and a whopping 87.5% reduction in inference time compared to the CPU. Much information in this paper is contributed to the final selection of Google's Coral brand, Edge TPU device. The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Tiny ML Kit was also considered for comparison but due to initial incompatibilities and in the interest of time to complete this study, a decision was made to review the kit in a future experiment.
☆ Trajectory elongation strategies with minimum curvature discontinuities for a Dubins vehicle
In this paper, we present strategies for designing curvature-bounded trajectories of any desired length between any two given oriented points. The proposed trajectory is constructed by the concatenation of three circular arcs of varying radii. Such a trajectory guarantees a complete coverage of the maximum set of reachable lengths while minimising the number of changeover points in the trajectory to a maximum of two under all scenarios. Additionally, by using the notion of internally tangent circles, we expand the set of Circle-Circle-Circle trajectories to eight kinds, consisting of {LLL, LLR, LRR, LRL, RRL, RLL, RLR, RRR} paths. The paper presents a mathematical formulation of the proposed trajectory and the conditions for the existence and classification of each kind of trajectory. We also analyse the variation of the length of the trajectory using suitable elongation strategies and derive the set of reachable lengths for all pairs of oriented points. Finally, the results of this paper are illustrated using numerical simulations.
comment: Preprint submitted to Automatica
☆ High-Speed Stereo Visual SLAM for Low-Powered Computing Devices
We present an accurate and GPU-accelerated Stereo Visual SLAM design called Jetson-SLAM. It exhibits frame-processing rates above 60FPS on NVIDIA's low-powered 10W Jetson-NX embedded computer and above 200FPS on desktop-grade 200W GPUs, even in stereo configuration and in the multiscale setting. Our contributions are threefold: (i) a Bounded Rectification technique to prevent tagging many non-corner points as a corner in FAST detection, improving SLAM accuracy. (ii) A novel Pyramidal Culling and Aggregation (PyCA) technique that yields robust features while suppressing redundant ones at high speeds by harnessing a GPU device. PyCA uses our new Multi-Location Per Thread culling strategy (MLPT) and Thread-Efficient Warp-Allocation (TEWA) scheme for GPU to enable Jetson-SLAM achieving high accuracy and speed on embedded devices. (iii) Jetson-SLAM library achieves resource efficiency by having a data-sharing mechanism. Our experiments on three challenging datasets: KITTI, EuRoC, and KAIST-VIO, and two highly accurate SLAM backends: Full-BA and ICE-BA show that Jetson-SLAM is the fastest available accurate and GPU-accelerated SLAM system (Fig. 1).
☆ Kalman Filter Applied To A Differential Robot
This document presents the study of the problem of location and trajectory that a robot must follow. It focuses on applying the Kalman filter to achieve location and trajectory estimation in an autonomous mobile differential robot. The experimental data was carried out through tests obtained with the help of two incremental encoders that are part of the construction of the differential robot. The data transmission is carried out from a PC where the control is carried out with the Matlab/Simulink software. The results are expressed in graphs showing the path followed by the robot using PI control, the estimator of the Kalman filter in a real system.
comment: 7 pages, 13 figures
☆ Advancements in Robotics Process Automation: A Novel Model with Enhanced Empirical Validation and Theoretical Insights
Robotics Process Automation is revolutionizing business operations by significantly enhancing efficiency, productivity, and operational excellence across various industries. This manuscript delivers a comprehensive review of recent advancements in RPA technologies and proposes a novel model designed to elevate RPA capabilities.
comment: 9 pages. European Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 2024
♻ ☆ Sequential Gaussian Variational Inference for Nonlinear State Estimation applied to Robotic Applications
Probabilistic state estimation is essential for robots navigating uncertain environments. Accurately and efficiently managing uncertainty in estimated states is key to robust robotic operation. However, nonlinearities in robotic platforms pose significant challenges that require advanced estimation techniques. Gaussian variational inference (GVI) offers an optimization perspective on the estimation problem, providing analytically tractable solutions and efficiencies derived from the geometry of Gaussian space. We propose a Sequential Gaussian Variational Inference (S-GVI) method to address nonlinearity and provide efficient sequential inference processes. Our approach integrates sequential Bayesian principles into the GVI framework, which are addressed using statistical approximations and gradient updates on the information geometry. Validations through simulations and real-world experiments demonstrate significant improvements in state estimation over the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation method.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ GravMAD: Grounded Spatial Value Maps Guided Action Diffusion for Generalized 3D Manipulation
Robots' ability to follow language instructions and execute diverse 3D tasks is vital in robot learning. Traditional imitation learning-based methods perform well on seen tasks but struggle with novel, unseen ones due to variability. Recent approaches leverage large foundation models to assist in understanding novel tasks, thereby mitigating this issue. However, these methods lack a task-specific learning process, which is essential for an accurate understanding of 3D environments, often leading to execution failures. In this paper, we introduce GravMAD, a sub-goal-driven, language-conditioned action diffusion framework that combines the strengths of imitation learning and foundation models. Our approach breaks tasks into sub-goals based on language instructions, allowing auxiliary guidance during both training and inference. During training, we introduce Sub-goal Keypose Discovery to identify key sub-goals from demonstrations. Inference differs from training, as there are no demonstrations available, so we use pre-trained foundation models to bridge the gap and identify sub-goals for the current task. In both phases, GravMaps are generated from sub-goals, providing flexible 3D spatial guidance compared to fixed 3D positions. Empirical evaluations on RLBench show that GravMAD significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with a 28.63% improvement on novel tasks and a 13.36% gain on tasks encountered during training. These results demonstrate GravMAD's strong multi-task learning and generalization in 3D manipulation. Video demonstrations are available at:
comment: Under review. The first two authors contributed equally
♻ ☆ Robo-Instruct: Simulator-Augmented Instruction Alignment For Finetuning CodeLLMs
Open-weight LLMs are particularly appealing choices to generate training data for fine-tuning Code LLMs on domain-specific service robot applications because they are cost-effective, customizable, and offer better privacy protection. However, unlike proprietary LLMs, open-weight models are more error-prone and often produce programs that violate domain-specific constraints. A promising solution is to incorporate a robot simulator with a well-defined environment to verify program correctness. Yet, these environments require pre-enumeration of relevant entities and their states, which limits the diversity of programs that can be effectively verified. In this work, we introduce ROBO-INSTRUCT that preserves the diversity of programs generated by an LLM while providing the correctness of simulator-based checking. ROBO-INSTRUCT introduces ROBOSIM to dynamically synthesize consistent simulation environments for each generated program. Moreover, ROBO-INSTRUCT handles subtler instruction-program inconsistencies that do not result in a constraint violation via INSTALIGN, an LLM-aided instruction-program alignment process. Given domain-specific APIs and a few seed examples, ROBO-INSTRUCT can leverage an 8B Llama3 model to generate a training dataset for fine-tuning a 7B CodeLlama model. Our fine-tuned model achieves a 28.75% improvement in pass@1 over the original base model and a 13.75% improvement compared to its SELF-INSTRUCT-finetuned counterparts, even surpassing the performance of a few proprietary LLMs, such as GPT-3.5-Turbo and Gemini-Pro.
♻ ☆ NOD-TAMP: Generalizable Long-Horizon Planning with Neural Object Descriptors
Solving complex manipulation tasks in household and factory settings remains challenging due to long-horizon reasoning, fine-grained interactions, and broad object and scene diversity. Learning skills from demonstrations can be an effective strategy, but such methods often have limited generalizability beyond training data and struggle to solve long-horizon tasks. To overcome this, we propose to synergistically combine two paradigms: Neural Object Descriptors (NODs) that produce generalizable object-centric features and Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) frameworks that chain short-horizon skills to solve multi-step tasks. We introduce NOD-TAMP, a TAMP-based framework that extracts short manipulation trajectories from a handful of human demonstrations, adapts these trajectories using NOD features, and composes them to solve broad long-horizon, contact-rich tasks. NOD-TAMP solves existing manipulation benchmarks with a handful of demonstrations and significantly outperforms prior NOD-based approaches on new tabletop manipulation tasks that require diverse generalization. Finally, we deploy NOD-TAMP on a number of real-world tasks, including tool-use and high-precision insertion. For more details, please visit
♻ ☆ 3D Feature Distillation with Object-Centric Priors
Grounding natural language to the physical world is a ubiquitous topic with a wide range of applications in computer vision and robotics. Recently, 2D vision-language models such as CLIP have been widely popularized, due to their impressive capabilities for open-vocabulary grounding in 2D images. Recent works aim to elevate 2D CLIP features to 3D via feature distillation, but either learn neural fields that are scene-specific and hence lack generalization, or focus on indoor room scan data that require access to multiple camera views, which is not practical in robot manipulation scenarios. Additionally, related methods typically fuse features at pixel-level and assume that all camera views are equally informative. In this work, we show that this approach leads to sub-optimal 3D features, both in terms of grounding accuracy, as well as segmentation crispness. To alleviate this, we propose a multi-view feature fusion strategy that employs object-centric priors to eliminate uninformative views based on semantic information, and fuse features at object-level via instance segmentation masks. To distill our object-centric 3D features, we generate a large-scale synthetic multi-view dataset of cluttered tabletop scenes, spawning 15k scenes from over 3300 unique object instances, which we make publicly available. We show that our method reconstructs 3D CLIP features with improved grounding capacity and spatial consistency, while doing so from single-view RGB-D, thus departing from the assumption of multiple camera views at test time. Finally, we show that our approach can generalize to novel tabletop domains and be re-purposed for 3D instance segmentation without fine-tuning, and demonstrate its utility for language-guided robotic grasping in clutter.
♻ ☆ Causality-Aware Transformer Networks for Robotic Navigation
Current research in Visual Navigation reveals opportunities for improvement. First, the direct adoption of RNNs and Transformers often overlooks the specific differences between Embodied AI and traditional sequential data modelling, potentially limiting its performance in Embodied AI tasks. Second, the reliance on task-specific configurations, such as pre-trained modules and dataset-specific logic, compromises the generalizability of these methods. We address these constraints by initially exploring the unique differences between Navigation tasks and other sequential data tasks through the lens of Causality, presenting a causal framework to elucidate the inadequacies of conventional sequential methods for Navigation. By leveraging this causal perspective, we propose Causality-Aware Transformer (CAT) Networks for Navigation, featuring a Causal Understanding Module to enhance the models's Environmental Understanding capability. Meanwhile, our method is devoid of task-specific inductive biases and can be trained in an End-to-End manner, which enhances the method's generalizability across various contexts. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our methodology consistently surpasses benchmark performances across a spectrum of settings, tasks and simulation environments. Extensive ablation studies reveal that the performance gains can be attributed to the Causal Understanding Module, which demonstrates effectiveness and efficiency in both Reinforcement Learning and Supervised Learning settings.
♻ ☆ Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model
In autonomous navigation settings, several quantities can be subject to variations. Terrain properties such as friction coefficients may vary over time depending on the location of the robot. Also, the dynamics of the robot may change due to, e.g., different payloads, changing the system's mass, or wear and tear, changing actuator gains or joint friction. An autonomous agent should thus be able to adapt to such variations. In this paper, we develop a novel probabilistic, terrain- and robot-aware forward dynamics model, termed TRADYN, which is able to adapt to the above-mentioned variations. It builds on recent advances in meta-learning forward dynamics models based on Neural Processes. We evaluate our method in a simulated 2D navigation setting with a unicycle-like robot and different terrain layouts with spatially varying friction coefficients. In our experiments, the proposed model exhibits lower prediction error for the task of long-horizon trajectory prediction, compared to non-adaptive ablation models. We also evaluate our model on the downstream task of navigation planning, which demonstrates improved performance in planning control-efficient paths by taking robot and terrain properties into account.
comment: \copyright 2023 IEEE. Accepted for publication in European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 2023. Version including corrections (see p. 8)
♻ ☆ Explore the Context: Optimal Data Collection for Context-Conditional Dynamics Models AISTATS
In this paper, we learn dynamics models for parametrized families of dynamical systems with varying properties. The dynamics models are formulated as stochastic processes conditioned on a latent context variable which is inferred from observed transitions of the respective system. The probabilistic formulation allows us to compute an action sequence which, for a limited number of environment interactions, optimally explores the given system within the parametrized family. This is achieved by steering the system through transitions being most informative for the context variable. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for exploration on a non-linear toy-problem and two well-known reinforcement learning environments.
comment: Accepted for publication at the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2021, with supplementary material. Corrected version (see footnote on p. 6)
♻ ☆ Latent-Conditioned Policy Gradient for Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning ICANN 2023
Sequential decision making in the real world often requires finding a good balance of conflicting objectives. In general, there exist a plethora of Pareto-optimal policies that embody different patterns of compromises between objectives, and it is technically challenging to obtain them exhaustively using deep neural networks. In this work, we propose a novel multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) algorithm that trains a single neural network via policy gradient to approximately obtain the entire Pareto set in a single run of training, without relying on linear scalarization of objectives. The proposed method works in both continuous and discrete action spaces with no design change of the policy network. Numerical experiments in benchmark environments demonstrate the practicality and efficacy of our approach in comparison to standard MORL baselines.
comment: 23 pages, 16 figures. Accepted at ICANN 2023
♻ ☆ SELFI: Autonomous Self-Improvement with Reinforcement Learning for Social Navigation
Autonomous self-improving robots that interact and improve with experience are key to the real-world deployment of robotic systems. In this paper, we propose an online learning method, SELFI, that leverages online robot experience to rapidly fine-tune pre-trained control policies efficiently. SELFI applies online model-free reinforcement learning on top of offline model-based learning to bring out the best parts of both learning paradigms. Specifically, SELFI stabilizes the online learning process by incorporating the same model-based learning objective from offline pre-training into the Q-values learned with online model-free reinforcement learning. We evaluate SELFI in multiple real-world environments and report improvements in terms of collision avoidance, as well as more socially compliant behavior, measured by a human user study. SELFI enables us to quickly learn useful robotic behaviors with less human interventions such as pre-emptive behavior for the pedestrians, collision avoidance for small and transparent objects, and avoiding travel on uneven floor surfaces. We provide supplementary videos to demonstrate the performance of our fine-tuned policy on our project page.
comment: 20pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, Conference on Robot Learning 2024
Robotics 52
☆ Learning Humanoid Locomotion over Challenging Terrain
Humanoid robots can, in principle, use their legs to go almost anywhere. Developing controllers capable of traversing diverse terrains, however, remains a considerable challenge. Classical controllers are hard to generalize broadly while the learning-based methods have primarily focused on gentle terrains. Here, we present a learning-based approach for blind humanoid locomotion capable of traversing challenging natural and man-made terrain. Our method uses a transformer model to predict the next action based on the history of proprioceptive observations and actions. The model is first pre-trained on a dataset of flat-ground trajectories with sequence modeling, and then fine-tuned on uneven terrain using reinforcement learning. We evaluate our model on a real humanoid robot across a variety of terrains, including rough, deformable, and sloped surfaces. The model demonstrates robust performance, in-context adaptation, and emergent terrain representations. In real-world case studies, our humanoid robot successfully traversed over 4 miles of hiking trails in Berkeley and climbed some of the steepest streets in San Francisco.
comment: Project page:
☆ GenSim2: Scaling Robot Data Generation with Multi-modal and Reasoning LLMs
Robotic simulation today remains challenging to scale up due to the human efforts required to create diverse simulation tasks and scenes. Simulation-trained policies also face scalability issues as many sim-to-real methods focus on a single task. To address these challenges, this work proposes GenSim2, a scalable framework that leverages coding LLMs with multi-modal and reasoning capabilities for complex and realistic simulation task creation, including long-horizon tasks with articulated objects. To automatically generate demonstration data for these tasks at scale, we propose planning and RL solvers that generalize within object categories. The pipeline can generate data for up to 100 articulated tasks with 200 objects and reduce the required human efforts. To utilize such data, we propose an effective multi-task language-conditioned policy architecture, dubbed proprioceptive point-cloud transformer (PPT), that learns from the generated demonstrations and exhibits strong sim-to-real zero-shot transfer. Combining the proposed pipeline and the policy architecture, we show a promising usage of GenSim2 that the generated data can be used for zero-shot transfer or co-train with real-world collected data, which enhances the policy performance by 20% compared with training exclusively on limited real data.
comment: CoRL 2024. Project website:
☆ LeLaN: Learning A Language-Conditioned Navigation Policy from In-the-Wild Videos
The world is filled with a wide variety of objects. For robots to be useful, they need the ability to find arbitrary objects described by people. In this paper, we present LeLaN(Learning Language-conditioned Navigation policy), a novel approach that consumes unlabeled, action-free egocentric data to learn scalable, language-conditioned object navigation. Our framework, LeLaN leverages the semantic knowledge of large vision-language models, as well as robotic foundation models, to label in-the-wild data from a variety of indoor and outdoor environments. We label over 130 hours of data collected in real-world indoor and outdoor environments, including robot observations, YouTube video tours, and human walking data. Extensive experiments with over 1000 real-world trials show that our approach enables training a policy from unlabeled action-free videos that outperforms state-of-the-art robot navigation methods, while being capable of inference at 4 times their speed on edge compute. We open-source our models, datasets and provide supplementary videos on our project page (
comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, Conference on Robot Learning 2024
☆ Enhancing Autonomous Navigation by Imaging Hidden Objects using Single-Photon LiDAR
Robust autonomous navigation in environments with limited visibility remains a critical challenge in robotics. We present a novel approach that leverages Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) sensing using single-photon LiDAR to improve visibility and enhance autonomous navigation. Our method enables mobile robots to "see around corners" by utilizing multi-bounce light information, effectively expanding their perceptual range without additional infrastructure. We propose a three-module pipeline: (1) Sensing, which captures multi-bounce histograms using SPAD-based LiDAR; (2) Perception, which estimates occupancy maps of hidden regions from these histograms using a convolutional neural network; and (3) Control, which allows a robot to follow safe paths based on the estimated occupancy. We evaluate our approach through simulations and real-world experiments on a mobile robot navigating an L-shaped corridor with hidden obstacles. Our work represents the first experimental demonstration of NLOS imaging for autonomous navigation, paving the way for safer and more efficient robotic systems operating in complex environments. We also contribute a novel dynamics-integrated transient rendering framework for simulating NLOS scenarios, facilitating future research in this domain.
comment: Project webpage:
☆ Loading Ceramics: Visualising Possibilities of Robotics in Ceramics
This article introduces an artistic research project that utilises artist-in-residency and exhibition as methods for exploring the possibilities of robotic 3D printing and ceramics. The interdisciplinary project unites artists and architects to collaborate on a proposed curatorial concept and Do-It-With-Others (DIWO) technological development. Constraints include material, specifically local clay, production technique, namely 3D printing with a robotic arm, and kiln size, as well as an exhibition concept that is further elaborated in the next chapter. The pictorial presents four projects as case studies demonstrating how the creatives integrate these constraints into their processes. This integration leads to the subsequent refinement and customization of the robotic-ceramics interface, aligning with the practitioners' requirements through software development. The project's focus extends beyond artistic outcomes, aiming also to advance the pipeline of 3D robotic printing in clay, employing a digitally controlled material press that has been developed in-house, with its functionality refined through practice.
☆ HMT-Grasp: A Hybrid Mamba-Transformer Approach for Robot Grasping in Cluttered Environments
Robot grasping, whether handling isolated objects, cluttered items, or stacked objects, plays a critical role in industrial and service applications. However, current visual grasp detection methods based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) struggle to adapt across various grasping scenarios due to the imbalance between local and global feature extraction. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid Mamba-Transformer approach to address these challenges. Our method improves robotic visual grasping by effectively capturing both global and local information through the integration of Vision Mamba and parallel convolutional-transformer blocks. This hybrid architecture significantly improves adaptability, precision, and flexibility across various robotic tasks. To ensure a fair evaluation, we conducted extensive experiments on the Cornell, Jacquard, and OCID-Grasp datasets, ranging from simple to complex scenarios. Additionally, we performed both simulated and real-world robotic experiments. The results demonstrate that our method not only surpasses state-of-the-art techniques on standard grasping datasets but also delivers strong performance in both simulation and real-world robot applications.
☆ GAP-RL: Grasps As Points for RL Towards Dynamic Object Grasping
Dynamic grasping of moving objects in complex, continuous motion scenarios remains challenging. Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been applied in various robotic manipulation tasks, benefiting from its closed-loop property. However, existing RL-based methods do not fully explore the potential for enhancing visual representations. In this letter, we propose a novel framework called Grasps As Points for RL (GAP-RL) to effectively and reliably grasp moving objects. By implementing a fast region-based grasp detector, we build a Grasp Encoder by transforming 6D grasp poses into Gaussian points and extracting grasp features as a higher-level abstraction than the original object point features. Additionally, we develop a Graspable Region Explorer for real-world deployment, which searches for consistent graspable regions, enabling smoother grasp generation and stable policy execution. To assess the performance fairly, we construct a simulated dynamic grasping benchmark involving objects with various complex motions. Experiment results demonstrate that our method effectively generalizes to novel objects and unseen dynamic motions compared to other baselines. Real-world experiments further validate the framework's sim-to-real transferability.
comment: Accepted by RA-L for further publication, may be unavailable or updated in the future
☆ MO-DDN: A Coarse-to-Fine Attribute-based Exploration Agent for Multi-object Demand-driven Navigation NeurIPS 2024
The process of satisfying daily demands is a fundamental aspect of humans' daily lives. With the advancement of embodied AI, robots are increasingly capable of satisfying human demands. Demand-driven navigation (DDN) is a task in which an agent must locate an object to satisfy a specified demand instruction, such as ``I am thirsty.'' The previous study typically assumes that each demand instruction requires only one object to be fulfilled and does not consider individual preferences. However, the realistic human demand may involve multiple objects. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-object Demand-driven Navigation (MO-DDN) benchmark, which addresses these nuanced aspects, including multi-object search and personal preferences, thus making the MO-DDN task more reflective of real-life scenarios compared to DDN. Building upon previous work, we employ the concept of ``attribute'' to tackle this new task. However, instead of solely relying on attribute features in an end-to-end manner like DDN, we propose a modular method that involves constructing a coarse-to-fine attribute-based exploration agent (C2FAgent). Our experimental results illustrate that this coarse-to-fine exploration strategy capitalizes on the advantages of attributes at various decision-making levels, resulting in superior performance compared to baseline methods. Code and video can be found at
comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 2024; 39 pages, 11 figures;
☆ STREAMS: An Assistive Multimodal AI Framework for Empowering Biosignal Based Robotic Controls
End-effector based assistive robots face persistent challenges in generating smooth and robust trajectories when controlled by human's noisy and unreliable biosignals such as muscle activities and brainwaves. The produced endpoint trajectories are often jerky and imprecise to perform complex tasks such as stable robotic grasping. We propose STREAMS (Self-Training Robotic End-to-end Adaptive Multimodal Shared autonomy) as a novel framework leveraged deep reinforcement learning to tackle this challenge in biosignal based robotic control systems. STREAMS blends environmental information and synthetic user input into a Deep Q Learning Network (DQN) pipeline for an interactive end-to-end and self-training mechanism to produce smooth trajectories for the control of end-effector based robots. The proposed framework achieved a high-performance record of 98% in simulation with dynamic target estimation and acquisition without any pre-existing datasets. As a zero-shot sim-to-real user study with five participants controlling a physical robotic arm with noisy head movements, STREAMS (as an assistive mode) demonstrated significant improvements in trajectory stabilization, user satisfaction, and task performance reported as a success rate of 83% compared to manual mode which was 44% without any task support. STREAMS seeks to improve biosignal based assistive robotic controls by offering an interactive, end-to-end solution that stabilizes end-effector trajectories, enhancing task performance and accuracy.
☆ S2C2A: A Flexible Task Space Planning and Control Strategy for Modular Soft Robot Arms
Modular soft robot arms (MSRAs) are composed of multiple independent modules connected in a sequence. Due to their modular structure and high degrees of freedom (DOFs), these modules can simultaneously bend at different angles in various directions, enabling complex deformation. This capability allows MSRAs to perform more intricate tasks than single module robots. However, the modular structure also induces challenges in accurate planning, modeling, and control. Nonlinearity, hysteresis, and gravity complicate the physical model, while the modular structure and increased DOFs further lead to accumulative errors along the sequence. To address these challenges, we propose a flexible task space planning and control strategy for MSRAs, named S2C2A (State to Configuration to Action). Our approach formulates an optimization problem, S2C (State to Configuration planning), which integrates various loss functions and a forward MSRA model to generate configuration trajectories based on target MSRA states. Given the model complexity, we leverage a biLSTM network as the forward model. Subsequently, a configuration controller C2A (Configuration to Action control) is implemented to follow the planned configuration trajectories, leveraging only inaccurate internal sensing feedback. Both a biLSTM network and a physical model are utilized for configuration control. We validated our strategy using a cable-driven MSRA, demonstrating its ability to perform diverse offline tasks such as position control, orientation control, and obstacle avoidance. Furthermore, our strategy endows MSRA with online interaction capability with targets and obstacles. Future work will focus on addressing MSRA challenges, such as developing more accurate physical models and reducing configuration estimation errors along the module sequence.
comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables
☆ A Compact, Low-cost Force and Torque Sensor for Robot Fingers with LED-based Displacement Sensing
Force/torque sensing is an important modality for robotic manipulation, but commodity solutions, generally developed with other applications in mind, do not generally fit the needs of robot hands. This paper introduces a novel method for six-axis force/torque sensing, using LEDs to sense the displacement between two plates connected by a transparent elastomer. Our method allows for finger-size packaging with no amplification electronics, low cost manufacturing, and easy integration into a complete hand. On test forces between 0-2 N, our prototype sensor exhibits a mean error between 0.05 and 0.07 N across the three force directions, suggesting future applicability to fine manipulation tasks.
☆ Collision-Aware Traversability Analysis for Autonomous Vehicles in the Context of Agricultural Robotics
In this paper, we introduce a novel method for safe navigation in agricultural robotics. As global environmental challenges intensify, robotics offers a powerful solution to reduce chemical usage while meeting the increasing demands for food production. However, significant challenges remain in ensuring the autonomy and resilience of robots operating in unstructured agricultural environments. Obstacles such as crops and tall grass, which are deformable, must be identified as safely traversable, compared to rigid obstacles. To address this, we propose a new traversability analysis method based on a 3D spectral map reconstructed using a LIDAR and a multispectral camera. This approach enables the robot to distinguish between safe and unsafe collisions with deformable obstacles. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of multispectral metrics for vegetation detection and incorporate these metrics into an augmented environmental map. Utilizing this map, we compute a physics-based traversability metric that accounts for the robot's weight and size, ensuring safe navigation over deformable obstacles.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ A Service Robot in the Wild: Analysis of Users Intentions, Robot Behaviors, and Their Impact on the Interaction
We consider a service robot that offers chocolate treats to people passing in its proximity: it has the capability of predicting in advance a person's intention to interact, and to actuate an "offering" gesture, subtly extending the tray of chocolates towards a given target. We run the system for more than 5 hours across 3 days and two different crowded public locations; the system implements three possible behaviors that are randomly toggled every few minutes: passive (e.g. never performing the offering gesture); or active, triggered by either a naive distance-based rule, or a smart approach that relies on various behavioral cues of the user. We collect a real-world dataset that includes information on 1777 users with several spontaneous human-robot interactions and study the influence of robot actions on people's behavior. Our comprehensive analysis suggests that users are more prone to engage with the robot when it proactively starts the interaction. We release the dataset and provide insights to make our work reproducible for the community. Also, we report qualitative observations collected during the acquisition campaign and identify future challenges and research directions in the domain of social human-robot interaction.
☆ Dynamic Curvature Constrained Path Planning
Effective path planning is a pivotal challenge across various domains, from robotics to logistics and beyond. This research is centred on the development and evaluation of the Dynamic Curvature-Constrained Path Planning Algorithm (DCCPPA) within two dimensional space. DCCPPA is designed to navigate constrained environments, optimising path solutions while accommodating curvature constraints.The study goes beyond algorithm development and conducts a comparative analysis with two established path planning methodologies: Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM). These comparisons provide insights into the performance and adaptability of path planning algorithms across a range of applications.This research underscores the versatility of DCCPPA as a path planning algorithm tailored for 2D space, demonstrating its potential for addressing real-world path planning challenges across various domains. Index Terms Path Planning, PRM, RRT, Optimal Path, 2D Path Planning.
comment: 6 Pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ Latent Action Priors From a Single Gait Cycle Demonstration for Online Imitation Learning ICRA 2025
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) in simulation often results in brittle and unrealistic learning outcomes. To push the agent towards more desirable solutions, prior information can be injected in the learning process through, for instance, reward shaping, expert data, or motion primitives. We propose an additional inductive bias for robot learning: latent actions learned from expert demonstration as priors in the action space. We show that these action priors can be learned from only a single open-loop gait cycle using a simple autoencoder. Using these latent action priors combined with established style rewards for imitation in DRL achieves above expert demonstration level of performance and leads to more desirable gaits. Further, action priors substantially improve the performance on transfer tasks, even leading to gait transitions for higher target speeds. Videos and code are available at
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Sampling-Based Model Predictive Control for Volumetric Ablation in Robotic Laser Surgery ICRA 2025
Laser-based surgical ablation relies heavily on surgeon involvement, restricting precision to the limits of human error. The interaction between laser and tissue is governed by various laser parameters that control the laser irradiance on the tissue, including the laser power, distance, spot size, orientation, and exposure time. This complex interaction lends itself to robotic automation, allowing the surgeon to focus on high-level tasks, such as choosing the region and method of ablation, while the lower-level ablation plan can be handled autonomously. This paper describes a sampling-based model predictive control (MPC) scheme to plan ablation sequences for arbitrary tissue volumes. Using a steady-state point ablation model to simulate a single laser-tissue interaction, a random search technique explores the reachable state space while preserving sensitive tissue regions. The sampled MPC strategy provides an ablation sequence that accounts for parameter uncertainty without violating constraints, such as avoiding critical nerve bundles or blood vessels.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE ICRA 2025
☆ Analysis and Detection of Differences in Spoken User Behaviors between Autonomous and Wizard-of-Oz Systems
This study examined users' behavioral differences in a large corpus of Japanese human-robot interactions, comparing interactions between a tele-operated robot and an autonomous dialogue system. We analyzed user spoken behaviors in both attentive listening and job interview dialogue scenarios. Results revealed significant differences in metrics such as speech length, speaking rate, fillers, backchannels, disfluencies, and laughter between operator-controlled and autonomous conditions. Furthermore, we developed predictive models to distinguish between operator and autonomous system conditions. Our models demonstrated higher accuracy and precision compared to the baseline model, with several models also achieving a higher F1 score than the baseline.
comment: Accepted and will be presented at the 27th conference of the Oriental COCOSDA (O-COCOSDA 2024)
☆ Autoregressive Action Sequence Learning for Robotic Manipulation
Autoregressive models have demonstrated remarkable success in natural language processing. In this work, we design a simple yet effective autoregressive architecture for robotic manipulation tasks. We propose the Chunking Causal Transformer (CCT), which extends the next-single-token prediction of causal transformers to support multi-token prediction in a single pass. Further, we design a novel attention interleaving strategy that allows CCT to be trained efficiently with teacher-forcing. Based on CCT, we propose the Autoregressive Policy (ARP) model, which learns to generate action sequences autoregressively. We find that action sequence learning enables better leverage of the underlying causal relationships in robotic tasks. We evaluate ARP across diverse robotic manipulation environments, including Push-T, ALOHA, and RLBench, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in all tested environments, while being more efficient in computation and parameter sizes. Video demonstrations, our source code, and the models of ARP can be found at
☆ Design and Evaluation of a Compliant Quasi Direct Drive End-effector for Safe Robotic Ultrasound Imaging
Robot-assisted ultrasound scanning promises to advance autonomous and accessible medical imaging. However, ensuring patient safety and compliant human-robot interaction (HRI) during probe contact poses a significant challenge. Most existing systems either have high mechanical stiffness or are compliant but lack sufficient force and precision. This paper presents a novel single-degree-of-freedom end-effector for safe and accurate robotic ultrasound imaging, using a quasi-direct drive actuator to achieve both passive mechanical compliance and precise active force regulation, even during motion. The end-effector demonstrates an effective force control bandwidth of 100 Hz and can apply forces ranging from 2.5N to 15N. To validate the end-effector's performance, we developed a novel ex vivo actuating platform, enabling compliance testing of the end-effector on simulated abdominal breathing and sudden patient movements. Experiments demonstrate that the end-effector can maintain consistent probe contact during simulated respiratory motion at 2.5N, 5N, 10N, and 15N, with an average force tracking RMS error of 0.83N compared to 4.70N on a UR3e robot arm using conventional force control. This system represents the first compliant ultrasound end-effector tested on a tissue platform simulating dynamic movement. The proposed solution provides a novel approach for designing and evaluating compliant robotic ultrasound systems, advancing the path for more compliant and patient-friendly robotic ultrasound systems in clinical settings.
☆ Partial-to-Full Registration based on Gradient-SDF for Computer-Assisted Orthopedic Surgery
In computer-assisted orthopedic surgery (CAOS), accurate pre-operative to intra-operative bone registration is an essential and critical requirement for providing navigational guidance. This registration process is challenging since the intra-operative 3D points are sparse, only partially overlapped with the pre-operative model, and disturbed by noise and outliers. The commonly used method in current state-of-the-art orthopedic robotic system is bony landmarks based registration, but it is very time-consuming for the surgeons. To address these issues, we propose a novel partial-to-full registration framework based on gradient-SDF for CAOS. The simulation experiments using bone models from publicly available datasets and the phantom experiments performed under both optical tracking and electromagnetic tracking systems demonstrate that the proposed method can provide more accurate results than standard benchmarks and be robust to 90% outliers. Importantly, our method achieves convergence in less than 1 second in real scenarios and mean target registration error values as low as 2.198 mm for the entire bone model. Finally, it only requires random acquisition of points for registration by moving a surgical probe over the bone surface without correspondence with any specific bony landmarks, thus showing significant potential clinical value.
☆ Residual Policy Learning for Perceptive Quadruped Control Using Differentiable Simulation
First-order Policy Gradient (FoPG) algorithms such as Backpropagation through Time and Analytical Policy Gradients leverage local simulation physics to accelerate policy search, significantly improving sample efficiency in robot control compared to standard model-free reinforcement learning. However, FoPG algorithms can exhibit poor learning dynamics in contact-rich tasks like locomotion. Previous approaches address this issue by alleviating contact dynamics via algorithmic or simulation innovations. In contrast, we propose guiding the policy search by learning a residual over a simple baseline policy. For quadruped locomotion, we find that the role of residual policy learning in FoPG-based training (FoPG RPL) is primarily to improve asymptotic rewards, compared to improving sample efficiency for model-free RL. Additionally, we provide insights on applying FoPG's to pixel-based local navigation, training a point-mass robot to convergence within seconds. Finally, we showcase the versatility of FoPG RPL by using it to train locomotion and perceptive navigation end-to-end on a quadruped in minutes.
☆ Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Diffusion Models ICLR 2025
Diffusion models have recently been successfully applied to a wide range of robotics applications for learning complex multi-modal behaviors from data. However, prior works have mostly been confined to single-robot and small-scale environments due to the high sample complexity of learning multi-robot diffusion models. In this paper, we propose a method for generating collision-free multi-robot trajectories that conform to underlying data distributions while using only single-robot data. Our algorithm, Multi-robot Multi-model planning Diffusion (MMD), does so by combining learned diffusion models with classical search-based techniques -- generating data-driven motions under collision constraints. Scaling further, we show how to compose multiple diffusion models to plan in large environments where a single diffusion model fails to generalize well. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in planning for dozens of robots in a variety of simulated scenarios motivated by logistics environments. View video demonstrations in our supplementary material, and our code at:
comment: The first three authors contributed equally to this work. Under review for ICLR 2025
☆ Hybrid Classical/RL Local Planner for Ground Robot Navigation
Local planning is an optimization process within a mobile robot navigation stack that searches for the best velocity vector, given the robot and environment state. Depending on how the optimization criteria and constraints are defined, some planners may be better than others in specific situations. We consider two conceptually different planners. The first planner explores the velocity space in real-time and has superior path-tracking and motion smoothness performance. The second planner was trained using reinforcement learning methods to produce the best velocity based on its training $"$experience$"$. It is better at avoiding dynamic obstacles but at the expense of motion smoothness. We propose a simple yet effective meta-reasoning approach that takes advantage of both approaches by switching between planners based on the surroundings. We demonstrate the superiority of our hybrid planner, both qualitatively and quantitatively, over the individual planners on a live robot in different scenarios, achieving an improvement of 26% in the navigation time.
☆ CLIP-Clique: Graph-based Correspondence Matching Augmented by Vision Language Models for Object-based Global Localization
This letter proposes a method of global localization on a map with semantic object landmarks. One of the most promising approaches for localization on object maps is to use semantic graph matching using landmark descriptors calculated from the distribution of surrounding objects. These descriptors are vulnerable to misclassification and partial observations. Moreover, many existing methods rely on inlier extraction using RANSAC, which is stochastic and sensitive to a high outlier rate. To address the former issue, we augment the correspondence matching using Vision Language Models (VLMs). Landmark discriminability is improved by VLM embeddings, which are independent of surrounding objects. In addition, inliers are estimated deterministically using a graph-theoretic approach. We also incorporate pose calculation using the weighted least squares considering correspondence similarity and observation completeness to improve the robustness. We confirmed improvements in matching and pose estimation accuracy through experiments on ScanNet and TUM datasets.
comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
☆ ROS2-Based Simulation Framework for Cyberphysical Security Analysis of UAVs
We present a new simulator of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that is tailored to the needs of testing cyber-physical security attacks and defenses. Recent investigations into UAV safety have unveiled various attack surfaces and some defense mechanisms. However, due to escalating regulations imposed by aviation authorities on security research on real UAVs, and the substantial costs associated with hardware test-bed configurations, there arises a necessity for a simulator capable of substituting for hardware experiments, and/or narrowing down their scope to the strictly necessary. The study of different attack mechanisms requires specific features in a simulator. We propose a simulation framework based on ROS2, leveraging some of its key advantages, including modularity, replicability, customization, and the utilization of open-source tools such as Gazebo. Our framework has a built-in motion planner, controller, communication models and attack models. We share examples of research use cases that our framework can enable, demonstrating its utility.
☆ A Feasibility Study of a Soft, Low-Cost, 6-Axis Load Cell for Haptics
Haptic devices have shown to be valuable in supplementing surgical training, especially when providing haptic feedback based on user performance metrics such as wrench applied by the user on the tool. However, current 6-axis force/torque sensors are prohibitively expensive. This paper presents the design and calibration of a low-cost, six-axis force/torque sensor specially designed for laparoscopic haptic training applications. The proposed design uses Hall-effect sensors to measure the change in the position of magnets embedded in a silicone layer that results from an applied wrench to the device. Preliminary experimental validation demonstrates that these sensors can achieve an accuracy of 0.45 N and 0.014 Nm, and a theoretical XY range of +/-50N, Z range of +/-20N, and torque range of +/-0.2Nm. This study indicates that the proposed low-cost 6-axis force/torque sensor can accurately measure user force and provide useful feedback during laparoscopic training on a haptic device.
☆ Online Control-Informed Learning
This paper proposes an Online Control-Informed Learning (OCIL) framework, which synthesizes the well-established control theories to solve a broad class of learning and control tasks in real time. This novel integration effectively handles practical issues in machine learning such as noisy measurement data, online learning, and data efficiency. By considering any robot as a tunable optimal control system, we propose an online parameter estimator based on extended Kalman filter (EKF) to incrementally tune the system in real time, enabling it to complete designated learning or control tasks. The proposed method also improves robustness in learning by effectively managing noise in the data. Theoretical analysis is provided to demonstrate the convergence and regret of OCIL. Three learning modes of OCIL, i.e. Online Imitation Learning, Online System Identification, and Policy Tuning On-the-fly, are investigated via experiments, which validate their effectiveness.
☆ Learning Object Properties Using Robot Proprioception via Differentiable Robot-Object Interaction
Differentiable simulation has become a powerful tool for system identification. While prior work has focused on identifying robot properties using robot-specific data or object properties using object-specific data, our approach calibrates object properties by using information from the robot, without relying on data from the object itself. Specifically, we utilize robot joint encoder information, which is commonly available in standard robotic systems. Our key observation is that by analyzing the robot's reactions to manipulated objects, we can infer properties of those objects, such as inertia and softness. Leveraging this insight, we develop differentiable simulations of robot-object interactions to inversely identify the properties of the manipulated objects. Our approach relies solely on proprioception -- the robot's internal sensing capabilities -- and does not require external measurement tools or vision-based tracking systems. This general method is applicable to any articulated robot and requires only joint position information. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a low-cost robotic platform, achieving accurate mass and elastic modulus estimations of manipulated objects with just a few seconds of computation on a laptop.
☆ Multi-Objective Risk Assessment Framework for Exploration Planning Using Terrain and Traversability Analysis ICRA 2025
Exploration of unknown, unstructured environments, such as in search and rescue, cave exploration, and planetary missions,presents significant challenges due to their unpredictable nature. This unpredictability can lead to inefficient path planning and potential mission failures. We propose a multi-objective risk assessment method for exploration planning in such unconstrained environments. Our approach dynamically adjusts the weight of various risk factors to prevent the robot from undertaking lethal actions too early in the mission. By gradually increasing the allowable risk as the mission progresses, our method enables more efficient exploration. We evaluate risk based on environmental terrain properties, including elevation, slope, roughness, and traversability, and account for factors like battery life, mission duration, and travel distance. Our method is validated through experiments in various subterranean simulated cave environments. The results demonstrate that our approach ensures consistent exploration without incurring lethal actions, while introducing minimal computational overhead to the planning process.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Improving Efficiency of Sampling-based Motion Planning via Message-Passing Monte Carlo
Sampling-based motion planning methods, while effective in high-dimensional spaces, often suffer from inefficiencies due to irregular sampling distributions, leading to suboptimal exploration of the configuration space. In this paper, we propose an approach that enhances the efficiency of these methods by utilizing low-discrepancy distributions generated through Message-Passing Monte Carlo (MPMC). MPMC leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to generate point sets that uniformly cover the space, with uniformity assessed using the the $\cL_p$-discrepancy measure, which quantifies the irregularity of sample distributions. By improving the uniformity of the point sets, our approach significantly reduces computational overhead and the number of samples required for solving motion planning problems. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms traditional sampling techniques in terms of planning efficiency.
☆ Safe Reference Tracking and Collision Avoidance for Taxiing Aircraft Using an MPC-CBF Framework
In this paper, we develop a framework for the automatic taxiing of aircraft between hangar and take-off given a graph-based model of an airport. We implement a high-level path-planning algorithm that models taxiway intersections as nodes in an undirected graph, algorithmically constructs a directed graph according to the physical limitations of the aircraft, and finds the shortest valid taxi path through the directed graph using Dijkstra's algorithm. We then use this shortest path to construct a reference trajectory for the aircraft to follow that considers the turning capabilities of a given aircraft. Using high-order control barrier functions (HOCBFs), we construct safety conditions for multi-obstacle avoidance and safe reference tracking for simple 2D unicycle dynamics with acceleration control inputs. We then use these safety conditions to design an MPC-CBF framework that tracks the reference trajectory while adhering to the safety constraints. We compare the performance of our MPC-CBF controller with a PID-CBF control method via simulations.
comment: This work is under review to be presented at the 2025 American Control Conference
☆ Collaborative Safety-Critical Formation Control with Obstacle Avoidance
This work explores a collaborative method for ensuring safety in multi-agent formation control problems. We formulate a control barrier function (CBF) based safety filter control law for a generic distributed formation controller and extend our previously developed collaborative safety framework to an obstacle avoidance problem for agents with acceleration control inputs. We then incorporate multi-obstacle collision avoidance into the collaborative safety framework. This framework includes a method for computing the maximum capability of agents to satisfy their individual safety requirements. We analyze the convergence rate of our collaborative safety algorithm, and prove the linear-time convergence of cooperating agents to a jointly feasible safe action for all agents under the special case of a tree-structured communication network with a single obstacle for each agent. We illustrate the analytical results via simulation on a mass-spring kinematics-based formation controller and demonstrate the finite-time convergence of the collaborative safety algorithm in the simple proven case, the more general case of a fully-connected system with multiple static obstacles, and with dynamic obstacles.
comment: This work is under review for publication in Automatica. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.11156
♻ ☆ CyberCortex.AI: An AI-based Operating System for Autonomous Robotics and Complex Automation
The underlying framework for controlling autonomous robots and complex automation applications are Operating Systems (OS) capable of scheduling perception-and-control tasks, as well as providing real-time data communication to other robotic peers and remote cloud computers. In this paper, we introduce CyberCortex AI, a robotics OS designed to enable heterogeneous AI-based robotics and complex automation applications. CyberCortex AI is a decentralized distributed OS which enables robots to talk to each other, as well as to High Performance Computers (HPC) in the cloud. Sensory and control data from the robots is streamed towards HPC systems with the purpose of training AI algorithms, which are afterwards deployed on the robots. Each functionality of a robot (e.g. sensory data acquisition, path planning, motion control, etc.) is executed within a so-called DataBlock of Filters shared through the internet, where each filter is computed either locally on the robot itself, or remotely on a different robotic system. The data is stored and accessed via a so-called Temporal Addressable Memory (TAM), which acts as a gateway between each filter's input and output. CyberCortex AI has two main components: i) the CyberCortex AI inference system, which is a real-time implementation of the DataBlock running on the robots' embedded hardware, and ii) the CyberCortex AI dojo, which runs on an HPC computer in the cloud, and it is used to design, train and deploy AI algorithms. We present a quantitative and qualitative performance analysis of the proposed approach using two collaborative robotics applications: i) a forest fires prevention system based on an Unitree A1 legged robot and an Anafi Parrot 4K drone, as well as ii) an autonomous driving system which uses CyberCortex AI for collaborative perception and motion control.
♻ ☆ Retrieval-Augmented Hierarchical in-Context Reinforcement Learning and Hindsight Modular Reflections for Task Planning with LLMs
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable abilities in various language tasks, making them promising candidates for decision-making in robotics. Inspired by Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL), we propose Retrieval-Augmented in-context reinforcement Learning (RAHL), a novel framework that decomposes complex tasks into sub-tasks using an LLM-based high-level policy, in which a complex task is decomposed into sub-tasks by a high-level policy on-the-fly. The sub-tasks, defined by goals, are assigned to the low-level policy to complete. To improve the agent's performance in multi-episode execution, we propose Hindsight Modular Reflection (HMR), where, instead of reflecting on the full trajectory, we let the agent reflect on shorter sub-trajectories to improve reflection efficiency. We evaluated the decision-making ability of the proposed RAHL in three benchmark environments--ALFWorld, Webshop, and HotpotQA. The results show that RAHL can achieve an improvement in performance in 9%, 42%, and 10% in 5 episodes of execution in strong baselines. Furthermore, we also implemented RAHL on the Boston Dynamics SPOT robot. The experiment shows that the robot can scan the environment, find entrances, and navigate to new rooms controlled by the LLM policy.
♻ ☆ Motion Primitives Planning For Center-Articulated Vehicles
Autonomous navigation across unstructured terrains, including forests and construction areas, faces unique challenges due to intricate obstacles and the element of the unknown. Lacking pre-existing maps, these scenarios necessitate a motion planning approach that combines agility with efficiency. Critically, it must also incorporate the robot's kinematic constraints to navigate more effectively through complex environments. This work introduces a novel planning method for center-articulated vehicles (CAV), leveraging motion primitives within a receding horizon planning framework using onboard sensing. The approach commences with the offline creation of motion primitives, generated through forward simulations that reflect the distinct kinematic model of center-articulated vehicles. These primitives undergo evaluation through a heuristic-based scoring function, facilitating the selection of the most suitable path for real-time navigation. To account for disturbances, we develop a pose-stabilizing controller, tailored to the kinematic specifications of center-articulated vehicles. During experiments, our method demonstrates a $67\%$ improvement in SPL (Success Rate weighted by Path Length) performance over existing strategies. Furthermore, its efficacy was validated through real-world experiments conducted with a tree harvester vehicle - SAHA.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ One Policy to Run Them All: an End-to-end Learning Approach to Multi-Embodiment Locomotion
Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques are achieving state-of-the-art results in robust legged locomotion. While there exists a wide variety of legged platforms such as quadruped, humanoids, and hexapods, the field is still missing a single learning framework that can control all these different embodiments easily and effectively and possibly transfer, zero or few-shot, to unseen robot embodiments. We introduce URMA, the Unified Robot Morphology Architecture, to close this gap. Our framework brings the end-to-end Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning approach to the realm of legged robots, enabling the learned policy to control any type of robot morphology. The key idea of our method is to allow the network to learn an abstract locomotion controller that can be seamlessly shared between embodiments thanks to our morphology-agnostic encoders and decoders. This flexible architecture can be seen as a potential first step in building a foundation model for legged robot locomotion. Our experiments show that URMA can learn a locomotion policy on multiple embodiments that can be easily transferred to unseen robot platforms in simulation and the real world.
♻ ☆ Performance assessment of ADAS in a representative subset of critical traffic situations
As a variety of automated collision prevention systems gain presence within personal vehicles, rating and differentiating the automated safety performance of car models has become increasingly important for consumers, manufacturers, and insurers. In 2023, Swiss Re and partners initiated an eight-month long vehicle testing campaign conducted on a recognized UNECE type approval authority and Euro NCAP accredited proving ground in Germany. The campaign exposed twelve mass-produced vehicle models and one prototype vehicle fitted with collision prevention systems to a selection of safety-critical traffic scenarios representative of United States and European Union accident landscape. In this paper, we compare and evaluate the relative safety performance of these thirteen collision prevention systems (hardware and software stack) as demonstrated by this testing campaign. We first introduce a new scoring system which represents a test system's predicted impact on overall real-world collision frequency and reduction of collision impact energy, weighted based on the real-world relevance of the test scenario. Next, we introduce a novel metric that quantifies the realism of the protocol and confirm that our test protocol is a plausible representation of real-world driving. Finally, we find that the prototype system in its pre-release state outperforms the mass-produced (post-consumer-release) vehicles in the majority of the tested scenarios on the test track.
♻ ☆ Diffusing in Someone Else's Shoes: Robotic Perspective Taking with Diffusion
Humanoid robots can benefit from their similarity to the human shape by learning from humans. When humans teach other humans how to perform actions, they often demonstrate the actions, and the learning human imitates the demonstration to get an idea of how to perform the action. Being able to mentally transfer from a demonstration seen from a third-person perspective to how it should look from a first-person perspective is fundamental for this ability in humans. As this is a challenging task, it is often simplified for robots by creating demonstrations from the first-person perspective. Creating these demonstrations allows for an easier imitation but requires more effort. Therefore, we introduce a novel diffusion model that enables the robot to learn from the third-person demonstrations directly by learning to generate the first-person perspective from the third-person perspective. The model translates the size and rotations of objects and the environment between the two perspectives. This allows us to utilise the benefits of easy-to-produce third-person demonstrations and easy-to-imitate first-person demonstrations.
comment: Submitted to Humanoids
♻ ☆ Topology-Driven Parallel Trajectory Optimization in Dynamic Environments
Ground robots navigating in complex, dynamic environments must compute collision-free trajectories to avoid obstacles safely and efficiently. Nonconvex optimization is a popular method to compute a trajectory in real-time. However, these methods often converge to locally optimal solutions and frequently switch between different local minima, leading to inefficient and unsafe robot motion. In this work, We propose a novel topology-driven trajectory optimization strategy for dynamic environments that plans multiple distinct evasive trajectories to enhance the robot's behavior and efficiency. A global planner iteratively generates trajectories in distinct homotopy classes. These trajectories are then optimized by local planners working in parallel. While each planner shares the same navigation objectives, they are locally constrained to a specific homotopy class, meaning each local planner attempts a different evasive maneuver. The robot then executes the feasible trajectory with the lowest cost in a receding horizon manner. We demonstrate, on a mobile robot navigating among pedestrians, that our approach leads to faster and safer trajectories than existing planners.
comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Robotics
♻ ☆ Artificial consciousness. Some logical and conceptual preliminaries
Is artificial consciousness theoretically possible? Is it plausible? If so, is it technically feasible? To make progress on these questions, it is necessary to lay some groundwork clarifying the logical and empirical conditions for artificial consciousness to arise and the meaning of relevant terms involved. Consciousness is a polysemic word: researchers from different fields, including neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and philosophy, among others, sometimes use different terms in order to refer to the same phenomena or the same terms to refer to different phenomena. In fact, if we want to pursue artificial consciousness, a proper definition of the key concepts is required. Here, after some logical and conceptual preliminaries, we argue for the necessity of using dimensions and profiles of consciousness for a balanced discussion about their possible instantiation or realisation in artificial systems. Our primary goal in this paper is to review the main theoretical questions that arise in the domain of artificial consciousness. On the basis of this review, we propose to assess the issue of artificial consciousness within a multidimensional account. The theoretical possibility of artificial consciousness is already presumed within some theoretical frameworks; however, empirical possibility cannot simply be deduced from these frameworks but needs independent empirical validation. We break down the complexity of consciousness by identifying constituents, components, and dimensions, and reflect pragmatically about the general challenges confronting the creation of artificial consciousness. Despite these challenges, we outline a research strategy for showing how "awareness" as we propose to understand it could plausibly be realised in artificial systems.
♻ ☆ RobMOT: Robust 3D Multi-Object Tracking by Observational Noise and State Estimation Drift Mitigation on LiDAR PointCloud
This work addresses limitations in recent 3D tracking-by-detection methods, focusing on identifying legitimate trajectories and addressing state estimation drift in Kalman filters. Current methods rely heavily on threshold-based filtering of false positive detections using detection scores to prevent ghost trajectories. However, this approach is inadequate for distant and partially occluded objects, where detection scores tend to drop, potentially leading to false positives exceeding the threshold. Additionally, the literature generally treats detections as precise localizations of objects. Our research reveals that noise in detections impacts localization information, causing trajectory drift for occluded objects and hindering recovery. To this end, we propose a novel online track validity mechanism that temporally distinguishes between legitimate and ghost tracks, along with a multi-stage observational gating process for incoming observations. This mechanism significantly improves tracking performance, with a $6.28\%$ in HOTA and a $17.87\%$ increase in MOTA. We also introduce a refinement to the Kalman filter that enhances noise mitigation in trajectory drift, leading to more robust state estimation for occluded objects. Our framework, RobMOT, outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including deep learning approaches, across various detectors, achieving up to a $4\%$ margin in HOTA and $6\%$ in MOTA. RobMOT excels under challenging conditions, such as prolonged occlusions and tracking distant objects, with up to a 59\% improvement in processing latency.
♻ ☆ Safe and Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles using B-spline with Incremental Path Flattening
Gradient-based trajectory optimization with B-spline curves is widely used for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) due to its fast convergence and continuous trajectory generation. However, the application of B-spline curves for path-velocity coupled trajectory planning in autonomous vehicles (AVs) has been highly limited because it is challenging to reduce the over-approximation of the vehicle shape and to create a collision-free trajectory using B-spline curves while satisfying kinodynamic constraints. To address these challenges, this paper proposes novel disc-type swept volume (SV), incremental path flattening (IPF), and kinodynamic feasibility penalty methods. The disc-type SV estimation method is a new technique to reduce SV over-approximation and is used to find collision points for IPF. In IPF, the collision points are used to push the trajectory away from obstacles and to iteratively increase the curvature weight, thereby reducing SV and generating a collision-free trajectory. Additionally, to satisfy kinodynamic constraints for AVs using B-spline curves, we apply a clamped B-spline curvature penalty along with longitudinal and lateral velocity and acceleration penalties. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in various simulated environments. We also conducted a real-world experiment using an AV, and our results validate the simulated tracking performance of the proposed approach.
comment: 16 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables, 3 algorithms
♻ ☆ M2Distill: Multi-Modal Distillation for Lifelong Imitation Learning ICRA2025
Lifelong imitation learning for manipulation tasks poses significant challenges due to distribution shifts that occur in incremental learning steps. Existing methods often focus on unsupervised skill discovery to construct an ever-growing skill library or distillation from multiple policies, which can lead to scalability issues as diverse manipulation tasks are continually introduced and may fail to ensure a consistent latent space throughout the learning process, leading to catastrophic forgetting of previously learned skills. In this paper, we introduce M2Distill, a multi-modal distillation-based method for lifelong imitation learning focusing on preserving consistent latent space across vision, language, and action distributions throughout the learning process. By regulating the shifts in latent representations across different modalities from previous to current steps, and reducing discrepancies in Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) policies between consecutive learning steps, we ensure that the learned policy retains its ability to perform previously learned tasks while seamlessly integrating new skills. Extensive evaluations on the LIBERO lifelong imitation learning benchmark suites, including LIBERO-OBJECT, LIBERO-GOAL, and LIBERO-SPATIAL, demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods across all evaluated metrics.
comment: Submitted to ICRA2025
♻ ☆ Flow as the Cross-Domain Manipulation Interface
We present Im2Flow2Act, a scalable learning framework that enables robots to acquire real-world manipulation skills without the need of real-world robot training data. The key idea behind Im2Flow2Act is to use object flow as the manipulation interface, bridging domain gaps between different embodiments (i.e., human and robot) and training environments (i.e., real-world and simulated). Im2Flow2Act comprises two components: a flow generation network and a flow-conditioned policy. The flow generation network, trained on human demonstration videos, generates object flow from the initial scene image, conditioned on the task description. The flow-conditioned policy, trained on simulated robot play data, maps the generated object flow to robot actions to realize the desired object movements. By using flow as input, this policy can be directly deployed in the real world with a minimal sim-to-real gap. By leveraging real-world human videos and simulated robot play data, we bypass the challenges of teleoperating physical robots in the real world, resulting in a scalable system for diverse tasks. We demonstrate Im2Flow2Act's capabilities in a variety of real-world tasks, including the manipulation of rigid, articulated, and deformable objects.
comment: Conference on Robot Learning 2024
♻ ☆ Sample-efficient Imitative Multi-token Decision Transformer for Real-world Driving
Recent advancements in autonomous driving technologies involve the capability to effectively process and learn from extensive real-world driving data. Current imitation learning and offline reinforcement learning methods have shown remarkable promise in autonomous systems, harnessing the power of offline datasets to make informed decisions in open-loop (non-reactive agents) settings. However, learning-based agents face significant challenges when transferring knowledge from open-loop to closed-loop (reactive agents) environment. The performance is significantly impacted by data distribution shift, sample efficiency, the complexity of uncovering hidden world models and physics. To address these issues, we propose Sample-efficient Imitative Multi-token Decision Transformer (SimDT). SimDT introduces multi-token prediction, online imitative learning pipeline and prioritized experience replay to sequence-modelling reinforcement learning. The performance is evaluated through empirical experiments and results exceed popular imitation and reinforcement learning algorithms both in open-loop and closed-loop settings on Waymax benchmark. SimDT exhibits 41% reduction in collision rate and 18% improvement in reaching the destination compared with the baseline method.
♻ ☆ LLaRA: Supercharging Robot Learning Data for Vision-Language Policy
LLMs with visual inputs, i.e., Vision Language Models (VLMs), have the capacity to process state information as visual-textual prompts and respond with policy decisions in text. We propose LLaRA: Large Language and Robotics Assistant, a framework that formulates robot action policy as conversations and provides improved action outputs when trained with auxiliary data that complements policy learning. We first introduce an automated pipeline to generate conversation-style instruction tuning data from existing behavior cloning data. Then we enrich the dataset in a self-supervised fashion by formulating six auxiliary tasks. A VLM finetuned with the resulting collection of datasets can generate meaningful robot action policy decisions. Our experiments across multiple simulated and real-world environments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of the proposed LLaRA framework. The code, datasets, and pretrained models are available at
♻ ☆ Roadmaps with Gaps over Controllers: Achieving Efficiency in Planning under Dynamics IROS
This paper aims to improve the computational efficiency of motion planning for mobile robots with non-trivial dynamics through the use of learned controllers. Offline, a system-specific controller is first trained in an empty environment. Then, for the target environment, the approach constructs a data structure, a "Roadmap with Gaps," to approximately learn how to solve planning queries using the learned controller. The roadmap nodes correspond to local regions. Edges correspond to applications of the learned controller that approximately connect these regions. Gaps arise as the controller does not perfectly connect pairs of individual states along edges. Online, given a query, a tree sampling-based motion planner uses the roadmap so that the tree's expansion is informed towards the goal region. The tree expansion selects local subgoals given a wavefront on the roadmap that guides towards the goal. When the controller cannot reach a subgoal region, the planner resorts to random exploration to maintain probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality. The accompanying experimental evaluation shows that the approach significantly improves the computational efficiency of motion planning on various benchmarks, including physics-based vehicular models on uneven and varying friction terrains as well as a quadrotor under air pressure effects.
comment: To be presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. Website:
♻ ☆ Quantifying Aleatoric and Epistemic Dynamics Uncertainty via Local Conformal Calibration
Whether learned, simulated, or analytical, approximations of a robot's dynamics can be inaccurate when encountering novel environments. Many approaches have been proposed to quantify the aleatoric uncertainty of such methods, i.e. uncertainty resulting from stochasticity, however these estimates alone are not enough to properly estimate the uncertainty of a model in a novel environment, where the actual dynamics can change. Such changes can induce epistemic uncertainty, i.e. uncertainty due to a lack of information/data. Accounting for both epistemic and aleatoric dynamics uncertainty in a theoretically-grounded way remains an open problem. We introduce Local Uncertainty Conformal Calibration (LUCCa), a conformal prediction-based approach that calibrates the aleatoric uncertainty estimates provided by dynamics models to generate probabilistically-valid prediction regions of the system's state. We account for both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty non-asymptotically, without strong assumptions about the form of the true dynamics or how it changes. The calibration is performed locally in the state-action space, leading to uncertainty estimates that are useful for planning. We validate our method by constructing probabilistically-safe plans for a double-integrator under significant changes in dynamics.
comment: Accepted to the 16th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) 2024
♻ ☆ Bayesian Online Learning for Human-assisted Target Localization
We consider a human-assisted autonomy sensor fusion for dynamic target localization in a Bayesian framework. Autonomous sensor-based tracking systems can suffer from observability and target detection failure. Humans possess valuable qualitative information derived from their past knowledge and rapid situational awareness that can give them an advantage over machine perception in many scenarios. To compensate for the shortcomings of an autonomous tracking system, we propose to collect spatial sensing information from human operators who visually monitor the target and can provide target localization information in the form of free sketches encircling the area where the target is located. However, human inputs cannot be taken deterministically and trusted absolutely due to their inherent subjectivity and variability. Our focus in this paper is to construct an adaptive probabilistic model for human-provided inputs where the adaptation terms capture the level of reliability of the human inputs. The next contribution of this paper is a novel joint Bayesian learning method to fuse human and autonomous sensor inputs in a manner that the dynamic changes in human detection reliability are also captured and accounted for. Unlike deep learning frameworks, a unique aspect of this Bayesian modeling framework is its analytical closed-form update equations. This feature provides computational efficiency and allows for online learning from limited data sets. Simulations demonstrate our results, underscoring the value of human-machine collaboration in autonomous systems.
comment: 7 figures
♻ ☆ Solving Robotics Problems in Zero-Shot with Vision-Language Models
We introduce Wonderful Team, a multi-agent Vision Large Language Model (VLLM) framework designed to solve robotics problems in a zero-shot regime. In our context, zero-shot means that for a novel environment, we provide a VLLM with an image of the robot's surroundings and a task description, and the VLLM outputs the sequence of actions necessary for the robot to complete the task. Unlike prior work that requires fine-tuning parts of the pipeline -- such as adjusting an LLM on robot-specific data or training separate vision encoders -- our approach demonstrates that with careful engineering, a single off-the-shelf VLLM can autonomously handle all aspects of a robotics task, from high-level planning to low-level location extraction and action execution. Crucially, compared to using GPT-4o alone, Wonderful Team is self-corrective and capable of iteratively fixing its own mistakes, enabling it to solve challenging long-horizon tasks. We validate our framework through extensive experiments, both in simulated environments using VIMABench and in real-world settings. Our system showcases the ability to handle diverse tasks such as manipulation, goal-reaching, and visual reasoning -- all in a zero-shot manner. These results underscore a key point: vision-language models have progressed rapidly in the past year and should be strongly considered as a backbone for many robotics problems moving forward.
comment: aka Wonderful Team
♻ ☆ ClutterGen: A Cluttered Scene Generator for Robot Learning
We introduce ClutterGen, a physically compliant simulation scene generator capable of producing highly diverse, cluttered, and stable scenes for robot learning. Generating such scenes is challenging as each object must adhere to physical laws like gravity and collision. As the number of objects increases, finding valid poses becomes more difficult, necessitating significant human engineering effort, which limits the diversity of the scenes. To overcome these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning method that can be trained with physics-based reward signals provided by the simulator. Our experiments demonstrate that ClutterGen can generate cluttered object layouts with up to ten objects on confined table surfaces. Additionally, our policy design explicitly encourages the diversity of the generated scenes for open-ended generation. Our real-world robot results show that ClutterGen can be directly used for clutter rearrangement and stable placement policy training.
comment: Accepted by 8th Annual Conference on Robot Learning
♻ ☆ Single-Shot Learning of Stable Dynamical Systems for Long-Horizon Manipulation Tasks ICRA 2025
Mastering complex sequential tasks continues to pose a significant challenge in robotics. While there has been progress in learning long-horizon manipulation tasks, most existing approaches lack rigorous mathematical guarantees for ensuring reliable and successful execution. In this paper, we extend previous work on learning long-horizon tasks and stable policies, focusing on improving task success rates while reducing the amount of training data needed. Our approach introduces a novel method that (1) segments long-horizon demonstrations into discrete steps defined by waypoints and subgoals, and (2) learns globally stable dynamical system policies to guide the robot to each subgoal, even in the face of sensory noise and random disturbances. We validate our approach through both simulation and real-world experiments, demonstrating effective transfer from simulation to physical robotic platforms. Code is available at
comment: 7 pages, submitted to ICRA 2025
Robotics 57
☆ Grounding Large Language Models In Embodied Environment With Imperfect World Models
Despite a widespread success in various applications, large language models (LLMs) often stumble when tackling basic physical reasoning or executing robotics tasks, due to a lack of direct experience with the physical nuances of the real world. To address these issues, we propose a Grounding Large language model with Imperfect world MOdel (GLIMO), which utilizes proxy world models such as simulators to collect and synthesize trining data. GLIMO incorporates an LLM agent-based data generator to automatically create high-quality and diverse instruction datasets. The generator includes an iterative self-refining module for temporally consistent experience sampling, a diverse set of question-answering instruction seeds, and a retrieval-augmented generation module for reflecting on prior experiences. Comprehensive experiments show that our approach improve the performance of strong open-source LLMs like LLaMA-3 with a performance boost of 2.04 $\times$, 1.54 $\times$, and 1.82 $\times$ across three different benchmarks, respectively. The performance is able to compete with or surpass their larger counterparts such as GPT-4.
☆ Custom Non-Linear Model Predictive Control for Obstacle Avoidance in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Navigating complex environments requires Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and autonomous systems to perform trajectory tracking and obstacle avoidance in real-time. While many control strategies have effectively utilized linear approximations, addressing the non-linear dynamics of UAV, especially in obstacle-dense environments, remains a key challenge that requires further research. This paper introduces a Non-linear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) framework for the DJI Matrice 100, addressing these challenges by using a dynamic model and B-spline interpolation for smooth reference trajectories, ensuring minimal deviation while respecting safety constraints. The framework supports various trajectory types and employs a penalty-based cost function for control accuracy in tight maneuvers. The framework utilizes CasADi for efficient real-time optimization, enabling the UAV to maintain robust operation even under tight computational constraints. Simulation and real-world indoor and outdoor experiments demonstrated the NMPC ability to adapt to disturbances, resulting in smooth, collision-free navigation.
comment: This manuscript has 7 pages and 8 figures, detailing NMPC for UAV obstacle avoidance using DJI UAVs. It features simulations, experimental results, and uses CasADi for optimization with ROS integration. Code and media at
☆ DivScene: Benchmarking LVLMs for Object Navigation with Diverse Scenes and Objects
Object navigation in unknown environments is crucial for deploying embodied agents in real-world applications. While we have witnessed huge progress due to large-scale scene datasets, faster simulators, and stronger models, previous studies mainly focus on limited scene types and target objects. In this paper, we study a new task of navigating to diverse target objects in a large number of scene types. To benchmark the problem, we present a large-scale scene dataset, DivScene, which contains 4,614 scenes across 81 different types. With the dataset, we build an end-to-end embodied agent, NatVLM, by fine-tuning a Large Vision Language Model (LVLM) through imitation learning. The LVLM is trained to take previous observations from the environment and generate the next actions. We also introduce CoT explanation traces of the action prediction for better performance when tuning LVLMs. Our extensive experiments find that we can build a performant LVLM-based agent through imitation learning on the shortest paths constructed by a BFS planner without any human supervision. Our agent achieves a success rate that surpasses GPT-4o by over 20%. Meanwhile, we carry out various analyses showing the generalization ability of our agent.
comment: Work in Progress
☆ Why Sample Space Matters: Keyframe Sampling Optimization for LiDAR-based Place Recognition
Recent advances in robotics are pushing real-world autonomy, enabling robots to perform long-term and large-scale missions. A crucial component for successful missions is the incorporation of loop closures through place recognition, which effectively mitigates accumulated pose estimation drift. Despite computational advancements, optimizing performance for real-time deployment remains challenging, especially in resource-constrained mobile robots and multi-robot systems since, conventional keyframe sampling practices in place recognition often result in retaining redundant information or overlooking relevant data, as they rely on fixed sampling intervals or work directly in the 3D space instead of the feature space. To address these concerns, we introduce the concept of sample space in place recognition and demonstrate how different sampling techniques affect the query process and overall performance. We then present a novel keyframe sampling approach for LiDAR-based place recognition, which focuses on redundancy minimization and information preservation in the hyper-dimensional descriptor space. This approach is applicable to both learning-based and handcrafted descriptors, and through the experimental validation across multiple datasets and descriptor frameworks, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, showing it can jointly minimize redundancy and preserve essential information in real-time. The proposed approach maintains robust performance across various datasets without requiring parameter tuning, contributing to more efficient and reliable place recognition for a wide range of robotic applications.
comment: 20 pages, 15 figures. Submitted
☆ Extremum Seeking Controlled Wiggling for Tactile Insertion
When humans perform insertion tasks such as inserting a cup into a cupboard, routing a cable, or key insertion, they wiggle the object and observe the process through tactile and proprioceptive feedback. While recent advances in tactile sensors have resulted in tactile-based approaches, there has not been a generalized formulation based on wiggling similar to human behavior. Thus, we propose an extremum-seeking control law that can insert four keys into four types of locks without control parameter tuning despite significant variation in lock type. The resulting model-free formulation wiggles the end effector pose to maximize insertion depth while minimizing strain as measured by a GelSight Mini tactile sensor that grasps a key. The algorithm achieves a 71\% success rate over 120 randomly initialized trials with uncertainty in both translation and orientation. Over 240 deterministically initialized trials, where only one translation or rotation parameter is perturbed, 84\% of trials succeeded. Given tactile feedback at 13 Hz, the mean insertion time for these groups of trials are 262 and 147 seconds respectively.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
☆ SwarmCVT: Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation-Based Path Planning for Very-Large-Scale Robotics
Swarm robotics, or very large-scale robotics (VLSR), has many meaningful applications for complicated tasks. However, the complexity of motion control and energy costs stack up quickly as the number of robots increases. In addressing this problem, our previous studies have formulated various methods employing macroscopic and microscopic approaches. These methods enable microscopic robots to adhere to a reference Gaussian mixture model (GMM) distribution observed at the macroscopic scale. As a result, optimizing the macroscopic level will result in an optimal overall result. However, all these methods require systematic and global generation of Gaussian components (GCs) within obstacle-free areas to construct the GMM trajectories. This work utilizes centroidal Voronoi tessellation to generate GCs methodically. Consequently, it demonstrates performance improvement while also ensuring consistency and reliability.
comment: Submitted to American Control Conference (ACC) 2025
☆ Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping with Reinforcement Learning
Dexterous hands exhibit significant potential for complex real-world grasping tasks. While recent studies have primarily focused on learning policies for specific robotic hands, the development of a universal policy that controls diverse dexterous hands remains largely unexplored. In this work, we study the learning of cross-embodiment dexterous grasping policies using reinforcement learning (RL). Inspired by the capability of human hands to control various dexterous hands through teleoperation, we propose a universal action space based on the human hand's eigengrasps. The policy outputs eigengrasp actions that are then converted into specific joint actions for each robot hand through a retargeting mapping. We simplify the robot hand's proprioception to include only the positions of fingertips and the palm, offering a unified observation space across different robot hands. Our approach demonstrates an 80% success rate in grasping objects from the YCB dataset across four distinct embodiments using a single vision-based policy. Additionally, our policy exhibits zero-shot generalization to two previously unseen embodiments and significant improvement in efficient finetuning. For further details and videos, visit our project page
☆ Learning Diverse Bimanual Dexterous Manipulation Skills from Human Demonstrations
Bimanual dexterous manipulation is a critical yet underexplored area in robotics. Its high-dimensional action space and inherent task complexity present significant challenges for policy learning, and the limited task diversity in existing benchmarks hinders general-purpose skill development. Existing approaches largely depend on reinforcement learning, often constrained by intricately designed reward functions tailored to a narrow set of tasks. In this work, we present a novel approach for efficiently learning diverse bimanual dexterous skills from abundant human demonstrations. Specifically, we introduce BiDexHD, a framework that unifies task construction from existing bimanual datasets and employs teacher-student policy learning to address all tasks. The teacher learns state-based policies using a general two-stage reward function across tasks with shared behaviors, while the student distills the learned multi-task policies into a vision-based policy. With BiDexHD, scalable learning of numerous bimanual dexterous skills from auto-constructed tasks becomes feasible, offering promising advances toward universal bimanual dexterous manipulation. Our empirical evaluation on the TACO dataset, spanning 141 tasks across six categories, demonstrates a task fulfillment rate of 74.59% on trained tasks and 51.07% on unseen tasks, showcasing the effectiveness and competitive zero-shot generalization capabilities of BiDexHD. For videos and more information, visit our project page
☆ Efficient Residual Learning with Mixture-of-Experts for Universal Dexterous Grasping
Universal dexterous grasping across diverse objects presents a fundamental yet formidable challenge in robot learning. Existing approaches using reinforcement learning (RL) to develop policies on extensive object datasets face critical limitations, including complex curriculum design for multi-task learning and limited generalization to unseen objects. To overcome these challenges, we introduce ResDex, a novel approach that integrates residual policy learning with a mixture-of-experts (MoE) framework. ResDex is distinguished by its use of geometry-unaware base policies that are efficiently acquired on individual objects and capable of generalizing across a wide range of unseen objects. Our MoE framework incorporates several base policies to facilitate diverse grasping styles suitable for various objects. By learning residual actions alongside weights that combine these base policies, ResDex enables efficient multi-task RL for universal dexterous grasping. ResDex achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DexGraspNet dataset comprising 3,200 objects with an 88.8% success rate. It exhibits no generalization gap with unseen objects and demonstrates superior training efficiency, mastering all tasks within only 12 hours on a single GPU.
☆ Behavior Trees in Functional Safety Supervisors for Autonomous Vehicles
The rapid advancements in autonomous vehicle software present both opportunities and challenges, especially in enhancing road safety. The primary objective of autonomous vehicles is to reduce accident rates through improved safety measures. However, the integration of new algorithms into the autonomous vehicle, such as Artificial Intelligence methods, raises concerns about the compliance with established safety regulations. This paper introduces a novel software architecture based on behavior trees, aligned with established standards and designed to supervise vehicle functional safety in real time. It specifically addresses the integration of algorithms into industrial road vehicles, adhering to the ISO 26262. The proposed supervision methodology involves the detection of hazards and compliance with functional and technical safety requirements when a hazard arises. This methodology, implemented in this study in a Renault M\'egane (currently at SAE level 3 of automation), not only guarantees compliance with safety standards, but also paves the way for safer and more reliable autonomous driving technologies.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Diffusion Meets Options: Hierarchical Generative Skill Composition for Temporally-Extended Tasks
Safe and successful deployment of robots requires not only the ability to generate complex plans but also the capacity to frequently replan and correct execution errors. This paper addresses the challenge of long-horizon trajectory planning under temporally extended objectives in a receding horizon manner. To this end, we propose DOPPLER, a data-driven hierarchical framework that generates and updates plans based on instruction specified by linear temporal logic (LTL). Our method decomposes temporal tasks into chain of options with hierarchical reinforcement learning from offline non-expert datasets. It leverages diffusion models to generate options with low-level actions. We devise a determinantal-guided posterior sampling technique during batch generation, which improves the speed and diversity of diffusion generated options, leading to more efficient querying. Experiments on robot navigation and manipulation tasks demonstrate that DOPPLER can generate sequences of trajectories that progressively satisfy the specified formulae for obstacle avoidance and sequential visitation. Demonstration videos are available online at:
☆ Coastal Underwater Evidence Search System with Surface-Underwater Collaboration
The Coastal underwater evidence search system with surface-underwater collaboration is designed to revolutionize the search for artificial objects in coastal underwater environments, overcoming limitations associated with traditional methods such as divers and tethered remotely operated vehicles. Our innovative multi-robot collaborative system consists of three parts, an autonomous surface vehicle as a mission control center, a towed underwater vehicle for wide-area search, and a biomimetic underwater robot inspired by marine organisms for detailed inspections of identified areas. We conduct extensive simulations and real-world experiments in pond environments and coastal fields to demonstrate the system potential to surpass the limitations of conventional underwater search methods, offering a robust and efficient solution for law enforcement and recovery operations in marine settings.
comment: This paper has been accepted by the 18th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)
☆ Data Optimisation of Machine Learning Models for Smart Irrigation in Urban Parks
Urban environments face significant challenges due to climate change, including extreme heat, drought, and water scarcity, which impact public health, community well-being, and local economies. Effective management of these issues is crucial, particularly in areas like Sydney Olympic Park, which relies on one of Australia's largest irrigation systems. The Smart Irrigation Management for Parks and Cool Towns (SIMPaCT) project, initiated in 2021, leverages advanced technologies and machine learning models to optimize irrigation and induce physical cooling. This paper introduces two novel methods to enhance the efficiency of the SIMPaCT system's extensive sensor network and applied machine learning models. The first method employs clustering of sensor time series data using K-shape and K-means algorithms to estimate readings from missing sensors, ensuring continuous and reliable data. This approach can detect anomalies, correct data sources, and identify and remove redundant sensors to reduce maintenance costs. The second method involves sequential data collection from different sensor locations using robotic systems, significantly reducing the need for high numbers of stationary sensors. Together, these methods aim to maintain accurate soil moisture predictions while optimizing sensor deployment and reducing maintenance costs, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the smart irrigation system. Our evaluations demonstrate significant improvements in the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of soil moisture monitoring networks. The cluster-based replacement of missing sensors provides up to 5.4% decrease in average error. The sequential sensor data collection as a robotic emulation shows 17.2% and 2.1% decrease in average error for circular and linear paths respectively.
☆ QDGset: A Large Scale Grasping Dataset Generated with Quality-Diversity
Recent advances in AI have led to significant results in robotic learning, but skills like grasping remain partially solved. Many recent works exploit synthetic grasping datasets to learn to grasp unknown objects. However, those datasets were generated using simple grasp sampling methods using priors. Recently, Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms have been proven to make grasp sampling significantly more efficient. In this work, we extend QDG-6DoF, a QD framework for generating object-centric grasps, to scale up the production of synthetic grasping datasets. We propose a data augmentation method that combines the transformation of object meshes with transfer learning from previous grasping repertoires. The conducted experiments show that this approach reduces the number of required evaluations per discovered robust grasp by up to 20%. We used this approach to generate QDGset, a dataset of 6DoF grasp poses that contains about 3.5 and 4.5 times more grasps and objects, respectively, than the previous state-of-the-art. Our method allows anyone to easily generate data, eventually contributing to a large-scale collaborative dataset of synthetic grasps.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures. Draft version
☆ Semantic Communication and Control Co-Design for Multi-Objective Correlated Dynamics
This letter introduces a machine-learning approach to learning the semantic dynamics of correlated systems with different control rules and dynamics. By leveraging the Koopman operator in an autoencoder (AE) framework, the system's state evolution is linearized in the latent space using a dynamic semantic Koopman (DSK) model, capturing the baseline semantic dynamics. Signal temporal logic (STL) is incorporated through a logical semantic Koopman (LSK) model to encode system-specific control rules. These models form the proposed logical Koopman AE framework that reduces communication costs while improving state prediction accuracy and control performance, showing a 91.65% reduction in communication samples and significant performance gains in simulation.
☆ End-to-end Driving in High-Interaction Traffic Scenarios with Reinforcement Learning
Dynamic and interactive traffic scenarios pose significant challenges for autonomous driving systems. Reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising approach by enabling the exploration of driving policies beyond the constraints of pre-collected datasets and predefined conditions, particularly in complex environments. However, a critical challenge lies in effectively extracting spatial and temporal features from sequences of high-dimensional, multi-modal observations while minimizing the accumulation of errors over time. Additionally, efficiently guiding large-scale RL models to converge on optimal driving policies without frequent failures during the training process remains tricky. We propose an end-to-end model-based RL algorithm named Ramble to address these issues. Ramble processes multi-view RGB images and LiDAR point clouds into low-dimensional latent features to capture the context of traffic scenarios at each time step. A transformer-based architecture is then employed to model temporal dependencies and predict future states. By learning a dynamics model of the environment, Ramble can foresee upcoming traffic events and make more informed, strategic decisions. Our implementation demonstrates that prior experience in feature extraction and decision-making plays a pivotal role in accelerating the convergence of RL models toward optimal driving policies. Ramble achieves state-of-the-art performance regarding route completion rate and driving score on the CARLA Leaderboard 2.0, showcasing its effectiveness in managing complex and dynamic traffic situations.
comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, experiment under progress, only to demonstrate the originality of the method
☆ Capturing complex hand movements and object interactions using machine learning-powered stretchable smart textile gloves
Accurate real-time tracking of dexterous hand movements and interactions has numerous applications in human-computer interaction, metaverse, robotics, and tele-health. Capturing realistic hand movements is challenging because of the large number of articulations and degrees of freedom. Here, we report accurate and dynamic tracking of articulated hand and finger movements using stretchable, washable smart gloves with embedded helical sensor yarns and inertial measurement units. The sensor yarns have a high dynamic range, responding to low 0.005 % to high 155 % strains, and show stability during extensive use and washing cycles. We use multi-stage machine learning to report average joint angle estimation root mean square errors of 1.21 and 1.45 degrees for intra- and inter-subjects cross-validation, respectively, matching accuracy of costly motion capture cameras without occlusion or field of view limitations. We report a data augmentation technique that enhances robustness to noise and variations of sensors. We demonstrate accurate tracking of dexterous hand movements during object interactions, opening new avenues of applications including accurate typing on a mock paper keyboard, recognition of complex dynamic and static gestures adapted from American Sign Language and object identification.
☆ Guiding Long-Horizon Task and Motion Planning with Vision Language Models
Vision-Language Models (VLM) can generate plausible high-level plans when prompted with a goal, the context, an image of the scene, and any planning constraints. However, there is no guarantee that the predicted actions are geometrically and kinematically feasible for a particular robot embodiment. As a result, many prerequisite steps such as opening drawers to access objects are often omitted in their plans. Robot task and motion planners can generate motion trajectories that respect the geometric feasibility of actions and insert physically necessary actions, but do not scale to everyday problems that require common-sense knowledge and involve large state spaces comprised of many variables. We propose VLM-TAMP, a hierarchical planning algorithm that leverages a VLM to generate goth semantically-meaningful and horizon-reducing intermediate subgoals that guide a task and motion planner. When a subgoal or action cannot be refined, the VLM is queried again for replanning. We evaluate VLM- TAMP on kitchen tasks where a robot must accomplish cooking goals that require performing 30-50 actions in sequence and interacting with up to 21 objects. VLM-TAMP substantially outperforms baselines that rigidly and independently execute VLM-generated action sequences, both in terms of success rates (50 to 100% versus 0%) and average task completion percentage (72 to 100% versus 15 to 45%). See project site for more information.
☆ Reducing Warning Errors in Driver Support with Personalized Risk Maps
We consider the problem of human-focused driver support. State-of-the-art personalization concepts allow to estimate parameters for vehicle control systems or driver models. However, there are currently few approaches proposed that use personalized models and evaluate the effectiveness in the form of general risk warning. In this paper, we therefore propose a warning system that estimates a personalized risk factor for the given driver based on the driver's behavior. The system afterwards is able to adapt the warning signal with personalized Risk Maps. In experiments, we show examples for longitudinal following and intersection scenarios in which the novel warning system can effectively reduce false negative errors and false positive errors compared to a baseline approach which does not use personalized driver considerations. This underlines the potential of personalization for reducing warning errors in risk warning and driver support.
☆ E2H: A Two-Stage Non-Invasive Neural Signal Driven Humanoid Robotic Whole-Body Control Framework
Recent advancements in humanoid robotics, including the integration of hierarchical reinforcement learning-based control and the utilization of LLM planning, have significantly enhanced the ability of robots to perform complex tasks. In contrast to the highly developed humanoid robots, the human factors involved remain relatively unexplored. Directly controlling humanoid robots with the brain has already appeared in many science fiction novels, such as Pacific Rim and Gundam. In this work, we present E2H (EEG-to-Humanoid), an innovative framework that pioneers the control of humanoid robots using high-frequency non-invasive neural signals. As the none-invasive signal quality remains low in decoding precise spatial trajectory, we decompose the E2H framework in an innovative two-stage formation: 1) decoding neural signals (EEG) into semantic motion keywords, 2) utilizing LLM facilitated motion generation with a precise motion imitation control policy to realize humanoid robotics control. The method of directly driving robots with brainwave commands offers a novel approach to human-machine collaboration, especially in situations where verbal commands are impractical, such as in cases of speech impairments, space exploration, or underwater exploration, unlocking significant potential. E2H offers an exciting glimpse into the future, holding immense potential for human-computer interaction.
☆ Safe Navigation in Unmapped Environments for Robotic Systems with Input Constraints
This paper presents an approach for navigation and control in unmapped environments under input and state constraints using a composite control barrier function (CBF). We consider the scenario where real-time perception feedback (e.g., LiDAR) is used online to construct a local CBF that models local state constraints (e.g., local safety constraints such as obstacles) in the a priori unmapped environment. The approach employs a soft-maximum function to synthesize a single time-varying CBF from the N most recently obtained local CBFs. Next, the input constraints are transformed into controller-state constraints through the use of control dynamics. Then, we use a soft-minimum function to compose the input constraints with the time-varying CBF that models the a priori unmapped environment. This composition yields a single relaxed CBF, which is used in a constrained optimization to obtain an optimal control that satisfies the state and input constraints. The approach is validated through simulations of a nonholonomic ground robot that is equipped with LiDAR and navigates an unmapped environment. The robot successfully navigates the environment while avoiding the a priori unmapped obstacles and satisfying both speed and input constraints.
comment: Preprint submitted to 2025 American Control Conference (ACC). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2409.01458
☆ SPINE: Online Semantic Planning for Missions with Incomplete Natural Language Specifications in Unstructured Environments
As robots become increasingly capable, users will want to describe high-level missions and have robots fill in the gaps. In many realistic settings, pre-built maps are difficult to obtain, so execution requires exploration and mapping that are necessary and specific to the mission. Consider an emergency response scenario where a user commands a robot, "triage impacted regions." The robot must infer relevant semantics (victims, etc.) and exploration targets (damaged regions) based on priors or other context, then explore and refine its plan online. These missions are incompletely specified, meaning they imply subtasks and semantics. While many semantic planning methods operate online, they are typically designed for well specified tasks such as object search or exploration. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated powerful contextual reasoning over a range of robotic tasks described in natural language. However, existing LLM planners typically do not consider online planning or complex missions; rather, relevant subtasks are provided by a pre-built map or a user. We address these limitations via SPINE (online Semantic Planner for missions with Incomplete Natural language specifications in unstructured Environments). SPINE uses an LLM to reason about subtasks implied by the mission then realizes these subtasks in a receding horizon framework. Tasks are automatically validated for safety and refined online with new observations. We evaluate SPINE in simulation and real-world settings. Evaluation missions require multiple steps of semantic reasoning and exploration in cluttered outdoor environments of over 20,000m$^2$ area. We evaluate SPINE against competitive baselines in single-agent and air-ground teaming applications. Please find videos and software on our project page:
☆ Single-Shot 6DoF Pose and 3D Size Estimation for Robotic Strawberry Harvesting IROS 2024
In this study, we introduce a deep-learning approach for determining both the 6DoF pose and 3D size of strawberries, aiming to significantly augment robotic harvesting efficiency. Our model was trained on a synthetic strawberry dataset, which is automatically generated within the Ignition Gazebo simulator, with a specific focus on the inherent symmetry exhibited by strawberries. By leveraging domain randomization techniques, the model demonstrated exceptional performance, achieving an 84.77\% average precision (AP) of 3D Intersection over Union (IoU) scores on the simulated dataset. Empirical evaluations, conducted by testing our model on real-world datasets, underscored the model's viability for real-world strawberry harvesting scenarios, even though its training was based on synthetic data. The model also exhibited robust occlusion handling abilities, maintaining accurate detection capabilities even when strawberries were obscured by other strawberries or foliage. Additionally, the model showcased remarkably swift inference speeds, reaching up to 60 frames per second (FPS).
comment: Accepted at IROS 2024
☆ Task-unaware Lifelong Robot Learning with Retrieval-based Weighted Local Adaptation
Real-world environments require robots to continuously acquire new skills while retaining previously learned abilities, all without the need for clearly defined task boundaries. Storing all past data to prevent forgetting is impractical due to storage and privacy concerns. To address this, we propose a method that efficiently restores a robot's proficiency in previously learned tasks over its lifespan. Using an Episodic Memory (EM), our approach enables experience replay during training and retrieval during testing for local fine-tuning, allowing rapid adaptation to previously encountered problems without explicit task identifiers. Additionally, we introduce a selective weighting mechanism that emphasizes the most challenging segments of retrieved demonstrations, focusing local adaptation where it is most needed. This framework offers a scalable solution for lifelong learning in dynamic, task-unaware environments, combining retrieval-based adaptation with selective weighting to enhance robot performance in open-ended scenarios.
☆ Information-Driven Search and Track of Novel Space Objects
Space surveillance depends on efficiently directing sensor resources to maintain custody of known catalog objects. However, it remains unclear how to best utilize these resources to rapidly search for and track newly detected space objects. Provided a novel measurement, a search set can be instantiated through admissible region constraints to inform follow-up observations. In lacking well-constrained bounds, this set rapidly spreads in the along-track direction, growing much larger than a follow-up sensor's finite field of view. Moreover, the number of novel objects may be uncertain, and follow-up observations are most commonly corrupted by false positives from known catalog objects and missed detections. In this work, we address these challenges through the introduction of a joint sensor control and multi-target tracking approach. The search set associated to a novel measurement is represented by a Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density (CPHD), which jointly tracks the state uncertainty associated to a set of objects and a probability mass function for the true target number. In follow-up sensor scans, the information contained in an empty measurement set, and returns from both novel objects and known catalog objects is succinctly captured through this paradigm. To maximize the utility of a follow-up sensor, we introduce an information-driven sensor control approach for steering the instrument. Our methods are tested on two relevant test cases and we provide a comparative analysis with current naive tasking strategies.
comment: Submitted to the Journal of Astronautical Sciences
☆ DecTrain: Deciding When to Train a DNN Online
Deep neural networks (DNNs) can deteriorate in accuracy when deployment data differs from training data. While performing online training at all timesteps can improve accuracy, it is computationally expensive. We propose DecTrain, a new algorithm that decides when to train a monocular depth DNN online using self-supervision with low overhead. To make the decision at each timestep, DecTrain compares the cost of training with the predicted accuracy gain. We evaluate DecTrain on out-of-distribution data, and find DecTrain maintains accuracy compared to online training at all timesteps, while training only 44% of the time on average. We also compare the recovery of a low inference cost DNN using DecTrain and a more generalizable high inference cost DNN on various sequences. DecTrain recovers the majority (97%) of the accuracy gain of online training at all timesteps while reducing computation compared to the high inference cost DNN which recovers only 66%. With an even smaller DNN, we achieve 89% recovery while reducing computation by 56%. DecTrain enables low-cost online training for a smaller DNN to have competitive accuracy with a larger, more generalizable DNN at a lower overall computational cost.
comment: 8 pages
☆ Self-Deployable, Adaptive Soft Robots Based on Contracting-Cord Particle Jamming
We developed a new class of soft locomotive robots that can self-assemble into a preprogrammed configuration and vary their stiffness afterward in a highly integrated, compact body using contracting-cord particle jamming (CCPJ). We demonstrate this with a tripod-shaped robot, TripodBot, consisting of three CCPJ-based legs attached to a central body. TripodBot is intrinsically soft and can be stored and transported in a compact configuration. On site, it can self-deploy and crawl in a slip-stick manner through the shape morphing of its legs; a simplified analytical model accurately captures the speed. The robot's adaptability is demonstrated by its ability to navigate tunnels as narrow as 61 percent of its deployed body width and ceilings as low as 31 percent of its freestanding height. Additionally, it can climb slopes up to 15 degrees, carry a load of 5 grams (2.4 times its weight), and bear a load 9429 times its weight.
comment: 15 figures
☆ LiDAR Inertial Odometry And Mapping Using Learned Registration-Relevant Features
SLAM is an important capability for many autonomous systems, and modern LiDAR-based methods offer promising performance. However, for long duration missions, existing works that either operate directly the full pointclouds or on extracted features face key tradeoffs in accuracy and computational efficiency (e.g., memory consumption). To address these issues, this paper presents DFLIOM with several key innovations. Unlike previous methods that rely on handcrafted heuristics and hand-tuned parameters for feature extraction, we propose a learning-based approach that select points relevant to LiDAR SLAM pointcloud registration. Furthermore, we extend our prior work DLIOM with the learned feature extractor and observe our method enables similar or even better localization performance using only about 20\% of the points in the dense point clouds. We demonstrate that DFLIOM performs well on multiple public benchmarks, achieving a 2.4\% decrease in localization error and 57.5\% decrease in memory usage compared to state-of-the-art methods (DLIOM). Although extracting features with the proposed network requires extra time, it is offset by the faster processing time downstream, thus maintaining real-time performance using 20Hz LiDAR on our hardware setup. The effectiveness of our learning-based feature extraction module is further demonstrated through comparison with several handcrafted feature extractors.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ Solving Reach-Avoid-Stay Problems Using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
Reach-Avoid-Stay (RAS) optimal control enables systems such as robots and air taxis to reach their targets, avoid obstacles, and stay near the target. However, current methods for RAS often struggle with handling complex, dynamic environments and scaling to high-dimensional systems. While reinforcement learning (RL)-based reachability analysis addresses these challenges, it has yet to tackle the RAS problem. In this paper, we propose a two-step deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) method to extend RL-based reachability method to solve RAS problems. First, we train a function that characterizes the maximal robust control invariant set within the target set, where the system can safely stay, along with its corresponding policy. Second, we train a function that defines the set of states capable of safely reaching the robust control invariant set, along with its corresponding policy. We prove that this method results in the maximal robust RAS set in the absence of training errors and demonstrate that it enables RAS in complex environments, scales to high-dimensional systems, and achieves higher success rates for the RAS task compared to previous methods, validated through one simulation and two high-dimensional experiments.
☆ Gait Optimization for Legged Systems Through Mixed Distribution Cross-Entropy Optimization
Legged robotic systems can play an important role in real-world applications due to their superior load-bearing capabilities, enhanced autonomy, and effective navigation on uneven terrain. They offer an optimal trade-off between mobility and payload capacity, excelling in diverse environments while maintaining efficiency in transporting heavy loads. However, planning and optimizing gaits and gait sequences for these robots presents significant challenges due to the complexity of their dynamic motion and the numerous optimization variables involved. Traditional trajectory optimization methods address these challenges by formulating the problem as an optimization task, aiming to minimize cost functions, and to automatically discover contact sequences. Despite their structured approach, optimization-based methods face substantial difficulties, particularly because such formulations result in highly nonlinear and difficult to solve problems. To address these limitations, we propose CrEGOpt, a bi-level optimization method that combines traditional trajectory optimization with a black-box optimization scheme. CrEGOpt at the higher level employs the Mixed Distribution Cross-Entropy Method to optimize both the gait sequence and the phase durations, thus simplifying the lower level trajectory optimization problem. This approach allows for fast solutions of complex gait optimization problems. Extensive evaluation in simulated environments demonstrates that CrEGOpt can find solutions for biped, quadruped, and hexapod robots in under 10 seconds. This novel bi-level optimization scheme offers a promising direction for future research in automatic contact scheduling.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Accepted at Humanoids 2024
☆ Real-World Cooking Robot System from Recipes Based on Food State Recognition Using Foundation Models and PDDL
Although there is a growing demand for cooking behaviours as one of the expected tasks for robots, a series of cooking behaviours based on new recipe descriptions by robots in the real world has not yet been realised. In this study, we propose a robot system that integrates real-world executable robot cooking behaviour planning using the Large Language Model (LLM) and classical planning of PDDL descriptions, and food ingredient state recognition learning from a small number of data using the Vision-Language model (VLM). We succeeded in experiments in which PR2, a dual-armed wheeled robot, performed cooking from arranged new recipes in a real-world environment, and confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed system.
comment: Accepted at Advanced Robotics
☆ CAnDOIT: Causal Discovery with Observational and Interventional Data from Time-Series
The study of cause-and-effect is of the utmost importance in many branches of science, but also for many practical applications of intelligent systems. In particular, identifying causal relationships in situations that include hidden factors is a major challenge for methods that rely solely on observational data for building causal models. This paper proposes CAnDOIT, a causal discovery method to reconstruct causal models using both observational and interventional time-series data. The use of interventional data in the causal analysis is crucial for real-world applications, such as robotics, where the scenario is highly complex and observational data alone are often insufficient to uncover the correct causal structure. Validation of the method is performed initially on randomly generated synthetic models and subsequently on a well-known benchmark for causal structure learning in a robotic manipulation environment. The experiments demonstrate that the approach can effectively handle data from interventions and exploit them to enhance the accuracy of the causal analysis. A Python implementation of CAnDOIT has also been developed and is publicly available on GitHub:
comment: Published in Advanced Intelligent Systems
♻ ☆ Embodied-RAG: General Non-parametric Embodied Memory for Retrieval and Generation
There is no limit to how much a robot might explore and learn, but all of that knowledge needs to be searchable and actionable. Within language research, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) has become the workhouse of large-scale non-parametric knowledge, however existing techniques do not directly transfer to the embodied domain, which is multimodal, data is highly correlated, and perception requires abstraction. To address these challenges, we introduce Embodied-RAG, a framework that enhances the foundational model of an embodied agent with a non-parametric memory system capable of autonomously constructing hierarchical knowledge for both navigation and language generation. Embodied-RAG handles a full range of spatial and semantic resolutions across diverse environments and query types, whether for a specific object or a holistic description of ambiance. At its core, Embodied-RAG's memory is structured as a semantic forest, storing language descriptions at varying levels of detail. This hierarchical organization allows the system to efficiently generate context-sensitive outputs across different robotic platforms. We demonstrate that Embodied-RAG effectively bridges RAG to the robotics domain, successfully handling over 200 explanation and navigation queries across 19 environments, highlighting its promise for general-purpose non-parametric system for embodied agents.
comment: Web:
♻ ☆ PointNetPGAP-SLC: A 3D LiDAR-based Place Recognition Approach with Segment-level Consistency Training for Mobile Robots in Horticulture
3D LiDAR-based place recognition remains largely underexplored in horticultural environments, which present unique challenges due to their semi-permeable nature to laser beams. This characteristic often results in highly similar LiDAR scans from adjacent rows, leading to descriptor ambiguity and, consequently, compromised retrieval performance. In this work, we address the challenges of 3D LiDAR place recognition in horticultural environments, particularly focusing on inter-row ambiguity by introducing three key contributions: (i) a novel model, PointNetPGAP, which combines the outputs of two statistically-inspired aggregators into a single descriptor; (ii) a Segment-Level Consistency (SLC) model, used exclusively during training to enhance descriptor robustness; and (iii) the HORTO-3DLM dataset, comprising LiDAR sequences from orchards and strawberry fields. Experimental evaluations conducted on the HORTO-3DLM and KITTI Odometry datasets demonstrate that PointNetPGAP outperforms state-of-the-art models, including OverlapTransformer and PointNetVLAD, particularly when the SLC model is applied. These results underscore the model's superiority, especially in horticultural environments, by significantly improving retrieval performance in segments with higher ambiguity.
comment: This preprint has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
♻ ☆ CMP: Cooperative Motion Prediction with Multi-Agent Communication
The confluence of the advancement of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and the maturity of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has enabled the capability of cooperative connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). Building on top of cooperative perception, this paper explores the feasibility and effectiveness of cooperative motion prediction. Our method, CMP, takes LiDAR signals as model input to enhance tracking and prediction capabilities. Unlike previous work that focuses separately on either cooperative perception or motion prediction, our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to address the unified problem where CAVs share information in both perception and prediction modules. Incorporated into our design is the unique capability to tolerate realistic V2X bandwidth limitations and transmission delays, while dealing with bulky perception representations. We also propose a prediction aggregation module, which unifies the predictions obtained by different CAVs and generates the final prediction. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies on the OPV2V and V2V4Real datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in cooperative perception, tracking, and motion prediction. In particular, CMP reduces the average prediction error by 16.4\% with fewer missing detections compared with the no cooperation setting and by 12.3\% compared with the strongest baseline. Our work marks a significant step forward in the cooperative capabilities of CAVs, showcasing enhanced performance in complex scenarios. The code can be found on the project website:
comment: Project website:
♻ ☆ Trajectory Optimization with Global Yaw Parameterization for Field-of-View Constrained Autonomous Flight
Trajectory generation for quadrotors with limited field-of-view sensors has numerous applications such as aerial exploration, coverage, inspection, videography, and target tracking. Most previous works simplify the task of optimizing yaw trajectories by either aligning the heading of the robot with its velocity, or potentially restricting the feasible space of candidate trajectories by using a limited yaw domain to circumvent angular singularities. In this paper, we propose a novel \textit{global} yaw parameterization method for trajectory optimization that allows a 360-degree yaw variation as demanded by the underlying algorithm. This approach effectively bypasses inherent singularities by including supplementary quadratic constraints and transforming the final decision variables into the desired state representation. This method significantly reduces the needed control effort, and improves optimization feasibility. Furthermore, we apply the method to several examples of different applications that require jointly optimizing over both the yaw and position trajectories. Ultimately, we present a comprehensive numerical analysis and evaluation of our proposed method in both simulation and real-world experiments.
♻ ☆ PRompt Optimization in Multi-Step Tasks (PROMST): Integrating Human Feedback and Heuristic-based Sampling EMNLP 2024
Prompt optimization aims to find the best prompt to a large language model (LLM) for a given task. LLMs have been successfully used to help find and improve prompt candidates for single-step tasks. However, realistic tasks for agents are multi-step and introduce new challenges: (1) Prompt content is likely to be more extensive and complex, making it more difficult for LLMs to analyze errors, (2) the impact of an individual step is difficult to evaluate, and (3) different people may have varied preferences about task execution. While humans struggle to optimize prompts, they are good at providing feedback about LLM outputs; we therefore introduce a new LLM-driven discrete prompt optimization framework PRompt Optimization in Multi-Step Tasks (PROMST) that incorporates human-designed feedback rules to automatically offer direct suggestions for improvement. We also use an extra learned heuristic model that predicts prompt performance to efficiently sample from prompt candidates. This approach significantly outperforms both human-engineered prompts and several other prompt optimization methods across 11 representative multi-step tasks (an average 10.6\%-29.3\% improvement to current best methods on five LLMs respectively). We believe our work can serve as a benchmark for automatic prompt optimization for LLM-driven multi-step tasks. Datasets and Codes are available at Project Page is available at
comment: 62 pages, 14 figures, Published in EMNLP 2024 Main
♻ ☆ $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping
Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand's description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at
♻ ☆ Making Space for Time: The Special Galilean Group and Its Application to Some Robotics Problems IROS
The special Galilean group, usually denoted SGal(3), is a 10-dimensional Lie group whose important subgroups include the special orthogonal group, the special Euclidean group, and the group of extended poses. We briefly describe SGal(3) and its Lie algebra and show how the group structure supports a unified representation of uncertainty in space and time. Our aim is to highlight the potential usefulness of this group for several robotics problems.
comment: In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) Workshop From Geometry to General Autonomy of Robotic Systems, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 15, 2024. 3 pages, 1 figure
♻ ☆ Learning an Actionable Discrete Diffusion Policy via Large-Scale Actionless Video Pre-Training NeurIPS 2024
Learning a generalist embodied agent capable of completing multiple tasks poses challenges, primarily stemming from the scarcity of action-labeled robotic datasets. In contrast, a vast amount of human videos exist, capturing intricate tasks and interactions with the physical world. Promising prospects arise for utilizing actionless human videos for pre-training and transferring the knowledge to facilitate robot policy learning through limited robot demonstrations. However, it remains a challenge due to the domain gap between humans and robots. Moreover, it is difficult to extract useful information representing the dynamic world from human videos, because of its noisy and multimodal data structure. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework to tackle these challenges, which leverages a unified discrete diffusion to combine generative pre-training on human videos and policy fine-tuning on a small number of action-labeled robot videos. We start by compressing both human and robot videos into unified video tokens. In the pre-training stage, we employ a discrete diffusion model with a mask-and-replace diffusion strategy to predict future video tokens in the latent space. In the fine-tuning stage, we harness the imagined future videos to guide low-level action learning with a limited set of robot data. Experiments demonstrate that our method generates high-fidelity future videos for planning and enhances the fine-tuned policies compared to previous state-of-the-art approaches with superior performance. Our project website is available at
comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2024. 24 pages
♻ ☆ ViewActive: Active viewpoint optimization from a single image
When observing objects, humans benefit from their spatial visualization and mental rotation ability to envision potential optimal viewpoints based on the current observation. This capability is crucial for enabling robots to achieve efficient and robust scene perception during operation, as optimal viewpoints provide essential and informative features for accurately representing scenes in 2D images, thereby enhancing downstream tasks. To endow robots with this human-like active viewpoint optimization capability, we propose ViewActive, a modernized machine learning approach drawing inspiration from aspect graph, which provides viewpoint optimization guidance based solely on the current 2D image input. Specifically, we introduce the 3D Viewpoint Quality Field (VQF), a compact and consistent representation for viewpoint quality distribution similar to an aspect graph, composed of three general-purpose viewpoint quality metrics: self-occlusion ratio, occupancy-aware surface normal entropy, and visual entropy. We utilize pre-trained image encoders to extract robust visual and semantic features, which are then decoded into the 3D VQF, allowing our model to generalize effectively across diverse objects, including unseen categories.The lightweight ViewActive network (72 FPS on a single GPU) significantly enhances the performance of state-of-the-art object recognition pipelines and can be integrated into real-time motion planning for robotic applications. Our code and dataset are available here:
♻ ☆ SonicSense: Object Perception from In-Hand Acoustic Vibration
We introduce SonicSense, a holistic design of hardware and software to enable rich robot object perception through in-hand acoustic vibration sensing. While previous studies have shown promising results with acoustic sensing for object perception, current solutions are constrained to a handful of objects with simple geometries and homogeneous materials, single-finger sensing, and mixing training and testing on the same objects. SonicSense enables container inventory status differentiation, heterogeneous material prediction, 3D shape reconstruction, and object re-identification from a diverse set of 83 real-world objects. Our system employs a simple but effective heuristic exploration policy to interact with the objects as well as end-to-end learning-based algorithms to fuse vibration signals to infer object properties. Our framework underscores the significance of in-hand acoustic vibration sensing in advancing robot tactile perception.
comment: Our project website is at:
♻ ☆ BadRobot: Manipulating Embodied LLMs in the Physical World
Embodied AI represents systems where AI is integrated into physical entities, enabling them to perceive and interact with their surroundings. Large Language Model (LLM), which exhibits powerful language understanding abilities, has been extensively employed in embodied AI by facilitating sophisticated task planning. However, a critical safety issue remains overlooked: could these embodied LLMs perpetrate harmful behaviors? In response, we introduce BadRobot, a novel attack paradigm aiming to make embodied LLMs violate safety and ethical constraints through typical voice-based user-system interactions. Specifically, three vulnerabilities are exploited to achieve this type of attack: (i) manipulation of LLMs within robotic systems, (ii) misalignment between linguistic outputs and physical actions, and (iii) unintentional hazardous behaviors caused by world knowledge's flaws. Furthermore, we construct a benchmark of various malicious physical action queries to evaluate BadRobot's attack performance. Based on this benchmark, extensive experiments against existing prominent embodied LLM frameworks (e.g., Voxposer, Code as Policies, and ProgPrompt) demonstrate the effectiveness of our BadRobot. Warning: This paper contains harmful AI-generated language and aggressive actions.
comment: 38 pages, 16 figures
♻ ☆ Theory and Explicit Design of a Path Planner for an SE(3) Robot
We consider path planning for a rigid spatial robot with 6 degrees of freedom (6 DOFs), moving amidst polyhedral obstacles. A correct, complete and practical path planner for such a robot has never been achieved, although this is widely recognized as a key challenge in robotics. This paper provides a complete "explicit" design, down to explicit geometric primitives that are easily implementable. Our design is within an algorithmic framework for path planners, called Soft Subdivision Search (SSS). The framework is based on the twin foundations of $\epsilon$-exactness and soft predicates, which are critical for rigorous numerical implementations. The practicality of SSS has been previously demonstrated for various robots including 5-DOF spatial robots. In this paper, we solve several significant technical challenges for SE(3) robots: (1) We first ensure the correct theory by proving a general form of the Fundamental Theorem of the SSS theory. We prove this within an axiomatic framework, thus making it easy for future applications of this theory. (2) One component of $SE(3) = R^3 \times SO(3)$ is the non-Euclidean space SO(3). We design a novel topologically correct data structure for SO(3). Using the concept of subdivision charts and atlases for SO(3), we can now carry out subdivision of SO(3). (3) The geometric problem of collision detection takes place in $R^3$, via the footprint map. Unlike sampling-based approaches, we must reason with the notion of footprints of configuration boxes, which is much harder to characterize. Exploiting the theory of soft predicates, we design suitable approximate footprints which, when combined with the highly effective feature-set technique, lead to soft predicates. (4) Finally, we make the underlying geometric computation "explicit", i.e., avoiding a general solver of polynomial systems, in order to allow a direct implementation.
comment: A conference version is to appear at the International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) 2024. This is a revised full version, 42 pages, including 5 appendices
♻ ☆ A Causal Bayesian Network and Probabilistic Programming Based Reasoning Framework for Robot Manipulation Under Uncertainty ICRA 2025
Robot object manipulation in real-world environments is challenging because robot operation must be robust to a range of sensing, estimation, and actuation uncertainties to avoid potentially unsafe and costly mistakes that are a barrier to their adoption. In this paper, we propose a flexible and generalisable physics-informed causal Bayesian network (CBN) based framework for a robot to probabilistically reason about candidate manipulation actions, to enable robot decision-making robust to arbitrary robot system uncertainties -- the first of its kind to use a probabilistic programming language implementation. Using experiments in high-fidelity Gazebo simulation of an exemplar block stacking task, we demonstrate our framework's ability to: (1) predict manipulation outcomes with high accuracy (Pred Acc: 88.6%); and, (2) perform greedy next-best action selection with 94.2% task success rate. We also demonstrate our framework's suitability for real-world robot systems with a domestic robot. Thus, we show that by combining probabilistic causal modelling with physics simulations, we can make robot manipulation more robust to system uncertainties and hence more feasible for real-world applications. Further, our generalised reasoning framework can be used and extended for future robotics and causality research.
comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to the 2025 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025)
♻ ☆ RiEMann: Near Real-Time SE(3)-Equivariant Robot Manipulation without Point Cloud Segmentation
We present RiEMann, an end-to-end near Real-time SE(3)-Equivariant Robot Manipulation imitation learning framework from scene point cloud input. Compared to previous methods that rely on descriptor field matching, RiEMann directly predicts the target poses of objects for manipulation without any object segmentation. RiEMann learns a manipulation task from scratch with 5 to 10 demonstrations, generalizes to unseen SE(3) transformations and instances of target objects, resists visual interference of distracting objects, and follows the near real-time pose change of the target object. The scalable action space of RiEMann facilitates the addition of custom equivariant actions such as the direction of turning the faucet, which makes articulated object manipulation possible for RiEMann. In simulation and real-world 6-DOF robot manipulation experiments, we test RiEMann on 5 categories of manipulation tasks with a total of 25 variants and show that RiEMann outperforms baselines in both task success rates and SE(3) geodesic distance errors on predicted poses (reduced by 68.6%), and achieves a 5.4 frames per second (FPS) network inference speed. Code and video results are available at
♻ ☆ Reinforcement Learning with Foundation Priors: Let the Embodied Agent Efficiently Learn on Its Own
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for solving robotic manipulation tasks. However, it is challenging to apply the RL algorithms directly in the real world. For one thing, RL is data-intensive and typically requires millions of interactions with environments, which are impractical in real scenarios. For another, it is necessary to make heavy engineering efforts to design reward functions manually. To address these issues, we leverage foundation models in this paper. We propose Reinforcement Learning with Foundation Priors (RLFP) to utilize guidance and feedback from policy, value, and success-reward foundation models. Within this framework, we introduce the Foundation-guided Actor-Critic (FAC) algorithm, which enables embodied agents to explore more efficiently with automatic reward functions. The benefits of our framework are threefold: (1) \textit{sample efficient}; (2) \textit{minimal and effective reward engineering}; (3) \textit{agnostic to foundation model forms and robust to noisy priors}. Our method achieves remarkable performances in various manipulation tasks on both real robots and in simulation. Across 5 dexterous tasks with real robots, FAC achieves an average success rate of 86\% after one hour of real-time learning. Across 8 tasks in the simulated Meta-world, FAC achieves 100\% success rates in 7/8 tasks under less than 100k frames (about 1-hour training), outperforming baseline methods with manual-designed rewards in 1M frames. We believe the RLFP framework can enable future robots to explore and learn autonomously in the physical world for more tasks.
comment: CoRL 2024 (Oral)
♻ ☆ NeRFoot: Robot-Footprint Estimation for Image-Based Visual Servoing ICRA
This paper investigates the utility of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) models in extending the regions of operation of a mobile robot, controlled by Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) via static CCTV cameras. Using NeRF as a 3D-representation prior, the robot's footprint may be extrapolated geometrically and used to train a CNN-based network to extract it online from the robot's appearance alone. The resulting footprint results in a tighter bound than a robot-wide bounding box, allowing the robot's controller to prescribe more optimal trajectories and expand its safe operational floor area.
comment: Accepted as extended abstract for ICRA@40
♻ ☆ VLM-MPC: Vision Language Foundation Model (VLM)-Guided Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for Autonomous Driving
Motivated by the emergent reasoning capabilities of Vision Language Models (VLMs) and their potential to improve the comprehensibility of autonomous driving systems, this paper introduces a closed-loop autonomous driving controller called VLM-MPC, which combines the Model Predictive Controller (MPC) with VLM to evaluate how model-based control could enhance VLM decision-making. The proposed VLM-MPC is structured into two asynchronous components: The upper layer VLM generates driving parameters (e.g., desired speed, desired headway) for lower-level control based on front camera images, ego vehicle state, traffic environment conditions, and reference memory; The lower-level MPC controls the vehicle in real-time using these parameters, considering engine lag and providing state feedback to the entire system. Experiments based on the nuScenes dataset validated the effectiveness of the proposed VLM-MPC across various environments (e.g., night, rain, and intersections). The results demonstrate that the VLM-MPC consistently maintains Post Encroachment Time (PET) above safe thresholds, in contrast to some scenarios where the VLM-based control posed collision risks. Additionally, the VLM-MPC enhances smoothness compared to the real-world trajectories and VLM-based control. By comparing behaviors under different environmental settings, we highlight the VLM-MPC's capability to understand the environment and make reasoned inferences. Moreover, we validate the contributions of two key components, the reference memory and the environment encoder, to the stability of responses through ablation tests.
♻ ☆ Multi-Robot Relative Pose Estimation and IMU Preintegration Using Passive UWB Transceivers
Ultra-wideband (UWB) systems are becoming increasingly popular as a means of inter-robot ranging and communication. A major constraint associated with UWB is that only one pair of UWB transceivers can range at a time to avoid interference, hence hindering the scalability of UWB-based localization. In this paper, a ranging protocol is proposed that allows all robots to passively listen on neighbouring communicating robots without any hierarchical restrictions on the role of the robots. This is utilized to allow each robot to obtain more range measurements and to broadcast preintegrated inertial measurement unit (IMU) measurements for relative extended pose state estimation directly on SE2(3). Consequently, a simultaneous clock-synchronization and relative-pose estimator (CSRPE) is formulated using an on-manifold extended Kalman filter (EKF) and is evaluated in simulation using Monte-Carlo runs for up to 7 robots. The ranging protocol is implemented in C on custom-made UWB boards fitted to 3 quadcopters, and the proposed filter is evaluated over multiple experimental trials, yielding up to 48% improvement in localization accuracy.
♻ ☆ Closed-Loop Long-Horizon Robotic Planning via Equilibrium Sequence Modeling
In the endeavor to make autonomous robots take actions, task planning is a major challenge that requires translating high-level task descriptions into long-horizon action sequences. Despite recent advances in language model agents, they remain prone to planning errors and limited in their ability to plan ahead. To address these limitations in robotic planning, we advocate a self-refining scheme that iteratively refines a draft plan until an equilibrium is reached. Remarkably, this process can be optimized end-to-end from an analytical perspective without the need to curate additional verifiers or reward models, allowing us to train self-refining planners in a simple supervised learning fashion. Meanwhile, a nested equilibrium sequence modeling procedure is devised for efficient closed-loop planning that incorporates useful feedback from the environment (or an internal world model). Our method is evaluated on the VirtualHome-Env benchmark, showing advanced performance with better scaling for inference computation. Code is available at
♻ ☆ BVE + EKF: A viewpoint estimator for the estimation of the object's position in the 3D task space using Extended Kalman Filters
RGB-D sensors face multiple challenges operating under open-field environments because of their sensitivity to external perturbations such as radiation or rain. Multiple works are approaching the challenge of perceiving the 3D position of objects using monocular cameras. However, most of these works focus mainly on deep learning-based solutions, which are complex, data-driven, and difficult to predict. So, we aim to approach the problem of predicting the 3D objects' position using a Gaussian viewpoint estimator named best viewpoint estimator (BVE) powered by an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The algorithm proved efficient on the tasks and reached a maximum average Euclidean error of about 32 mm. The experiments were deployed and evaluated in MATLAB using artificial Gaussian noise. Future work aims to implement the system in a robotic system.
comment: Accepted to ICINCO - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
♻ ☆ MonoVisual3DFilter: 3D tomatoes' localisation with monocular cameras using histogram filters
Performing tasks in agriculture, such as fruit monitoring or harvesting, requires perceiving the objects' spatial position. RGB-D cameras are limited under open-field environments due to lightning interferences. So, in this study, we state to answer the research question: "How can we use and control monocular sensors to perceive objects' position in the 3D task space?" Towards this aim, we approached histogram filters (Bayesian discrete filters) to estimate the position of tomatoes in the tomato plant through the algorithm MonoVisual3DFilter. Two kernel filters were studied: the square kernel and the Gaussian kernel. The implemented algorithm was essayed in simulation, with and without Gaussian noise and random noise, and in a testbed at laboratory conditions. The algorithm reported a mean absolute error lower than 10 mm in simulation and 20 mm in the testbed at laboratory conditions with an assessing distance of about 0.5 m. So, the results are viable for real environments and should be improved at closer distances.
♻ ☆ Hybrid Feedback for Three-dimensional Convex Obstacle Avoidance (Extended version)
We propose a hybrid feedback control scheme for the autonomous robot navigation problem in three-dimensional environments with arbitrarily-shaped convex obstacles. The proposed hybrid control strategy, which consists in switching between the move-to-target mode and the obstacle-avoidance mode, guarantees global asymptotic stability of the target location in the obstacle-free workspace. We also provide a procedure for the implementation of the proposed hybrid controller in a priori unknown environments and validate its effectiveness through simulation results.
comment: 13 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ DiffuSolve: Diffusion-based Solver for Non-convex Trajectory Optimization
Optimal trajectory design is computationally expensive for nonlinear and high-dimensional dynamical systems. The challenge arises from the non-convex nature of the optimization problem with multiple local optima, which usually requires a global search. Traditional numerical solvers struggle to find diverse solutions efficiently without appropriate initial guesses. In this paper, we introduce DiffuSolve, a general diffusion model-based solver for non-convex trajectory optimization. An expressive diffusion model is trained on pre-collected locally optimal solutions and efficiently samples initial guesses, which then warm-starts numerical solvers to fine-tune the feasibility and optimality. We also present DiffuSolve+, a novel constrained diffusion model with an additional loss in training that further reduces the problem constraint violations of diffusion samples. Experimental evaluations on three tasks verify the improved robustness, diversity, and a 2$\times$ to 11$\times$ increase in computational efficiency with our proposed method, which generalizes well to trajectory optimization problems of varying challenges.
♻ ☆ Synergizing Quality-Diversity with Descriptor-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
A hallmark of intelligence is the ability to exhibit a wide range of effective behaviors. Inspired by this principle, Quality-Diversity algorithms, such as MAP-Elites, are evolutionary methods designed to generate a set of diverse and high-fitness solutions. However, as a genetic algorithm, MAP-Elites relies on random mutations, which can become inefficient in high-dimensional search spaces, thus limiting its scalability to more complex domains, such as learning to control agents directly from high-dimensional inputs. To address this limitation, advanced methods like PGA-MAP-Elites and DCG-MAP-Elites have been developed, which combine actor-critic techniques from Reinforcement Learning with MAP-Elites, significantly enhancing the performance and efficiency of Quality-Diversity algorithms in complex, high-dimensional tasks. While these methods have successfully leveraged the trained critic to guide more effective mutations, the potential of the trained actor remains underutilized in improving both the quality and diversity of the evolved population. In this work, we introduce DCRL-MAP-Elites, an extension of DCG-MAP-Elites that utilizes the descriptor-conditioned actor as a generative model to produce diverse solutions, which are then injected into the offspring batch at each generation. Additionally, we present an empirical analysis of the fitness and descriptor reproducibility of the solutions discovered by each algorithm. Finally, we present a second empirical analysis shedding light on the synergies between the different variations operators and explaining the performance improvement from PGA-MAP-Elites to DCRL-MAP-Elites.
comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.03832
♻ ☆ Imitation Learning from Observation through Optimal Transport
Imitation Learning from Observation (ILfO) is a setting in which a learner tries to imitate the behavior of an expert, using only observational data and without the direct guidance of demonstrated actions. In this paper, we re-examine optimal transport for IL, in which a reward is generated based on the Wasserstein distance between the state trajectories of the learner and expert. We show that existing methods can be simplified to generate a reward function without requiring learned models or adversarial learning. Unlike many other state-of-the-art methods, our approach can be integrated with any RL algorithm and is amenable to ILfO. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this simple approach on a variety of continuous control tasks and find that it surpasses the state of the art in the IlfO setting, achieving expert-level performance across a range of evaluation domains even when observing only a single expert trajectory without actions.
comment: Update to newest version, presented at RLC 2024
Robotics 54
☆ Windowed MAPF with Completeness Guarantees
Traditional multi-agent path finding (MAPF) methods try to compute entire start-goal paths which are collision free. However, computing an entire path can take too long for MAPF systems where agents need to replan fast. Methods that address this typically employ a "windowed" approach and only try to find collision free paths for a small windowed timestep horizon. This adaptation comes at the cost of incompleteness; all current windowed approaches can become stuck in deadlock or livelock. Our main contribution is to introduce our framework, WinC-MAPF, for Windowed MAPF that enables completeness. Our framework uses heuristic update insights from single-agent real-time heuristic search algorithms as well as agent independence ideas from MAPF algorithms. We also develop Single-Step CBS (SS-CBS), an instantiation of this framework using a novel modification to CBS. We show how SS-CBS, which only plans a single step and updates heuristics, can effectively solve tough scenarios where existing windowed approaches fail.
☆ Open Human-Robot Collaboration using Decentralized Inverse Reinforcement Learning
The growing interest in human-robot collaboration (HRC), where humans and robots cooperate towards shared goals, has seen significant advancements over the past decade. While previous research has addressed various challenges, several key issues remain unresolved. Many domains within HRC involve activities that do not necessarily require human presence throughout the entire task. Existing literature typically models HRC as a closed system, where all agents are present for the entire duration of the task. In contrast, an open model offers flexibility by allowing an agent to enter and exit the collaboration as needed, enabling them to concurrently manage other tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel multiagent framework called oDec-MDP, designed specifically to model open HRC scenarios where agents can join or leave tasks flexibly during execution. We generalize a recent multiagent inverse reinforcement learning method - Dec-AIRL to learn from open systems modeled using the oDec-MDP. Our method is validated through experiments conducted in both a simplified toy firefighting domain and a realistic dyadic human-robot collaborative assembly. Results show that our framework and learning method improves upon its closed system counterpart.
☆ Multi-Robot Trajectory Generation via Consensus ADMM: Convex vs. Non-Convex
C-ADMM is a well-known distributed optimization framework due to its guaranteed convergence in convex optimization problems. Recently, C-ADMM has been studied in robotics applications such as multi-vehicle target tracking and collaborative manipulation tasks. However, few works have investigated the performance of C-ADMM applied to non-convex problems in robotics applications due to a lack of theoretical guarantees. For this project, we aim to quantitatively explore and examine the convergence behavior of non-convex C-ADMM through the scope of distributed multi-robot trajectory planning. We propose a convex trajectory planning problem by leveraging C-ADMM and Buffered Voronoi Cells (BVCs) to get around the non-convex collision avoidance constraint and compare this convex C-ADMM algorithm to a non-convex C-ADMM baseline with non-convex collision avoidance constraints. We show that the convex C-ADMM algorithm requires 1000 fewer iterations to achieve convergence in a multi-robot waypoint navigation scenario. We also confirm that the non-convex C-ADMM baseline leads to sub-optimal solutions and violation of safety constraints in trajectory generation.
☆ $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp: A Unified Representation of Robot and Object Interaction for Cross-Embodiment Dexterous Grasping
Dexterous grasping is a fundamental yet challenging skill in robotic manipulation, requiring precise interaction between robotic hands and objects. In this paper, we present $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp, a novel framework that models the interaction between the robotic hand in its grasping pose and the object, enabling broad generalization across various robot hands and object geometries. Our model takes the robot hand's description and object point cloud as inputs and efficiently predicts kinematically valid and stable grasps, demonstrating strong adaptability to diverse robot embodiments and object geometries. Extensive experiments conducted in both simulated and real-world environments validate the effectiveness of our approach, with significant improvements in success rate, grasp diversity, and inference speed across multiple robotic hands. Our method achieves an average success rate of 87.53% in simulation in less than one second, tested across three different dexterous robotic hands. In real-world experiments using the LeapHand, the method also demonstrates an average success rate of 89%. $\mathcal{D(R,O)}$ Grasp provides a robust solution for dexterous grasping in complex and varied environments. The code, appendix, and videos are available on our project website at
☆ Open3DTrack: Towards Open-Vocabulary 3D Multi-Object Tracking
3D multi-object tracking plays a critical role in autonomous driving by enabling the real-time monitoring and prediction of multiple objects' movements. Traditional 3D tracking systems are typically constrained by predefined object categories, limiting their adaptability to novel, unseen objects in dynamic environments. To address this limitation, we introduce open-vocabulary 3D tracking, which extends the scope of 3D tracking to include objects beyond predefined categories. We formulate the problem of open-vocabulary 3D tracking and introduce dataset splits designed to represent various open-vocabulary scenarios. We propose a novel approach that integrates open-vocabulary capabilities into a 3D tracking framework, allowing for generalization to unseen object classes. Our method effectively reduces the performance gap between tracking known and novel objects through strategic adaptation. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness and adaptability of our method in diverse outdoor driving scenarios. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to address open-vocabulary 3D tracking, presenting a significant advancement for autonomous systems in real-world settings. Code, trained models, and dataset splits are available publicly.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ One-Shot Robust Imitation Learning for Long-Horizon Visuomotor Tasks from Unsegmented Demonstrations
In contrast to single-skill tasks, long-horizon tasks play a crucial role in our daily life, e.g., a pouring task requires a proper concatenation of reaching, grasping and pouring subtasks. As an efficient solution for transferring human skills to robots, imitation learning has achieved great progress over the last two decades. However, when learning long-horizon visuomotor skills, imitation learning often demands a large amount of semantically segmented demonstrations. Moreover, the performance of imitation learning could be susceptible to external perturbation and visual occlusion. In this paper, we exploit dynamical movement primitives and meta-learning to provide a new framework for imitation learning, called Meta-Imitation Learning with Adaptive Dynamical Primitives (MiLa). MiLa allows for learning unsegmented long-horizon demonstrations and adapting to unseen tasks with a single demonstration. MiLa can also resist external disturbances and visual occlusion during task execution. Real-world robotic experiments demonstrate the superiority of MiLa, irrespective of visual occlusion and random perturbations on robots.
comment: 15 pages, 6 figures
☆ Entropy-Based Uncertainty Modeling for Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving
In autonomous driving, accurate motion prediction is essential for safe and efficient motion planning. To ensure safety, planners must rely on reliable uncertainty information about the predicted future behavior of surrounding agents, yet this aspect has received limited attention. This paper addresses the so-far neglected problem of uncertainty modeling in trajectory prediction. We adopt a holistic approach that focuses on uncertainty quantification, decomposition, and the influence of model composition. Our method is based on a theoretically grounded information-theoretic approach to measure uncertainty, allowing us to decompose total uncertainty into its aleatoric and epistemic components. We conduct extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset to assess how different model architectures and configurations affect uncertainty quantification and model robustness.
comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to International Conference on Learning Representations (2025)
☆ SGBA: Semantic Gaussian Mixture Model-Based LiDAR Bundle Adjustment
LiDAR bundle adjustment (BA) is an effective approach to reduce the drifts in pose estimation from the front-end. Existing works on LiDAR BA usually rely on predefined geometric features for landmark representation. This reliance restricts generalizability, as the system will inevitably deteriorate in environments where these specific features are absent. To address this issue, we propose SGBA, a LiDAR BA scheme that models the environment as a semantic Gaussian mixture model (GMM) without predefined feature types. This approach encodes both geometric and semantic information, offering a comprehensive and general representation adaptable to various environments. Additionally, to limit computational complexity while ensuring generalizability, we propose an adaptive semantic selection framework that selects the most informative semantic clusters for optimization by evaluating the condition number of the cost function. Lastly, we introduce a probabilistic feature association scheme that considers the entire probability density of assignments, which can manage uncertainties in measurement and initial pose estimation. We have conducted various experiments and the results demonstrate that SGBA can achieve accurate and robust pose refinement even in challenging scenarios with low-quality initial pose estimation and limited geometric features. We plan to open-source the work for the benefit of the community
☆ Computational Teaching for Driving via Multi-Task Imitation Learning
Learning motor skills for sports or performance driving is often done with professional instruction from expert human teachers, whose availability is limited. Our goal is to enable automated teaching via a learned model that interacts with the student similar to a human teacher. However, training such automated teaching systems is limited by the availability of high-quality annotated datasets of expert teacher and student interactions that are difficult to collect at scale. To address this data scarcity problem, we propose an approach for training a coaching system for complex motor tasks such as high performance driving via a Multi-Task Imitation Learning (MTIL) paradigm. MTIL allows our model to learn robust representations by utilizing self-supervised training signals from more readily available non-interactive datasets of humans performing the task of interest. We validate our approach with (1) a semi-synthetic dataset created from real human driving trajectories, (2) a professional track driving instruction dataset, (3) a track-racing driving simulator human-subject study, and (4) a system demonstration on an instrumented car at a race track. Our experiments show that the right set of auxiliary machine learning tasks improves performance in predicting teaching instructions. Moreover, in the human subjects study, students exposed to the instructions from our teaching system improve their ability to stay within track limits, and show favorable perception of the model's interaction with them, in terms of usefulness and satisfaction.
comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables
☆ Robo-MUTUAL: Robotic Multimodal Task Specification via Unimodal Learning
Multimodal task specification is essential for enhanced robotic performance, where \textit{Cross-modality Alignment} enables the robot to holistically understand complex task instructions. Directly annotating multimodal instructions for model training proves impractical, due to the sparsity of paired multimodal data. In this study, we demonstrate that by leveraging unimodal instructions abundant in real data, we can effectively teach robots to learn multimodal task specifications. First, we endow the robot with strong \textit{Cross-modality Alignment} capabilities, by pretraining a robotic multimodal encoder using extensive out-of-domain data. Then, we employ two Collapse and Corrupt operations to further bridge the remaining modality gap in the learned multimodal representation. This approach projects different modalities of identical task goal as interchangeable representations, thus enabling accurate robotic operations within a well-aligned multimodal latent space. Evaluation across more than 130 tasks and 4000 evaluations on both simulated LIBERO benchmark and real robot platforms showcases the superior capabilities of our proposed framework, demonstrating significant advantage in overcoming data constraints in robotic learning. Website:
comment: preprint
☆ Closed-loop Long-horizon Robotic Planning via Equilibrium Sequence Modeling
In the endeavor to make autonomous robots take actions, task planning is a major challenge that requires translating high-level task descriptions into long-horizon action sequences. Despite recent advances in language model agents, they remain prone to planning errors and limited in their ability to plan ahead. To address these limitations in robotic planning, we advocate a self-refining scheme that iteratively refines a draft plan until an equilibrium is reached. Remarkably, this process can be optimized end-to-end from an analytical perspective without the need to curate additional verifiers or reward models, allowing us to train self-refining planners in a simple supervised learning fashion. Meanwhile, a nested equilibrium sequence modeling procedure is devised for efficient closed-loop planning that incorporates useful feedback from the environment (or an internal world model). Our method is evaluated on the VirtualHome-Env benchmark, showing advanced performance with better scaling for inference computation. Code is available at
☆ WiFi-CSI Sensing and Bearing Estimation in Multi-Robot Systems: An Open-Source Simulation Framework
Development and testing of multi-robot systems employing wireless signal-based sensing requires access to suitable hardware, such as channel monitoring WiFi transceivers, which can pose significant limitations. The WiFi Sensor for Robotics (WSR) toolbox, introduced by Jadhav et al. in 2022, provides a novel solution by using WiFi Channel State Information (CSI) to compute relative bearing between robots. The toolbox leverages the amplitude and phase of WiFi signals and creates virtual antenna arrays by exploiting the motion of mobile robots, eliminating the need for physical antenna arrays. However, the WSR toolbox's reliance on an obsoleting WiFi transceiver hardware has limited its operability and accessibility, hindering broader application and development of relevant tools. We present an open-source simulation framework that replicates the WSR toolbox's capabilities using Gazebo and Matlab. By simulating WiFi-CSI data collection, our framework emulates the behavior of mobile robots equipped with the WSR toolbox, enabling precise bearing estimation without physical hardware. We validate the framework through experiments with both simulated and real Turtlebot3 robots, showing a close match between the obtained CSI data and the resulting bearing estimates. This work provides a virtual environment for developing and testing WiFi-CSI-based multi-robot localization without relying on physical hardware. All code and experimental setup information are publicly available at
comment: 6+1 pages (text + references), 6 figures
☆ Towards Generalizable Vision-Language Robotic Manipulation: A Benchmark and LLM-guided 3D Policy
Generalizing language-conditioned robotic policies to new tasks remains a significant challenge, hampered by the lack of suitable simulation benchmarks. In this paper, we address this gap by introducing GemBench, a novel benchmark to assess generalization capabilities of vision-language robotic manipulation policies. GemBench incorporates seven general action primitives and four levels of generalization, spanning novel placements, rigid and articulated objects, and complex long-horizon tasks. We evaluate state-of-the-art approaches on GemBench and also introduce a new method. Our approach 3D-LOTUS leverages rich 3D information for action prediction conditioned on language. While 3D-LOTUS excels in both efficiency and performance on seen tasks, it struggles with novel tasks. To address this, we present 3D-LOTUS++, a framework that integrates 3D-LOTUS's motion planning capabilities with the task planning capabilities of LLMs and the object grounding accuracy of VLMs. 3D-LOTUS++ achieves state-of-the-art performance on novel tasks of GemBench, setting a new standard for generalization in robotic manipulation. The benchmark, codes and trained models are available at \url{}.
☆ ReFeree: Radar-Based Lightweight and Robust Localization using Feature and Free space
Place recognition plays an important role in achieving robust long-term autonomy. Real-world robots face a wide range of weather conditions (e.g. overcast, heavy rain, and snowing) and most sensors (i.e. camera, LiDAR) essentially functioning within or near-visible electromagnetic waves are sensitive to adverse weather conditions, making reliable localization difficult. In contrast, radar is gaining traction due to long electromagnetic waves, which are less affected by environmental changes and weather independence. In this work, we propose a radar-based lightweight and robust place recognition. We achieve rotational invariance and lightweight by selecting a one-dimensional ring-shaped description and robustness by mitigating the impact of false detection utilizing opposite noise characteristics between free space and feature. In addition, the initial heading can be estimated, which can assist in building a SLAM pipeline that combines odometry and registration, which takes into account onboard computing. The proposed method was tested for rigorous validation across various scenarios (i.e. single session, multi-session, and different weather conditions). In particular, we validate our descriptor achieving reliable place recognition performance through the results of extreme environments that lacked structural information such as an OORD dataset.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted to RA-L
☆ Finetuning Pre-trained Model with Limited Data for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection by Bridging Domain Gaps IROS
LiDAR-based 3D object detectors have been largely utilized in various applications, including autonomous vehicles or mobile robots. However, LiDAR-based detectors often fail to adapt well to target domains with different sensor configurations (e.g., types of sensors, spatial resolution, or FOVs) and location shifts. Collecting and annotating datasets in a new setup is commonly required to reduce such gaps, but it is often expensive and time-consuming. Recent studies suggest that pre-trained backbones can be learned in a self-supervised manner with large-scale unlabeled LiDAR frames. However, despite their expressive representations, they remain challenging to generalize well without substantial amounts of data from the target domain. Thus, we propose a novel method, called Domain Adaptive Distill-Tuning (DADT), to adapt a pre-trained model with limited target data (approximately 100 LiDAR frames), retaining its representation power and preventing it from overfitting. Specifically, we use regularizers to align object-level and context-level representations between the pre-trained and finetuned models in a teacher-student architecture. Our experiments with driving benchmarks, i.e., Waymo Open dataset and KITTI, confirm that our method effectively finetunes a pre-trained model, achieving significant gains in accuracy.
comment: Accepted in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024
☆ Robust Imitation Learning for Mobile Manipulator Focusing on Task-Related Viewpoints and Regions
We study how to generalize the visuomotor policy of a mobile manipulator from the perspective of visual observations. The mobile manipulator is prone to occlusion owing to its own body when only a single viewpoint is employed and a significant domain shift when deployed in diverse situations. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, no study has been able to solve occlusion and domain shift simultaneously and propose a robust policy. In this paper, we propose a robust imitation learning method for mobile manipulators that focuses on task-related viewpoints and their spatial regions when observing multiple viewpoints. The multiple viewpoint policy includes attention mechanism, which is learned with an augmented dataset, and brings optimal viewpoints and robust visual embedding against occlusion and domain shift. Comparison of our results for different tasks and environments with those of previous studies revealed that our proposed method improves the success rate by up to 29.3 points. We also conduct ablation studies using our proposed method. Learning task-related viewpoints from the multiple viewpoints dataset increases robustness to occlusion than using a uniquely defined viewpoint. Focusing on task-related regions contributes to up to a 33.3-point improvement in the success rate against domain shift.
☆ CANVAS: Commonsense-Aware Navigation System for Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction
Real-life robot navigation involves more than just reaching a destination; it requires optimizing movements while addressing scenario-specific goals. An intuitive way for humans to express these goals is through abstract cues like verbal commands or rough sketches. Such human guidance may lack details or be noisy. Nonetheless, we expect robots to navigate as intended. For robots to interpret and execute these abstract instructions in line with human expectations, they must share a common understanding of basic navigation concepts with humans. To this end, we introduce CANVAS, a novel framework that combines visual and linguistic instructions for commonsense-aware navigation. Its success is driven by imitation learning, enabling the robot to learn from human navigation behavior. We present COMMAND, a comprehensive dataset with human-annotated navigation results, spanning over 48 hours and 219 km, designed to train commonsense-aware navigation systems in simulated environments. Our experiments show that CANVAS outperforms the strong rule-based system ROS NavStack across all environments, demonstrating superior performance with noisy instructions. Notably, in the orchard environment, where ROS NavStack records a 0% total success rate, CANVAS achieves a total success rate of 67%. CANVAS also closely aligns with human demonstrations and commonsense constraints, even in unseen environments. Furthermore, real-world deployment of CANVAS showcases impressive Sim2Real transfer with a total success rate of 69%, highlighting the potential of learning from human demonstrations in simulated environments for real-world applications.
comment: project page
☆ High and Low Resolution Tradeoffs in Roadside Multimodal Sensing
Designing roadside sensing for intelligent transportation applications requires balancing cost and performance,especially when choosing between high and low-resolution sensors. The tradeoff is challenging due to sensor heterogeneity,where different sensors produce unique data modalities due to varying physical principles. High-resolution LiDAR offers detailed point cloud, while 4D millimeter-wave radar, despite providing sparser data, delivers velocity information useful for distinguishing objects based on movement patterns. To assess whether reductions in spatial resolution can be compensated by the informational richness of sensors, particularly in recognizing both vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs), we propose Residual Fusion Net (ResFusionNet) to fuse multimodal data for 3D object detection. This enables a quantifiable tradeoff between spatial resolution and information richness across different modalities. Furthermore, we introduce a sensor placement algorithm utilizing probabilistic modeling to manage uncertainties in sensor visibility influenced by environmental or human-related factors. Through simulation-assisted ex-ante evaluation on a real-world testbed, our findings show marked marginal gains in detecting VRUs--an average of 16.7% for pedestrians and 11% for cyclists--when merging velocity-encoded radar with LiDAR, compared to LiDAR only configurations. Additionally, experimental results from 300 runs reveal a maximum loss of 11.5% and a average of 5.25% in sensor coverage due to uncertainty factors. These findings underscore the potential of using low spatial resolution but information-rich sensors to enhance detection capabilities for vulnerable road users while highlighting the necessity of thoroughly evaluating sensor modality heterogeneity, traffic participant diversity, and operational uncertainties when making sensor tradeoffs in practical applications.
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures
☆ Towards Efficient Moion Planning for UAVs: Lazy A* Search with Motion Primitives
Search-based motion planning algorithms have been widely utilized for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, deploying these algorithms on real UAVs faces challenges due to limited onboard computational resources. The algorithms struggle to find solutions in high-dimensional search spaces and require considerable time to ensure that the trajectories are dynamically feasible. This paper incorporates the lazy search concept into search-based planning algorithms to address the critical issue of real-time planning for collision-free and dynamically feasible trajectories on UAVs. We demonstrate that the lazy search motion planning algorithm can efficiently find optimal trajectories and significantly improve computational efficiency.
☆ Effective Tuning Strategies for Generalist Robot Manipulation Policies
Generalist robot manipulation policies (GMPs) have the potential to generalize across a wide range of tasks, devices, and environments. However, existing policies continue to struggle with out-of-distribution scenarios due to the inherent difficulty of collecting sufficient action data to cover extensively diverse domains. While fine-tuning offers a practical way to quickly adapt a GMPs to novel domains and tasks with limited samples, we observe that the performance of the resulting GMPs differs significantly with respect to the design choices of fine-tuning strategies. In this work, we first conduct an in-depth empirical study to investigate the effect of key factors in GMPs fine-tuning strategies, covering the action space, policy head, supervision signal and the choice of tunable parameters, where 2,500 rollouts are evaluated for a single configuration. We systematically discuss and summarize our findings and identify the key design choices, which we believe give a practical guideline for GMPs fine-tuning. We observe that in a low-data regime, with carefully chosen fine-tuning strategies, a GMPs significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art imitation learning algorithms. The results presented in this work establish a new baseline for future studies on fine-tuned GMPs, and provide a significant addition to the GMPs toolbox for the community.
☆ StraightTrack: Towards Mixed Reality Navigation System for Percutaneous K-wire Insertion
In percutaneous pelvic trauma surgery, accurate placement of Kirschner wires (K-wires) is crucial to ensure effective fracture fixation and avoid complications due to breaching the cortical bone along an unsuitable trajectory. Surgical navigation via mixed reality (MR) can help achieve precise wire placement in a low-profile form factor. Current approaches in this domain are as yet unsuitable for real-world deployment because they fall short of guaranteeing accurate visual feedback due to uncontrolled bending of the wire. To ensure accurate feedback, we introduce StraightTrack, an MR navigation system designed for percutaneous wire placement in complex anatomy. StraightTrack features a marker body equipped with a rigid access cannula that mitigates wire bending due to interactions with soft tissue and a covered bony surface. Integrated with an Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display (OST HMD) capable of tracking the cannula body, StraightTrack offers real-time 3D visualization and guidance without external trackers, which are prone to losing line-of-sight. In phantom experiments with two experienced orthopedic surgeons, StraightTrack improves wire placement accuracy, achieving the ideal trajectory within $5.26 \pm 2.29$ mm and $2.88 \pm 1.49$ degree, compared to over 12.08 mm and 4.07 degree for comparable methods. As MR navigation systems continue to mature, StraightTrack realizes their potential for internal fracture fixation and other percutaneous orthopedic procedures.
☆ FeelAnyForce: Estimating Contact Force Feedback from Tactile Sensation for Vision-Based Tactile Sensors
In this paper, we tackle the problem of estimating 3D contact forces using vision-based tactile sensors. In particular, our goal is to estimate contact forces over a large range (up to 15 N) on any objects while generalizing across different vision-based tactile sensors. Thus, we collected a dataset of over 200K indentations using a robotic arm that pressed various indenters onto a GelSight Mini sensor mounted on a force sensor and then used the data to train a multi-head transformer for force regression. Strong generalization is achieved via accurate data collection and multi-objective optimization that leverages depth contact images. Despite being trained only on primitive shapes and textures, the regressor achieves a mean absolute error of 4\% on a dataset of unseen real-world objects. We further evaluate our approach's generalization capability to other GelSight mini and DIGIT sensors, and propose a reproducible calibration procedure for adapting the pre-trained model to other vision-based sensors. Furthermore, the method was evaluated on real-world tasks, including weighing objects and controlling the deformation of delicate objects, which relies on accurate force feedback. Project webpage:
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables
☆ Run-time Observation Interventions Make Vision-Language-Action Models More Visually Robust
Vision-language-action (VLA) models trained on large-scale internet data and robot demonstrations have the potential to serve as generalist robot policies. However, despite their large-scale training, VLAs are often brittle to task-irrelevant visual details such as distractor objects or background colors. We introduce Bring Your Own VLA (BYOVLA): a run-time intervention scheme that (1) dynamically identifies regions of the input image that the model is sensitive to, and (2) minimally alters task-irrelevant regions to reduce the model's sensitivity using automated image editing tools. Our approach is compatible with any off the shelf VLA without model fine-tuning or access to the model's weights. Hardware experiments on language-instructed manipulation tasks demonstrate that BYOVLA enables state-of-the-art VLA models to nearly retain their nominal performance in the presence of distractor objects and backgrounds, which otherwise degrade task success rates by up to 40%. Website with additional information, videos, and code: .
comment: Website:
☆ Bi-Level Motion Imitation for Humanoid Robots
Imitation learning from human motion capture (MoCap) data provides a promising way to train humanoid robots. However, due to differences in morphology, such as varying degrees of joint freedom and force limits, exact replication of human behaviors may not be feasible for humanoid robots. Consequently, incorporating physically infeasible MoCap data in training datasets can adversely affect the performance of the robot policy. To address this issue, we propose a bi-level optimization-based imitation learning framework that alternates between optimizing both the robot policy and the target MoCap data. Specifically, we first develop a generative latent dynamics model using a novel self-consistent auto-encoder, which learns sparse and structured motion representations while capturing desired motion patterns in the dataset. The dynamics model is then utilized to generate reference motions while the latent representation regularizes the bi-level motion imitation process. Simulations conducted with a realistic model of a humanoid robot demonstrate that our method enhances the robot policy by modifying reference motions to be physically consistent.
comment: CoRL 2024
☆ Language Supervised Human Action Recognition with Salient Fusion: Construction Worker Action Recognition as a Use Case
Detecting human actions is a crucial task for autonomous robots and vehicles, often requiring the integration of various data modalities for improved accuracy. In this study, we introduce a novel approach to Human Action Recognition (HAR) based on skeleton and visual cues. Our method leverages a language model to guide the feature extraction process in the skeleton encoder. Specifically, we employ learnable prompts for the language model conditioned on the skeleton modality to optimize feature representation. Furthermore, we propose a fusion mechanism that combines dual-modality features using a salient fusion module, incorporating attention and transformer mechanisms to address the modalities' high dimensionality. This fusion process prioritizes informative video frames and body joints, enhancing the recognition accuracy of human actions. Additionally, we introduce a new dataset tailored for real-world robotic applications in construction sites, featuring visual, skeleton, and depth data modalities, named VolvoConstAct. This dataset serves to facilitate the training and evaluation of machine learning models to instruct autonomous construction machines for performing necessary tasks in the real world construction zones. To evaluate our approach, we conduct experiments on our dataset as well as three widely used public datasets, NTU-RGB+D, NTU-RGB+D120 and NW-UCLA. Results reveal that our proposed method achieves promising performance across all datasets, demonstrating its robustness and potential for various applications. The codes and dataset are available at:
☆ Learning-Based Autonomous Navigation, Benchmark Environments and Simulation Framework for Endovascular Interventions
Endovascular interventions are a life-saving treatment for many diseases, yet suffer from drawbacks such as radiation exposure and potential scarcity of proficient physicians. Robotic assistance during these interventions could be a promising support towards these problems. Research focusing on autonomous endovascular interventions utilizing artificial intelligence-based methodologies is gaining popularity. However, variability in assessment environments hinders the ability to compare and contrast the efficacy of different approaches, primarily due to each study employing a unique evaluation framework. In this study, we present deep reinforcement learning-based autonomous endovascular device navigation on three distinct digital benchmark interventions: BasicWireNav, ArchVariety, and DualDeviceNav. The benchmark interventions were implemented with our modular simulation framework stEVE (simulated EndoVascular Environment). Autonomous controllers were trained solely in simulation and evaluated in simulation and on physical test benches with camera and fluoroscopy feedback. Autonomous control for BasicWireNav and ArchVariety reached high success rates and was successfully transferred from the simulated training environment to the physical test benches, while autonomous control for DualDeviceNav reached a moderate success rate. The experiments demonstrate the feasibility of stEVE and its potential for transferring controllers trained in simulation to real-world scenarios. Nevertheless, they also reveal areas that offer opportunities for future research. This study demonstrates the transferability of autonomous controllers from simulation to the real world in endovascular navigation and lowers the entry barriers and increases the comparability of research on endovascular assistance systems by providing open-source training scripts, benchmarks and the stEVE framework.
☆ Equality Constrained Diffusion for Direct Trajectory Optimization
The recent success of diffusion-based generative models in image and natural language processing has ignited interest in diffusion-based trajectory optimization for nonlinear control systems. Existing methods cannot, however, handle the nonlinear equality constraints necessary for direct trajectory optimization. As a result, diffusion-based trajectory optimizers are currently limited to shooting methods, where the nonlinear dynamics are enforced by forward rollouts. This precludes many of the benefits enjoyed by direct methods, including flexible state constraints, reduced numerical sensitivity, and easy initial guess specification. In this paper, we present a method for diffusion-based optimization with equality constraints. This allows us to perform direct trajectory optimization, enforcing dynamic feasibility with constraints rather than rollouts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first diffusion-based optimization algorithm that supports the general nonlinear equality constraints required for direct trajectory optimization.
☆ Topological mapping for traversability-aware long-range navigation in off-road terrain
Autonomous robots navigating in off-road terrain like forests open new opportunities for automation. While off-road navigation has been studied, existing work often relies on clearly delineated pathways. We present a method allowing for long-range planning, exploration and low-level control in unknown off-trail forest terrain, using vision and GPS only. We represent outdoor terrain with a topological map, which is a set of panoramic snapshots connected with edges containing traversability information. A novel traversability analysis method is demonstrated, predicting the existence of a safe path towards a target in an image. Navigating between nodes is done using goal-conditioned behavior cloning, leveraging the power of a pretrained vision transformer. An exploration planner is presented, efficiently covering an unknown off-road area with unknown traversability using a frontiers-based approach. The approach is successfully deployed to autonomously explore two 400 meters squared forest sites unseen during training, in difficult conditions for navigation.
☆ High-order regularization dealing with ill-conditioned robot localization problems
In this work, we propose a high-order regularization method to solve the ill-conditioned problems in robot localization. Numerical solutions to robot localization problems are often unstable when the problems are ill-conditioned. A typical way to solve ill-conditioned problems is regularization, and a classical regularization method is the Tikhonov regularization. It is shown that the Tikhonov regularization can be seen as a low-order case of our method. We find that the proposed method is superior to the Tikhonov regularization in approximating some ill-conditioned inverse problems, such as robot localization problems. The proposed method overcomes the over-smoothing problem in the Tikhonov regularization as it can use more than one term in the approximation of the matrix inverse, and an explanation for the over-smoothing of the Tikhonov regularization is given. Moreover, one a priori criterion which improves the numerical stability of the ill-conditioned problem is proposed to obtain an optimal regularization matrix. As most of the regularization solutions are biased, we also provide two bias-correction techniques for the proposed high-order regularization. The simulation and experiment results using a sensor network in a 3D environment are discussed, demonstrating the performance of the proposed method.
♻ ☆ Get It For Free: Radar Segmentation without Expert Labels and Its Application in Odometry and Localization
This paper presents a novel weakly supervised semantic segmentation method for radar segmentation, where the existing LiDAR semantic segmentation models are employed to generate semantic labels, which then serve as supervision signals for training a radar semantic segmentation model. The obtained radar semantic segmentation model outperforms LiDAR-based models, providing more consistent and robust segmentation under all-weather conditions, particularly in the snow, rain and fog. To mitigate potential errors in LiDAR semantic labels, we design a dedicated refinement scheme that corrects erroneous labels based on structural features and distribution patterns. The semantic information generated by our radar segmentation model is used in two downstream tasks, achieving significant performance improvements. In large-scale radar-based localization using OpenStreetMap, it leads to localization error reduction by 20.55\% over prior methods. For the odometry task, it improves translation accuracy by 16.4\% compared to the second-best method, securing the first place in the radar odometry competition at the Radar in Robotics workshop of ICRA 2024, Japan
♻ ☆ Tool-Planner: Task Planning with Clusters across Multiple Tools
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional reasoning capabilities, enabling them to solve various complex problems. Recently, this ability has been applied to the paradigm of tool learning. Tool learning involves providing examples of tool usage and their corresponding functions, allowing LLMs to formulate plans and demonstrate the process of invoking and executing each tool. LLMs can address tasks that they cannot complete independently, thereby enhancing their potential across different tasks. However, this approach faces two key challenges. First, redundant error correction leads to unstable planning and long execution time. Additionally, designing a correct plan among multiple tools is also a challenge in tool learning. To address these issues, we propose Tool-Planner, a task-processing framework based on toolkits. Tool-Planner groups tools based on the API functions with the same function into a toolkit and allows LLMs to implement planning across the various toolkits. When a tool error occurs, the language model can reselect and adjust tools based on the toolkit. Experiments show that our approach demonstrates a high pass and win rate across different datasets and optimizes the planning scheme for tool learning in models such as GPT-4 and Claude 3, showcasing the potential of our method. Our code is public at \url{}
comment: 48pages second version
♻ ☆ GravMAD: Grounded Spatial Value Maps Guided Action Diffusion for Generalized 3D Manipulation
Robots' ability to follow language instructions and execute diverse 3D tasks is vital in robot learning. Traditional imitation learning-based methods perform well on seen tasks but struggle with novel, unseen ones due to variability. Recent approaches leverage large foundation models to assist in understanding novel tasks, thereby mitigating this issue. However, these methods lack a task-specific learning process, which is essential for an accurate understanding of 3D environments, often leading to execution failures. In this paper, we introduce GravMAD, a sub-goal-driven, language-conditioned action diffusion framework that combines the strengths of imitation learning and foundation models. Our approach breaks tasks into sub-goals based on language instructions, allowing auxiliary guidance during both training and inference. During training, we introduce Sub-goal Keypose Discovery to identify key sub-goals from demonstrations. Inference differs from training, as there are no demonstrations available, so we use pre-trained foundation models to bridge the gap and identify sub-goals for the current task. In both phases, GravMaps are generated from sub-goals, providing flexible 3D spatial guidance compared to fixed 3D positions. Empirical evaluations on RLBench show that GravMAD significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with a 28.63% improvement on novel tasks and a 13.36% gain on tasks encountered during training. These results demonstrate GravMAD's strong multi-task learning and generalization in 3D manipulation. Video demonstrations are available at:
comment: Under review
♻ ☆ Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Zero-Shot Scalable Collaboration
The emergence of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) is significantly transforming various fields like autonomous vehicle networks. However, real-world multi-agent systems typically contain multiple roles, and the scale of these systems dynamically fluctuates. Consequently, in order to achieve zero-shot scalable collaboration, it is essential that strategies for different roles can be updated flexibly according to the scales, which is still a challenge for current MARL frameworks. To address this, we propose a novel MARL framework named Scalable and Heterogeneous Proximal Policy Optimization (SHPPO), integrating heterogeneity into parameter-shared PPO-based MARL networks. We first leverage a latent network to learn strategy patterns for each agent adaptively. Second, we introduce a heterogeneous layer to be inserted into decision-making networks, whose parameters are specifically generated by the learned latent variables. Our approach is scalable as all the parameters are shared except for the heterogeneous layer, and gains both inter-individual and temporal heterogeneity, allowing SHPPO to adapt effectively to varying scales. SHPPO exhibits superior performance in classic MARL environments like Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) and Google Research Football (GRF), showcasing enhanced zero-shot scalability, and offering insights into the learned latent variables' impact on team performance by visualization.
♻ ☆ Sensory Glove-Based Surgical Robot User Interface ICRA
Robotic surgery has reached a high level of maturity and has become an integral part of standard surgical care. However, existing surgeon consoles are bulky, take up valuable space in the operating room, make surgical team coordination challenging, and their proprietary nature makes it difficult to take advantage of recent technological advances, especially in virtual and augmented reality. One potential area for further improvement is the integration of modern sensory gloves into robotic platforms, allowing surgeons to control robotic arms intuitively with their hand movements. We propose one such system that combines an HTC Vive tracker, a Manus Meta Prime 3 XR sensory glove, and SCOPEYE wireless smart glasses. The system controls one arm of a da Vinci surgical robot. In addition to moving the arm, the surgeon can use fingers to control the end-effector of the surgical instrument. Hand gestures are used to implement clutching and similar functions. In particular, we introduce clutching of the instrument orientation, a functionality unavailable in the da Vinci system. The vibrotactile elements of the glove are used to provide feedback to the user when gesture commands are invoked. A qualitative and quantitative evaluation has been conducted that compares the current device with the dVRK console. The system is shown to have excellent tracking accuracy, and the new interface allows surgeons to perform common surgical training tasks with minimal practice efficiently.
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, submitted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025
♻ ☆ CaRtGS: Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is pivotal in robotics, with photorealistic scene reconstruction emerging as a key challenge. To address this, we introduce Computational Alignment for Real-Time Gaussian Splatting SLAM (CaRtGS), a novel method enhancing the efficiency and quality of photorealistic scene reconstruction in real-time environments. Leveraging 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), CaRtGS achieves superior rendering quality and processing speed, which is crucial for scene photorealistic reconstruction. Our approach tackles computational misalignment in Gaussian Splatting SLAM (GS-SLAM) through an adaptive strategy that optimizes training, addresses long-tail optimization, and refines densification. Experiments on Replica and TUM-RGBD datasets demonstrate CaRtGS's effectiveness in achieving high-fidelity rendering with fewer Gaussian primitives. This work propels SLAM towards real-time, photorealistic dense rendering, significantly advancing photorealistic scene representation. For the benefit of the research community, we release the code on our project website:
comment: Upon a thorough internal review, we have identified that our manuscript lacks proper citation for a critical expression within the methodology section. In this revised version, we add Taming-3DGS as a citation in the splat-wise backpropagation statement
♻ ☆ VLM-Auto: VLM-based Autonomous Driving Assistant with Human-like Behavior and Understanding for Complex Road Scenes
Recent research on Large Language Models for autonomous driving shows promise in planning and control. However, high computational demands and hallucinations still challenge accurate trajectory prediction and control signal generation. Deterministic algorithms offer reliability but lack adaptability to complex driving scenarios and struggle with context and uncertainty. To address this problem, we propose VLM-Auto, a novel autonomous driving assistant system to empower the autonomous vehicles with adjustable driving behaviors based on the understanding of road scenes. A pipeline involving the CARLA simulator and Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) verifying the effectiveness of our system is presented, utilizing a single Nvidia 4090 24G GPU while exploiting the capacity of textual output of the Visual Language Model (VLM). Besides, we also contribute a dataset containing an image set and a corresponding prompt set for fine-tuning the VLM module of our system. In CARLA experiments, our system achieved $97.82\%$ average precision on 5 types of labels in our dataset. In the real-world driving dataset, our system achieved $96.97\%$ prediction accuracy in night scenes and gloomy scenes. Our VLM-Auto dataset will be released at
comment: The paper is accepted by the IEEE conference
♻ ☆ Ankle Exoskeletons May Hinder Standing Balance in Simple Models of Older and Younger Adults
Humans rely on ankle torque to maintain standing balance, particularly in the presence of small to moderate perturbations. Reductions in maximum torque (MT) production and maximum rate of torque development (MRTD) occur at the ankle with age, diminishing stability. Ankle exoskeletons are powered orthotic devices that may assist older adults by compensating for reduced muscle force and power production capabilities. They may also be able to assist with ankle strategies used for balance. However, no studies have investigated the effect of such devices on balance in older adults. Here, we model the effect ankle exoskeletons have on stability in physics-based models of healthy young and old adults, focusing on the mitigation of age-related deficits such as reduced MT and MRTD. We show that an ankle exoskeleton moderately reduces feasible stability boundaries in users who have full ankle strength. For individuals with age-related deficits, there is a trade-off. While exoskeletons augment stability in low velocity conditions, they reduce stability in some high velocity conditions. Our results suggest that well-established control strategies must still be experimentally validated in older adults.
comment: 14 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Rapid Gyroscope Calibration: A Deep Learning Approach
Low-cost gyroscope calibration is essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of gyroscope measurements. Stationary calibration estimates the deterministic parts of measurement errors. To this end, a common practice is to average the gyroscope readings during a predefined period and estimate the gyroscope bias. Calibration duration plays a crucial role in performance, therefore, longer periods are preferred. However, some applications require quick startup times and calibration is therefore allowed only for a short time. In this work, we focus on reducing low-cost gyroscope calibration time using deep learning methods. We propose a deep-learning framework and explore the possibilities of using multiple real and virtual gyroscopes to improve the calibration performance of single gyroscopes. To train and validate our approach, we recorded a dataset consisting of 169 hours of gyroscope readings, using 24 gyroscopes of two different brands. We also created a virtual dataset consisting of simulated gyroscope readings. The two datasets were used to evaluate our proposed approach. One of our key achievements in this work is reducing gyroscope calibration time by up to 89% using three low-cost gyroscopes.
comment: 10 Pages, 14 Figures
♻ ☆ DITTO: Demonstration Imitation by Trajectory Transformation IROS 2024
Teaching robots new skills quickly and conveniently is crucial for the broader adoption of robotic systems. In this work, we address the problem of one-shot imitation from a single human demonstration, given by an RGB-D video recording. We propose a two-stage process. In the first stage we extract the demonstration trajectory offline. This entails segmenting manipulated objects and determining their relative motion in relation to secondary objects such as containers. In the online trajectory generation stage, we first re-detect all objects, then warp the demonstration trajectory to the current scene and execute it on the robot. To complete these steps, our method leverages several ancillary models, including those for segmentation, relative object pose estimation, and grasp prediction. We systematically evaluate different combinations of correspondence and re-detection methods to validate our design decision across a diverse range of tasks. Specifically, we collect and quantitatively test on demonstrations of ten different tasks including pick-and-place tasks as well as articulated object manipulation. Finally, we perform extensive evaluations on a real robot system to demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of our approach in real-world scenarios. We make the code publicly available at
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted at IROS 2024
♻ ☆ CyberCortex.AI: An AI-based Operating System for Autonomous Robotics and Complex Automation
The underlying framework for controlling autonomous robots and complex automation applications are Operating Systems (OS) capable of scheduling perception-and-control tasks, as well as providing real-time data communication to other robotic peers and remote cloud computers. In this paper, we introduce CyberCortex AI, a robotics OS designed to enable heterogeneous AI-based robotics and complex automation applications. CyberCortex AI is a decentralized distributed OS which enables robots to talk to each other, as well as to High Performance Computers (HPC) in the cloud. Sensory and control data from the robots is streamed towards HPC systems with the purpose of training AI algorithms, which are afterwards deployed on the robots. Each functionality of a robot (e.g. sensory data acquisition, path planning, motion control, etc.) is executed within a so-called DataBlock of Filters shared through the internet, where each filter is computed either locally on the robot itself, or remotely on a different robotic system. The data is stored and accessed via a so-called Temporal Addressable Memory (TAM), which acts as a gateway between each filter's input and output. CyberCortex.AI has two main components: i) the CyberCortex AI inference system, which is a real-time implementation of the DataBlock running on the robots' embedded hardware, and ii) the CyberCortex AI dojo, which runs on an HPC computer in the cloud, and it is used to design, train and deploy AI algorithms. We present a quantitative and qualitative performance analysis of the proposed approach using two collaborative robotics applications: i) a forest fires prevention system based on an Unitree A1 legged robot and an Anafi Parrot 4K drone, as well as ii) an autonomous driving system which uses CyberCortex.AI for collaborative perception and motion control.
♻ ☆ A Parallel-in-Time Newton's Method for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Model predictive control (MPC) is a powerful framework for optimal control of dynamical systems. However, MPC solvers suffer from a high computational burden that restricts their application to systems with low sampling frequency. This issue is further amplified in nonlinear and constrained systems that require nesting MPC solvers within iterative procedures. In this paper, we address these issues by developing parallel-in-time algorithms for constrained nonlinear optimization problems that take advantage of massively parallel hardware to achieve logarithmic computational time scaling over the planning horizon. We develop time-parallel second-order solvers based on interior point methods and the alternating direction method of multipliers, leveraging fast convergence and lower computational cost per iteration. The parallelization is based on a reformulation of the subproblems in terms of associative operations that can be parallelized using the associative scan algorithm. We validate our approach on numerical examples of nonlinear and constrained dynamical systems.
♻ ☆ 3D Uncertain Implicit Surface Mapping using GMM and GP
In this study, we address the challenge of constructing continuous three-dimensional (3D) models that accurately represent uncertain surfaces, derived from noisy and incomplete LiDAR scanning data. Building upon our prior work, which utilized the Gaussian Process (GP) and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for structured building models, we introduce a more generalized approach tailored for complex surfaces in urban scenes, where GMM Regression and GP with derivative observations are applied. A Hierarchical GMM (HGMM) is employed to optimize the number of GMM components and speed up the GMM training. With the prior map obtained from HGMM, GP inference is followed for the refinement of the final map. Our approach models the implicit surface of the geo-object and enables the inference of the regions that are not completely covered by measurements. The integration of GMM and GP yields well-calibrated uncertainties alongside the surface model, enhancing both accuracy and reliability. The proposed method is evaluated on real data collected by a mobile mapping system. Compared to the performance in mapping accuracy and uncertainty quantification of other state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method achieves lower RMSEs, higher log-likelihood values and lower computational costs for the evaluated datasets.
comment: This work has been accepted by the IEEE RA-L. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ Toward Globally Optimal State Estimation Using Automatically Tightened Semidefinite Relaxations
In recent years, semidefinite relaxations of common optimization problems in robotics have attracted growing attention due to their ability to provide globally optimal solutions. In many cases, it was shown that specific handcrafted redundant constraints are required to obtain tight relaxations and thus global optimality. These constraints are formulation-dependent and typically identified through a lengthy manual process. Instead, the present paper suggests an automatic method to find a set of sufficient redundant constraints to obtain tightness, if they exist. We first propose an efficient feasibility check to determine if a given set of variables can lead to a tight formulation. Secondly, we show how to scale the method to problems of bigger size. At no point of the process do we have to find redundant constraints manually. We showcase the effectiveness of the approach, in simulation and on real datasets, for range-based localization and stereo-based pose estimation. Finally, we reproduce semidefinite relaxations presented in recent literature and show that our automatic method always finds a smaller set of constraints sufficient for tightness than previously considered.
comment: 20 pages, 22 figures. Version history: v5 (published version T-RO), v4 (conditionally accepted version T-RO), v3 (revised version), v2 (submitted version), v1 (initial version)
♻ ☆ High-Fidelity SLAM Using Gaussian Splatting with Rendering-Guided Densification and Regularized Optimization IROS 2024
We propose a dense RGBD SLAM system based on 3D Gaussian Splatting that provides metrically accurate pose tracking and visually realistic reconstruction. To this end, we first propose a Gaussian densification strategy based on the rendering loss to map unobserved areas and refine reobserved areas. Second, we introduce extra regularization parameters to alleviate the forgetting problem in the continuous mapping problem, where parameters tend to overfit the latest frame and result in decreasing rendering quality for previous frames. Both mapping and tracking are performed with Gaussian parameters by minimizing re-rendering loss in a differentiable way. Compared to recent neural and concurrently developed gaussian splatting RGBD SLAM baselines, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on the synthetic dataset Replica and competitive results on the real-world dataset TUM.
comment: Accepted by IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Contact-Implicit Model Predictive Control: Controlling Diverse Quadruped Motions Without Pre-Planned Contact Modes or Trajectories
This paper presents a contact-implicit model predictive control (MPC) framework for the real-time discovery of multi-contact motions, without predefined contact mode sequences or foothold positions. This approach utilizes the contact-implicit differential dynamic programming (DDP) framework, merging the hard contact model with a linear complementarity constraint. We propose the analytical gradient of the contact impulse based on relaxed complementarity constraints to further the exploration of a variety of contact modes. By leveraging a hard contact model-based simulation and computation of search direction through a smooth gradient, our methodology identifies dynamically feasible state trajectories, control inputs, and contact forces while simultaneously unveiling new contact mode sequences. However, the broadened scope of contact modes does not always ensure real-world applicability. Recognizing this, we implemented differentiable cost terms to guide foot trajectories and make gait patterns. Furthermore, to address the challenge of unstable initial roll-outs in an MPC setting, we employ the multiple shooting variant of DDP. The efficacy of the proposed framework is validated through simulations and real-world demonstrations using a 45 kg HOUND quadruped robot, performing various tasks in simulation and showcasing actual experiments involving a forward trot and a front-leg rearing motion.
comment: This is the accepted version for The International Journal of Robotics Research (2024); published version at / Videos at
♻ ☆ Narrowing your FOV with SOLiD: Spatially Organized and Lightweight Global Descriptor for FOV-constrained LiDAR Place Recognition
We often encounter limited FOV situations due to various factors such as sensor fusion or sensor mount in real-world robot navigation. However, the limited FOV interrupts the generation of descriptions and impacts place recognition adversely. Therefore, we suffer from correcting accumulated drift errors in a consistent map using LiDAR-based place recognition with limited FOV. Thus, in this paper, we propose a robust LiDAR-based place recognition method for handling narrow FOV scenarios. The proposed method establishes spatial organization based on the range-elevation bin and azimuth-elevation bin to represent places. In addition, we achieve a robust place description through reweighting based on vertical direction information. Based on these representations, our method enables addressing rotational changes and determining the initial heading. Additionally, we designed a lightweight and fast approach for the robot's onboard autonomy. For rigorous validation, the proposed method was tested across various LiDAR place recognition scenarios (i.e., single-session, multi-session, and multi-robot scenarios). To the best of our knowledge, we report the first method to cope with the restricted FOV. Our place description and SLAM codes will be released. Also, the supplementary materials of our descriptor are available at \texttt{\url{}}.
comment: Accepted in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024)
♻ ☆ Improving Zero-Shot ObjectNav with Generative Communication
We propose a new method for improving zero-shot ObjectNav that aims to utilize potentially available environmental percepts for navigational assistance. Our approach takes into account that the ground agent may have limited and sometimes obstructed view. Our formulation encourages Generative Communication (GC) between an assistive overhead agent with a global view containing the target object and the ground agent with an obfuscated view; both equipped with Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for vision-to-language translation. In this assisted setup, the embodied agents communicate environmental information before the ground agent executes actions towards a target. Despite the overhead agent having a global view with the target, we note a drop in performance (-13% in OSR and -13% in SPL) of a fully cooperative assistance scheme over an unassisted baseline. In contrast, a selective assistance scheme where the ground agent retains its independent exploratory behaviour shows a 10% OSR and 7.65% SPL improvement. To explain navigation performance, we analyze the GC for unique traits, quantifying the presence of hallucination and cooperation. Specifically, we identify the novel linguistic trait of preemptive hallucination in our embodied setting, where the overhead agent assumes that the ground agent has executed an action in the dialogue when it is yet to move, and note its strong correlation with navigation performance. We conduct real-world experiments and present some qualitative examples where we mitigate hallucinations via prompt finetuning to improve ObjectNav performance.
♻ ☆ Large Language Models as Zero-Shot Human Models for Human-Robot Interaction
Human models play a crucial role in human-robot interaction (HRI), enabling robots to consider the impact of their actions on people and plan their behavior accordingly. However, crafting good human models is challenging; capturing context-dependent human behavior requires significant prior knowledge and/or large amounts of interaction data, both of which are difficult to obtain. In this work, we explore the potential of large-language models (LLMs) -- which have consumed vast amounts of human-generated text data -- to act as zero-shot human models for HRI. Our experiments on three social datasets yield promising results; the LLMs are able to achieve performance comparable to purpose-built models. That said, we also discuss current limitations, such as sensitivity to prompts and spatial/numerical reasoning mishaps. Based on our findings, we demonstrate how LLM-based human models can be integrated into a social robot's planning process and applied in HRI scenarios. Specifically, we present one case study on a simulated trust-based table-clearing task and replicate past results that relied on custom models. Next, we conduct a new robot utensil-passing experiment (n = 65) where preliminary results show that planning with a LLM-based human model can achieve gains over a basic myopic plan. In summary, our results show that LLMs offer a promising (but incomplete) approach to human modeling for HRI.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ E2Map: Experience-and-Emotion Map for Self-Reflective Robot Navigation with Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) have shown significant potential in guiding embodied agents to execute language instructions across a range of tasks, including robotic manipulation and navigation. However, existing methods are primarily designed for static environments and do not leverage the agent's own experiences to refine its initial plans. Given that real-world environments are inherently stochastic, initial plans based solely on LLMs' general knowledge may fail to achieve their objectives, unlike in static scenarios. To address this limitation, this study introduces the Experience-and-Emotion Map (E2Map), which integrates not only LLM knowledge but also the agent's real-world experiences, drawing inspiration from human emotional responses. The proposed methodology enables one-shot behavior adjustments by updating the E2Map based on the agent's experiences. Our evaluation in stochastic navigation environments, including both simulations and real-world scenarios, demonstrates that the proposed method significantly enhances performance in stochastic environments compared to existing LLM-based approaches. Code and supplementary materials are available at
comment: 19 pages, 28 figures. Project page:
♻ ☆ Affordance-Guided Reinforcement Learning via Visual Prompting
Robots equipped with reinforcement learning (RL) have the potential to learn a wide range of skills solely from a reward signal. However, obtaining a robust and dense reward signal for general manipulation tasks remains a challenge. Existing learning-based approaches require significant data, such as human demonstrations of success and failure, to learn task-specific reward functions. Recently, there is also a growing adoption of large multi-modal foundation models for robotics that can perform visual reasoning in physical contexts and generate coarse robot motions for manipulation tasks. Motivated by this range of capability, in this work, we present Keypoint-based Affordance Guidance for Improvements (KAGI), a method leveraging rewards shaped by vision-language models (VLMs) for autonomous RL. State-of-the-art VLMs have demonstrated impressive reasoning about affordances through keypoints in zero-shot, and we use these to define dense rewards that guide autonomous robotic learning. On real-world manipulation tasks specified by natural language descriptions, KAGI improves the sample efficiency of autonomous RL and enables successful task completion in 20K online fine-tuning steps. Additionally, we demonstrate the robustness of KAGI to reductions in the number of in-domain demonstrations used for pre-training, reaching similar performance in 35K online fine-tuning steps. Project website:
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024, Task Specification for General-Purpose Intelligent Robots & Lifelong Robot Learning Workshops
♻ ☆ Low Fidelity Visuo-Tactile Pretraining Improves Vision-Only Manipulation Performance
Tactile perception is a critical component of solving real-world manipulation tasks, but tactile sensors for manipulation have barriers to use such as fragility and cost. In this work, we engage a robust, low-cost tactile sensor, BeadSight, as an alternative to precise pre-calibrated sensors for a pretraining approach to manipulation. We show that tactile pretraining, even with a low-fidelity sensor as BeadSight, can improve an imitation learning agent's performance on complex manipulation tasks. We demonstrate this method against a baseline USB cable plugging task, previously achieved with a much higher precision GelSight sensor as the tactile input to pretraining. Our best BeadSight pretrained visuo-tactile agent completed the task with 70\% accuracy compared to 85\% for the best GelSight pretrained visuo-tactile agent, with vision-only inference for both.
♻ ☆ Sequential Gaussian Variational Inference for Nonlinear State Estimation applied to Robotic Applications
Probabilistic state estimation is essential for robots navigating uncertain environments. Accurately and efficiently managing uncertainty in estimated states is key to robust robotic operation. However, nonlinearities in robotic platforms pose significant challenges that require advanced estimation techniques. Gaussian variational inference (GVI) offers an optimization perspective on the estimation problem, providing analytically tractable solutions and efficiencies derived from the geometry of Gaussian space. We propose a Sequential Gaussian Variational Inference (S-GVI) method to address nonlinearity and provide efficient sequential inference processes. Our approach integrates sequential Bayesian principles into the GVI framework, which are addressed using statistical approximations and gradient updates on the information geometry. Validations through simulations and real-world experiments demonstrate significant improvements in state estimation over the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimation method.
comment: 8 pages
♻ ☆ BehAV: Behavioral Rule Guided Autonomy Using VLMs for Robot Navigation in Outdoor Scenes
We present BehAV, a novel approach for autonomous robot navigation in outdoor scenes guided by human instructions and leveraging Vision Language Models (VLMs). Our method interprets human commands using a Large Language Model (LLM) and categorizes the instructions into navigation and behavioral guidelines. Navigation guidelines consist of directional commands (e.g., "move forward until") and associated landmarks (e.g., "the building with blue windows"), while behavioral guidelines encompass regulatory actions (e.g., "stay on") and their corresponding objects (e.g., "pavements"). We use VLMs for their zero-shot scene understanding capabilities to estimate landmark locations from RGB images for robot navigation. Further, we introduce a novel scene representation that utilizes VLMs to ground behavioral rules into a behavioral cost map. This cost map encodes the presence of behavioral objects within the scene and assigns costs based on their regulatory actions. The behavioral cost map is integrated with a LiDAR-based occupancy map for navigation. To navigate outdoor scenes while adhering to the instructed behaviors, we present an unconstrained Model Predictive Control (MPC)-based planner that prioritizes both reaching landmarks and following behavioral guidelines. We evaluate the performance of BehAV on a quadruped robot across diverse real-world scenarios, demonstrating a 22.49% improvement in alignment with human-teleoperated actions, as measured by Frechet distance, and achieving a 40% higher navigation success rate compared to state-of-the-art methods.
♻ ☆ Scaling Manipulation Learning with Visual Kinematic Chain Prediction
Learning general-purpose models from diverse datasets has achieved great success in machine learning. In robotics, however, existing methods in multi-task learning are typically constrained to a single robot and workspace, while recent work such as RT-X requires a non-trivial action normalization procedure to manually bridge the gap between different action spaces in diverse environments. In this paper, we propose the visual kinematics chain as a precise and universal representation of quasi-static actions for robot learning over diverse environments, which requires no manual adjustment since the visual kinematic chains can be automatically obtained from the robot's model and camera parameters. We propose the Visual Kinematics Transformer (VKT), a convolution-free architecture that supports an arbitrary number of camera viewpoints, and that is trained with a single objective of forecasting kinematic structures through optimal point-set matching. We demonstrate the superior performance of VKT over BC transformers as a general agent on Calvin, RLBench, Open-X, and real robot manipulation tasks. Video demonstrations can be found at
comment: CoRL 2024
Robotics 68
☆ Learning to Build by Building Your Own Instructions
Structural understanding of complex visual objects is an important unsolved component of artificial intelligence. To study this, we develop a new technique for the recently proposed Break-and-Make problem in LTRON where an agent must learn to build a previously unseen LEGO assembly using a single interactive session to gather information about its components and their structure. We attack this problem by building an agent that we call \textbf{\ours} that is able to make its own visual instruction book. By disassembling an unseen assembly and periodically saving images of it, the agent is able to create a set of instructions so that it has the information necessary to rebuild it. These instructions form an explicit memory that allows the model to reason about the assembly process one step at a time, avoiding the need for long-term implicit memory. This in turn allows us to train on much larger LEGO assemblies than has been possible in the past. To demonstrate the power of this model, we release a new dataset of procedurally built LEGO vehicles that contain an average of 31 bricks each and require over one hundred steps to disassemble and reassemble. We train these models using online imitation learning which allows the model to learn from its own mistakes. Finally, we also provide some small improvements to LTRON and the Break-and-Make problem that simplify the learning environment and improve usability.
☆ M2P2: A Multi-Modal Passive Perception Dataset for Off-Road Mobility in Extreme Low-Light Conditions
Long-duration, off-road, autonomous missions require robots to continuously perceive their surroundings regardless of the ambient lighting conditions. Most existing autonomy systems heavily rely on active sensing, e.g., LiDAR, RADAR, and Time-of-Flight sensors, or use (stereo) visible light imaging sensors, e.g., color cameras, to perceive environment geometry and semantics. In scenarios where fully passive perception is required and lighting conditions are degraded to an extent that visible light cameras fail to perceive, most downstream mobility tasks such as obstacle avoidance become impossible. To address such a challenge, this paper presents a Multi-Modal Passive Perception dataset, M2P2, to enable off-road mobility in low-light to no-light conditions. We design a multi-modal sensor suite including thermal, event, and stereo RGB cameras, GPS, two Inertia Measurement Units (IMUs), as well as a high-resolution LiDAR for ground truth, with a novel multi-sensor calibration procedure that can efficiently transform multi-modal perceptual streams into a common coordinate system. Our 10-hour, 32 km dataset also includes mobility data such as robot odometry and actions and covers well-lit, low-light, and no-light conditions, along with paved, on-trail, and off-trail terrain. Our results demonstrate that off-road mobility is possible through only passive perception in extreme low-light conditions using end-to-end learning and classical planning. The project website can be found at
☆ Exploring How Non-Prehensile Manipulation Expands Capability in Robots Experiencing Multi-Joint Failure
This work explores non-prehensile manipulation (NPM) and whole-body interaction as strategies for enabling robotic manipulators to conduct manipulation tasks despite experiencing locked multi-joint (LMJ) failures. LMJs are critical system faults where two or more joints become inoperable; they impose constraints on the robot's configuration and control spaces, consequently limiting the capability and reach of a prehensile-only approach. This approach involves three components: i) modeling the failure-constrained workspace of the robot, ii) generating a kinodynamic map of NPM actions within this workspace, and iii) a manipulation action planner that uses a sim-in-the-loop approach to select the best actions to take from the kinodynamic map. The experimental evaluation shows that our approach can increase the failure-constrained reachable area in LMJ cases by 79%. Further, it demonstrates the ability to complete real-world manipulation with up to 88.9% success when the end-effector is unusable and up to 100% success when it is usable.
comment: To be published in the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
☆ RoTip: A Finger-Shaped Tactile Sensor with Active Rotation
In recent years, advancements in optical tactile sensor technology have primarily centred on enhancing sensing precision and expanding the range of sensing modalities. To meet the requirements for more skilful manipulation, there should be a movement towards making tactile sensors more dynamic. In this paper, we introduce RoTip, a novel vision-based tactile sensor that is uniquely designed with an independently controlled joint and the capability to sense contact over its entire surface. The rotational capability of the sensor is particularly crucial for manipulating everyday objects, especially thin and flexible ones, as it enables the sensor to mobilize while in contact with the object's surface. The manipulation experiments demonstrate the ability of our proposed RoTip to manipulate rigid and flexible objects, and the full-finger tactile feedback and active rotation capabilities have the potential to explore more complex and precise manipulation tasks.
☆ Two-Finger Soft Gripper Force Modulation via Kinesthetic Feedback
We investigate a method to modulate contact forces between the soft fingers of a two-finger gripper and an object, without relying on tactile sensors. This work is a follow-up to our previous results on contact detection. Here, our hypothesis is that once the contact between a finger and an object is detected, a controller that keeps a desired difference between the finger bending measurement and its bending at the moment of contact is sufficient to maintain and modulate the contact force. This approach can be simultaneously applied to both fingers while getting in contact with a single object. We successfully tested the hypothesis, and characterized the contact and peak pull-out force magnitude vs. the desired difference expressed by a multiplicative factor. All of the results are performed on a real physical device.
☆ An Approach to Elicit Human-Understandable Robot Expressions to Support Human-Robot Interaction
Understanding the intentions of robots is essential for natural and seamless human-robot collaboration. Ensuring that robots have means for non-verbal communication is a basis for intuitive and implicit interaction. For this, we contribute an approach to elicit and design human-understandable robot expressions. We outline the approach in the context of non-humanoid robots. We paired human mimicking and enactment with research from gesture elicitation in two phases: first, to elicit expressions, and second, to ensure they are understandable. We present an example application through two studies (N=16 \& N=260) of our approach to elicit expressions for a simple 6-DoF robotic arm. We show that it enabled us to design robot expressions that signal curiosity and interest in getting attention. Our main contribution is an approach to generate and validate understandable expressions for robots, enabling more natural human-robot interaction.
☆ Effective self-righting strategies for elongate multi-legged robots
Centipede-like robots offer an effective and robust solution to navigation over complex terrain with minimal sensing. However, when climbing over obstacles, such multi-legged robots often elevate their center-of-mass into unstable configurations, where even moderate terrain uncertainty can cause tipping over. Robust mechanisms for such elongate multi-legged robots to self-right remain unstudied. Here, we developed a comparative biological and robophysical approach to investigate self-righting strategies. We first released \textit{S. polymorpha} upside down from a 10 cm height and recorded their self-righting behaviors using top and side view high-speed cameras. Using kinematic analysis, we hypothesize that these behaviors can be prescribed by two traveling waves superimposed in the body lateral and vertical planes, respectively. We tested our hypothesis on an elongate robot with static (non-actuated) limbs, and we successfully reconstructed these self-righting behaviors. We further evaluated how wave parameters affect self-righting effectiveness. We identified two key wave parameters: the spatial frequency, which characterizes the sequence of body-rolling, and the wave amplitude, which characterizes body curvature. By empirically obtaining a behavior diagram of spatial frequency and amplitude, we identify effective and versatile self-righting strategies for general elongate multi-legged robots, which greatly enhances these robots' mobility and robustness in practical applications such as agricultural terrain inspection and search-and-rescue.
☆ Divide et Impera: Learning impedance families for peg-in-hole assembly
This paper addresses robotic peg-in-hole assembly using the framework of Elementary Dynamic Actions (EDA). Inspired by motor primitives in neuromotor control research, the method leverages three primitives: submovements, oscillations, and mechanical impedances (e.g., stiffness and damping), combined via a Norton equivalent network model. By focusing on impedance parameterization, we explore the adaptability of EDA in contact-rich tasks. Experimental results, conducted on a real robot setup with four different peg types, demonstrated a range of successful impedance parameters, challenging conventional methods that seek optimal parameters. We analyze our data in a lower-dimensional solution space. Clustering analysis shows the possibility to identify different individual strategies for each single peg, as well as common strategies across all pegs. A neural network model, trained on the experimental data, accurately predicted successful impedance parameters across all pegs. The practical utility of this work is enhanced by a success-predictor model and the public availability of all code and CAD files. These findings highlight the flexibility and robustness of EDA; show multiple equally-successful strategies for contact-rich manipulation; and offer valuable insights and tools for robotic assembly programming.
comment: 18 pages, 11 figures
☆ Steering Elongate Multi-legged Robots By Modulating Body Undulation Waves
Centipedes exhibit great maneuverability in diverse environments due to their many legs and body-driven control. By leveraging similar morphologies, their robotic counterparts also demonstrate effective terrestrial locomotion. However, the success of these multi-legged robots is largely limited to forward locomotion; steering is substantially less studied, in part due to the challenges in coordinating their many body joints. Furthermore, steering behavior is complex and can include different combinations of desired rotational/translational displacement. In this paper, we explore steering strategies in multi-legged robots based on tools derived from geometric mechanics (GM). We characterize the steering motion in the plane by the rotation angle, the steering radius, and the heading direction angle. We identify an effective turning strategy by superimposing two traveling waves in the lateral body undulation and further explore variations of the "turning wave" to enable a broad spectrum of steering behaviors. By combining an amplitude modulation and a phase modulation, we develop a control strategy for steering behaviors that enables steering with a range of rotation angles (from 0{\deg} to 20{\deg}) and steering radius (from 0.28 to 0.38 body length) while keeping the heading direction angle close to 0. Lastly, we test our control framework on an elongate multi-legged robot model to verify the effectiveness of our proposed strategy. Our work demonstrates the generality of the two-wave template for effective steering of multi-legged elongate robots.
☆ Addition of a peristaltic wave improves multi-legged locomotion performance on complex terrains
Characterized by their elongate bodies and relatively simple legs, multi-legged robots have the potential to locomote through complex terrains for applications such as search-and-rescue and terrain inspection. Prior work has developed effective and reliable locomotion strategies for multi-legged robots by propagating the two waves of lateral body undulation and leg stepping, which we will refer to as the two-wave template. However, these robots have limited capability to climb over obstacles with sizes comparable to their heights. We hypothesize that such limitations stem from the two-wave template that we used to prescribe the multi-legged locomotion. Seeking effective alternative waves for obstacle-climbing, we designed a five-segment robot with static (non-actuated) legs, where each cable-driven joint has a rotational degree-of-freedom (DoF) in the sagittal plane (vertical wave) and a linear DoF (peristaltic wave). We tested robot locomotion performance on a flat terrain and a rugose terrain. While the benefit of peristalsis on flat-ground locomotion is marginal, the inclusion of a peristaltic wave substantially improves the locomotion performance in rugose terrains: it not only enables obstacle-climbing capabilities with obstacles having a similar height as the robot, but it also significantly improves the traversing capabilities of the robot in such terrains. Our results demonstrate an alternative actuation mechanism for multi-legged robots, paving the way towards all-terrain multi-legged robots.
☆ Safe Autonomy for Uncrewed Surface Vehicles Using Adaptive Control and Reachability Analysis
Marine robots must maintain precise control and ensure safety during tasks like ocean monitoring, even when encountering unpredictable disturbances that affect performance. Designing algorithms for uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) requires accounting for these disturbances to control the vehicle and ensure it avoids obstacles. While adaptive control has addressed USV control challenges, real-world applications are limited, and certifying USV safety amidst unexpected disturbances remains difficult. To tackle control issues, we employ a model reference adaptive controller (MRAC) to stabilize the USV along a desired trajectory. For safety certification, we developed a reachability module with a moving horizon estimator (MHE) to estimate disturbances affecting the USV. This estimate is propagated through a forward reachable set calculation, predicting future states and enabling real-time safety certification. We tested our safe autonomy pipeline on a Clearpath Heron USV in the Charles River, near MIT. Our experiments demonstrated that the USV's MRAC controller and reachability module could adapt to disturbances like thruster failures and drag forces. The MRAC controller outperformed a PID baseline, showing a 45%-81% reduction in RMSE position error. Additionally, the reachability module provided real-time safety certification, ensuring the USV's safety. We further validated our pipeline's effectiveness in underway replenishment and canal scenarios, simulating relevant marine tasks.
comment: 35 pages, 23 figures, 6 tables
☆ Single-Shot Learning of Stable Dynamical Systems for Long-Horizon Manipulation Tasks ICRA 2025
Mastering complex sequential tasks continues to pose a significant challenge in robotics. While there has been progress in learning long-horizon manipulation tasks, most existing approaches lack rigorous mathematical guarantees for ensuring reliable and successful execution. In this paper, we extend previous work on learning long-horizon tasks and stable policies, focusing on improving task success rates while reducing the amount of training data needed. Our approach introduces a novel method that (1) segments long-horizon demonstrations into discrete steps defined by waypoints and subgoals, and (2) learns globally stable dynamical system policies to guide the robot to each subgoal, even in the face of sensory noise and random disturbances. We validate our approach through both simulation and real-world experiments, demonstrating effective transfer from simulation to physical robotic platforms. Code is available at
comment: 7 pages, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Dynamic Bipedal Loco-manipulation using Oracle Guided Multi-mode Policies with Mode-transition Preference
Loco-manipulation calls for effective whole-body control and contact-rich interactions with the object and the environment. Existing learning-based control frameworks rely on task-specific engineered rewards, training a set of low-level skill policies and explicitly switching between them with a high-level policy or FSM, leading to quasi-static and fragile transitions between skills. In contrast, for solving highly dynamic tasks such as soccer, the robot should run towards the ball, decelerating into an optimal approach configuration to seamlessly switch to dribbling and eventually score a goal - a continuum of smooth motion. To this end, we propose to learn a single Oracle Guided Multi-mode Policy (OGMP) for mastering all the required modes and transition maneuvers to solve uni-object bipedal loco-manipulation tasks. Specifically, we design a multi-mode oracle as a closed loop state-reference generator, viewing it as a hybrid automaton with continuous reference generating dynamics and discrete mode jumps. Given such an oracle, we then train an OGMP through bounded exploration around the generated reference. Furthermore, to enforce the policy to learn the desired sequence of mode transitions, we present a novel task-agnostic mode-switching preference reward that enhances performance. The proposed approach results in successful dynamic loco-manipulation in omnidirectional soccer and box-moving tasks with a 16-DoF bipedal robot HECTOR. Supplementary video results are available at
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
☆ Risk-Averse Planning and Plan Assessment for Marine Robots
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) need to operate for days without human intervention and thus must be able to do efficient and reliable task planning. Unfortunately, efficient task planning requires deliberately abstract domain models (for scalability reasons), which in practice leads to plans that might be unreliable or under performing in practice. An optimal abstract plan may turn out suboptimal or unreliable during physical execution. To overcome this, we introduce a method that first generates a selection of diverse high-level plans and then assesses them in a low-level simulation to select the optimal and most reliable candidate. We evaluate the method using a realistic underwater robot simulation, estimating the risk metrics for different scenarios, demonstrating feasibility and effectiveness of the approach.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2024
☆ Diffusion-Informed Probabilistic Contact Search for Multi-Finger Manipulation
Planning contact-rich interactions for multi-finger manipulation is challenging due to the high-dimensionality and hybrid nature of dynamics. Recent advances in data-driven methods have shown promise, but are sensitive to the quality of training data. Combining learning with classical methods like trajectory optimization and search adds additional structure to the problem and domain knowledge in the form of constraints, which can lead to outperforming the data on which models are trained. We present Diffusion-Informed Probabilistic Contact Search (DIPS), which uses an A* search to plan a sequence of contact modes informed by a diffusion model. We train the diffusion model on a dataset of demonstrations consisting of contact modes and trajectories generated by a trajectory optimizer given those modes. In addition, we use a particle filter-inspired method to reason about variability in diffusion sampling arising from model error, estimating likelihoods of trajectories using a learned discriminator. We show that our method outperforms ablations that do not reason about variability and can plan contact sequences that outperform those found in training data across multiple tasks. We evaluate on simulated tabletop card sliding and screwdriver turning tasks, as well as the screwdriver task in hardware to show that our combined learning and planning approach transfers to the real world.
☆ Adaptive Motion Generation Using Uncertainty-Driven Foresight Prediction
Uncertainty of environments has long been a difficult characteristic to handle, when performing real-world robot tasks. This is because the uncertainty produces unexpected observations that cannot be covered by manual scripting. Learning based robot controlling methods are a promising approach for generating flexible motions against unknown situations, but still tend to suffer under uncertainty due to its deterministic nature. In order to adaptively perform the target task under such conditions, the robot control model must be able to accurately understand the possible uncertainty, and to exploratively derive the optimal action that minimizes such uncertainty. This paper extended an existing predictive learning based robot control method, which employ foresight prediction using dynamic internal simulation. The foresight module refines the model's hidden states by sampling multiple possible futures and replace with the one that led to the lower future uncertainty. The adaptiveness of the model was evaluated on a door opening task. The door can be opened either by pushing, pulling, or sliding, but robot cannot visually distinguish which way, and is required to adapt on the fly. The results showed that the proposed model adaptively diverged its motion through interaction with the door, whereas conventional methods failed to stably diverge. The models were analyzed on Lyapunov exponents of RNN hidden states which reflect the possible divergence at each time step during task execution. The result indicated that the foresight module biased the model to consider future consequences, which lead to embedding uncertainties at the policy of the robot controller, rather than the resultant observation. This is beneficial for implementing adaptive behaviors, which indices derivation of diverse motion during exploration.
☆ Under Pressure: Altimeter-Aided ICP for 3D Maps Consistency ICRA25
We propose a novel method to enhance the accuracy of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm by integrating altitude constraints from a barometric pressure sensor. While ICP is widely used in mobile robotics for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping ( SLAM ), it is susceptible to drift, especially in underconstrained environments such as vertical shafts. To address this issue, we propose to augment ICP with altimeter measurements, reliably constraining drifts along the gravity vector. To demonstrate the potential of altimetry in SLAM , we offer an analysis of calibration procedures and noise sensitivity of various pressure sensors, improving measurements to centimeter-level accuracy. Leveraging this accuracy, we propose a novel ICP formulation that integrates altitude measurements along the gravity vector, thus simplifying the optimization problem to 3-Degree Of Freedom (DOF). Experimental results from real-world deployments demonstrate that our method reduces vertical drift by 84% and improves overall localization accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods in non-planar environments.
comment: 6 pages + references, 5 figures, submitted to ICRA25
☆ Collaborative motion planning for multi-manipulator systems through Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Movement Primitives
Robotic tasks often require multiple manipulators to enhance task efficiency and speed, but this increases complexity in terms of collaboration, collision avoidance, and the expanded state-action space. To address these challenges, we propose a multi-level approach combining Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) to generate adaptive, real-time trajectories for new tasks in dynamic environments using a demonstration library. This method ensures collision-free trajectory generation and efficient collaborative motion planning. We validate the approach through experiments in the PyBullet simulation environment with UR5e robotic manipulators.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, conference submission
☆ Optimizing Drug Delivery in Smart Pharmacies: A Novel Framework of Multi-Stage Grasping Network Combined with Adaptive Robotics Mechanism
Robots-based smart pharmacies are essential for modern healthcare systems, enabling efficient drug delivery. However, a critical challenge exists in the robotic handling of drugs with varying shapes and overlapping positions, which previous studies have not adequately addressed. To enhance the robotic arm's ability to grasp chaotic, overlapping, and variously shaped drugs, this paper proposed a novel framework combining a multi-stage grasping network with an adaptive robotics mechanism. The framework first preprocessed images using an improved Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) algorithm, and then employed the proposed YOLOv5+E-A-SPPFCSPC+BIFPNC (YOLO-EASB) instance segmentation algorithm for precise drug segmentation. The most suitable drugs for grasping can be determined by assessing the completeness of the segmentation masks. Then, these segmented drugs were processed by our improved Adaptive Feature Fusion and Grasp-Aware Network (IAFFGA-Net) with the optimized loss function, which ensures accurate picking actions even in complex environments. To control the robot grasping, a time-optimal robotic arm trajectory planning algorithm that combines an improved ant colony algorithm with 3-5-3 interpolation was developed, further improving efficiency while ensuring smooth trajectories. Finally, this system was implemented and validated within an adaptive collaborative robot setup, which dynamically adjusts to different production environments and task requirements. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our multi-stage grasping network in optimizing smart pharmacy operations, while also showcasing its remarkable adaptability and effectiveness in practical applications.
☆ Radar Meets Vision: Robustifying Monocular Metric Depth Prediction for Mobile Robotics ICRA 2025
Mobile robots require accurate and robust depth measurements to understand and interact with the environment. While existing sensing modalities address this problem to some extent, recent research on monocular depth estimation has leveraged the information richness, yet low cost and simplicity of monocular cameras. These works have shown significant generalization capabilities, mainly in automotive and indoor settings. However, robots often operate in environments with limited scale cues, self-similar appearances, and low texture. In this work, we encode measurements from a low-cost mmWave radar into the input space of a state-of-the-art monocular depth estimation model. Despite the radar's extreme point cloud sparsity, our method demonstrates generalization and robustness across industrial and outdoor experiments. Our approach reduces the absolute relative error of depth predictions by 9-64% across a range of unseen, real-world validation datasets. Importantly, we maintain consistency of all performance metrics across all experiments and scene depths where current vision-only approaches fail. We further address the present deficit of training data in mobile robotics environments by introducing a novel methodology for synthesizing rendered, realistic learning datasets based on photogrammetric data that simulate the radar sensor observations for training. Our code, datasets, and pre-trained networks are made available at
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ A Low-Cost, High-Speed, and Robust Bin Picking System for Factory Automation Enabled by a Non-Stop, Multi-View, and Active Vision Scheme
Bin picking systems in factory automation usually face robustness issues caused by sparse and noisy 3D data of metallic objects. Utilizing multiple views, especially with a one-shot 3D sensor and "sensor on hand" configuration is getting more popularity due to its effectiveness, flexibility, and low cost. While moving the 3D sensor to acquire multiple views for 3D fusion, joint optimization, or active vision suffers from low-speed issues. That is because sensing is taken as a decoupled module from motion tasks and is not intentionally designed for a bin picking system. To address the problems, we designed a bin picking system, which tightly couples a multi-view, active vision scheme with motion tasks in a "sensor on hand" configuration. It not only speeds up the system by parallelizing the high-speed sensing scheme to the robot place action but also decides the next sensing path to maintain the continuity of the whole picking process. Unlike others focusing only on sensing evaluation, we also evaluated our design by picking experiments on 5 different types of objects without human intervention. Our experiments show the whole sensing scheme can be finished within 1.682 seconds (maximum) on CPU and the average picking complete rate is over 97.75%. Due to the parallelization with robot motion, the sensing scheme accounts for only 0.635 seconds in takt time on average.
☆ E-MPC: Edge-assisted Model Predictive Control
Model predictive control (MPC) has become the de facto standard action space for local planning and learning-based control in many continuous robotic control tasks, including autonomous driving. MPC solves a long-horizon cost optimization as a series of short-horizon optimizations based on a global planner-supplied reference path. The primary challenge in MPC, however, is that the computational budget for re-planning has a hard limit, which frequently inhibits exact optimization. Modern edge networks provide low-latency communication and heterogeneous properties that can be especially beneficial in this situation. We propose a novel framework for edge-assisted MPC (E-MPC) for path planning that exploits the heterogeneity of edge networks in three important ways: 1) varying computational capacity, 2) localized sensor information, and 3) localized observation histories. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulations are undertaken to demonstrate quantitatively the benefits of E-MPC in various scenarios, including maps, channel dynamics, and availability and density of edge nodes. The results confirm that E-MPC has the potential to reduce costs by a greater percentage than standard MPC does.
☆ Multimodal Coherent Explanation Generation of Robot Failures
The explainability of a robot's actions is crucial to its acceptance in social spaces. Explaining why a robot fails to complete a given task is particularly important for non-expert users to be aware of the robot's capabilities and limitations. So far, research on explaining robot failures has only considered generating textual explanations, even though several studies have shown the benefits of multimodal ones. However, a simple combination of multiple modalities may lead to semantic incoherence between the information across different modalities - a problem that is not well-studied. An incoherent multimodal explanation can be difficult to understand, and it may even become inconsistent with what the robot and the human observe and how they perform reasoning with the observations. Such inconsistencies may lead to wrong conclusions about the robot's capabilities. In this paper, we introduce an approach to generate coherent multimodal explanations by checking the logical coherence of explanations from different modalities, followed by refinements as required. We propose a classification approach for coherence assessment, where we evaluate if an explanation logically follows another. Our experiments suggest that fine-tuning a neural network that was pre-trained to recognize textual entailment, performs well for coherence assessment of multimodal explanations. Code & data:
☆ LASMP: Language Aided Subset Sampling Based Motion Planner
This paper presents the Language Aided Subset Sampling Based Motion Planner (LASMP), a system that helps mobile robots plan their movements by using natural language instructions. LASMP uses a modified version of the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT) method, which is guided by user-provided commands processed through a language model (RoBERTa). The system improves efficiency by focusing on specific areas of the robot's workspace based on these instructions, making it faster and less resource-intensive. Compared to traditional RRT methods, LASMP reduces the number of nodes needed by 55% and cuts random sample queries by 80%, while still generating safe, collision-free paths. Tested in both simulated and real-world environments, LASMP has shown better performance in handling complex indoor scenarios. The results highlight the potential of combining language processing with motion planning to make robot navigation more efficient.
comment: 8 pages, 9 figures
☆ Can We Remove the Ground? Obstacle-aware Point Cloud Compression for Remote Object Detection ICRA 2025
Efficient point cloud (PC) compression is crucial for streaming applications, such as augmented reality and cooperative perception. Classic PC compression techniques encode all the points in a frame. Tailoring compression towards perception tasks at the receiver side, we ask the question, "Can we remove the ground points during transmission without sacrificing the detection performance?" Our study reveals a strong dependency on the ground from state-of-the-art (SOTA) 3D object detection models, especially on those points below and around the object. In this work, we propose a lightweight obstacle-aware Pillar-based Ground Removal (PGR) algorithm. PGR filters out ground points that do not provide context to object recognition, significantly improving compression ratio without sacrificing the receiver side perception performance. Not using heavy object detection or semantic segmentation models, PGR is light-weight, highly parallelizable, and effective. Our evaluations on KITTI and Waymo Open Dataset show that SOTA detection models work equally well with PGR removing 20-30% of the points, with a speeding of 86 FPS.
comment: 7 Pages; submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Obstacle-Avoidant Leader Following with a Quadruped Robot
Personal mobile robotic assistants are expected to find wide applications in industry and healthcare. For example, people with limited mobility can benefit from robots helping with daily tasks, or construction workers can have robots perform precision monitoring tasks on-site. However, manually steering a robot while in motion requires significant concentration from the operator, especially in tight or crowded spaces. This reduces walking speed, and the constant need for vigilance increases fatigue and, thus, the risk of accidents. This work presents a virtual leash with which a robot can naturally follow an operator. We use a sensor fusion based on a custom-built RF transponder, RGB cameras, and a LiDAR. In addition, we customize a local avoidance planner for legged platforms, which enables us to navigate dynamic and narrow environments. We successfully validate on the ANYmal platform the robustness and performance of our entire pipeline in real-world experiments.
☆ Design and Identification of Keypoint Patches in Unstructured Environments
Reliable perception of targets is crucial for the stable operation of autonomous robots. A widely preferred method is keypoint identification in an image, as it allows direct mapping from raw images to 2D coordinates, facilitating integration with other algorithms like localization and path planning. In this study, we closely examine the design and identification of keypoint patches in cluttered environments, where factors such as blur and shadows can hinder detection. We propose four simple yet distinct designs that consider various scale, rotation and camera projection using a limited number of pixels. Additionally, we customize the Superpoint network to ensure robust detection under various types of image degradation. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through real-world video tests, highlighting potential for vision-based autonomous systems.
comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables
☆ Human-Robot Collaborative Minimum Time Search through Sub-priors in Ant Colony Optimization
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) has evolved into a highly promising issue owing to the latest breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), among other reasons. This emerging growth increases the need to design multi-agent algorithms that can manage also human preferences. This paper presents an extension of the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) meta-heuristic to solve the Minimum Time Search (MTS) task, in the case where humans and robots perform an object searching task together. The proposed model consists of two main blocks. The first one is a convolutional neural network (CNN) that provides the prior probabilities about where an object may be from a segmented image. The second one is the Sub-prior MTS-ACO algorithm (SP-MTS-ACO), which takes as inputs the prior probabilities and the particular search preferences of the agents in different sub-priors to generate search plans for all agents. The model has been tested in real experiments for the joint search of an object through a Vizanti web-based visualization in a tablet computer. The designed interface allows the communication between a human and our humanoid robot named IVO. The obtained results show an improvement in the search perception of the users without loss of efficiency.
☆ A five-bar mechanism to assist finger flexion-extension movement: system implementation
The lack of specialized personnel and assistive technology to assist in rehabilitation therapies is one of the challenges facing the health sector today, and it is projected to increase. For researchers and engineers, it represents an opportunity to innovate and develop devices that improve and optimize rehabilitation services for the benefit of society. Among the different types of injuries, hand injuries occur most frequently. These injuries require a rehabilitation process in order for the hand to regain its functionality. This article presents the fabrication and instrumentation of an end-effector prototype, based on a five-bar configuration, for finger rehabilitation that executes a natural flexion-extension movement. The dimensions were obtained through the gradient method optimization and evaluated through Matlab. Experimental tests were carried out to demonstrate the prototype's functionality and the effectiveness of a five-bar mechanism acting in a vertical plane, where gravity influences the mechanism's performance. Position control using fifth-order polynomials with via points was implemented in the joint space. The design of the end-effector was also evaluated by performing a theoretical comparison, calculated as a function of a real flexion-extension trajectory of the fingers and the angle of rotation obtained through an IMU. As a result, controlling the two degrees of freedom of the mechanism at several points of the trajectory assures the end-effector trajectory and therefore the fingers' range of motion, which helps for full patient recovery.
☆ Design and construction of a wireless robot that simulates head movements in cone beam computed tomography imaging
One of the major challenges in the science of maxillofacial radiology imaging is the various artifacts created in images taken by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging systems. Among these artifacts, motion artifact, which is created by the patient, has adverse effects on image quality. In this paper, according to the conditions and limitations of the CBCT imaging room, the goal is the design and development of a cable-driven parallel robot to create repeatable movements of a dry skull inside a CBCT scanner for studying motion artifacts and building up reference datasets with motion artifacts. The proposed robot allows a dry skull to execute motions, which were selected on the basis of clinical evidence, with 3-degrees of freedom during imaging in synchronous manner with the radiation beam. The kinematic model of the robot is presented to investigate and describe the correlation between the amount of motion and the pulse width applied to DC motors. This robot can be controlled by the user through a smartphone or laptop wirelessly via a Wi-Fi connection. Using wireless communication protects the user from harmful radiation during robot driving and functioning. The results show that the designed robot has a reproducibility above 95% in performing various movements.
☆ Learning Adaptive Hydrodynamic Models Using Neural ODEs in Complex Conditions
Reinforcement learning-based quadruped robots excel across various terrains but still lack the ability to swim in water due to the complex underwater environment. This paper presents the development and evaluation of a data-driven hydrodynamic model for amphibious quadruped robots, aiming to enhance their adaptive capabilities in complex and dynamic underwater environments. The proposed model leverages Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) combined with attention mechanisms to accurately process and interpret real-time sensor data. The model enables the quadruped robots to understand and predict complex environmental patterns, facilitating robust decision-making strategies. We harness real-time sensor data, capturing various environmental and internal state parameters to train and evaluate our model. A significant focus of our evaluation involves testing the quadruped robot's performance across different hydrodynamic conditions and assessing its capabilities at varying speeds and fluid dynamic conditions. The outcomes suggest that the model can effectively learn and adapt to varying conditions, enabling the prediction of force states and enhancing autonomous robotic behaviors in various practical scenarios.
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
☆ RobotGraffiti: An AR tool for semi-automated construction of workcell models to optimize robot deployment IROS 2024
Improving robot deployment is a central step towards speeding up robot-based automation in manufacturing. A main challenge in robot deployment is how to best place the robot within the workcell. To tackle this challenge, we combine two knowledge sources: robotic knowledge of the system and workcell context awareness of the user, and intersect them with an Augmented Reality interface. RobotGraffiti is a unique tool that empowers the user in robot deployment tasks. One simply takes a 3D scan of the workcell with their mobile device, adds contextual data points that otherwise would be difficult to infer from the system, and receives a robot base position that satisfies the automation task. The proposed approach is an alternative to expensive and time-consuming digital twins, with a fast and easy-to-use tool that focuses on selected workcell features needed to run the placement optimization algorithm. The main contributions of this paper are the novel user interface for robot base placement data collection and a study comparing the traditional offline simulation with our proposed method. We showcase the method with a robot base placement solution and obtain up to 16 times reduction in time.
comment: Accepted in IROS 2024
☆ Fast Hip Joint Moment Estimation with A General Moment Feature Generation Method
The hip joint moment during walking is a crucial basis for hip exoskeleton control. Compared to generating assistive torque profiles based on gait estimation, estimating hip joint moment directly using hip joint angles offers advantages such as simplified sensing and adaptability to variable walking speeds. Existing methods that directly estimate moment from hip joint angles are mainly used for offline biomechanical estimation. However, they suffer from long computation time and lack of personalization, rendering them unsuitable for personalized control of hip exoskeletons. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a fast hip joint moment estimation method based on generalized moment features (GMF). The method first employs a GMF generator to learn a feature representation of joint moment, namely the proposed GMF, which is independent of individual differences. Subsequently, a GRU-based neural network with fast computational performance is trained to learn the mapping from the joint kinematics to the GMF. Finally, the predicted GMF is decoded into the joint moment with a GMF decoder. The joint estimation model is trained and tested on a dataset comprising 20 subjects under 28 walking speed conditions. Results show that the proposed method achieves a root mean square error of 0.1180 $\pm$ 0.0021 Nm/kg for subjects in test dataset, and the computation time per estimation using the employed GRU-based estimator is 1.3420 $\pm$ 0.0031 ms, significantly faster than mainstream neural network architectures, while maintaining comparable network accuracy. These promising results demonstrate that the proposed method enhances the accuracy and computational speed of joint moment estimation neural networks, with potential for guiding exoskeleton control.
☆ Task Success Prediction for Open-Vocabulary Manipulation Based on Multi-Level Aligned Representations
In this study, we consider the problem of predicting task success for open-vocabulary manipulation by a manipulator, based on instruction sentences and egocentric images before and after manipulation. Conventional approaches, including multimodal large language models (MLLMs), often fail to appropriately understand detailed characteristics of objects and/or subtle changes in the position of objects. We propose Contrastive $\lambda$-Repformer, which predicts task success for table-top manipulation tasks by aligning images with instruction sentences. Our method integrates the following three key types of features into a multi-level aligned representation: features that preserve local image information; features aligned with natural language; and features structured through natural language. This allows the model to focus on important changes by looking at the differences in the representation between two images. We evaluate Contrastive $\lambda$-Repformer on a dataset based on a large-scale standard dataset, the RT-1 dataset, and on a physical robot platform. The results show that our approach outperformed existing approaches including MLLMs. Our best model achieved an improvement of 8.66 points in accuracy compared to the representative MLLM-based model.
comment: Accepted for presentation at CoRL2024
☆ Deceptive Risks in LLM-enhanced Robots
This case study investigates a critical glitch in the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into social robots. LLMs, including ChatGPT, were found to falsely claim to have reminder functionalities, such as setting notifications for medication intake. We tested commercially available care software, which integrated ChatGPT, running on the Pepper robot and consistently reproduced this deceptive pattern. Not only did the system falsely claim the ability to set reminders, but it also proactively suggested managing medication schedules. The persistence of this issue presents a significant risk in healthcare settings, where system reliability is paramount. This case highlights the ethical and safety concerns surrounding the deployment of LLM-integrated robots in healthcare, emphasizing the urgent need for regulatory oversight to prevent potentially harmful consequences for vulnerable populations.
☆ ManiSkill3: GPU Parallelized Robotics Simulation and Rendering for Generalizable Embodied AI
Simulation has enabled unprecedented compute-scalable approaches to robot learning. However, many existing simulation frameworks typically support a narrow range of scenes/tasks and lack features critical for scaling generalizable robotics and sim2real. We introduce and open source ManiSkill3, the fastest state-visual GPU parallelized robotics simulator with contact-rich physics targeting generalizable manipulation. ManiSkill3 supports GPU parallelization of many aspects including simulation+rendering, heterogeneous simulation, pointclouds/voxels visual input, and more. Simulation with rendering on ManiSkill3 can run 10-1000x faster with 2-3x less GPU memory usage than other platforms, achieving up to 30,000+ FPS in benchmarked environments due to minimal python/pytorch overhead in the system, simulation on the GPU, and the use of the SAPIEN parallel rendering system. Tasks that used to take hours to train can now take minutes. We further provide the most comprehensive range of GPU parallelized environments/tasks spanning 12 distinct domains including but not limited to mobile manipulation for tasks such as drawing, humanoids, and dextrous manipulation in realistic scenes designed by artists or real-world digital twins. In addition, millions of demonstration frames are provided from motion planning, RL, and teleoperation. ManiSkill3 also provides a comprehensive set of baselines that span popular RL and learning-from-demonstrations algorithms.
comment: Project website:
☆ Find Everything: A General Vision Language Model Approach to Multi-Object Search ICRA2025
The Multi-Object Search (MOS) problem involves navigating to a sequence of locations to maximize the likelihood of finding target objects while minimizing travel costs. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to the MOS problem, called Finder, which leverages vision language models (VLMs) to locate multiple objects across diverse environments. Specifically, our approach introduces multi-channel score maps to track and reason about multiple objects simultaneously during navigation, along with a score fusion technique that combines scene-level and object-level semantic correlations. Experiments in both simulated and real-world settings showed that Finder outperforms existing methods using deep reinforcement learning and VLMs. Ablation and scalability studies further validated our design choices and robustness with increasing numbers of target objects, respectively. Website:
comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICRA2025
☆ AHA: A Vision-Language-Model for Detecting and Reasoning Over Failures in Robotic Manipulation
Robotic manipulation in open-world settings requires not only task execution but also the ability to detect and learn from failures. While recent advances in vision-language models (VLMs) and large language models (LLMs) have improved robots' spatial reasoning and problem-solving abilities, they still struggle with failure recognition, limiting their real-world applicability. We introduce AHA, an open-source VLM designed to detect and reason about failures in robotic manipulation using natural language. By framing failure detection as a free-form reasoning task, AHA identifies failures and provides detailed, adaptable explanations across different robots, tasks, and environments. We fine-tuned AHA using FailGen, a scalable framework that generates the first large-scale dataset of robotic failure trajectories, the AHA dataset. FailGen achieves this by procedurally perturbing successful demonstrations from simulation. Despite being trained solely on the AHA dataset, AHA generalizes effectively to real-world failure datasets, robotic systems, and unseen tasks. It surpasses the second-best model (GPT-4o in-context learning) by 10.3% and exceeds the average performance of six compared models including five state-of-the-art VLMs by 35.3% across multiple metrics and datasets. We integrate AHA into three manipulation frameworks that utilize LLMs/VLMs for reinforcement learning, task and motion planning, and zero-shot trajectory generation. AHA's failure feedback enhances these policies' performances by refining dense reward functions, optimizing task planning, and improving sub-task verification, boosting task success rates by an average of 21.4% across all three tasks compared to GPT-4 models.
comment: Appendix and details can be found in project website:
☆ AARK: An Open Toolkit for Autonomous Racing Research
Autonomous racing demands safe control of vehicles at their physical limits for extended periods of time, providing insights into advanced vehicle safety systems which increasingly rely on intervention provided by vehicle autonomy. Participation in this field carries with it a high barrier to entry. Physical platforms and their associated sensor suites require large capital outlays before any demonstrable progress can be made. Simulators allow researches to develop soft autonomous systems without purchasing a platform. However, currently available simulators lack visual and dynamic fidelity, can still be expensive to buy, lack customisation, and are difficult to use. AARK provides three packages, ACI, ACDG, and ACMPC. These packages enable research into autonomous control systems in the demanding environment of racing to bring more people into the field and improve reproducibility: ACI provides researchers with a computer vision-friendly interface to Assetto Corsa for convenient comparison and evaluation of autonomous control solutions; ACDG enables generation of depth, normal and semantic segmentation data for training computer vision models to use in perception systems; and ACMPC gives newcomers to the field a modular full-stack autonomous control solution, capable of controlling vehicles to build from. AARK aims to unify and democratise research into a field critical to providing safer roads and trusted autonomous systems.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ A Digital Twin Framework for Physical-Virtual Integration in V2X-Enabled Connected Vehicle Corridors
Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems (T-CPS) are critical in improving traffic safety, reliability, and sustainability by integrating computing, communication, and control in transportation systems. The connected vehicle corridor is at the forefront of this transformation, where Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology facilitates real-time data exchange between infrastructure, vehicles, and road users. However, challenges remain in processing and synchronizing the vast V2X data from vehicles and roadside units, particularly when ensuring scalability, data integrity, and operational resilience. This paper presents a digital twin framework for T-CPS, developed from a real-world connected vehicle corridor to address these challenges. By leveraging C-V2X technology and real-time data from infrastructure, vehicles, and road users, the digital twin accurately replicates vehicle behaviors, signal phases, and traffic patterns within the CARLA simulation environment. This framework demonstrates high fidelity between physical and digital systems and ensures robust synchronization of vehicle trajectories and signal phases through extensive experiments. Moreover, the digital twin's scalable and redundant architecture enhances data integrity, making it capable of supporting future large-scale C-V2X deployments. The digital twin is a vital tool in T-CPS, enabling real-time traffic monitoring, prediction, and optimization to enhance the reliability and safety of transportation systems.
☆ Data Augmentation for 3DMM-based Arousal-Valence Prediction for HRI
Humans use multiple communication channels to interact with each other. For instance, body gestures or facial expressions are commonly used to convey an intent. The use of such non-verbal cues has motivated the development of prediction models. One such approach is predicting arousal and valence (AV) from facial expressions. However, making these models accurate for human-robot interaction (HRI) settings is challenging as it requires handling multiple subjects, challenging conditions, and a wide range of facial expressions. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation (DA) technique to improve the performance of AV predictors using 3D morphable models (3DMM). We then utilize this approach in an HRI setting with a mediator robot and a group of three humans. Our augmentation method creates synthetic sequences for underrepresented values in the AV space of the SEWA dataset, which is the most comprehensive dataset with continuous AV labels. Results show that using our DA method improves the accuracy and robustness of AV prediction in real-time applications. The accuracy of our models on the SEWA dataset is 0.793 for arousal and valence.
☆ RRT-CBF Based Motion Planning
Control barrier functions (CBF) are widely explored to enforce the safety-critical constraints on nonlinear systems recently. There are many researchers incorporating the control barrier functions into path planning algorithms to find a safe path, but these methods involve huge computational complexity or unidirectional randomness, resulting in arising of run-time. When safety constraints are satisfied, searching efficiency, and searching space are sacrificed. This paper combines the novel motion planning approach using rapid exploring random trees (RRT) algorithm with model predictive control (MPC) to enforce the CBF with dynamically updating constraints to get the safety-critical resolution of trajectory which will enable the robots not to collide with both static and dynamic circle obstacles as well as other moving robots while considering the model uncertainty in process. Besides, this paper first realizes application of CBF-RRT in robot arm model for nonlinear system.
comment: 20 pages, 25 figures
☆ Bayesian Intention for Enhanced Human Robot Collaboration
Predicting human intent is challenging yet essential to achieving seamless Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). Many existing approaches fail to fully exploit the inherent relationships between objects, tasks, and the human model. Current methods for predicting human intent, such as Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), often lack interpretability due to their failure to account for causal relationships between variables. To address these challenges, in this paper, we developed a novel Bayesian Intention (BI) framework to predict human intent within a multi-modality information framework in HRC scenarios. This framework captures the complexity of intent prediction by modeling the correlations between human behavior conventions and scene data. Our framework leverages these inferred intent predictions to optimize the robot's response in real-time, enabling smoother and more intuitive collaboration. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a HRC task involving a UR5 robot, highlighting BI's capability for real-time human intent prediction and collision avoidance using a unique dataset we created. Our evaluations show that the multi-modality BI model predicts human intent within 2.69ms, with a 36% increase in precision, a 60% increase in F1 Score, and an 85% increase in accuracy compared to its best baseline method. The results underscore BI's potential to advance real-time human intent prediction and collision avoidance, making a significant contribution to the field of HRC.
♻ ☆ HortiBot: An Adaptive Multi-Arm System for Robotic Horticulture of Sweet Peppers IROS
Horticultural tasks such as pruning and selective harvesting are labor intensive and horticultural staff are hard to find. Automating these tasks is challenging due to the semi-structured greenhouse workspaces, changing environmental conditions such as lighting, dense plant growth with many occlusions, and the need for gentle manipulation of non-rigid plant organs. In this work, we present the three-armed system HortiBot, with two arms for manipulation and a third arm as an articulated head for active perception using stereo cameras. Its perception system detects not only peppers, but also peduncles and stems in real time, and performs online data association to build a world model of pepper plants. Collision-aware online trajectory generation allows all three arms to safely track their respective targets for observation, grasping, and cutting. We integrated perception and manipulation to perform selective harvesting of peppers and evaluated the system in lab experiments. Using active perception coupled with end-effector force torque sensing for compliant manipulation, HortiBot achieves high success rates in our indoor pepper plant mock-up.
comment: Accepted for International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024. C. Lenz and R. Menon contributed equally
♻ ☆ On The Planning Abilities of OpenAI's o1 Models: Feasibility, Optimality, and Generalizability
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased their ability to perform complex reasoning tasks, but their effectiveness in planning remains underexplored. In this study, we evaluate the planning capabilities of OpenAI's o1 models across a variety of benchmark tasks, focusing on three key aspects: feasibility, optimality, and generalizability. Through empirical evaluations on constraint-heavy tasks (e.g., $\textit{Barman}$, $\textit{Tyreworld}$) and spatially complex environments (e.g., $\textit{Termes}$, $\textit{Floortile}$), we highlight o1-preview's strengths in self-evaluation and constraint-following, while also identifying bottlenecks in decision-making and memory management, particularly in tasks requiring robust spatial reasoning. Our results reveal that o1-preview outperforms GPT-4 in adhering to task constraints and managing state transitions in structured environments. However, the model often generates suboptimal solutions with redundant actions and struggles to generalize effectively in spatially complex tasks. This pilot study provides foundational insights into the planning limitations of LLMs, offering key directions for future research on improving memory management, decision-making, and generalization in LLM-based planning.
comment: Updated link to code repository
♻ ☆ iWalker: Imperative Visual Planning for Walking Humanoid Robot
Humanoid robots, with the potential to perform a broad range of tasks in environments designed for humans, have been deemed crucial for the basis of general AI agents. When talking about planning and controlling, although traditional models and task-specific methods have been extensively studied over the past few decades, they are inadequate for achieving the flexibility and versatility needed for general autonomy. Learning approaches, especially reinforcement learning, are powerful and popular nowadays, but they are inherently "blind" during training, relying heavily on trials in simulation without proper guidance from physical principles or underlying dynamics. In response, we propose a novel end-to-end pipeline that seamlessly integrates perception, planning, and model-based control for humanoid robot walking. We refer to our method as iWalker, which is driven by imperative learning (IL), a self-supervising neuro-symbolic learning framework. This enables the robot to learn from arbitrary unlabeled data, significantly improving its adaptability and generalization capabilities. In experiments, iWalker demonstrates effectiveness in both simulated and real-world environments, representing a significant advancement toward versatile and autonomous humanoid robots.
♻ ☆ Learn With Imagination: Safe Set Guided State-wise Constrained Policy Optimization
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) excels in various control tasks, yet the absence of safety guarantees hampers its real-world applicability. In particular, explorations during learning usually results in safety violations, while the RL agent learns from those mistakes. On the other hand, safe control techniques ensure persistent safety satisfaction but demand strong priors on system dynamics, which is usually hard to obtain in practice. To address these problems, we present Safe Set Guided State-wise Constrained Policy Optimization (S-3PO), a pioneering algorithm generating state-wise safe optimal policies with zero training violations, i.e., learning without mistakes. S-3PO first employs a safety-oriented monitor with black-box dynamics to ensure safe exploration. It then enforces an "imaginary" cost for the RL agent to converge to optimal behaviors within safety constraints. S-3PO outperforms existing methods in high-dimensional robotics tasks, managing state-wise constraints with zero training violation. This innovation marks a significant stride towards real-world safe RL deployment.
♻ ☆ Redefining Data Pairing for Motion Retargeting Leveraging a Human Body Prior IROS 2024
We propose MR HuBo(Motion Retargeting leveraging a HUman BOdy prior), a cost-effective and convenient method to collect high-quality upper body paired pose data, which is essential for data-driven motion retargeting methods. Unlike existing approaches which collect pose data by converting human MoCap poses into robot poses, our method goes in reverse. We first sample diverse random robot poses, and then convert them into human poses. However, since random robot poses can result in extreme and infeasible human poses, we propose an additional technique to sort out extreme poses by exploiting a human body prior trained from a large amount of human pose data. Our data collection method can be used for any humanoid robots, if one designs or optimizes the system's hyperparameters which include a size scale factor and the joint angle ranges for sampling. In addition to this data collection method, we also present a two-stage motion retargeting neural network that can be trained via supervised learning on a large amount of paired data. Compared to other learning-based methods trained via unsupervised learning, we found that our deep neural network trained with ample high-quality paired data achieved notable performance. Our experiments also show that our data filtering method yields better retargeting results than training the model with raw and noisy data. Our code and video results are available on
comment: 8 pages, 5 Figures, Accepted at IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Human-Robot Co-Transportation with Human Uncertainty-Aware MPC and Pose Optimization
This paper proposes a new control algorithm for human-robot co-transportation based on a robot manipulator equipped with a mobile base and a robotic arm. The primary focus is to adapt to human uncertainties through the robot's whole-body kinematics and pose optimization. We introduce an augmented Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation that explicitly models human uncertainties and contains extra variables than regular MPC to optimize the pose of the robotic arm. The core of our methodology involves a two-step iterative design: At each planning horizon, we select the best pose of the robotic arm (joint angle combination) from a candidate set, aiming to achieve the lowest estimated control cost. This selection is based on solving an uncertainty-aware Discrete Algebraic Ricatti Equation (DARE), which also informs the optimal control inputs for both the mobile base and the robotic arm. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we provide theoretical derivation for the uncertainty-aware DARE and perform simulated and hardware experiments using a Fetch robot under varying conditions, including different trajectories and noise levels. The results reveal that our proposed approach outperforms baseline algorithms.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ OccRWKV: Rethinking Efficient 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction with Linear Complexity
3D semantic occupancy prediction networks have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in reconstructing the geometric and semantic structure of 3D scenes, providing crucial information for robot navigation and autonomous driving systems. However, due to their large overhead from dense network structure designs, existing networks face challenges balancing accuracy and latency. In this paper, we introduce OccRWKV, an efficient semantic occupancy network inspired by Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV). OccRWKV separates semantics, occupancy prediction, and feature fusion into distinct branches, each incorporating Sem-RWKV and Geo-RWKV blocks. These blocks are designed to capture long-range dependencies, enabling the network to learn domain-specific representation (i.e., semantics and geometry), which enhances prediction accuracy. Leveraging the sparse nature of real-world 3D occupancy, we reduce computational overhead by projecting features into the bird's-eye view (BEV) space and propose a BEV-RWKV block for efficient feature enhancement and fusion. This enables real-time inference at 22.2 FPS without compromising performance. Experiments demonstrate that OccRWKV outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the SemanticKITTI dataset, achieving a mIoU of 25.1 while being 20 times faster than the best baseline, Co-Occ, making it suitable for real-time deployment on robots to enhance autonomous navigation efficiency. Code and video are available on our project page:
♻ ☆ Approximate Sequential Optimization for Informative Path Planning
We consider the problem of finding an informative path through a graph, given initial and terminal nodes and a given maximum path length. We assume that a linear noise corrupted measurement is taken at each node of an underlying unknown vector that we wish to estimate. The informativeness is measured by the reduction in uncertainty in our estimate, evaluated using several metrics. We present a convex relaxation for this informative path planning problem, which we can readily solve to obtain a bound on the possible performance. We develop an approximate sequential method where the path is constructed segment by segment through dynamic programming. This involves solving an orienteering problem, with the node reward acting as a surrogate for informativeness, taking the first step, and then repeating the process. The method scales to very large problem instances and achieves performance not too far from the bound produced by the convex relaxation. We also demonstrate our method's ability to handle adaptive objectives, multimodal sensing, and multi-agent variations of the informative path planning problem.
♻ ☆ Reasoning about the Unseen for Efficient Outdoor Object Navigation
Robots should exist anywhere humans do: indoors, outdoors, and even unmapped environments. In contrast, the focus of recent advancements in Object Goal Navigation(OGN) has targeted navigating in indoor environments by leveraging spatial and semantic cues that do not generalize outdoors. While these contributions provide valuable insights into indoor scenarios, the broader spectrum of real-world robotic applications often extends to outdoor settings. As we transition to the vast and complex terrains of outdoor environments, new challenges emerge. Unlike the structured layouts found indoors, outdoor environments lack clear spatial delineations and are riddled with inherent semantic ambiguities. Despite this, humans navigate with ease because we can reason about the unseen. We introduce a new task OUTDOOR, a new mechanism for Large Language Models (LLMs) to accurately hallucinate possible futures, and a new computationally aware success metric for pushing research forward in this more complex domain. Additionally, we show impressive results on both a simulated drone and physical quadruped in outdoor environments. Our agent has no premapping and our formalism outperforms naive LLM-based approaches
comment: 6 pages, 7 figures
♻ ☆ Safe Decentralized Multi-Agent Control using Black-Box Predictors, Conformal Decision Policies, and Control Barrier Functions ICRA 2025
We address the challenge of safe control in decentralized multi-agent robotic settings, where agents use uncertain black-box models to predict other agents' trajectories. We use the recently proposed conformal decision theory to adapt the restrictiveness of control barrier functions-based safety constraints based on observed prediction errors. We use these constraints to synthesize controllers that balance between the objectives of safety and task accomplishment, despite the prediction errors. We provide an upper bound on the average over time of the value of a monotonic function of the difference between the safety constraint based on the predicted trajectories and the constraint based on the ground truth ones. We validate our theory through experimental results showing the performance of our controllers when navigating a robot in the multi-agent scenes in the Stanford Drone Dataset.
comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted for ICRA 2025
♻ ☆ Learning from Demonstration with Implicit Nonlinear Dynamics Models
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a useful paradigm for training policies that solve tasks involving complex motions, such as those encountered in robotic manipulation. In practice, the successful application of LfD requires overcoming error accumulation during policy execution, i.e. the problem of drift due to errors compounding over time and the consequent out-of-distribution behaviours. Existing works seek to address this problem through scaling data collection, correcting policy errors with a human-in-the-loop, temporally ensembling policy predictions or through learning a dynamical system model with convergence guarantees. In this work, we propose and validate an alternative approach to overcoming this issue. Inspired by reservoir computing, we develop a recurrent neural network layer that includes a fixed nonlinear dynamical system with tunable dynamical properties for modelling temporal dynamics. We validate the efficacy of our neural network layer on the task of reproducing human handwriting motions using the LASA Human Handwriting Dataset. Through empirical experiments we demonstrate that incorporating our layer into existing neural network architectures addresses the issue of compounding errors in LfD. Furthermore, we perform a comparative evaluation against existing approaches including a temporal ensemble of policy predictions and an Echo State Network (ESN) implementation. We find that our approach yields greater policy precision and robustness on the handwriting task while also generalising to multiple dynamics regimes and maintaining competitive latency scores.
comment: 21 pages, 9 figures
♻ ☆ PROSPECT: Precision Robot Spectroscopy Exploration and Characterization Tool IROS 2024
Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is widely used in industrial quality control and automation to test the purity and grade of items. In this research, we propose a novel sensorized end effector and acquisition strategy to capture spectral signatures from objects and register them with a 3D point cloud. Our methodology first takes a 3D scan of an object generated by a time-of-flight depth camera and decomposes the object into a series of planned viewpoints covering the surface. We generate motion plans for a robot manipulator and end-effector to visit these viewpoints while maintaining a fixed distance and surface normal. This process is enabled by the spherical motion of the end-effector and ensures maximal spectral signal quality. By continuously acquiring surface reflectance values as the end-effector scans the target object, the autonomous system develops a four-dimensional model of the target object: position in an $R^3$ coordinate frame, and a reflectance vector denoting the associated spectral signature. We demonstrate this system in building spectral-spatial object profiles of increasingly complex geometries. We show the proposed system and spectral acquisition planning produce more consistent spectral signals than naive point scanning strategies. Our work represents a significant step towards high-resolution spectral-spatial sensor fusion for automated quality assessment.
comment: Presented at IROS 2024
♻ ☆ Camera Height Doesn't Change: Unsupervised Training for Metric Monocular Road-Scene Depth Estimation ECCV 2024
In this paper, we introduce a novel training method for making any monocular depth network learn absolute scale and estimate metric road-scene depth just from regular training data, i.e., driving videos. We refer to this training framework as FUMET. The key idea is to leverage cars found on the road as sources of scale supervision and to incorporate them in network training robustly. FUMET detects and estimates the sizes of cars in a frame and aggregates scale information extracted from them into an estimate of the camera height whose consistency across the entire video sequence is enforced as scale supervision. This realizes robust unsupervised training of any, otherwise scale-oblivious, monocular depth network so that they become not only scale-aware but also metric-accurate without the need for auxiliary sensors and extra supervision. Extensive experiments on the KITTI and the Cityscapes datasets show the effectiveness of FUMET, which achieves state-of-the-art accuracy. We also show that FUMET enables training on mixed datasets of different camera heights, which leads to larger-scale training and better generalization. Metric depth reconstruction is essential in any road-scene visual modeling, and FUMET democratizes its deployment by establishing the means to convert any model into a metric depth estimator.
comment: ECCV 2024. Project page:
♻ ☆ Multi-Robot Informative Path Planning for Efficient Target Mapping using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Autonomous robots are being employed in several mapping and data collection tasks due to their efficiency and low labor costs. In these tasks, the robots are required to map targets-of-interest in an unknown environment while constrained to a given resource budget such as path length or mission time. This is a challenging problem as each robot has to not only detect and avoid collisions from static obstacles in the environment but also has to model other robots' trajectories to avoid inter-robot collisions. We propose a novel deep reinforcement learning approach for multi-robot informative path planning to map targets-of-interest in an unknown 3D environment. A key aspect of our approach is an augmented graph that models other robots' trajectories to enable planning for communication and inter-robot collision avoidance. We train our decentralized reinforcement learning policy via the centralized training and decentralized execution paradigm. Once trained, our policy is also scalable to varying number of robots and does not require re-training. Our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art multi-robot target mapping approaches by 33.75% in terms of the number of discovered targets-of-interest. We open-source our code and model at:
♻ ☆ Short vs. Long-term Coordination of Drones: When Distributed Optimization Meets Deep Reinforcement Learning
Swarms of autonomous interactive drones can provide compelling sensing capabilities in Smart City applications, such as traffic monitoring. This paper focuses on the task assignment problem for large-scale spatio-temporal sensing by a drone swarm. However, existing approaches have distinct challenges: distributed evolutionary optimization, such as collective learning, lacks long-term adaptability in dynamic environments, while deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is limited to scale effectively due to the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel synergetic optimization approach by integrating long-term DRL and short-term collective learning. Through this approach, each drone independently and proactively determines its flying direction and recharging location using DRL, while evolving their navigation and sensing policies through collective learning based on a structured tree communication model. Extensive experiments with datasets generated from realistic urban mobility demonstrate an outstanding performance of the proposed solution in complex scenarios. New insights show that this approach provides a win-win synthesis of short-term and long-term strategies for drone-based traffic monitoring, with short-term methods addressing training complexity and energy management, while long-term methods preserving high sensing performance.
♻ ☆ Observe Then Act: Asynchronous Active Vision-Action Model for Robotic Manipulation
In real-world scenarios, many robotic manipulation tasks are hindered by occlusions and limited fields of view, posing significant challenges for passive observation-based models that rely on fixed or wrist-mounted cameras. In this paper, we investigate the problem of robotic manipulation under limited visual observation and propose a task-driven asynchronous active vision-action model.Our model serially connects a camera Next-Best-View (NBV) policy with a gripper Next-Best Pose (NBP) policy, and trains them in a sensor-motor coordination framework using few-shot reinforcement learning. This approach allows the agent to adjust a third-person camera to actively observe the environment based on the task goal, and subsequently infer the appropriate manipulation actions.We trained and evaluated our model on 8 viewpoint-constrained tasks in RLBench. The results demonstrate that our model consistently outperforms baseline algorithms, showcasing its effectiveness in handling visual constraints in manipulation tasks.
♻ ☆ HOLA-Drone: Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning for Zero-Shot Multi-Drone Cooperative Pursuit
Zero-shot coordination (ZSC) is a significant challenge in multi-agent collaboration, aiming to develop agents that can coordinate with unseen partners they have not encountered before. Recent cutting-edge ZSC methods have primarily focused on two-player video games such as OverCooked!2 and Hanabi. In this paper, we extend the scope of ZSC research to the multi-drone cooperative pursuit scenario, exploring how to construct a drone agent capable of coordinating with multiple unseen partners to capture multiple evaders. We propose a novel Hypergraphic Open-ended Learning Algorithm (HOLA-Drone) that continuously adapts the learning objective based on our hypergraphic-form game modeling, aiming to improve cooperative abilities with multiple unknown drone teammates. To empirically verify the effectiveness of HOLA-Drone, we build two different unseen drone teammate pools to evaluate their performance in coordination with various unseen partners. The experimental results demonstrate that HOLA-Drone outperforms the baseline methods in coordination with unseen drone teammates. Furthermore, real-world experiments validate the feasibility of HOLA-Drone in physical systems. Videos can be found on the project homepage~\url{}.
comment: 10 pages
♻ ☆ Whale Detection Enhancement through Synthetic Satellite Images
With a number of marine populations in rapid decline, collecting and analyzing data about marine populations has become increasingly important to develop effective conservation policies for a wide range of marine animals, including whales. Modern computer vision algorithms allow us to detect whales in images in a wide range of domains, further speeding up and enhancing the monitoring process. However, these algorithms heavily rely on large training datasets, which are challenging and time-consuming to collect particularly in marine or aquatic environments. Recent advances in AI however have made it possible to synthetically create datasets for training machine learning algorithms, thus enabling new solutions that were not possible before. In this work, we present a solution - SeaDroneSim2 benchmark suite, which addresses this challenge by generating aerial, and satellite synthetic image datasets to improve the detection of whales and reduce the effort required for training data collection. We show that we can achieve a 15% performance boost on whale detection compared to using the real data alone for training, by augmenting a 10% real data. We open source both the code of the simulation platform SeaDroneSim2 and the dataset generated through it.
♻ ☆ FlightBench: Benchmarking Learning-based Methods for Ego-vision-based Quadrotors Navigation
Ego-vision-based navigation in cluttered environments is crucial for mobile systems, particularly agile quadrotors. While learning-based methods have shown promise recently, head-to-head comparisons with cutting-edge optimization-based approaches are scarce, leaving open the question of where and to what extent they truly excel. In this paper, we introduce FlightBench, the first comprehensive benchmark that implements various learning-based methods for ego-vision-based navigation and evaluates them against mainstream optimization-based baselines using a broad set of performance metrics. Additionally, we develop a suite of criteria to assess scenario difficulty and design test cases that span different levels of difficulty based on these criteria. Our results show that while learning-based methods excel in high-speed flight and faster inference, they struggle with challenging scenarios like sharp corners or view occlusion. Analytical experiments validate the correlation between our difficulty criteria and flight performance. We hope this benchmark and these criteria will drive future advancements in learning-based navigation for ego-vision quadrotors. The source code and documentation is available at \url{}.
comment: The first three authors contribute equally
♻ ☆ Kinodynamic Motion Planning for a Team of Multirotors Transporting a Cable-Suspended Payload in Cluttered Environments IROS
We propose a motion planner for cable-driven payload transportation using multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in an environment cluttered with obstacles. Our planner is kinodynamic, i.e., it considers the full dynamics model of the transporting system including actuation constraints. Due to the high dimensionality of the planning problem, we use a hierarchical approach where we first solve the geometric motion planning using a sampling-based method with a novel sampler, followed by constrained trajectory optimization that considers the full dynamics of the system. Both planning stages consider inter-robot and robot/obstacle collisions. We demonstrate in a software-in-the-loop simulation and real flight experiments that there is a significant benefit in kinodynamic motion planning for such payload transport systems with respect to payload tracking error and energy consumption compared to the standard methods of planning for the payload alone. Notably, we observe a significantly higher success rate in scenarios where the team formation changes are needed to move through tight spaces.
comment: Accepted by IROS, 2024
♻ ☆ Multi-Agent Obstacle Avoidance using Velocity Obstacles and Control Barrier Functions
Velocity Obstacles (VO) methods form a paradigm for collision avoidance strategies among moving obstacles and agents. While VO methods perform well in simple multi-agent environments, they don't guarantee safety and can show overly conservative behavior in common situations. In this paper, we propose to combine a VO-strategy for guidance with a CBF-approach for safety, which overcomes the overly conservative behavior of VOs and formally guarantees safety. We validate our method in a baseline comparison study, using 2nd order integrator and car-like dynamics. Results support that our method outperforms the baselines w.r.t. path smoothness, collision avoidance, and success rates.
♻ ☆ PUMA: Deep Metric Imitation Learning for Stable Motion Primitives
Imitation Learning (IL) is a powerful technique for intuitive robotic programming. However, ensuring the reliability of learned behaviors remains a challenge. In the context of reaching motions, a robot should consistently reach its goal, regardless of its initial conditions. To meet this requirement, IL methods often employ specialized function approximators that guarantee this property by construction. Although effective, these approaches come with a set of limitations: 1) they are unable to fully exploit the capabilities of modern Deep Neural Network (DNN) architectures, 2) some are restricted in the family of motions they can model, resulting in suboptimal IL capabilities, and 3) they require explicit extensions to account for the geometry of motions that consider orientations. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel stability loss function, drawing inspiration from the triplet loss used in the deep metric learning literature. This loss does not constrain the DNN's architecture and enables learning policies that yield accurate results. Furthermore, it is not restricted to a specific state space geometry; therefore, it can easily incorporate the geometry of the robot's state space. We provide a proof of the stability properties induced by this loss and empirically validate our method in various settings. These settings include Euclidean and non-Euclidean state spaces, as well as first-order and second-order motions, both in simulation and with real robots. More details about the experimental results can be found in:
comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables
♻ ☆ Velocity Driven Vision: Asynchronous Sensor Fusion Birds Eye View Models for Autonomous Vehicles
Fusing different sensor modalities can be a difficult task, particularly if they are asynchronous. Asynchronisation may arise due to long processing times or improper synchronisation during calibration, and there must exist a way to still utilise this previous information for the purpose of safe driving, and object detection in ego vehicle/ multi-agent trajectory prediction. Difficulties arise in the fact that the sensor modalities have captured information at different times and also at different positions in space. Therefore, they are not spatially nor temporally aligned. This paper will investigate the challenge of radar and LiDAR sensors being asynchronous relative to the camera sensors, for various time latencies. The spatial alignment will be resolved before lifting into BEV space via the transformation of the radar/LiDAR point clouds into the new ego frame coordinate system. Only after this can we concatenate the radar/LiDAR point cloud and lifted camera features. Temporal alignment will be remedied for radar data only, we will implement a novel method of inferring the future radar point positions using the velocity information. Our approach to resolving the issue of sensor asynchrony yields promising results. We demonstrate velocity information can drastically improve IoU for asynchronous datasets, as for a time latency of 360 milliseconds (ms), IoU improves from 49.54 to 53.63. Additionally, for a time latency of 550ms, the camera+radar (C+R) model outperforms the camera+LiDAR (C+L) model by 0.18 IoU. This is an advancement in utilising the often-neglected radar sensor modality, which is less favoured than LiDAR for autonomous driving purposes.
comment: This paper is a preprint of a paper submitted to the 26th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP 2024). If accepted, the copy of record will be available at IET Digital Library
♻ ☆ Toward General-Purpose Robots via Foundation Models: A Survey and Meta-Analysis
Building general-purpose robots that operate seamlessly in any environment, with any object, and utilizing various skills to complete diverse tasks has been a long-standing goal in Artificial Intelligence. However, as a community, we have been constraining most robotic systems by designing them for specific tasks, training them on specific datasets, and deploying them within specific environments. These systems require extensively-labeled data and task-specific models. When deployed in real-world scenarios, such systems face several generalization issues and struggle to remain robust to distribution shifts. Motivated by the impressive open-set performance and content generation capabilities of web-scale, large-capacity pre-trained models (i.e., foundation models) in research fields such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV), we devote this survey to exploring (i) how these existing foundation models from NLP and CV can be applied to the field of general-purpose robotics, and also exploring (ii) what a robotics-specific foundation model would look like. We begin by providing a generalized formulation of how foundation models are used in robotics, and the fundamental barriers to making generalist robots universally applicable. Next, we establish a taxonomy to discuss current work exploring ways to leverage existing foundation models for robotics and develop ones catered to robotics. Finally, we discuss key challenges and promising future directions in using foundation models for enabling general-purpose robotic systems. We encourage readers to view our living GitHub repository 2 of resources, including papers reviewed in this survey, as well as related projects and repositories for developing foundation models for robotics.
♻ ☆ DROP: Dexterous Reorientation via Online Planning ICRA 2025
Achieving human-like dexterity is a longstanding challenge in robotics, in part due to the complexity of planning and control for contact-rich systems. In reinforcement learning (RL), one popular approach has been to use massively-parallelized, domain-randomized simulations to learn a policy offline over a vast array of contact conditions, allowing robust sim-to-real transfer. Inspired by recent advances in real-time parallel simulation, this work considers instead the viability of online planning methods for contact-rich manipulation by studying the well-known in-hand cube reorientation task. We propose a simple architecture that employs a sampling-based predictive controller and vision-based pose estimator to search for contact-rich control actions online. We conduct thorough experiments to assess the real-world performance of our method, architectural design choices, and key factors for robustness, demonstrating that our simple sampling-based approach achieves performance comparable to prior RL-based works. Supplemental material:
comment: Extended version. Submitted to ICRA 2025
Robotics 77
☆ Continuously Improving Mobile Manipulation with Autonomous Real-World RL
We present a fully autonomous real-world RL framework for mobile manipulation that can learn policies without extensive instrumentation or human supervision. This is enabled by 1) task-relevant autonomy, which guides exploration towards object interactions and prevents stagnation near goal states, 2) efficient policy learning by leveraging basic task knowledge in behavior priors, and 3) formulating generic rewards that combine human-interpretable semantic information with low-level, fine-grained observations. We demonstrate that our approach allows Spot robots to continually improve their performance on a set of four challenging mobile manipulation tasks, obtaining an average success rate of 80% across tasks, a 3-4 improvement over existing approaches. Videos can be found at
comment: CoRL 2024. Website at
☆ LaMMA-P: Generalizable Multi-Agent Long-Horizon Task Allocation and Planning with LM-Driven PDDL Planner
Language models (LMs) possess a strong capability to comprehend natural language, making them effective in translating human instructions into detailed plans for simple robot tasks. Nevertheless, it remains a significant challenge to handle long-horizon tasks, especially in subtask identification and allocation for cooperative heterogeneous robot teams. To address this issue, we propose a Language Model-Driven Multi-Agent PDDL Planner (LaMMA-P), a novel multi-agent task planning framework that achieves state-of-the-art performance on long-horizon tasks. LaMMA-P integrates the strengths of the LMs' reasoning capability and the traditional heuristic search planner to achieve a high success rate and efficiency while demonstrating strong generalization across tasks. Additionally, we create MAT-THOR, a comprehensive benchmark that features household tasks with two different levels of complexity based on the AI2-THOR environment. The experimental results demonstrate that LaMMA-P achieves a 105% higher success rate and 36% higher efficiency than existing LM-based multi-agent planners. The experimental videos, code, and datasets of this work as well as the detailed prompts used in each module are available at
comment: Project website:
☆ Online identification of skidding modes with interactive multiple model estimation
Skid-steered wheel mobile robots (SSWMRs) operate in a variety of outdoor environments exhibiting motion behaviors dominated by the effects of complex wheel-ground interactions. Characterizing these interactions is crucial both from the immediate robot autonomy perspective (for motion prediction and control) as well as a long-term predictive maintenance and diagnostics perspective. An ideal solution entails capturing precise state measurements for decisions and controls, which is considerably difficult, especially in increasingly unstructured outdoor regimes of operations for these robots. In this milieu, a framework to identify pre-determined discrete modes of operation can considerably simplify the motion model identification process. To this end, we propose an interactive multiple model (IMM) based filtering framework to probabilistically identify predefined robot operation modes that could arise due to traversal in different terrains or loss of wheel traction.
☆ UniAff: A Unified Representation of Affordances for Tool Usage and Articulation with Vision-Language Models
Previous studies on robotic manipulation are based on a limited understanding of the underlying 3D motion constraints and affordances. To address these challenges, we propose a comprehensive paradigm, termed UniAff, that integrates 3D object-centric manipulation and task understanding in a unified formulation. Specifically, we constructed a dataset labeled with manipulation-related key attributes, comprising 900 articulated objects from 19 categories and 600 tools from 12 categories. Furthermore, we leverage MLLMs to infer object-centric representations for manipulation tasks, including affordance recognition and reasoning about 3D motion constraints. Comprehensive experiments in both simulation and real-world settings indicate that UniAff significantly improves the generalization of robotic manipulation for tools and articulated objects. We hope that UniAff will serve as a general baseline for unified robotic manipulation tasks in the future. Images, videos, dataset, and code are published on the project website at:
☆ Robi Butler: Remote Multimodal Interactions with Household Robot Assistant
In this paper, we introduce Robi Butler, a novel household robotic system that enables multimodal interactions with remote users. Building on the advanced communication interfaces, Robi Butler allows users to monitor the robot's status, send text or voice instructions, and select target objects by hand pointing. At the core of our system is a high-level behavior module, powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), that interprets multimodal instructions to generate action plans. These plans are composed of a set of open vocabulary primitives supported by Vision Language Models (VLMs) that handle both text and pointing queries. The integration of the above components allows Robi Butler to ground remote multimodal instructions in the real-world home environment in a zero-shot manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of this system using a variety of daily household tasks that involve remote users giving multimodal instructions. Additionally, we conducted a user study to analyze how multimodal interactions affect efficiency and user experience during remote human-robot interaction and discuss the potential improvements.
☆ Visual collective behaviors on spherical robots
The implementation of collective motion, traditionally, disregard the limited sensing capabilities of an individual, to instead assuming an omniscient perception of the environment. This study implements a visual flocking model in a ``robot-in-the-loop'' approach to reproduce these behaviors with a flock composed of 10 independent spherical robots. The model achieves robotic collective motion by only using panoramic visual information of each robot, such as retinal position, optical size and optic flow of the neighboring robots. We introduce a virtual anchor to confine the collective robotic movements so to avoid wall interactions. For the first time, a simple visual robot-in-the-loop approach succeed in reproducing several collective motion phases, in particular, swarming, and milling. Another milestone achieved with by this model is bridging the gap between simulation and physical experiments by demonstrating nearly identical behaviors in both environments with the same visual model. To conclude, we show that our minimal visual collective motion model is sufficient to recreate most collective behaviors on a robot-in-the-loop system that is scalable, behaves as numerical simulations predict and is easily comparable to traditional models.
comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, journal bioinspired and biomimetics
☆ Scaling Proprioceptive-Visual Learning with Heterogeneous Pre-trained Transformers
One of the roadblocks for training generalist robotic models today is heterogeneity. Previous robot learning methods often collect data to train with one specific embodiment for one task, which is expensive and prone to overfitting. This work studies the problem of learning policy representations through heterogeneous pre-training on robot data across different embodiments and tasks at scale. We propose Heterogeneous Pre-trained Transformers (HPT), which pre-train a large, shareable trunk of a policy neural network to learn a task and embodiment agnostic shared representation. This general architecture aligns the specific proprioception and vision inputs from distinct embodiments to a short sequence of tokens and then processes such tokens to map to control robots for different tasks. Leveraging the recent large-scale multi-embodiment real-world robotic datasets as well as simulation, deployed robots, and human video datasets, we investigate pre-training policies across heterogeneity. We conduct experiments to investigate the scaling behaviors of training objectives, to the extent of 52 datasets. HPTs outperform several baselines and enhance the fine-tuned policy performance by over 20% on unseen tasks in multiple simulator benchmarks and real-world settings. See the project website ( for code and videos.
comment: See the project website ( for code and videos
☆ Bi-directional Momentum-based Haptic Feedback and Control System for Dexterous Telemanipulation
Haptic feedback is essential for dexterous telemanipulation that enables operators to control robotic hands remotely with high skill and precision, mimicking a human hand's natural movement and sensation. However, current haptic methods for dexterous telemanipulation cannot support torque feedback, resulting in object rotation and rolling mismatches. The operator must make tedious adjustments in these tasks, leading to delays, reduced situational awareness, and suboptimal task performance. This work presents a Bi-directional Momentum-based Haptic Feedback and Control (Bi-Hap) system for real-time dexterous telemanipulation. Bi-Hap integrates multi-modal sensors to extract human interactive information with the object and share it with the robot's learning-based controller. A Field-Oriented Control (FOC) algorithm is developed to enable the integrated brushless active momentum wheel to generate precise torque and vibrative feedback, bridging the gap between human intent and robotic actions. Different feedback strategies are designed for varying error states to align with the operator's intuition. Extensive experiments with human subjects using a virtual Shadow Dexterous Hand demonstrate the effectiveness of Bi-Hap in enhancing task performance and user confidence. Bi-Hap achieved real-time feedback capability with low command following latency (delay<0.025s) and highly accurate torque feedback (RMSE<0.010 Nm).
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Opt2Skill: Imitating Dynamically-feasible Whole-Body Trajectories for Versatile Humanoid Loco-Manipulation
Humanoid robots are designed to perform diverse loco-manipulation tasks. However, they face challenges due to their high-dimensional and unstable dynamics, as well as the complex contact-rich nature of the tasks. Model-based optimal control methods offer precise and systematic control but are limited by high computational complexity and accurate contact sensing. On the other hand, reinforcement learning (RL) provides robustness and handles high-dimensional spaces but suffers from inefficient learning, unnatural motion, and sim-to-real gaps. To address these challenges, we introduce Opt2Skill, an end-to-end pipeline that combines model-based trajectory optimization with RL to achieve robust whole-body loco-manipulation. We generate reference motions for the Digit humanoid robot using differential dynamic programming (DDP) and train RL policies to track these trajectories. Our results demonstrate that Opt2Skill outperforms pure RL methods in both training efficiency and task performance, with optimal trajectories that account for torque limits enhancing trajectory tracking. We successfully transfer our approach to real-world applications.
☆ Evaluating the Impact of Convolutional Neural Network Layer Depth on the Enhancement of Inertial Navigation System Solutions
Secure navigation is pivotal for several applications including autonomous vehicles, robotics, and aviation. The inertial navigation system estimates position, velocity, and attitude through dead reckoning especially when external references like GPS are unavailable. However, the three accelerometers and three gyroscopes that compose the system are exposed to various types of errors including bias errors, scale factor errors, and noise, which can significantly degrade the accuracy of navigation constituting also a key vulnerability of this system. This work aims to adopt a supervised convolutional neural network (ConvNet) to address this vulnerability inherent in inertial navigation systems. In addition to this, this paper evaluates the impact of the ConvNet layer's depth on the accuracy of these corrections. This evaluation aims to determine the optimal layer configuration maximizing the effectiveness of error correction in INS (Inertial Navigation System) leading to precise navigation solutions.
☆ Impact of Tactile Sensor Quantities and Placements on Learning-based Dexterous Manipulation
Tactile information effectively enables faster training and better task performance for learning-based in-hand manipulation. Existing approaches are validated in simulated environments with a large number of tactile sensors. However, attaching such sensors to a real robot hand is not applicable due to high cost and physical limitations. To enable real-world adoption of tactile sensors, this study investigates the impact of tactile sensors, including their varying quantities and placements on robot hands, on the dexterous manipulation task performance and analyzes the importance of each. Through empirically decreasing the sensor quantities, we successfully find an optimized set of tactile sensors (21 sensors) configuration, which keeps over 93% task performance with only 20% sensor quantities compared to the original set (92 sensors) for the block manipulation task, leading to a potential reduction of over 80% in sensor manufacturing and design costs. To transform the empirical results into a generalizable understanding, we build a task performance prediction model with a weighted linear regression algorithm and use it to forecast the task performance with different sensor configurations. To show its generalizability, we verified this model in egg and pen manipulation tasks and achieved an average prediction error of 3.12%.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Robot Navigation Using Physically Grounded Vision-Language Models in Outdoor Environments
We present a novel autonomous robot navigation algorithm for outdoor environments that is capable of handling diverse terrain traversability conditions. Our approach, VLM-GroNav, uses vision-language models (VLMs) and integrates them with physical grounding that is used to assess intrinsic terrain properties such as deformability and slipperiness. We use proprioceptive-based sensing, which provides direct measurements of these physical properties, and enhances the overall semantic understanding of the terrains. Our formulation uses in-context learning to ground the VLM's semantic understanding with proprioceptive data to allow dynamic updates of traversability estimates based on the robot's real-time physical interactions with the environment. We use the updated traversability estimations to inform both the local and global planners for real-time trajectory replanning. We validate our method on a legged robot (Ghost Vision 60) and a wheeled robot (Clearpath Husky), in diverse real-world outdoor environments with different deformable and slippery terrains. In practice, we observe significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods by up to 50% increase in navigation success rate.
☆ ALLO: A Photorealistic Dataset and Data Generation Pipeline for Anomaly Detection During Robotic Proximity Operations in Lunar Orbit ICRA'25
NASA's forthcoming Lunar Gateway space station, which will be uncrewed most of the time, will need to operate with an unprecedented level of autonomy. Enhancing autonomy on the Gateway presents several unique challenges, one of which is to equip the Canadarm3, the Gateway's external robotic system, with the capability to perform worksite monitoring. Monitoring will involve using the arm's inspection cameras to detect any anomalies within the operating environment, a task complicated by the widely-varying lighting conditions in space. In this paper, we introduce the visual anomaly detection and localization task for space applications and establish a benchmark with our novel synthetic dataset called ALLO (for Anomaly Localization in Lunar Orbit). We develop a complete data generation pipeline to create ALLO, which we use to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art visual anomaly detection algorithms. Given the low tolerance for risk during space operations and the lack of relevant data, we emphasize the need for novel, robust, and accurate anomaly detection methods to handle the challenging visual conditions found in lunar orbit and beyond.
comment: Submitted to International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'25), Atlanta, USA, May 19-23, 2025
☆ Multi-Robot Target Monitoring and Encirclement via Triggered Distributed Feedback Optimization
We design a distributed feedback optimization strategy, embedded into a modular ROS 2 control architecture, which allows a team of heterogeneous robots to cooperatively monitor and encircle a target while patrolling points of interest. Relying on the aggregative feedback optimization framework, we handle multi-robot dynamics while minimizing a global performance index depending on both microscopic (e.g., the location of single robots) and macroscopic variables (e.g., the spatial distribution of the team). The proposed distributed policy allows the robots to cooperatively address the global problem by employing only local measurements and neighboring data exchanges. These exchanges are performed through an asynchronous communication protocol ruled by locally-verifiable triggering conditions. We formally prove that our strategy steers the robots to a set of configurations representing stationary points of the considered optimization problem. The effectiveness and scalability of the overall strategy are tested via Monte Carlo campaigns of realistic Webots ROS 2 virtual experiments. Finally, the applicability of our solution is shown with real experiments on ground and aerial robots.
☆ Automation from the Worker's Perspective
Common narratives about automation often pit new technologies against workers. The introduction of advanced machine tools, industrial robots, and AI have all been met with concern that technological progress will mean fewer jobs. However, workers themselves offer a more optimistic, nuanced perspective. Drawing on a far-reaching 2024 survey of more than 9,000 workers across nine countries, this paper finds that more workers report potential benefits from new technologies like robots and AI for their safety and comfort at work, their pay, and their autonomy on the job than report potential costs. Workers with jobs that ask them to solve complex problems, workers who feel valued by their employers, and workers who are motivated to move up in their careers are all more likely to see new technologies as beneficial. In contrast to assumptions in previous research, more formal education is in some cases associated with more negative attitudes toward automation and its impact on work. In an experimental setting, the prospect of financial incentives for workers improve their perceptions of automation technologies, whereas the prospect of increased input about how new technologies are used does not have a significant effect on workers' attitudes toward automation.
☆ Efficient Driving Behavior Narration and Reasoning on Edge Device Using Large Language Models
Deep learning architectures with powerful reasoning capabilities have driven significant advancements in autonomous driving technology. Large language models (LLMs) applied in this field can describe driving scenes and behaviors with a level of accuracy similar to human perception, particularly in visual tasks. Meanwhile, the rapid development of edge computing, with its advantage of proximity to data sources, has made edge devices increasingly important in autonomous driving. Edge devices process data locally, reducing transmission delays and bandwidth usage, and achieving faster response times. In this work, we propose a driving behavior narration and reasoning framework that applies LLMs to edge devices. The framework consists of multiple roadside units, with LLMs deployed on each unit. These roadside units collect road data and communicate via 5G NSR/NR networks. Our experiments show that LLMs deployed on edge devices can achieve satisfactory response speeds. Additionally, we propose a prompt strategy to enhance the narration and reasoning performance of the system. This strategy integrates multi-modal information, including environmental, agent, and motion data. Experiments conducted on the OpenDV-Youtube dataset demonstrate that our approach significantly improves performance across both tasks.
comment: Submitted for possible journal publication
☆ Design, manufacturing, and inverse dynamic modeling of soft parallel robots actuated by dielectric elastomer actuators
Soft parallel robots with their manipulation safety and low commercial cost show a promising future for delicate operations and safe human-robot interactions. However, promoting the use of electroactive polymers (EAPs) is still challenging due to the under-improving quality of the product and the dynamic modelling of the collaborations between multiple actuators. This article presents the design, fabrication, modelling and control of a parallel kinematics Delta robot actuated by dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs). The trade-off between the actuation force and stroke is retaken by an angular stroke amplification mechanism, and the weight of the robot frame is reduced by utilizing 3D puzzling strip structures. A generic way of constructing a high-stability conductive paint on a silicon-based film has been achieved by laser scanning the DE-film and then sandwiching a conductive particle-based electrode with a paint which is mixed by the particles and photosensitive resin. Compared to the wildly used carbon grease, the fabricated electrode shows a higher consistency in its dynamic behaviour before and after the on-stand test. Finally, to predict the output force and inverse motion of the robot end effector, we constructed the inverse dynamic model by introducing an expanded Bergstrom-Boyce model to the constitutive behavior of the dielectric film. The experimental results show a prediction of robot output force with RSME of 12.4% when the end effector remains stationary, and a well-followed trajectory with less than RSME 2.5%.
comment: 17 pages, 12 figures
☆ RL-GSBridge: 3D Gaussian Splatting Based Real2Sim2Real Method for Robotic Manipulation Learning ICRA2025
Sim-to-Real refers to the process of transferring policies learned in simulation to the real world, which is crucial for achieving practical robotics applications. However, recent Sim2real methods either rely on a large amount of augmented data or large learning models, which is inefficient for specific tasks. In recent years, radiance field-based reconstruction methods, especially the emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting, making it possible to reproduce realistic real-world scenarios. To this end, we propose a novel real-to-sim-to-real reinforcement learning framework, RL-GSBridge, which introduces a mesh-based 3D Gaussian Splatting method to realize zero-shot sim-to-real transfer for vision-based deep reinforcement learning. We improve the mesh-based 3D GS modeling method by using soft binding constraints, enhancing the rendering quality of mesh models. We then employ a GS editing approach to synchronize rendering with the physics simulator, reflecting the interactions of the physical robot more accurately. Through a series of sim-to-real robotic arm experiments, including grasping and pick-and-place tasks, we demonstrate that RL-GSBridge maintains a satisfactory success rate in real-world task completion during sim-to-real transfer. Furthermore, a series of rendering metrics and visualization results indicate that our proposed mesh-based 3D Gaussian reduces artifacts in unstructured objects, demonstrating more realistic rendering performance.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, under review by ICRA2025
☆ Distributed NeRF Learning for Collaborative Multi-Robot Perception
Effective environment perception is crucial for enabling downstream robotic applications. Individual robotic agents often face occlusion and limited visibility issues, whereas multi-agent systems can offer a more comprehensive mapping of the environment, quicker coverage, and increased fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose a collaborative multi-agent perception system where agents collectively learn a neural radiance field (NeRF) from posed RGB images to represent a scene. Each agent processes its local sensory data and shares only its learned NeRF model with other agents, reducing communication overhead. Given NeRF's low memory footprint, this approach is well-suited for robotic systems with limited bandwidth, where transmitting all raw data is impractical. Our distributed learning framework ensures consistency across agents' local NeRF models, enabling convergence to a unified scene representation. We show the effectiveness of our method through an extensive set of experiments on datasets containing challenging real-world scenes, achieving performance comparable to centralized mapping of the environment where data is sent to a central server for processing. Additionally, we find that multi-agent learning provides regularization benefits, improving geometric consistency in scenarios with sparse input views. We show that in such scenarios, multi-agent mapping can even outperform centralized training.
☆ Self-Assessment of Evidential Grid Map Fusion for Robust Motion Planning
Conflicting sensor measurements pose a huge problem for the environment representation of an autonomous robot. Therefore, in this paper, we address the self-assessment of an evidential grid map in which data from conflicting LiDAR sensor measurements are fused, followed by methods for robust motion planning under these circumstances. First, conflicting measurements aggregated in Subjective-Logic-based evidential grid maps are classified. Then, a self-assessment framework evaluates these conflicts and estimates their severity for the overall system by calculating a degradation score. This enables the detection of calibration errors and insufficient sensor setups. In contrast to other motion planning approaches, the information gained from the evidential grid maps is further used inside our proposed path-planning algorithm. Here, the impact of conflicting measurements on the current motion plan is evaluated, and a robust and curious path-planning strategy is derived to plan paths under the influence of conflicting data. This ensures that the system integrity is maintained in severely degraded environment representations which can prevent the unnecessary abortion of planning tasks.
comment: Oliver Schumann, Thomas Wodtko, Michael Buchholz, Klaus Dietmayer
☆ Active Neural Mapping at Scale
We introduce a NeRF-based active mapping system that enables efficient and robust exploration of large-scale indoor environments. The key to our approach is the extraction of a generalized Voronoi graph (GVG) from the continually updated neural map, leading to the synergistic integration of scene geometry, appearance, topology, and uncertainty. Anchoring uncertain areas induced by the neural map to the vertices of GVG allows the exploration to undergo adaptive granularity along a safe path that traverses unknown areas efficiently. Harnessing a modern hybrid NeRF representation, the proposed system achieves competitive results in terms of reconstruction accuracy, coverage completeness, and exploration efficiency even when scaling up to large indoor environments. Extensive results at different scales validate the efficacy of the proposed system.
☆ Self-Assessment and Correction of Sensor Synchronization
We propose an approach to assess the synchronization of rigidly mounted sensors based on their rotational motion. Using function similarity measures combined with a sliding window approach, our approach is capable of estimating time-varying time offsets. Further, the estimated offset allows the correction of erroneously assigned time stamps on measurements. This mitigates the effect of synchronization issues on subsequent modules in autonomous software stacks, such as tracking systems that heavily rely on accurate measurement time stamps. Additionally, a self-assessment based on an uncertainty measure is derived, and correction strategies are described. Our approach is evaluated with Monte Carlo experiments containing different error patterns. The results show that our approach accurately estimates time offsets and, thus, is able to detect and assess synchronization issues. To further embrace the importance of our approach for autonomous systems, we investigate the effect of synchronization inconsistencies in tracking systems in more detail and demonstrate the beneficial effect of our proposed offset correction.
☆ Bi-stable thin soft robot for in-plane locomotion in narrow space
Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs), also recognized as artificial muscle, have been widely developed for the soft locomotion robot. With the complaint skeleton and miniaturized dimension, they are well suited for the narrow space inspection. In this work, we propose a novel low profile (1.1mm) and lightweight (1.8g) bi-stable in-plane DEA (Bi-DEA) constructed by supporting a dielectric elastomer onto a flat bi-stable mechanism. It has an amplified displacement and output force compared with the in-plane DEA (I-DEA) without the bi-stable mechanism. Then, the Bi-DEA is applied to a thin soft robot, using three electrostatic adhesive pads (EA-Pads) as anchoring elements. This robot is capable of crawling and climbing to access millimetre-scale narrow gaps. A theoretical model of the bi-stable mechanism and the DEA are presented. The enhanced performance of the Bi-DEA induced by the mechanism is experimentally validated. EA-Pad provides the adhesion between the actuator and the locomotion substrate, allowing crawling and climbing on various surfaces, i.e., paper and acrylic. The thin soft robot has been demonstrated to be capable of crawling through a 4mm narrow gap with a speed up to 3.3mm/s (0.07 body length per second and 2.78 body thickness per second).
comment: 8 pages, 12 figures
☆ Feature Extractor or Decision Maker: Rethinking the Role of Visual Encoders in Visuomotor Policies
An end-to-end (E2E) visuomotor policy is typically treated as a unified whole, but recent approaches using out-of-domain (OOD) data to pretrain the visual encoder have cleanly separated the visual encoder from the network, with the remainder referred to as the policy. We propose Visual Alignment Testing, an experimental framework designed to evaluate the validity of this functional separation. Our results indicate that in E2E-trained models, visual encoders actively contribute to decision-making resulting from motor data supervision, contradicting the assumed functional separation. In contrast, OOD-pretrained models, where encoders lack this capability, experience an average performance drop of 42% in our benchmark results, compared to the state-of-the-art performance achieved by E2E policies. We believe this initial exploration of visual encoders' role can provide a first step towards guiding future pretraining methods to address their decision-making ability, such as developing task-conditioned or context-aware encoders.
☆ Co-Movement and Trust Development in Human-Robot Teams
For humans and robots to form an effective human-robot team (HRT) there must be sufficient trust between team members throughout a mission. We analyze data from an HRT experiment focused on trust dynamics in teams of one human and two robots, where trust was manipulated by robots becoming temporarily unresponsive. Whole-body movement tracking was achieved using ultrasound beacons, alongside communications and performance logs from a human-robot interface. We find evidence that synchronization between time series of human-robot movement, within a certain spatial proximity, is correlated with changes in self-reported trust. This suggests that the interplay of proxemics and kinesics, i.e. moving together through space, where implicit communication via coordination can occur, could play a role in building and maintaining trust in human-robot teams. Thus, quantitative indicators of coordination dynamics between team members could be used to predict trust over time and also provide early warning signals of the need for timely trust repair if trust is damaged. Hence, we aim to develop the metrology of trust in mobile human-robot teams.
☆ Active Listener: Continuous Generation of Listener's Head Motion Response in Dyadic Interactions
A key component of dyadic spoken interactions is the contextually relevant non-verbal gestures, such as head movements that reflect a listener's response to the interlocutor's speech. Although significant progress has been made in the context of generating co-speech gestures, generating listener's response has remained a challenge. We introduce the task of generating continuous head motion response of a listener in response to the speaker's speech in real time. To this end, we propose a graph-based end-to-end crossmodal model that takes interlocutor's speech audio as input and directly generates head pose angles (roll, pitch, yaw) of the listener in real time. Different from previous work, our approach is completely data-driven, does not require manual annotations or oversimplify head motion to merely nods and shakes. Extensive evaluation on the dyadic interaction sessions on the IEMOCAP dataset shows that our model produces a low overall error (4.5 degrees) and a high frame rate, thereby indicating its deployability in real-world human-robot interaction systems. Our code is available at -
comment: 4+1 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
☆ Boosting Safe Human-Robot Collaboration Through Adaptive Collision Sensitivity ICRA 2025
What is considered safe for a robot operator during physical human-robot collaboration (HRC) is specified in corresponding HRC standards (e.g., the European ISO/TS 15066). The regime that allows collisions between the moving robot and the operator, called Power and Force Limiting (PFL), restricts the permissible contact forces. Using the same fixed contact thresholds on the entire robot surface results in significant and unnecessary productivity losses, as the robot needs to stop even when impact forces are within limits. Here we present a framework for setting the protective skin thresholds individually for different parts of the robot body and dynamically on the fly, based on the effective mass of each robot link and the link velocity. We perform experiments on a 6-axis collaborative robot arm (UR10e) completely covered with a sensitive skin (AIRSKIN) consisting of eleven individual pads. On a mock pick-and-place scenario with both transient and quasi-static collisions, we demonstrate how skin sensitivity influences the task performance and exerted force. We show an increase in productivity of almost 50% from the most conservative setting of collision thresholds to the most adaptive setting, while ensuring safety for human operators. The method is applicable to any robot for which the effective mass can be calculated.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ ILeSiA: Interactive Learning of Situational Awareness from Camera Input
Learning from demonstration is a promising way of teaching robots new skills. However, a central problem when executing acquired skills is to recognize risks and failures. This is essential since the demonstrations usually cover only a few mostly successful cases. Inevitable errors during execution require specific reactions that were not apparent in the demonstrations. In this paper, we focus on teaching the robot situational awareness from an initial skill demonstration via kinesthetic teaching and sparse labeling of autonomous skill executions as safe or risky. At runtime, our system, called ILeSiA, detects risks based on the perceived camera images by encoding the images into a low-dimensional latent space representation and training a classifier based on the encoding and the provided labels. In this way, ILeSiA boosts the confidence and safety with which robotic skills can be executed. Our experiments demonstrate that classifiers, trained with only a small amount of user-provided data, can successfully detect numerous risks. The system is flexible because the risk cases are defined by labeling data. This also means that labels can be added as soon as risks are identified by a human supervisor. We provide all code and data required to reproduce our experiments at
comment: 7 pages, 8 figures
☆ GravMAD: Grounded Spatial Value Maps Guided Action Diffusion for Generalized 3D Manipulation
Robots' ability to follow language instructions and execute diverse 3D tasks is vital in robot learning. Traditional imitation learning-based methods perform well on seen tasks but struggle with novel, unseen ones due to variability. Recent approaches leverage large foundation models to assist in understanding novel tasks, thereby mitigating this issue. However, these methods lack a task-specific learning process, which is essential for an accurate understanding of 3D environments, often leading to execution failures. In this paper, we introduce GravMAD, a sub-goal-driven, language-conditioned action diffusion framework that combines the strengths of imitation learning and foundation models. Our approach breaks tasks into sub-goals based on language instructions, allowing auxiliary guidance during both training and inference. During training, we introduce Sub-goal Keypose Discovery to identify key sub-goals from demonstrations. Inference differs from training, as there are no demonstrations available, so we use pre-trained foundation models to bridge the gap and identify sub-goals for the current task. In both phases, GravMaps are generated from sub-goals, providing flexible 3D spatial guidance compared to fixed 3D positions. Empirical evaluations on RLBench show that GravMAD significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with a 28.63% improvement on novel tasks and a 13.36% gain on tasks encountered during training. These results demonstrate GravMAD's strong multi-task learning and generalization in 3D manipulation. Video demonstrations are available at:
comment: Under review
☆ Robust Gaussian Splatting SLAM by Leveraging Loop Closure
3D Gaussian Splatting algorithms excel in novel view rendering applications and have been adapted to extend the capabilities of traditional SLAM systems. However, current Gaussian Splatting SLAM methods, designed mainly for hand-held RGB or RGB-D sensors, struggle with tracking drifts when used with rotating RGB-D camera setups. In this paper, we propose a robust Gaussian Splatting SLAM architecture that utilizes inputs from rotating multiple RGB-D cameras to achieve accurate localization and photorealistic rendering performance. The carefully designed Gaussian Splatting Loop Closure module effectively addresses the issue of accumulated tracking and mapping errors found in conventional Gaussian Splatting SLAM systems. First, each Gaussian is associated with an anchor frame and categorized as historical or novel based on its timestamp. By rendering different types of Gaussians at the same viewpoint, the proposed loop detection strategy considers both co-visibility relationships and distinct rendering outcomes. Furthermore, a loop closure optimization approach is proposed to remove camera pose drift and maintain the high quality of 3D Gaussian models. The approach uses a lightweight pose graph optimization algorithm to correct pose drift and updates Gaussians based on the optimized poses. Additionally, a bundle adjustment scheme further refines camera poses using photometric and geometric constraints, ultimately enhancing the global consistency of scenarios. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in camera pose estimation and novel view rendering tasks. The code will be open-sourced for the community.
☆ Robot Design Optimization with Rotational and Prismatic Joints using Black-Box Multi-Objective Optimization IROS2024
Robots generally have a structure that combines rotational joints and links in a serial fashion. On the other hand, various joint mechanisms are being utilized in practice, such as prismatic joints, closed links, and wire-driven systems. Previous research have focused on individual mechanisms, proposing methods to design robots capable of achieving given tasks by optimizing the length of links and the arrangement of the joints. In this study, we propose a method for the design optimization of robots that combine different types of joints, specifically rotational and prismatic joints. The objective is to automatically generate a robot that minimizes the number of joints and link lengths while accomplishing a desired task, by utilizing a black-box multi-objective optimization approach. This enables the simultaneous observation of a diverse range of body designs through the obtained Pareto solutions. Our findings confirm the emergence of practical and known combinations of rotational and prismatic joints, as well as the discovery of novel joint combinations.
comment: Accepted at IROS2024, website -
☆ A Parallel-in-Time Newton's Method for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Model predictive control (MPC) is a powerful framework for optimal control of dynamical systems. However, MPC solvers suffer from a high computational burden that restricts their application to systems with low sampling frequency. This issue is further amplified in nonlinear and constrained systems that require nesting MPC solvers within iterative procedures. In this paper, we address these issues by developing parallel-in-time algorithms for constrained nonlinear optimization problems that take advantage of massively parallel hardware to achieve logarithmic computational time scaling over the planning horizon. We develop time-parallel second-order solvers based on interior point methods and the alternating direction method of multipliers, leveraging fast convergence and lower computational cost per iteration. The parallelization is based on a reformulation of the subproblems in terms of associative operations that can be parallelized using the associative scan algorithm. We validate our approach on numerical examples of nonlinear and constrained dynamical systems.
☆ OccRWKV: Rethinking Efficient 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction with Linear Complexity
3D semantic occupancy prediction networks have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in reconstructing the geometric and semantic structure of 3D scenes, providing crucial information for robot navigation and autonomous driving systems. However, due to their large overhead from dense network structure designs, existing networks face challenges balancing accuracy and latency.In this paper, we introduce OccRWKV, an efficient semantic occupancy network inspired by Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV). OccRWKV separates semantics, occupancy prediction, and feature fusion into distinct branches, each incorporating Sem-RWKV and Geo-RWKV blocks. These blocks are designed to capture long-range dependencies, enabling the network to learn domain-specific representation (i.e., semantics and geometry), which enhances prediction accuracy. Leveraging the sparse nature of real-world 3D occupancy, we reduce computational overhead by projecting features into the bird's-eye view (BEV) space and propose a BEV-RWKV block for efficient feature enhancement and fusion. This enables real-time inference at 22.2 FPS without compromising performance. Experiments demonstrate that OccRWKV outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the SemanticKITTI dataset, achieving a mIoU of 25.1 while being 20 times faster than the best baseline, Co-Occ, making it suitable for real-time deployment on robots to enhance autonomous navigation efficiency. Code and video are available on our project page: \url{}.
☆ A Hybrid Model and Learning-Based Force Estimation Framework for Surgical Robots IROS 2024
Haptic feedback to the surgeon during robotic surgery would enable safer and more immersive surgeries but estimating tissue interaction forces at the tips of robotically controlled surgical instruments has proven challenging. Few existing surgical robots can measure interaction forces directly and the additional sensor may limit the life of instruments. We present a hybrid model and learning-based framework for force estimation for the Patient Side Manipulators (PSM) of a da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK). The model-based component identifies the dynamic parameters of the robot and estimates free-space joint torque, while the learning-based component compensates for environmental factors, such as the additional torque caused by trocar interaction between the PSM instrument and the patient's body wall. We evaluate our method in an abdominal phantom and achieve an error in force estimation of under 10% normalized root-mean-squared error. We show that by using a model-based method to perform dynamics identification, we reduce reliance on the training data covering the entire workspace. Although originally developed for the dVRK, the proposed method is a generalizable framework for other compliant surgical robots. The code is available at
comment: Accepted by IROS 2024
☆ DynORecon: Dynamic Object Reconstruction for Navigation ICRA 2025
This paper presents DynORecon, a Dynamic Object Reconstruction system that leverages the information provided by Dynamic SLAM to simultaneously generate a volumetric map of observed moving entities while estimating free space to support navigation. By capitalising on the motion estimations provided by Dynamic SLAM, DynORecon continuously refines the representation of dynamic objects to eliminate residual artefacts from past observations and incrementally reconstructs each object, seamlessly integrating new observations to capture previously unseen structures. Our system is highly efficient (~20 FPS) and produces accurate (~10 cm) reconstructions of dynamic objects using simulated and real-world outdoor datasets.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Playful DoggyBot: Learning Agile and Precise Quadrupedal Locomotion
Quadrupedal animals have the ability to perform agile while accurate tasks: a trained dog can chase and catch a flying frisbee before it touches the ground; a cat alone at home can jump and grab the door handle accurately. However, agility and precision are usually a trade-off in robotics problems. Recent works in quadruped robots either focus on agile but not-so-accurate tasks, such as locomotion in challenging terrain, or accurate but not-so-fast tasks, such as using an additional manipulator to interact with objects. In this work, we aim at an accurate and agile task, catching a small object hanging above the robot. We mount a passive gripper in front of the robot chassis, so that the robot has to jump and catch the object with extreme precision. Our experiment shows that our system is able to jump and successfully catch the ball at 1.05m high in simulation and 0.8m high in the real world, while the robot is 0.3m high when standing.
☆ A Robotic System for Precision Pollination in Apples: Design, Development and Field Evaluation
Global food production depends upon successful pollination, a process that relies on natural and managed pollinators. However, natural pollinators are declining due to different factors, including climate change, habitat loss, and pesticide use. Thus, developing alternative pollination methods is essential for sustainable crop production. This paper introduces a robotic system for precision pollination in apples, which are not self-pollinating and require precise delivery of pollen to the stigmatic surfaces of the flowers. The proposed robotic system consists of a machine vision system to identify target flowers and a mechatronic system with a 6-DOF UR5e robotic manipulator and an electrostatic sprayer. Field trials of this system in 'Honeycrisp' and 'Fuji' apple orchards have shown promising results, with the ability to pollinate flower clusters at an average spray cycle time of 6.5 seconds. The robotic pollination system has achieved encouraging fruit set and quality, comparable to naturally pollinated fruits in terms of color, weight, diameter, firmness, soluble solids, and starch content. However, the results for fruit set and quality varied between different apple cultivars and pollen concentrations. This study demonstrates the potential for a robotic artificial pollination system to be an efficient and sustainable method for commercial apple production. Further research is needed to refine the system and assess its suitability across diverse orchard environments and apple cultivars.
☆ Towards Effective Utilization of Mixed-Quality Demonstrations in Robotic Manipulation via Segment-Level Selection and Optimization
Data is crucial for robotic manipulation, as it underpins the development of robotic systems for complex tasks. While high-quality, diverse datasets enhance the performance and adaptability of robotic manipulation policies, collecting extensive expert-level data is resource-intensive. Consequently, many current datasets suffer from quality inconsistencies due to operator variability, highlighting the need for methods to utilize mixed-quality data effectively. To mitigate these issues, we propose "Select Segments to Imitate" (S2I), a framework that selects and optimizes mixed-quality demonstration data at the segment level, while ensuring plug-and-play compatibility with existing robotic manipulation policies. The framework has three components: demonstration segmentation dividing origin data into meaningful segments, segment selection using contrastive learning to find high-quality segments, and trajectory optimization to refine suboptimal segments for better policy learning. We evaluate S2I through comprehensive experiments in simulation and real-world environments across six tasks, demonstrating that with only 3 expert demonstrations for reference, S2I can improve the performance of various downstream policies when trained with mixed-quality demonstrations. Project website:
comment: Project website:
☆ WildFusion: Multimodal Implicit 3D Reconstructions in the Wild
We propose WildFusion, a novel approach for 3D scene reconstruction in unstructured, in-the-wild environments using multimodal implicit neural representations. WildFusion integrates signals from LiDAR, RGB camera, contact microphones, tactile sensors, and IMU. This multimodal fusion generates comprehensive, continuous environmental representations, including pixel-level geometry, color, semantics, and traversability. Through real-world experiments on legged robot navigation in challenging forest environments, WildFusion demonstrates improved route selection by accurately predicting traversability. Our results highlight its potential to advance robotic navigation and 3D mapping in complex outdoor terrains.
comment: Our project website is at:
☆ VAP: The Vulnerability-Adaptive Protection Paradigm Toward Reliable Autonomous Machines
The next ubiquitous computing platform, following personal computers and smartphones, is poised to be inherently autonomous, encompassing technologies like drones, robots, and self-driving cars. Ensuring reliability for these autonomous machines is critical. However, current resiliency solutions make fundamental trade-offs between reliability and cost, resulting in significant overhead in performance, energy consumption, and chip area. This is due to the "one-size-fits-all" approach commonly used, where the same protection scheme is applied throughout the entire software computing stack. This paper presents the key insight that to achieve high protection coverage with minimal cost, we must leverage the inherent variations in robustness across different layers of the autonomous machine software stack. Specifically, we demonstrate that various nodes in this complex stack exhibit different levels of robustness against hardware faults. Our findings reveal that the front-end of an autonomous machine's software stack tends to be more robust, whereas the back-end is generally more vulnerable. Building on these inherent robustness differences, we propose a Vulnerability-Adaptive Protection (VAP) design paradigm. In this paradigm, the allocation of protection resources - whether spatially (e.g., through modular redundancy) or temporally (e.g., via re-execution) - is made inversely proportional to the inherent robustness of tasks or algorithms within the autonomous machine system. Experimental results show that VAP provides high protection coverage while maintaining low overhead in both autonomous vehicle and drone systems.
comment: Communications of the ACM (CACM), Research and Advances, Vol 67, No.9, September 2024. ACM Link:
☆ Opt-in Camera: Person Identification in Video via UWB Localization and Its Application to Opt-in Systems ICRA
This paper presents opt-in camera, a concept of privacy-preserving camera systems capable of recording only specific individuals in a crowd who explicitly consent to be recorded. Our system utilizes a mobile wireless communication tag attached to personal belongings as proof of opt-in and as a means of localizing tag carriers in video footage. Specifically, the on-ground positions of the wireless tag are first tracked over time using the unscented Kalman filter (UKF). The tag trajectory is then matched against visual tracking results for pedestrians found in videos to identify the tag carrier. Technically, we devise a dedicated trajectory matching technique based on constrained linear optimization, as well as a novel calibration technique that handles wireless tag-camera calibration and hyperparameter tuning for the UKF, which mitigates the non-line-of-sight (NLoS) issue in wireless localization. We realize the proposed opt-in camera system using ultra-wideband (UWB) devices and an off-the-shelf webcam installed in the environment. Experimental results demonstrate that our system can perform opt-in recording of individuals in near real-time at 10 fps, with reliable identification accuracy for a crowd of 8-23 people in a confined space.
comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA) 2025
☆ Benchmarking Adaptive Intelligence and Computer Vision on Human-Robot Collaboration ICRA 2025
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) is vital in Industry 4.0, using sensors, digital twins, collaborative robots (cobots), and intention-recognition models to have efficient manufacturing processes. However, Concept Drift is a significant challenge, where robots struggle to adapt to new environments. We address concept drift by integrating Adaptive Intelligence and self-labeling (SLB) to improve the resilience of intention-recognition in an HRC system. Our methodology begins with data collection using cameras and weight sensors, which is followed by annotation of intentions and state changes. Then we train various deep learning models with different preprocessing techniques for recognizing and predicting the intentions. Additionally, we developed a custom state detection algorithm for enhancing the accuracy of SLB, offering precise state-change definitions and timestamps to label intentions. Our results show that the MViT2 model with skeletal posture preprocessing achieves an accuracy of 83% on our data environment, compared to the 79% accuracy of MViT2 without skeleton posture extraction. Additionally, our SLB mechanism achieves a labeling accuracy of 91%, reducing a significant amount of time that would've been spent on manual annotation. Lastly, we observe swift scaling of model performance that combats concept drift by fine tuning on different increments of self-labeled data in a shifted domain that has key differences from the original training environment.. This study demonstrates the potential for rapid deployment of intelligent cobots in manufacturing through the steps shown in our methodology, paving a way for more adaptive and efficient HRC systems.
comment: 7 Pages, 9 Figures. 14 References. Submitted to IEEE RA-L Journal and ICRA 2025 Conference. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
☆ Enabling Multi-Robot Collaboration from Single-Human Guidance
Learning collaborative behaviors is essential for multi-agent systems. Traditionally, multi-agent reinforcement learning solves this implicitly through a joint reward and centralized observations, assuming collaborative behavior will emerge. Other studies propose to learn from demonstrations of a group of collaborative experts. Instead, we propose an efficient and explicit way of learning collaborative behaviors in multi-agent systems by leveraging expertise from only a single human. Our insight is that humans can naturally take on various roles in a team. We show that agents can effectively learn to collaborate by allowing a human operator to dynamically switch between controlling agents for a short period and incorporating a human-like theory-of-mind model of teammates. Our experiments showed that our method improves the success rate of a challenging collaborative hide-and-seek task by up to 58$% with only 40 minutes of human guidance. We further demonstrate our findings transfer to the real world by conducting multi-robot experiments.
☆ Embodied Visuomotor Representation
Suppose you are at your desk looking at some objects on it. You don't know the precise distance from your eye to any particular object in meters. However, you can immediately reach out and touch any of them. Instead of the meter, your knowledge of distance is encoded in unknown but embodied units of action. In contrast, standard approaches in robotics assume calibration to the meter, so that separated vision and control processes can be interfaced. Consequently, robots are precisely manufactured and calibrated, resulting in expensive systems available in only a few configurations. In response, we propose Embodied Visuomotor Representation, a framework that allows distance to be measured by a robot's own actions and thus minimizes dependence on calibrated 3D sensors and physical models. Using it, we demonstrate that a robot without knowledge of its size, environmental scale, or its own strength can become capable of touching and clearing obstacles after several seconds of operation. Similarly, we demonstrate in simulation that an agent, without knowledge of its mass or strength, can jump a gap of unknown size after performing a few test oscillations. These experiments parallel bee and gerbil behavior, respectively.
comment: 47 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, under review
☆ Decentralized Input and State Estimation for Multi-agent System with Dynamic Topology and Heterogeneous Sensor Network
A crucial challenge in decentralized systems is state estimation in the presence of unknown inputs, particularly within heterogeneous sensor networks with dynamic topologies. While numerous consensus algorithms have been introduced, they often require extensive information exchange or multiple communication iterations to ensure estimation accuracy. This paper proposes an efficient algorithm that achieves an unbiased and optimal solution comparable to filters with full information about other agents. This is accomplished through the use of information filter decomposition and the fusion of inputs via covariance intersection. Our method requires only a single communication iteration for exchanging individual estimates between agents, instead of multiple rounds of information exchange, thus preserving agents' privacy by avoiding the sharing of explicit observations and system equations. Furthermore, to address the challenges posed by dynamic communication topologies, we propose two practical strategies to handle issues arising from intermittent observations and incomplete state estimation, thereby enhancing the robustness and accuracy of the estimation process. Experiments and ablation studies conducted in both stationary and dynamic environments demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm over other baselines. Notably, it performs as well as, or even better than, algorithms that have a global view of all neighbors.
☆ Object-Centric Kinodynamic Planning for Nonprehensile Robot Rearrangement Manipulation
Nonprehensile actions such as pushing are crucial for addressing multi-object rearrangement problems. To date, existing nonprehensile solutions are all robot-centric, i.e., the manipulation actions are generated with robot-relevant intent and their outcomes are passively evaluated afterwards. Such pipelines are very different from human strategies and are typically inefficient. To this end, this work proposes a novel object-centric planning paradigm and develops the first object-centric planner for general nonprehensile rearrangement problems. By assuming that each object can actively move without being driven by robot interactions, the object-centric planner focuses on planning desired object motions, which are realized via robot actions generated online via a closed-loop pushing strategy. Through extensive experiments and in comparison with state-of-the-art baselines in both simulation and on a physical robot, we show that our object-centric paradigm can generate more intuitive and task-effective robot actions with significantly improved efficiency. In addition, we propose a benchmarking protocol to standardize and facilitate future research in nonprehensile rearrangement.
☆ Helpful DoggyBot: Open-World Object Fetching using Legged Robots and Vision-Language Models
Learning-based methods have achieved strong performance for quadrupedal locomotion. However, several challenges prevent quadrupeds from learning helpful indoor skills that require interaction with environments and humans: lack of end-effectors for manipulation, limited semantic understanding using only simulation data, and low traversability and reachability in indoor environments. We present a system for quadrupedal mobile manipulation in indoor environments. It uses a front-mounted gripper for object manipulation, a low-level controller trained in simulation using egocentric depth for agile skills like climbing and whole-body tilting, and pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) with a third-person fisheye and an egocentric RGB camera for semantic understanding and command generation. We evaluate our system in two unseen environments without any real-world data collection or training. Our system can zero-shot generalize to these environments and complete tasks, like following user's commands to fetch a randomly placed stuff toy after climbing over a queen-sized bed, with a 60% success rate. Project website:
comment: Project website:
☆ Micromanipulation System for Microscale Magnetic Component Alignment and Assembly
This paper presents a contact-based micromanipulation system for the alignment and installment of microscale magnets into micro robots and devices. Affixing tweezers to a three degree of freedom micromanipulator allows for precise movement of objects. The use of non-magnetic tweezers permits the assembly of magnetized robots, and a magnetic rotating stage allows multiple magnets to be installed into one device in different orientations. By re-orienting the tweezers on the micromanipulator at defined ninety-degree angles, it is possible to assemble a device with magnets oriented in any direction on XY, XZ, and YZ planes. This system is highly precise and flexible, and can be implemented with minimal custom-made parts, making it ideal for development of new magnetic technologies at the microscale.
comment: Included as a short paper in 2024 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales
☆ Constraining Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces for Robot Manipulation via Dataset Refinement
Model-based control faces fundamental challenges in partially-observable environments due to unmodeled obstacles. We propose an online learning and optimization method to identify and avoid unobserved obstacles online. Our method, Constraint Obeying Gaussian Implicit Surfaces (COGIS), infers contact data using a combination of visual input and state tracking, informed by predictions from a nominal dynamics model. We then fit a Gaussian process implicit surface (GPIS) to these data and refine the dataset through a novel method of enforcing constraints on the estimated surface. This allows us to design a Model Predictive Control (MPC) method that leverages the obstacle estimate to complete multiple manipulation tasks. By modeling the environment instead of attempting to directly adapt the dynamics, our method succeeds at both low-dimensional peg-in-hole tasks and high-dimensional deformable object manipulation tasks. Our method succeeds in 10/10 trials vs 1/10 for a baseline on a real-world cable manipulation task under partial observability of the environment.
comment: Accepted to IEEE RA-L
☆ Constraint-Aware Refinement for Safety Verification of Neural Feedback Loops
Neural networks (NNs) are becoming increasingly popular in the design of control pipelines for autonomous systems. However, since the performance of NNs can degrade in the presence of out-of-distribution data or adversarial attacks, systems that have NNs in their control pipelines, i.e., neural feedback loops (NFLs), need safety assurances before they can be applied in safety-critical situations. Reachability analysis offers a solution to this problem by calculating reachable sets that bound the possible future states of an NFL and can be checked against dangerous regions of the state space to verify that the system does not violate safety constraints. Since exact reachable sets are generally intractable to calculate, reachable set over approximations (RSOAs) are typically used. The problem with RSOAs is that they can be overly conservative, making it difficult to verify the satisfaction of safety constraints, especially over long time horizons or for highly nonlinear NN control policies. Refinement strategies such as partitioning or symbolic propagation are typically used to limit the conservativeness of RSOAs, but these approaches come with a high computational cost and often can only be used to verify safety for simple reachability problems. This paper presents Constraint-Aware Refinement for Verification (CARV): an efficient refinement strategy that reduces the conservativeness of RSOAs by explicitly using the safety constraints on the NFL to refine RSOAs only where necessary. We demonstrate that CARV can verify the safety of an NFL where other approaches either fail or take up to 60x longer and 40x the memory.
comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, submitted to L-CSS/ACC
☆ Additively Manufactured Open-Source Quadruped Robots for Multi-Robot SLAM Applications
This work presents the design and development of the quadruped robot Squeaky to be used as a research and learning platform for single and multi-SLAM robotics, computer vision, and reinforcement learning. Affordable robots are becoming necessary when expanding from single to multi-robot applications, as the cost can increase exponentially as fleet size increases. SLAM is essential for a robot to perceive and localize within its environment to perform applications such as cave exploration, disaster assistance, and remote inspection. For improved efficiency, a fleet of robots can be employed to combine maps for multi-robot SLAM. Squeaky is an affordable quadrupedal robot, designed to have easily adaptable hardware and software, capable of creating a merged map under a shared network from multiple robots, and available open-source for the benefit of the research community.
☆ Learning to Swim: Reinforcement Learning for 6-DOF Control of Thruster-driven Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Controlling AUVs can be challenging because of the effect of complex non-linear hydrodynamic forces acting on the robot, which, unlike ground robots, are significant in water and cannot be ignored. The problem is especially challenging for small AUVs for which the dynamics can change significantly with payload changes and deployments under different water conditions. The common approach to AUV control is a combination of passive stabilization with added buoyancy on top and weights on the bottom, and a PID controller tuned for simple and smooth motion primitives. However, the approach comes at the cost of sluggish controls and often the need to re-tune controllers with configuration changes. We propose a fast (trainable in minutes), reinforcement learning based approach for full 6 degree of freedom (DOF) control of an AUV, enabled by a new, highly parallelized simulator for underwater vehicle dynamics. We demonstrate that the proposed simulator models approximate hydrodynamic forces with enough accuracy that a zero-shot transfer of the learned policy to a real robot produces performance comparable to a hand-tuned PID controller. Furthermore, we show that domain randomization on the simulator produces policies that are robust to small variations in vehicle's physical parameters.
☆ An Overview of the Burer-Monteiro Method for Certifiable Robot Perception
This paper presents an overview of the Burer-Monteiro method (BM), a technique that has been applied to solve robot perception problems to certifiable optimality in real-time. BM is often used to solve semidefinite programming relaxations, which can be used to perform global optimization for non-convex perception problems. Specifically, BM leverages the low-rank structure of typical semidefinite programs to dramatically reduce the computational cost of performing optimization. This paper discusses BM in certifiable perception, with three main objectives: (i) to consolidate information from the literature into a unified presentation, (ii) to elucidate the role of the linear independence constraint qualification (LICQ), a concept not yet well-covered in certifiable perception literature, and (iii) to share practical considerations that are discussed among practitioners but not thoroughly covered in the literature. Our general aim is to offer a practical primer for applying BM towards certifiable perception.
comment: Accepted to 2024 Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Safe Autonomy Workshop
♻ ☆ iWalker: Imperative Visual Planning for Walking Humanoid Robot
Humanoid robots, with the potential to perform a broad range of tasks in environments designed for humans, have been deemed crucial for the basis of general AI agents. When talking about planning and controlling, although traditional models and task-specific methods have been extensively studied over the past few decades, they are inadequate for achieving the flexibility and versatility needed for general autonomy. Learning approaches, especially reinforcement learning, are powerful and popular nowadays, but they are inherently "blind" during training, relying heavily on trials in simulation without proper guidance from physical principles or underlying dynamics. In response, we propose a novel end-to-end pipeline that seamlessly integrates perception, planning, and model-based control for humanoid robot walking. We refer to our method as iWalker, which is driven by imperative learning (IL), a self-supervising neuro-symbolic learning framework. This enables the robot to learn from arbitrary unlabeled data, significantly improving its adaptability and generalization capabilities. In experiments, iWalker demonstrates effectiveness in both simulated and real-world environments, representing a significant advancement toward versatile and autonomous humanoid robots.
♻ ☆ A study on the effects of mixed explicit and implicit communications in human-virtual-agent interactions
Communication between humans and robots (or virtual agents) is essential for interaction and often inspired by human communication, which uses gestures, facial expressions, gaze direction, and other explicit and implicit means. This work presents an interaction experiment where humans and virtual agents interact through explicit (gestures, manual entries using mouse and keyboard, voice, sound, and information on screen) and implicit (gaze direction, location, facial expressions, and raise of eyebrows) communication to evaluate the effect of mixed explicit-implicit communication against purely explicit communication. Results obtained using Bayesian parameter estimation show that the number of errors and task execution time did not significantly change when mixed explicit and implicit communications were used, and neither the perceived efficiency of the interaction. In contrast, acceptance, sociability, and transparency of the virtual agent increased when using mixed communication modalities (88.3%, 92%, and 92.9% of the effect size posterior distribution of each variable, respectively, were above the upper limit of the region of practical equivalence). This suggests that task-related measures, such as time, number of errors, and perceived efficiency of the interaction, have not been influenced by the communication type in our particular experiment. However, the improvement of subjective measures related to the virtual agent, such as acceptance, sociability, and transparency, suggests that humans are more receptive to mixed explicit and implicit communications.
comment: Main paper with 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. Added supplementary material with 17 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to International Journal of Social Robotics
♻ ☆ LLM-Craft: Robotic Crafting of Elasto-Plastic Objects with Large Language Models
When humans create sculptures, we are able to reason about how geometrically we need to alter the clay state to reach our target goal. We are not computing point-wise similarity metrics, or reasoning about low-level positioning of our tools, but instead determining the higher-level changes that need to be made. In this work, we propose LLM-Craft, a novel pipeline that leverages large language models (LLMs) to iteratively reason about and generate deformation-based crafting action sequences. We simplify and couple the state and action representations to further encourage shape-based reasoning. To the best of our knowledge, LLM-Craft is the first system successfully leveraging LLMs for complex deformable object interactions. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that with the LLM-Craft framework, LLMs are able to successfully reason about the deformation behavior of elasto-plastic objects. Furthermore, we find that LLM-Craft is able to successfully create a set of simple letter shapes. Finally, we explore extending the framework to reaching more ambiguous semantic goals, such as "thinner" or "bumpy". For videos please see our website:
♻ ☆ Di-NeRF: Distributed NeRF for Collaborative Learning with Relative Pose Refinement
Collaborative mapping of unknown environments can be done faster and more robustly than a single robot. However, a collaborative approach requires a distributed paradigm to be scalable and deal with communication issues. This work presents a fully distributed algorithm enabling a group of robots to collectively optimize the parameters of a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF). The algorithm involves the communication of each robot's trained NeRF parameters over a mesh network, where each robot trains its NeRF and has access to its own visual data only. Additionally, the relative poses of all robots are jointly optimized alongside the model parameters, enabling mapping with less accurate relative camera poses. We show that multi-robot systems can benefit from differentiable and robust 3D reconstruction optimized from multiple NeRFs. Experiments on real-world and synthetic data demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. See the website of the project for videos of the experiments and supplementary material (
comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, Accepted in IEEE-RA-L
♻ ☆ VLM-Auto: VLM-based Autonomous Driving Assistant with Human-like Behavior and Understanding for Complex Road Scenes
Recent research on Large Language Models for autonomous driving shows promise in planning and control. However, high computational demands and hallucinations still challenge accurate trajectory prediction and control signal generation. Deterministic algorithms offer reliability but lack adaptability to complex driving scenarios and struggle with context and uncertainty. To address this problem, we propose VLM-Auto, a novel autonomous driving assistant system to empower the autonomous vehicles with adjustable driving behaviors based on the understanding of road scenes. A pipeline involving the CARLA simulator and Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) verifying the effectiveness of our system is presented, utilizing a single Nvidia 4090 24G GPU while exploiting the capacity of textual output of the Visual Language Model (VLM). Besides, we also contribute a dataset containing an image set and a corresponding prompt set for fine-tuning the VLM module of our system. In CARLA experiments, our system achieved $97.82\%$ average precision on 5 types of labels in our dataset. In the real-world driving dataset, our system achieved $96.97\%$ prediction accuracy in night scenes and gloomy scenes. Our VLM-Auto dataset will be released at
comment: The paper is accepted by the IEEE conference
♻ ☆ Understanding cyclists' perception of driverless vehicles through eye-tracking and interviews
As automated vehicles (AVs) become increasingly popular, the question arises as to how cyclists will interact with such vehicles. This study investigated (1) whether cyclists spontaneously notice if a vehicle is driverless, (2) how well they perform a driver-detection task when explicitly instructed, and (3) how they carry out these tasks. Using a Wizard-of-Oz method, 37 participants cycled a designated route and encountered an AV multiple times in two experimental sessions. In Session 1, participants cycled the route uninstructed, while in Session 2, they were instructed to verbally report whether they detected the presence or absence of a driver. Additionally, we recorded participants' gaze behaviour with eye-tracking and their responses in post-session interviews. The interviews revealed that 30% of the cyclists spontaneously mentioned the absence of a driver (Session 1), and when instructed (Session 2), they detected the absence and presence of the driver with 93% accuracy. The eye-tracking data showed that cyclists looked more frequently and for longer at the vehicle in Session 2 compared to Session 1. Additionally, participants exhibited intermittent sampling of the vehicle, and they looked at the area in front of the vehicle when it was far away and towards the windshield region when it was closer. The post-session interviews also indicated that participants were curious, but felt safe, and reported a need to receive information about the AV's driving state. In conclusion, cyclists can detect the absence of a driver in the AV, and this detection may influence their perception of safety. Further research is needed to explore these findings in real-world traffic conditions.
♻ ☆ Performance assessment of ADAS in a representative subset of critical traffic situations
As a variety of automated collision prevention systems gain presence within personal vehicles, rating and differentiating the automated safety performance of car models has become increasingly important for consumers, manufacturers, and insurers. In 2023, Swiss Re and partners initiated an eight-month long vehicle testing campaign conducted on a recognized UNECE type approval authority and Euro NCAP accredited proving ground in Germany. The campaign exposed twelve mass-produced vehicle models and one prototype vehicle fitted with collision prevention systems to a selection of safety-critical traffic scenarios representative of United States and European Union accident landscape. In this paper, we compare and evaluate the relative safety performance of these thirteen collision prevention systems (hardware and software stack) as demonstrated by this testing campaign. We first introduce a new scoring system which represents a test system's predicted impact on overall real-world collision frequency and reduction of collision impact energy, weighted based on the real-world relevance of the test scenario. Next, we introduce a novel metric that quantifies the realism of the protocol and confirm that our test protocol is a plausible representation of real-world driving. Finally, we find that the prototype system in its pre-release state outperforms the mass-produced (post-consumer-release) vehicles in the majority of the tested scenarios on the test track.
♻ ☆ Efficient Path Planning in Large Unknown Environments with Switchable System Models for Automated Vehicles
Large environments are challenging for path planning algorithms as the size of the configuration space increases. Furthermore, if the environment is mainly unexplored, large amounts of the path are planned through unknown areas. Hence, a complete replanning of the entire path occurs whenever the path collides with newly discovered obstacles. We propose a novel method that stops the path planning algorithm after a certain distance. It is used to navigate the algorithm in large environments and is not prone to problems of existing navigation approaches. Furthermore, we developed a method to detect significant environment changes to allow a more efficient replanning. At last, we extend the path planner to be used in the U-Shift concept vehicle. It can switch to another system model and rotate around the center of its rear axis. The results show that the proposed methods generate nearly identical paths compared to the standard Hybrid A* while drastically reducing the execution time. Furthermore, we show that the extended path planning algorithm enables the efficient use of the maneuvering capabilities of the concept vehicle to plan concise paths in narrow environments.
♻ ☆ Globally Optimal GNSS Multi-Antenna Lever Arm Calibration
Sensor calibration is crucial for autonomous driving, providing the basis for accurate localization and consistent data fusion. Enabling the use of high-accuracy GNSS sensors, this work focuses on the antenna lever arm calibration. We propose a globally optimal multi-antenna lever arm calibration approach based on motion measurements. For this, we derive an optimization method that further allows the integration of a-priori knowledge. Globally optimal solutions are obtained by leveraging the Lagrangian dual problem and a primal recovery strategy. Generally, motion-based calibration for autonomous vehicles is known to be difficult due to cars' predominantly planar motion. Therefore, we first describe the motion requirements for a unique solution and then propose a planar motion extension to overcome this issue and enable a calibration based on the restricted motion of autonomous vehicles. Last we present and discuss the results of our thorough evaluation. Using simulated and augmented real-world data, we achieve accurate calibration results and fast run times that allow online deployment.
♻ ☆ Reflectivity Is All You Need!: Advancing LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
LiDAR semantic segmentation frameworks predominantly use geometry-based features to differentiate objects within a scan. Although these methods excel in scenarios with clear boundaries and distinct shapes, their performance declines in environments where boundaries are indistinct, particularly in off-road contexts. To address this issue, recent advances in 3D segmentation algorithms have aimed to leverage raw LiDAR intensity readings to improve prediction precision. However, despite these advances, existing learning-based models face challenges in linking the complex interactions between raw intensity and variables such as distance, incidence angle, material reflectivity, and atmospheric conditions. Building upon our previous work, this paper explores the advantages of employing calibrated intensity (also referred to as reflectivity) within learning-based LiDAR semantic segmentation frameworks. We start by demonstrating that adding reflectivity as input enhances the LiDAR semantic segmentation model by providing a better data representation. Extensive experimentation with the Rellis-3d off-road dataset shows that replacing intensity with reflectivity results in a 4\% improvement in mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) for off-road scenarios. We demonstrate the potential benefits of using calibrated intensity for semantic segmentation in urban environments (SemanticKITTI) and for cross-sensor domain adaptation. Additionally, we tested the Segment Anything Model (SAM) using reflectivity as input, resulting in improved segmentation masks for LiDAR images.
♻ ☆ LTLDoG: Satisfying Temporally-Extended Symbolic Constraints for Safe Diffusion-based Planning
Operating effectively in complex environments while complying with specified constraints is crucial for the safe and successful deployment of robots that interact with and operate around people. In this work, we focus on generating long-horizon trajectories that adhere to novel static and temporally-extended constraints/instructions at test time. We propose a data-driven diffusion-based framework, LTLDoG, that modifies the inference steps of the reverse process given an instruction specified using finite linear temporal logic ($\text{LTL}_f$). LTLDoG leverages a satisfaction value function on $\text{LTL}_f$ and guides the sampling steps using its gradient field. This value function can also be trained to generalize to new instructions not observed during training, enabling flexible test-time adaptability. Experiments in robot navigation and manipulation illustrate that the method is able to generate trajectories that satisfy formulae that specify obstacle avoidance and visitation sequences. Code and supplementary material are available online at
♻ ☆ SAM: Semi-Active Mechanism for Extensible Continuum Manipulator and Real-time Hysteresis Compensation Control Algorithm
Cable-Driven Continuum Manipulators (CDCMs) enable scar-free procedures but face limitations in workspace and control accuracy due to hysteresis. We introduce an extensible CDCM with a Semi-active Mechanism (SAM) and develop a real-time hysteresis compensation control algorithm using a Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) based on data collected from fiducial markers and RGBD sensing. Performance validation shows the proposed controller significantly reduces hysteresis by up to 69.5% in random trajectory tracking test and approximately 26% in the box pointing task. The SAM mechanism enables access to various lesions without damaging surrounding tissues. The proposed controller with TCN-based compensation effectively predicts hysteresis behavior and minimizes position and joint angle errors in real-time, which has the potential to enhance surgical task performance.
comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables
♻ ☆ ContactHandover: Contact-Guided Robot-to-Human Object Handover IROS 2024
Robot-to-human object handover is an important step in many human robot collaboration tasks. A successful handover requires the robot to maintain a stable grasp on the object while making sure the human receives the object in a natural and easy-to-use manner. We propose ContactHandover, a robot to human handover system that consists of two phases: a contact-guided grasping phase and an object delivery phase. During the grasping phase, ContactHandover predicts both 6-DoF robot grasp poses and a 3D affordance map of human contact points on the object. The robot grasp poses are re-ranked by penalizing those that block human contact points, and the robot executes the highest ranking grasp. During the delivery phase, the robot end effector pose is computed by maximizing human contact points close to the human while minimizing the human arm joint torques and displacements. We evaluate our system on 27 diverse household objects and show that our system achieves better visibility and reachability of human contacts to the receiver compared to several baselines. More results can be found on
comment: Accepted to IROS 2024. Project website:
♻ ☆ An Effectiveness Study Across Baseline and Neural Network-based Force Estimation Methods on the da Vinci Research Kit Si System
In this study, we further investigate the robustness and generalization ability of an neural network (NN) based force estimation method, using the da Vinci Research Kit Si (dVRK-Si). To evaluate our method's performance, we compare the force estimation accuracy with several baseline methods. We conduct comparative studies between the dVRK classic and dVRK-Si systems to benchmark the effectiveness of these approaches. We conclude that the NN-based method provides comparable force estimation accuracy across the two systems, as the average root mean square error (RMSE) over the average range of force ratio is approximately 3.07% for the dVRK classic, and 5.27% for the dVRK-Si. On the dVRK-Si, the force estimation RMSEs for all the baseline methods are 2 to 4 times larger than the NN-based method in all directions. One possible reason is, we made assumptions in the baseline methods that static forces remain the same or dynamics is time-invariant. These assumptions may hold for the dVRK Classic, as it has pre-loaded weight and maintains horizontal self balance. Since the dVRK-Si configuration does not have this property, assumptions do not hold anymore, therefore the NN-based method significantly outperforms.
comment: Accepted by the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2024
♻ ☆ The Importance of Coordinate Frames in Dynamic SLAM ICRA 2024
Most Simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) systems have traditionally assumed a static world, which does not align with real-world scenarios. To enable robots to safely navigate and plan in dynamic environments, it is essential to employ representations capable of handling moving objects. Dynamic SLAM is an emerging field in SLAM research as it improves the overall system accuracy while providing additional estimation of object motions. State-of-the-art literature informs two main formulations for Dynamic SLAM, representing dynamic object points in either the world or object coordinate frame. While expressing object points in a local reference frame may seem intuitive, it may not necessarily lead to the most accurate and robust solutions. This paper conducts and presents a thorough analysis of various Dynamic SLAM formulations, identifying the best approach to address the problem. To this end, we introduce a front-end agnostic framework using GTSAM that can be used to evaluate various Dynamic SLAM formulations.
comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ICRA 2024
♻ ☆ Safety-Critical Planning and Control for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Using Control Barrier Functions
Dynamic obstacle avoidance is a challenging topic for optimal control and optimization-based trajectory planning problems. Many existing works use Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) to enforce safety constraints for control systems. CBFs are typically formulated based on the distance to obstacles, or integrated with path planning algorithms as a safety enhancement tool. However, these approaches usually require knowledge of the obstacle boundary equations or have very slow computational efficiency. In this paper, we propose a framework based on model predictive control (MPC) with discrete-time high-order CBFs (DHOCBFs) to generate a collision-free trajectory. The DHOCBFs are first obtained from convex polytopes generated through grid mapping, without the need to know the boundary equations of obstacles. Additionally, a path planning algorithm is incorporated into this framework to ensure the global optimality of the generated trajectory. We demonstrate through numerical examples that our framework allows a unicycle robot to safely and efficiently navigate tight, dynamically changing environments with both convex and nonconvex obstacles. By comparing our method to established CBF-based benchmarks, we demonstrate superior computing efficiency, length optimality, and feasibility in trajectory generation and obstacle avoidance.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.04361
♻ ☆ RL + Model-based Control: Using On-demand Optimal Control to Learn Versatile Legged Locomotion
This paper presents a control framework that combines model-based optimal control and reinforcement learning (RL) to achieve versatile and robust legged locomotion. Our approach enhances the RL training process by incorporating on-demand reference motions generated through finite-horizon optimal control, covering a broad range of velocities and gaits. These reference motions serve as targets for the RL policy to imitate, leading to the development of robust control policies that can be learned with reliability. Furthermore, by utilizing realistic simulation data that captures whole-body dynamics, RL effectively overcomes the inherent limitations in reference motions imposed by modeling simplifications. We validate the robustness and controllability of the RL training process within our framework through a series of experiments. In these experiments, our method showcases its capability to generalize reference motions and effectively handle more complex locomotion tasks that may pose challenges for the simplified model, thanks to RL's flexibility. Additionally, our framework effortlessly supports the training of control policies for robots with diverse dimensions, eliminating the necessity for robot-specific adjustments in the reward function and hyperparameters.
comment: The paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). You can find the copyright information on the front page of the paper. The supplementary video is available in
♻ ☆ Roadmaps with Gaps over Controllers: Achieving Efficiency in Planning under Dynamics IROS
This paper aims to improve the computational efficiency of motion planning for mobile robots with non-trivial dynamics through the use of learned controllers. Offline, a system-specific controller is first trained in an empty environment. Then, for the target environment, the approach constructs a data structure, a "Roadmap with Gaps," to approximately learn how to solve planning queries using the learned controller. The roadmap nodes correspond to local regions. Edges correspond to applications of the learned controller that approximately connect these regions. Gaps arise as the controller does not perfectly connect pairs of individual states along edges. Online, given a query, a tree sampling-based motion planner uses the roadmap so that the tree's expansion is informed towards the goal region. The tree expansion selects local subgoals given a wavefront on the roadmap that guides towards the goal. When the controller cannot reach a subgoal region, the planner resorts to random exploration to maintain probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality. The accompanying experimental evaluation shows that the approach significantly improves the computational efficiency of motion planning on various benchmarks, including physics-based vehicular models on uneven and varying friction terrains as well as a quadrotor under air pressure effects.
comment: To be presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. Website:
♻ ☆ Hybrid Video Anomaly Detection for Anomalous Scenarios in Autonomous Driving BMVC 2024
In autonomous driving, the most challenging scenarios can only be detected within their temporal context. Most video anomaly detection approaches focus either on surveillance or traffic accidents, which are only a subfield of autonomous driving. We present HF$^2$-VAD$_{AD}$, a variation of the HF$^2$-VAD surveillance video anomaly detection method for autonomous driving. We learn a representation of normality from a vehicle's ego perspective and evaluate pixel-wise anomaly detections in rare and critical scenarios.
comment: Daniel Bogdoll and Jan Imhof contributed equally. Accepted for publication at BMVC 2024 RROW workshop
♻ ☆ UMAD: Unsupervised Mask-Level Anomaly Detection for Autonomous Driving BMVC 2024
Dealing with atypical traffic scenarios remains a challenging task in autonomous driving. However, most anomaly detection approaches cannot be trained on raw sensor data but require exposure to outlier data and powerful semantic segmentation models trained in a supervised fashion. This limits the representation of normality to labeled data, which does not scale well. In this work, we revisit unsupervised anomaly detection and present UMAD, leveraging generative world models and unsupervised image segmentation. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised anomaly detection.
comment: Daniel Bogdoll and No\"el Ollick contributed equally. Accepted for publication at BMVC 2024 RROW workshop
♻ ☆ FLaRe: Achieving Masterful and Adaptive Robot Policies with Large-Scale Reinforcement Learning Fine-Tuning
In recent years, the Robotics field has initiated several efforts toward building generalist robot policies through large-scale multi-task Behavior Cloning. However, direct deployments of these policies have led to unsatisfactory performance, where the policy struggles with unseen states and tasks. How can we break through the performance plateau of these models and elevate their capabilities to new heights? In this paper, we propose FLaRe, a large-scale Reinforcement Learning fine-tuning framework that integrates robust pre-trained representations, large-scale training, and gradient stabilization techniques. Our method aligns pre-trained policies towards task completion, achieving state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance both on previously demonstrated and on entirely novel tasks and embodiments. Specifically, on a set of long-horizon mobile manipulation tasks, FLaRe achieves an average success rate of 79.5% in unseen environments, with absolute improvements of +23.6% in simulation and +30.7% on real robots over prior SoTA methods. By utilizing only sparse rewards, our approach can enable generalizing to new capabilities beyond the pretraining data with minimal human effort. Moreover, we demonstrate rapid adaptation to new embodiments and behaviors with less than a day of fine-tuning. Videos can be found on the project website at
♻ ☆ Two Results on LPT: A Near-Linear Time Algorithm and Parcel Delivery using Drones
The focus of this paper is to increase our understanding of the Longest Processing Time First (LPT) heuristic. LPT is a classical heuristic for the fundamental problem of uniform machine scheduling. For different machine speeds, LPT was first considered by Gonzalez et al (SIAM J. Computing, 1977). Since then, extensive work has been done to improve the approximation factor of the LPT heuristic. However, all known implementations of the LPT heuristic take $O(mn)$ time, where $m$ is the number of machines and $n$ is the number of jobs. In this work, we come up with the first near-linear time implementation for LPT. Specifically, the running time is $O((n+m)(\log^2{m}+\log{n}))$. Somewhat surprisingly, the result is obtained by mapping the problem to dynamic maintenance of lower envelope of lines, which has been well studied in the computational geometry community. Our second contribution is to analyze the performance of LPT for the Drones Warehouse Problem (DWP), which is a natural generalization of the uniform machine scheduling problem motivated by drone-based parcel delivery from a warehouse. In this problem, a warehouse has multiple drones and wants to deliver parcels to several customers. Each drone picks a parcel from the warehouse, delivers it, and returns to the warehouse (where it can also get charged). The speeds and battery lives of the drones could be different, and due to the limited battery life, each drone has a bounded range in which it can deliver parcels. The goal is to assign parcels to the drones so that the time taken to deliver all the parcels is minimized. We prove that the natural approach of solving this problem via the LPT heuristic has an approximation factor of $\phi$, where $\phi \approx 1.62$ is the golden ratio.
comment: To appear in FSTTCS 2024
♻ ☆ CROSS-GAiT: Cross-Attention-Based Multimodal Representation Fusion for Parametric Gait Adaptation in Complex Terrains
We present CROSS-GAiT, a novel algorithm for quadruped robots that uses Cross Attention to fuse terrain representations derived from visual and time-series inputs, including linear accelerations, angular velocities, and joint efforts. These fused representations are used to adjust the robot's step height and hip splay, enabling adaptive gaits that respond dynamically to varying terrain conditions. We generate these terrain representations by processing visual inputs through a masked Vision Transformer (ViT) encoder and time-series data through a dilated causal convolutional encoder. The cross-attention mechanism then selects and integrates the most relevant features from each modality, combining terrain characteristics with robot dynamics for better-informed gait adjustments. CROSS-GAiT uses the combined representation to dynamically adjust gait parameters in response to varying and unpredictable terrains. We train CROSS-GAiT on data from diverse terrains, including asphalt, concrete, brick pavements, grass, dense vegetation, pebbles, gravel, and sand. Our algorithm generalizes well and adapts to unseen environmental conditions, enhancing real-time navigation performance. CROSS-GAiT was implemented on a Ghost Robotics Vision 60 robot and extensively tested in complex terrains with high vegetation density, uneven/unstable surfaces, sand banks, deformable substrates, etc. We observe at least a 7.04% reduction in IMU energy density and a 27.3% reduction in total joint effort, which directly correlates with increased stability and reduced energy usage when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, CROSS-GAiT demonstrates at least a 64.5% increase in success rate and a 4.91% reduction in time to reach the goal in four complex scenarios. Additionally, the learned representations perform 4.48% better than the state-of-the-art on a terrain classification task.
♻ ☆ DiffSSC: Semantic LiDAR Scan Completion using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Perception systems play a crucial role in autonomous driving, incorporating multiple sensors and corresponding computer vision algorithms. 3D LiDAR sensors are widely used to capture sparse point clouds of the vehicle's surroundings. However, such systems struggle to perceive occluded areas and gaps in the scene due to the sparsity of these point clouds and their lack of semantics. To address these challenges, Semantic Scene Completion (SSC) jointly predicts unobserved geometry and semantics in the scene given raw LiDAR measurements, aiming for a more complete scene representation. Building on promising results of diffusion models in image generation and super-resolution tasks, we propose their extension to SSC by implementing the noising and denoising diffusion processes in the point and semantic spaces individually. To control the generation, we employ semantic LiDAR point clouds as conditional input and design local and global regularization losses to stabilize the denoising process. We evaluate our approach on autonomous driving datasets and our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art for SSC.
comment: Under review
Robotics 28
☆ Generalizability of Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Unlabeled Motion Planning ICRA 2025
Unlabeled motion planning involves assigning a set of robots to target locations while ensuring collision avoidance, aiming to minimize the total distance traveled. The problem forms an essential building block for multi-robot systems in applications such as exploration, surveillance, and transportation. We address this problem in a decentralized setting where each robot knows only the positions of its $k$-nearest robots and $k$-nearest targets. This scenario combines elements of combinatorial assignment and continuous-space motion planning, posing significant scalability challenges for traditional centralized approaches. To overcome these challenges, we propose a decentralized policy learned via a Graph Neural Network (GNN). The GNN enables robots to determine (1) what information to communicate to neighbors and (2) how to integrate received information with local observations for decision-making. We train the GNN using imitation learning with the centralized Hungarian algorithm as the expert policy, and further fine-tune it using reinforcement learning to avoid collisions and enhance performance. Extensive empirical evaluations demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our approach. The GNN policy trained on 100 robots generalizes to scenarios with up to 500 robots, outperforming state-of-the-art solutions by 8.6\% on average and significantly surpassing greedy decentralized methods. This work lays the foundation for solving multi-robot coordination problems in settings where scalability is important.
comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Grounded Curriculum Learning
The high cost of real-world data for robotics Reinforcement Learning (RL) leads to the wide usage of simulators. Despite extensive work on building better dynamics models for simulators to match with the real world, there is another, often-overlooked mismatch between simulations and the real world, namely the distribution of available training tasks. Such a mismatch is further exacerbated by existing curriculum learning techniques, which automatically vary the simulation task distribution without considering its relevance to the real world. Considering these challenges, we posit that curriculum learning for robotics RL needs to be grounded in real-world task distributions. To this end, we propose Grounded Curriculum Learning (GCL), which aligns the simulated task distribution in the curriculum with the real world, as well as explicitly considers what tasks have been given to the robot and how the robot has performed in the past. We validate GCL using the BARN dataset on complex navigation tasks, achieving a 6.8% and 6.5% higher success rate compared to a state-of-the-art CL method and a curriculum designed by human experts, respectively. These results show that GCL can enhance learning efficiency and navigation performance by grounding the simulation task distribution in the real world within an adaptive curriculum.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ The Duke Humanoid: Design and Control For Energy Efficient Bipedal Locomotion Using Passive Dynamics ICRA 2025
We present the Duke Humanoid, an open-source 10-degrees-of-freedom humanoid, as an extensible platform for locomotion research. The design mimics human physiology, with minimized leg distances and symmetrical body alignment in the frontal plane to maintain static balance with straight knees. We develop a reinforcement learning policy that can be deployed zero-shot on the hardware for velocity-tracking walking tasks. Additionally, to enhance energy efficiency in locomotion, we propose an end-to-end reinforcement learning algorithm that encourages the robot to leverage passive dynamics. Our experiment results show that our passive policy reduces the cost of transport by up to $50\%$ in simulation and $31\%$ in real-world testing. Our website is .
comment: submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ 4D Metric-Semantic Mapping for Persistent Orchard Monitoring: Method and Dataset
Automated persistent and fine-grained monitoring of orchards at the individual tree or fruit level helps maximize crop yield and optimize resources such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides while preventing agricultural waste. Towards this goal, we present a 4D spatio-temporal metric-semantic mapping method that fuses data from multiple sensors, including LiDAR, RGB camera, and IMU, to monitor the fruits in an orchard across their growth season. A LiDAR-RGB fusion module is designed for 3D fruit tracking and localization, which first segments fruits using a deep neural network and then tracks them using the Hungarian Assignment algorithm. Additionally, the 4D data association module aligns data from different growth stages into a common reference frame and tracks fruits spatio-temporally, providing information such as fruit counts, sizes, and positions. We demonstrate our method's accuracy in 4D metric-semantic mapping using data collected from a real orchard under natural, uncontrolled conditions with seasonal variations. We achieve a 3.1 percent error in total fruit count estimation for over 1790 fruits across 60 apple trees, along with accurate size estimation results with a mean error of 1.1 cm. The datasets, consisting of LiDAR, RGB, and IMU data of five fruit species captured across their growth seasons, along with corresponding ground truth data, will be made publicly available at:
☆ Lessons Learned from Developing a Human-Centered Guide Dog Robot for Mobility Assistance
While guide dogs offer essential mobility assistance, their high cost, limited availability, and care requirements make them inaccessible to most blind or low vision (BLV) individuals. Recent advances in quadruped robots provide a scalable solution for mobility assistance, but many current designs fail to meet real-world needs due to a lack of understanding of handler and guide dog interactions. In this paper, we share lessons learned from developing a human-centered guide dog robot, addressing challenges such as optimal hardware design, robust navigation, and informative scene description for user adoption. By conducting semi-structured interviews and human experiments with BLV individuals, guide-dog handlers, and trainers, we identified key design principles to improve safety, trust, and usability in robotic mobility aids. Our findings lay the building blocks for future development of guide dog robots, ultimately enhancing independence and quality of life for BLV individuals.
☆ Learning Wheelchair Tennis Navigation from Broadcast Videos with Domain Knowledge Transfer and Diffusion Motion Planning ICRA
In this paper, we propose a novel and generalizable zero-shot knowledge transfer framework that distills expert sports navigation strategies from web videos into robotic systems with adversarial constraints and out-of-distribution image trajectories. Our pipeline enables diffusion-based imitation learning by reconstructing the full 3D task space from multiple partial views, warping it into 2D image space, closing the planning loop within this 2D space, and transfer constrained motion of interest back to task space. Additionally, we demonstrate that the learned policy can serve as a local planner in conjunction with position control. We apply this framework in the wheelchair tennis navigation problem to guide the wheelchair into the ball-hitting region. Our pipeline achieves a navigation success rate of 97.67% in reaching real-world recorded tennis ball trajectories with a physical robot wheelchair, and achieve a success rate of 68.49% in a real-world, real-time experiment on a full-sized tennis court.
comment: This manuscript has been submitted to 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA)
☆ GelSlim 4.0: Focusing on Touch and Reproducibility ICRA 2025
Tactile sensing provides robots with rich feedback during manipulation, enabling a host of perception and controls capabilities. Here, we present a new open-source, vision-based tactile sensor designed to promote reproducibility and accessibility across research and hobbyist communities. Building upon the GelSlim 3.0 sensor, our design features two key improvements: a simplified, modifiable finger structure and easily manufacturable lenses. To complement the hardware, we provide an open-source perception library that includes depth and shear field estimation algorithms to enable in-hand pose estimation, slip detection, and other manipulation tasks. Our sensor is accompanied by comprehensive manufacturing documentation, ensuring the design can be readily produced by users with varying levels of expertise. We validate the sensor's reproducibility through extensive human usability testing. For documentation, code, and data, please visit the project website:
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025. For documentation, code, and data, please visit the project website:
☆ Learning Robust Policies via Interpretable Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability-Guided Disturbances
Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown remarkable success in robotics with complex and heterogeneous dynamics. However, its vulnerability to unknown disturbances and adversarial attacks remains a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose a robust policy training framework that integrates model-based control principles with adversarial RL training to improve robustness without the need for external black-box adversaries. Our approach introduces a novel Hamilton-Jacobi reachability-guided disturbance for adversarial RL training, where we use interpretable worst-case or near-worst-case disturbances as adversaries against the robust policy. We evaluated its effectiveness across three distinct tasks: a reach-avoid game in both simulation and real-world settings, and a highly dynamic quadrotor stabilization task in simulation. We validate that our learned critic network is consistent with the ground-truth HJ value function, while the policy network shows comparable performance with other learning-based methods.
☆ Obstacle-Aware Quadrupedal Locomotion With Resilient Multi-Modal Reinforcement Learning
Quadrupedal robots hold promising potential for applications in navigating cluttered environments with resilience akin to their animal counterparts. However, their floating base configuration makes them vulnerable to real-world uncertainties, yielding substantial challenges in their locomotion control. Deep reinforcement learning has become one of the plausible alternatives for realizing a robust locomotion controller. However, the approaches that rely solely on proprioception sacrifice collision-free locomotion because they require front-feet contact to detect the presence of stairs to adapt the locomotion gait. Meanwhile, incorporating exteroception necessitates a precisely modeled map observed by exteroceptive sensors over a period of time. Therefore, this work proposes a novel method to fuse proprioception and exteroception featuring a resilient multi-modal reinforcement learning. The proposed method yields a controller that showcases agile locomotion performance on a quadrupedal robot over a myriad of real-world courses, including rough terrains, steep slopes, and high-rise stairs, while retaining its robustness against out-of-distribution situations.
comment: Under review. Project site is available at
☆ Fine-Tuning Hybrid Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Vehicle Dynamics Model Estimation
Accurate dynamic modeling is critical for autonomous racing vehicles, especially during high-speed and agile maneuvers where precise motion prediction is essential for safety. Traditional parameter estimation methods face limitations such as reliance on initial guesses, labor-intensive fitting procedures, and complex testing setups. On the other hand, purely data-driven machine learning methods struggle to capture inherent physical constraints and typically require large datasets for optimal performance. To address these challenges, this paper introduces the Fine-Tuning Hybrid Dynamics (FTHD) method, which integrates supervised and unsupervised Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), combining physics-based modeling with data-driven techniques. FTHD fine-tunes a pre-trained Deep Dynamics Model (DDM) using a smaller training dataset, delivering superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods such as the Deep Pacejka Model (DPM) and outperforming the original DDM. Furthermore, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is embedded within FTHD (EKF-FTHD) to effectively manage noisy real-world data, ensuring accurate denoising while preserving the vehicle's essential physical characteristics. The proposed FTHD framework is validated through scaled simulations using the BayesRace Physics-based Simulator and full-scale real-world experiments from the Indy Autonomous Challenge. Results demonstrate that the hybrid approach significantly improves parameter estimation accuracy, even with reduced data, and outperforms existing models. EKF-FTHD enhances robustness by denoising real-world data while maintaining physical insights, representing a notable advancement in vehicle dynamics modeling for high-speed autonomous racing.
☆ LiRA: Light-Robust Adversary for Model-based Reinforcement Learning in Real World
Model-based reinforcement learning has attracted much attention due to its high sample efficiency and is expected to be applied to real-world robotic applications. In the real world, as unobservable disturbances can lead to unexpected situations, robot policies should be taken to improve not only control performance but also robustness. Adversarial learning is an effective way to improve robustness, but excessive adversary would increase the risk of malfunction, and make the control performance too conservative. Therefore, this study addresses a new adversarial learning framework to make reinforcement learning robust moderately and not conservative too much. To this end, the adversarial learning is first rederived with variational inference. In addition, light robustness, which allows for maximizing robustness within an acceptable performance degradation, is utilized as a constraint. As a result, the proposed framework, so-called LiRA, can automatically adjust adversary level, balancing robustness and conservativeness. The expected behaviors of LiRA are confirmed in numerical simulations. In addition, LiRA succeeds in learning a force-reactive gait control of a quadrupedal robot only with real-world data collected less than two hours.
comment: 18 pages, 15 figures
☆ CELLmap: Enhancing LiDAR SLAM through Elastic and Lightweight Spherical Map Representation
SLAM is a fundamental capability of unmanned systems, with LiDAR-based SLAM gaining widespread adoption due to its high precision. Current SLAM systems can achieve centimeter-level accuracy within a short period. However, there are still several challenges when dealing with largescale mapping tasks including significant storage requirements and difficulty of reusing the constructed maps. To address this, we first design an elastic and lightweight map representation called CELLmap, composed of several CELLs, each representing the local map at the corresponding location. Then, we design a general backend including CELL-based bidirectional registration module and loop closure detection module to improve global map consistency. Our experiments have demonstrated that CELLmap can represent the precise geometric structure of large-scale maps of KITTI dataset using only about 60 MB. Additionally, our general backend achieves up to a 26.88% improvement over various LiDAR odometry methods.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
☆ RoboNurse-VLA: Robotic Scrub Nurse System based on Vision-Language-Action Model
In modern healthcare, the demand for autonomous robotic assistants has grown significantly, particularly in the operating room, where surgical tasks require precision and reliability. Robotic scrub nurses have emerged as a promising solution to improve efficiency and reduce human error during surgery. However, challenges remain in terms of accurately grasping and handing over surgical instruments, especially when dealing with complex or difficult objects in dynamic environments. In this work, we introduce a novel robotic scrub nurse system, RoboNurse-VLA, built on a Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model by integrating the Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) and the Llama 2 language model. The proposed RoboNurse-VLA system enables highly precise grasping and handover of surgical instruments in real-time based on voice commands from the surgeon. Leveraging state-of-the-art vision and language models, the system can address key challenges for object detection, pose optimization, and the handling of complex and difficult-to-grasp instruments. Through extensive evaluations, RoboNurse-VLA demonstrates superior performance compared to existing models, achieving high success rates in surgical instrument handovers, even with unseen tools and challenging items. This work presents a significant step forward in autonomous surgical assistance, showcasing the potential of integrating VLA models for real-world medical applications. More details can be found at
☆ Leveraging Surgical Activity Grammar for Primary Intention Prediction in Laparoscopy Procedures ICRA 2025
Surgical procedures are inherently complex and dynamic, with intricate dependencies and various execution paths. Accurate identification of the intentions behind critical actions, referred to as Primary Intentions (PIs), is crucial to understanding and planning the procedure. This paper presents a novel framework that advances PI recognition in instructional videos by combining top-down grammatical structure with bottom-up visual cues. The grammatical structure is based on a rich corpus of surgical procedures, offering a hierarchical perspective on surgical activities. A grammar parser, utilizing the surgical activity grammar, processes visual data obtained from laparoscopic images through surgical action detectors, ensuring a more precise interpretation of the visual information. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms existing surgical activity detectors that rely solely on visual features. Our research provides a promising foundation for developing advanced robotic surgical systems with enhanced planning and automation capabilities.
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ Fast-Convergent and Communication-Alleviated Heterogeneous Hierarchical Federated Learning in Autonomous Driving
Street Scene Semantic Understanding (denoted as TriSU) is a complex task for autonomous driving (AD). However, inference model trained from data in a particular geographical region faces poor generalization when applied in other regions due to inter-city data domain-shift. Hierarchical Federated Learning (HFL) offers a potential solution for improving TriSU model generalization by collaborative privacy-preserving training over distributed datasets from different cities. Unfortunately, it suffers from slow convergence because data from different cities are with disparate statistical properties. Going beyond existing HFL methods, we propose a Gaussian heterogeneous HFL algorithm (FedGau) to address inter-city data heterogeneity so that convergence can be accelerated. In the proposed FedGau algorithm, both single RGB image and RGB dataset are modelled as Gaussian distributions for aggregation weight design. This approach not only differentiates each RGB image by respective statistical distribution, but also exploits the statistics of dataset from each city in addition to the conventionally considered data volume. With the proposed approach, the convergence is accelerated by 35.5\%-40.6\% compared to existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) HFL methods. On the other hand, to reduce the involved communication resource, we further introduce a novel performance-aware adaptive resource scheduling (AdapRS) policy. Unlike the traditional static resource scheduling policy that exchanges a fixed number of models between two adjacent aggregations, AdapRS adjusts the number of model aggregation at different levels of HFL so that unnecessary communications are minimized. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AdapRS saves 29.65\% communication overhead compared to conventional static resource scheduling policy while maintaining almost the same performance.
comment: 16 pages
☆ Multi-Query Shortest-Path Problem in Graphs of Convex Sets
The Shortest-Path Problem in Graph of Convex Sets (SPP in GCS) is a recently developed optimization framework that blends discrete and continuous decision making. Many relevant problems in robotics, such as collision-free motion planning, can be cast and solved as an SPP in GCS, yielding lower-cost solutions and faster runtimes than state-of-the-art algorithms. In this paper, we are motivated by motion planning of robot arms that must operate swiftly in static environments. We consider a multi-query extension of the SPP in GCS, where the goal is to efficiently precompute optimal paths between given sets of initial and target conditions. Our solution consists of two stages. Offline, we use semidefinite programming to compute a coarse lower bound on the problem's cost-to-go function. Then, online, this lower bound is used to incrementally generate feasible paths by solving short-horizon convex programs. For a robot arm with seven joints, our method designs higher quality trajectories up to two orders of magnitude faster than existing motion planners.
comment: To appear in: The International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, WAFR 2024
☆ FoAM: Foresight-Augmented Multi-Task Imitation Policy for Robotic Manipulation
Multi-task imitation learning (MTIL) has shown significant potential in robotic manipulation by enabling agents to perform various tasks using a unified policy. This simplifies the policy deployment and enhances the agent's adaptability across different contexts. However, key challenges remain, such as maintaining action reliability (e.g., avoiding abnormal action sequences that deviate from nominal task trajectories), distinguishing between similar tasks, and generalizing to unseen scenarios. To address these challenges, we introduce the Foresight-Augmented Manipulation Policy (FoAM), an innovative MTIL framework. FoAM not only learns to mimic expert actions but also predicts the visual outcomes of those actions to enhance decision-making. Additionally, it integrates multi-modal goal inputs, such as visual and language prompts, overcoming the limitations of single-conditioned policies. We evaluated FoAM across over 100 tasks in both simulation and real-world settings, demonstrating that it significantly improves IL policy performance, outperforming current state-of-the-art IL baselines by up to 41% in success rate. Furthermore, we released a simulation benchmark for robotic manipulation, featuring 10 task suites and over 80 challenging tasks designed for multi-task policy training and evaluation. See project homepage for project details.
comment: 8 pages, 4 figures
☆ Fast-UMI: A Scalable and Hardware-Independent Universal Manipulation Interface
Collecting real-world manipulation trajectory data involving robotic arms is essential for developing general-purpose action policies in robotic manipulation, yet such data remains scarce. Existing methods face limitations such as high costs, labor intensity, hardware dependencies, and complex setup requirements involving SLAM algorithms. In this work, we introduce Fast-UMI, an interface-mediated manipulation system comprising two key components: a handheld device operated by humans for data collection and a robot-mounted device used during policy inference. Our approach employs a decoupled design compatible with a wide range of grippers while maintaining consistent observation perspectives, allowing models trained on handheld-collected data to be directly applied to real robots. By directly obtaining the end-effector pose using existing commercial hardware products, we eliminate the need for complex SLAM deployment and calibration, streamlining data processing. Fast-UMI provides supporting software tools for efficient robot learning data collection and conversion, facilitating rapid, plug-and-play functionality. This system offers an efficient and user-friendly tool for robotic learning data acquisition.
☆ OptiGrasp: Optimized Grasp Pose Detection Using RGB Images for Warehouse Picking Robots
In warehouse environments, robots require robust picking capabilities to manage a wide variety of objects. Effective deployment demands minimal hardware, strong generalization to new products, and resilience in diverse settings. Current methods often rely on depth sensors for structural information, which suffer from high costs, complex setups, and technical limitations. Inspired by recent advancements in computer vision, we propose an innovative approach that leverages foundation models to enhance suction grasping using only RGB images. Trained solely on a synthetic dataset, our method generalizes its grasp prediction capabilities to real-world robots and a diverse range of novel objects not included in the training set. Our network achieves an 82.3\% success rate in real-world applications. The project website with code and data will be available at
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
☆ KineDepth: Utilizing Robot Kinematics for Online Metric Depth Estimation
Depth perception is essential for a robot's spatial and geometric understanding of its environment, with many tasks traditionally relying on hardware-based depth sensors like RGB-D or stereo cameras. However, these sensors face practical limitations, including issues with transparent and reflective objects, high costs, calibration complexity, spatial and energy constraints, and increased failure rates in compound systems. While monocular depth estimation methods offer a cost-effective and simpler alternative, their adoption in robotics is limited due to their output of relative rather than metric depth, which is crucial for robotics applications. In this paper, we propose a method that utilizes a single calibrated camera, enabling the robot to act as a ``measuring stick" to convert relative depth estimates into metric depth in real-time as tasks are performed. Our approach employs an LSTM-based metric depth regressor, trained online and refined through probabilistic filtering, to accurately restore the metric depth across the monocular depth map, particularly in areas proximal to the robot's motion. Experiments with real robots demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art monocular metric depth estimation techniques, achieving a 22.1% reduction in depth error and a 52% increase in success rate for a downstream task.
comment: 8 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ MotionScript: Natural Language Descriptions for Expressive 3D Human Motions
This paper proposes MotionScript, a motion-to-text conversion algorithm and natural language representation for human body motions. MotionScript provides more detailed and accurate descriptions of human body movements compared to previous natural language methods. Most motion datasets focus on basic, well-defined actions, with limited variation in expression (e.g., sitting, walking, dribbling a ball). But for expressive actions that contain a diversity of movements in the class (e.g. being sad, dancing), or for actions outside the domain of standard motion capture datasets (e.g. stylistic walking, sign-language, interactions with animals), more specific and granular natural language descriptions are needed. Our proposed MotionScript descriptions differ from existing natural language representations in that it provides detailed descriptions in natural language rather than simple action labels or generalized captions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at translating 3D motions to natural language descriptions without requiring training data. Our experiments demonstrate that MotionScript descriptions, when applied to text-to-motion tasks, enable large language models to generate complex, previously unseen motions. Additional examples, dataset, and code can be accessed at
comment: Project webpage:
♻ ☆ SpiRobs: Logarithmic Spiral-shaped Robots for Versatile Grasping Across Scales
Realizing a soft manipulator with biologically comparable flexibility and versatility often requires careful selection of materials and actuation, as well as attentive design of its structure, perception, and control. Here, we report a new class of soft robots (SpiRobs) that morphologically replicates the logarithmic spiral pattern observed in natural appendages (e.g., octopus arms, elephant trunks, etc.). This allows for a common design principle across different scales and a speedy and inexpensive fabrication process. We further present a grasping strategy inspired by the octopus that can automatically adapt to a target object's size and shape. We illustrate the dexterity of SpiRobs and the ability to tightly grasp objects that vary in size by more than two orders of magnitude and up to 260 times self-weight. We demonstrate scalability via three additional variants: a miniaturized gripper (mm), a one-meter-long manipulator, and an array of SpiRobs that can tangle up various objects.
comment: 17 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Federated Multi-Agent Mapping for Planetary Exploration
Multi-agent robotic exploration stands to play an important role in space exploration as the next generation of spacecraft robotic systems venture to more extreme and far-flung environments. A key challenge in this new paradigm will be to effectively share and utilize the vast amount of data generated on-board while operating in bandwidth-constrained regimes such as those often found in space missions. Federated learning (FL) is a promising tool for bridging this gap for a host of tasks studied across proposed mission concepts. Drawing inspiration from the upcoming CADRE Lunar rover mission, we study the task of federated multi-agent mapping and propose an approach to jointly train a centralized map model across agents without the need to share raw data. Our approach leverages implicit neural mapping to generate parsimonious and adaptable representations. We further enhance this approach with meta-initialization on Earth datasets, pre-training the network to quickly adapt to extreme and rugged terrain. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed federated mapping approach using Martian terrains and glacier datasets and show how it outperforms benchmarks on map reconstruction losses as well as downstream path planning tasks.
comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
♻ ☆ Affordance-Guided Reinforcement Learning via Visual Prompting
Robots equipped with reinforcement learning (RL) have the potential to learn a wide range of skills solely from a reward signal. However, obtaining a robust and dense reward signal for general manipulation tasks remains a challenge. Existing learning-based approaches require significant data, such as human demonstrations of success and failure, to learn task-specific reward functions. Recently, there is also a growing adoption of large multi-modal foundation models for robotics that can perform visual reasoning in physical contexts and generate coarse robot motions for manipulation tasks. Motivated by this range of capability, in this work, we present Keypoint-based Affordance Guidance for Improvements (KAGI), a method leveraging rewards shaped by vision-language models (VLMs) for autonomous RL. State-of-the-art VLMs have demonstrated impressive reasoning about affordances through keypoints in zero-shot, and we use these to define dense rewards that guide autonomous robotic learning. On real-world manipulation tasks specified by natural language descriptions, KAGI improves the sample efficiency of autonomous RL and enables successful task completion in 20K online fine-tuning steps. Additionally, we demonstrate the robustness of KAGI to reductions in the number of in-domain demonstrations used for pre-training, reaching similar performance in 35K online fine-tuning steps. Project website:
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024, Task Specification for General-Purpose Intelligent Robots & Lifelong Robot Learning Workshops
♻ ☆ STAMP: Differentiable Task and Motion Planning via Stein Variational Gradient Descent
Planning for sequential robotics tasks often requires integrated symbolic and geometric reasoning. TAMP algorithms typically solve these problems by performing a tree search over high-level task sequences while checking for kinematic and dynamic feasibility. This can be inefficient because, typically, candidate task plans resulting from the tree search ignore geometric information. This often leads to motion planning failures that require expensive backtracking steps to find alternative task plans. We propose a novel approach to TAMP called Stein Task and Motion Planning (STAMP) that relaxes the hybrid optimization problem into a continuous domain. This allows us to leverage gradients from differentiable physics simulation to fully optimize discrete and continuous plan parameters for TAMP. In particular, we solve the optimization problem using a gradient-based variational inference algorithm called Stein Variational Gradient Descent. This allows us to find a distribution of solutions within a single optimization run. Furthermore, we use an off-the-shelf differentiable physics simulator that is parallelized on the GPU to run parallelized inference over diverse plan parameters. We demonstrate our method on a variety of problems and show that it can find multiple diverse plans in a single optimization run while also being significantly faster than existing approaches.
comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, Learning Effective Abstractions for Planning (LEAP) Workshop at CoRL 2023
♻ ☆ Diffusion Models for Offline Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Safety Constraints
In recent advancements in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), its application has extended to various safety-critical scenarios. However, most methods focus on online learning, which presents substantial risks when deployed in real-world settings. Addressing this challenge, we introduce an innovative framework integrating diffusion models within the MARL paradigm. This approach notably enhances the safety of actions taken by multiple agents through risk mitigation while modeling coordinated action. Our framework is grounded in the Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) architecture, augmented by a Diffusion Model for prediction trajectory generation. Additionally, we incorporate a specialized algorithm to further ensure operational safety. We evaluate our model against baselines on the DSRL benchmark. Experiment results demonstrate that our model not only adheres to stringent safety constraints but also achieves superior performance compared to existing methodologies. This underscores the potential of our approach in advancing the safety and efficacy of MARL in real-world applications.
comment: The experiment and method plan are abolished and need to be redesigned
♻ ☆ Autonomous Constellation Fault Monitoring with Inter-satellite Links: A Rigidity-Based Approach
To address the need for robust positioning, navigation, and timing services in lunar environments, this paper proposes a novel fault detection framework for satellite constellations using inter-satellite ranging (ISR). Traditionally, navigation satellites can depend on a robust network of ground-based stations for fault monitoring. However, due to cost constraints, a comprehensive ground segment on the lunar surface is impractical for lunar constellations. Our approach leverages vertex redundantly rigid graphs to detect faults without relying on precise ephemeris. We model satellite constellations as graphs where satellites are vertices and inter-satellite links are edges. We identify faults through the singular values of the geometric-centered Euclidean distance matrix (GCEDM) of 2-vertex redundantly rigid sub-graphs. The proposed method is validated through simulations of constellations around the Moon, demonstrating its effectiveness in various configurations. This research contributes to the reliable operation of satellite constellations for future lunar exploration missions.
comment: Submitted to ION GNSS+ 2024 Conference
♻ ☆ Robot Task Planning and Situation Handling in Open Worlds
Automated task planning algorithms have been developed to help robots complete complex tasks that require multiple actions. Most of those algorithms have been developed for "closed worlds" assuming complete world knowledge is provided. However, the real world is generally open, and the robots frequently encounter unforeseen situations that can potentially break the planner's completeness. This paper introduces a novel algorithm (COWP) for open-world task planning and situation handling that dynamically augments the robot's action knowledge with task-oriented common sense. In particular, common sense is extracted from Large Language Models based on the current task at hand and robot skills. For systematic evaluations, we collected a dataset that includes 561 execution-time situations in a dining domain, where each situation corresponds to a state instance of a robot being potentially unable to complete a task using a solution that normally works. Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms competitive baselines from the literature in the success rate of service tasks. Additionally, we have demonstrated COWP using a mobile manipulator. The project website is available at:, where a more detailed version can also be found. This version has been accepted for publication in Autonomous Robots.
Robotics 24
☆ SELP: Generating Safe and Efficient Task Plans for Robot Agents with Large Language Models
Despite significant advancements in large language models (LLMs) that enhance robot agents' understanding and execution of natural language (NL) commands, ensuring the agents adhere to user-specified constraints remains challenging, particularly for complex commands and long-horizon tasks. To address this challenge, we present three key insights, equivalence voting, constrained decoding, and domain-specific fine-tuning, which significantly enhance LLM planners' capability in handling complex tasks. Equivalence voting ensures consistency by generating and sampling multiple Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas from NL commands, grouping equivalent LTL formulas, and selecting the majority group of formulas as the final LTL formula. Constrained decoding then uses the generated LTL formula to enforce the autoregressive inference of plans, ensuring the generated plans conform to the LTL. Domain-specific fine-tuning customizes LLMs to produce safe and efficient plans within specific task domains. Our approach, Safe Efficient LLM Planner (SELP), combines these insights to create LLM planners to generate plans adhering to user commands with high confidence. We demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of SELP across different robot agents and tasks, including drone navigation and robot manipulation. For drone navigation tasks, SELP outperforms state-of-the-art planners by 10.8% in safety rate (i.e., finishing tasks conforming to NL commands) and by 19.8% in plan efficiency. For robot manipulation tasks, SELP achieves 20.4% improvement in safety rate. Our datasets for evaluating NL-to-LTL and robot task planning will be released in
☆ Robot Guided Evacuation with Viewpoint Constraints IROS 2024
We present a viewpoint-based non-linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) for evacuation guiding robots. Specifically, the proposed MPC algorithm enables evacuation guiding robots to track and guide cooperative human targets in emergency scenarios. Our algorithm accounts for the environment layout as well as distances between the robot and human target and distance to the goal location. A key challenge for evacuation guiding robot is the trade-off between its planned motion for leading the target toward a goal position and staying in the target's viewpoint while maintaining line-of-sight for guiding. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed evacuation guiding algorithm in both simulated and real-world environments with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) guiding a human. Our results suggest that using the contextual information from the environment for motion planning, increases the visibility of the guiding UAV to the human while achieving faster total evacuation time.
comment: In proceedings of IEEE/RSJ IROS 2024
☆ Language-guided Robust Navigation for Mobile Robots in Dynamically-changing Environments
In this paper, we develop an embodied AI system for human-in-the-loop navigation with a wheeled mobile robot. We propose a direct yet effective method of monitoring the robot's current plan to detect changes in the environment that impact the intended trajectory of the robot significantly and then query a human for feedback. We also develop a means to parse human feedback expressed in natural language into local navigation waypoints and integrate it into a global planning system, by leveraging a map of semantic features and an aligned obstacle map. Extensive testing in simulation and physical hardware experiments with a resource-constrained wheeled robot tasked to navigate in a real-world environment validate the efficacy and robustness of our method. This work can support applications like precision agriculture and construction, where persistent monitoring of the environment provides a human with information about the environment state.
☆ A Parameter-Efficient Tuning Framework for Language-guided Object Grounding and Robot Grasping ICRA 2025
The language-guided robot grasping task requires a robot agent to integrate multimodal information from both visual and linguistic inputs to predict actions for target-driven grasping. While recent approaches utilizing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown promising results, their extensive computation and data demands limit the feasibility of local deployment and customization. To address this, we propose a novel CLIP-based multimodal parameter-efficient tuning (PET) framework designed for three language-guided object grounding and grasping tasks: (1) Referring Expression Segmentation (RES), (2) Referring Grasp Synthesis (RGS), and (3) Referring Grasp Affordance (RGA). Our approach introduces two key innovations: a bi-directional vision-language adapter that aligns multimodal inputs for pixel-level language understanding and a depth fusion branch that incorporates geometric cues to facilitate robot grasping predictions. Experiment results demonstrate superior performance in the RES object grounding task compared with existing CLIP-based full-model tuning or PET approaches. In the RGS and RGA tasks, our model not only effectively interprets object attributes based on simple language descriptions but also shows strong potential for comprehending complex spatial reasoning scenarios, such as multiple identical objects present in the workspace.
comment: This work has been submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ The Importance of Adaptive Decision-Making for Autonomous Long-Range Planetary Surface Mobility
Long-distance driving is an important component of planetary surface exploration. Unforeseen events often require human operators to adjust mobility plans, but this approach does not scale and will be insufficient for future missions. Interest in self-reliant rovers is increasing, however the research community has not yet given significant attention to autonomous, adaptive decision-making. In this paper, we look back at specific planetary mobility operations where human-guided adaptive planning played an important role in mission safety and productivity. Inspired by the abilities of human experts, we identify shortcomings of existing autonomous mobility algorithms for robots operating in off-road environments like planetary surfaces. We advocate for adaptive decision-making capabilities such as unassisted learning from past experiences and more reliance on stochastic world models. The aim of this work is to highlight promising research avenues to enhance ground planning tools and, ultimately, long-range autonomy algorithms on board planetary rovers.
comment: Accepted to the International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS'24), Brisbane, Australia, Nov. 19-21, 2024
☆ G3R: Gradient Guided Generalizable Reconstruction ECCV 2024
Large scale 3D scene reconstruction is important for applications such as virtual reality and simulation. Existing neural rendering approaches (e.g., NeRF, 3DGS) have achieved realistic reconstructions on large scenes, but optimize per scene, which is expensive and slow, and exhibit noticeable artifacts under large view changes due to overfitting. Generalizable approaches or large reconstruction models are fast, but primarily work for small scenes/objects and often produce lower quality rendering results. In this work, we introduce G3R, a generalizable reconstruction approach that can efficiently predict high-quality 3D scene representations for large scenes. We propose to learn a reconstruction network that takes the gradient feedback signals from differentiable rendering to iteratively update a 3D scene representation, combining the benefits of high photorealism from per-scene optimization with data-driven priors from fast feed-forward prediction methods. Experiments on urban-driving and drone datasets show that G3R generalizes across diverse large scenes and accelerates the reconstruction process by at least 10x while achieving comparable or better realism compared to 3DGS, and also being more robust to large view changes.
comment: ECCV 2024. Project page:
☆ Steering Prediction via a Multi-Sensor System for Autonomous Racing
Autonomous racing has rapidly gained research attention. Traditionally, racing cars rely on 2D LiDAR as their primary visual system. In this work, we explore the integration of an event camera with the existing system to provide enhanced temporal information. Our goal is to fuse the 2D LiDAR data with event data in an end-to-end learning framework for steering prediction, which is crucial for autonomous racing. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study addressing this challenging research topic. We start by creating a multisensor dataset specifically for steering prediction. Using this dataset, we establish a benchmark by evaluating various SOTA fusion methods. Our observations reveal that existing methods often incur substantial computational costs. To address this, we apply low-rank techniques to propose a novel, efficient, and effective fusion design. We introduce a new fusion learning policy to guide the fusion process, enhancing robustness against misalignment. Our fusion architecture provides better steering prediction than LiDAR alone, significantly reducing the RMSE from 7.72 to 1.28. Compared to the second-best fusion method, our work represents only 11% of the learnable parameters while achieving better accuracy. The source code, dataset, and benchmark will be released to promote future research.
☆ Intelligent Fish Detection System with Similarity-Aware Transformer
Fish detection in water-land transfer has significantly contributed to the fishery. However, manual fish detection in crowd-collaboration performs inefficiently and expensively, involving insufficient accuracy. To further enhance the water-land transfer efficiency, improve detection accuracy, and reduce labor costs, this work designs a new type of lightweight and plug-and-play edge intelligent vision system to automatically conduct fast fish detection with high-speed camera. Moreover, a novel similarity-aware vision Transformer for fast fish detection (FishViT) is proposed to onboard identify every single fish in a dense and similar group. Specifically, a novel similarity-aware multi-level encoder is developed to enhance multi-scale features in parallel, thereby yielding discriminative representations for varying-size fish. Additionally, a new soft-threshold attention mechanism is introduced, which not only effectively eliminates background noise from images but also accurately recognizes both the edge details and overall features of different similar fish. 85 challenging video sequences with high framerate and high-resolution are collected to establish a benchmark from real fish water-land transfer scenarios. Exhaustive evaluation conducted with this challenging benchmark has proved the robustness and effectiveness of FishViT with over 80 FPS. Real work scenario tests validate the practicality of the proposed method. The code and demo video are available at
☆ Gesture Recognition for Feedback Based Mixed Reality and Robotic Fabrication: A Case Study of the UnLog Tower
Mixed Reality (MR) platforms enable users to interact with three-dimensional holographic instructions during the assembly and fabrication of highly custom and parametric architectural constructions without the necessity of two-dimensional drawings. Previous MR fabrication projects have primarily relied on digital menus and custom buttons as the interface for user interaction with the MR environment. Despite this approach being widely adopted, it is limited in its ability to allow for direct human interaction with physical objects to modify fabrication instructions within the MR environment. This research integrates user interactions with physical objects through real-time gesture recognition as input to modify, update or generate new digital information enabling reciprocal stimuli between the physical and the virtual environment. Consequently, the digital environment is generative of the user's provided interaction with physical objects to allow seamless feedback in the fabrication process. This research investigates gesture recognition for feedback-based MR workflows for robotic fabrication, human assembly, and quality control in the construction of the UnLog Tower.
comment: 16 pages, 16 figures. Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF) 2023
☆ Symmetry Preservation in Swarms of Oblivious Robots with Limited Visibility
In the general pattern formation (GPF) problem, a swarm of simple autonomous, disoriented robots must form a given pattern. The robots' simplicity imply a strong limitation: When the initial configuration is rotationally symmetric, only patterns with a similar symmetry can be formed [Yamashita, Suzyuki; TCS 2010]. The only known algorithm to form large patterns with limited visibility and without memory requires the robots to start in a near-gathering (a swarm of constant diameter) [Hahn et al.; SAND 2024]. However, not only do we not know any near-gathering algorithm guaranteed to preserve symmetry but most natural gathering strategies trivially increase symmetries [Castenow et al.; OPODIS 2022]. Thus, we study near-gathering without changing the swarm's rotational symmetry for disoriented, oblivious robots with limited visibility (the OBLOT-model, see [Flocchini et al.; 2019]). We introduce a technique based on the theory of dynamical systems to analyze how a given algorithm affects symmetry and provide sufficient conditions for symmetry preservation. Until now, it was unknown whether the considered OBLOT-model allows for any non-trivial algorithm that always preserves symmetry. Our first result shows that a variant of Go-to-the-Average always preserves symmetry but may sometimes lead to multiple, unconnected near-gathering clusters. Our second result is a symmetry-preserving near-gathering algorithm that works on swarms with a convex boundary (the outer boundary of the unit disc graph) and without holes (circles of diameter 1 inside the boundary without any robots).
☆ Fast and Accurate Task Planning using Neuro-Symbolic Language Models and Multi-level Goal Decomposition
In robotic task planning, symbolic planners using rule-based representations like PDDL are effective but struggle with long-sequential tasks in complicated planning environments due to exponentially increasing search space. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) based on artificial neural networks have emerged as promising alternatives for autonomous robot task planning, offering faster inference and leveraging commonsense knowledge. However, they typically suffer from lower success rates. In this paper, to address the limitations of the current symbolic (slow speed) or LLM-based approaches (low accuracy), we propose a novel neuro-symbolic task planner that decomposes complex tasks into subgoals using LLM and carries out task planning for each subgoal using either symbolic or MCTS-based LLM planners, depending on the subgoal complexity. Generating subgoals helps reduce planning time and improve success rates by narrowing the overall search space and enabling LLMs to focus on smaller, more manageable tasks. Our method significantly reduces planning time while maintaining a competitive success rate, as demonstrated through experiments in different public task planning domains, as well as real-world and simulated robotics environments.
☆ Learning to Bridge the Gap: Efficient Novelty Recovery with Planning and Reinforcement Learning
The real world is unpredictable. Therefore, to solve long-horizon decision-making problems with autonomous robots, we must construct agents that are capable of adapting to changes in the environment during deployment. Model-based planning approaches can enable robots to solve complex, long-horizon tasks in a variety of environments. However, such approaches tend to be brittle when deployed into an environment featuring a novel situation that their underlying model does not account for. In this work, we propose to learn a ``bridge policy'' via Reinforcement Learning (RL) to adapt to such novelties. We introduce a simple formulation for such learning, where the RL problem is constructed with a special ``CallPlanner'' action that terminates the bridge policy and hands control of the agent back to the planner. This allows the RL policy to learn the set of states in which querying the planner and following the returned plan will achieve the goal. We show that this formulation enables the agent to rapidly learn by leveraging the planner's knowledge to avoid challenging long-horizon exploration caused by sparse reward. In experiments across three different simulated domains of varying complexity, we demonstrate that our approach is able to learn policies that adapt to novelty more efficiently than several baselines, including a pure RL baseline. We also demonstrate that the learned bridge policy is generalizable in that it can be combined with the planner to enable the agent to solve more complex tasks with multiple instances of the encountered novelty.
☆ RAIL: Reachability-Aided Imitation Learning for Safe Policy Execution
Imitation learning (IL) has shown great success in learning complex robot manipulation tasks. However, there remains a need for practical safety methods to justify widespread deployment. In particular, it is important to certify that a system obeys hard constraints on unsafe behavior in settings when it is unacceptable to design a tradeoff between performance and safety via tuning the policy (i.e. soft constraints). This leads to the question, how does enforcing hard constraints impact the performance (meaning safely completing tasks) of an IL policy? To answer this question, this paper builds a reachability-based safety filter to enforce hard constraints on IL, which we call Reachability-Aided Imitation Learning (RAIL). Through evaluations with state-of-the-art IL policies in mobile robots and manipulation tasks, we make two key findings. First, the highest-performing policies are sometimes only so because they frequently violate constraints, and significantly lose performance under hard constraints. Second, surprisingly, hard constraints on the lower-performing policies can occasionally increase their ability to perform tasks safely. Finally, hardware evaluation confirms the method can operate in real time.
comment: * denotes equal contribution
♻ ☆ Complete and Near-Optimal Robotic Crack Coverage and Filling in Civil Infrastructure
We present a simultaneous sensor-based inspection and footprint coverage (SIFC) planning and control design with applications to autonomous robotic crack mapping and filling. The main challenge of the SIFC problem lies in the coupling of complete sensing (for mapping) and robotic footprint (for filling) coverage tasks. Initially, we assume known target information (e.g., cracks) and employ classic cell decomposition methods to achieve complete sensing coverage of the workspace and complete robotic footprint coverage using the least-cost route. Subsequently, we generalize the algorithm to handle unknown target information, allowing the robot to scan and incrementally construct the target map online while conducting robotic footprint coverage. The online polynomial-time SIFC planning algorithm minimizes the total robot traveling distance, guarantees complete sensing coverage of the entire workspace, and achieves near-optimal robotic footprint coverage, as demonstrated through experiments. For the demonstrated application, we design coordinated nozzle motion control with the planned robot trajectory to efficiently fill all cracks within the robot's footprint. Experimental results illustrate the algorithm's design, performance, and comparisons. The SIFC algorithm offers a high-efficiency motion planning solution for various robotic applications requiring simultaneous sensing and actuation coverage.
♻ ☆ SplatSim: Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer of RGB Manipulation Policies Using Gaussian Splatting
Sim2Real transfer, particularly for manipulation policies relying on RGB images, remains a critical challenge in robotics due to the significant domain shift between synthetic and real-world visual data. In this paper, we propose SplatSim, a novel framework that leverages Gaussian Splatting as the primary rendering primitive to reduce the Sim2Real gap for RGB-based manipulation policies. By replacing traditional mesh representations with Gaussian Splats in simulators, SplatSim produces highly photorealistic synthetic data while maintaining the scalability and cost-efficiency of simulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by training manipulation policies within SplatSim and deploying them in the real world in a zero-shot manner, achieving an average success rate of 86.25%, compared to 97.5% for policies trained on real-world data. Videos can be found on our project page:
♻ ☆ KinScene: Model-Based Mobile Manipulation of Articulated Scenes
Sequentially interacting with articulated objects is crucial for a mobile manipulator to operate effectively in everyday environments. To enable long-horizon tasks involving articulated objects, this study explores building scene-level articulation models for indoor scenes through autonomous exploration. While previous research has studied mobile manipulation with articulated objects by considering object kinematic constraints, it primarily focuses on individual-object scenarios and lacks extension to a scene-level context for task-level planning. To manipulate multiple object parts sequentially, the robot needs to reason about the resultant motion of each part and anticipate its impact on future actions. We introduce KinScene, a full-stack approach for long-horizon manipulation tasks with articulated objects. The robot maps the scene, detects and physically interacts with articulated objects, collects observations, and infers the articulation properties. For sequential tasks, the robot plans a feasible series of object interactions based on the inferred articulation model. We demonstrate that our approach repeatably constructs accurate scene-level kinematic and geometric models, enabling long-horizon mobile manipulation in a real-world scene. Code and additional results are available at
♻ ☆ Learning Semantic Traversability with Egocentric Video and Automated Annotation Strategy
For reliable autonomous robot navigation in urban settings, the robot must have the ability to identify semantically traversable terrains in the image based on the semantic understanding of the scene. This reasoning ability is based on semantic traversability, which is frequently achieved using semantic segmentation models fine-tuned on the testing domain. This fine-tuning process often involves manual data collection with the target robot and annotation by human labelers which is prohibitively expensive and unscalable. In this work, we present an effective methodology for training a semantic traversability estimator using egocentric videos and an automated annotation process. Egocentric videos are collected from a camera mounted on a pedestrian's chest. The dataset for training the semantic traversability estimator is then automatically generated by extracting semantically traversable regions in each video frame using a recent foundation model in image segmentation and its prompting technique. Extensive experiments with videos taken across several countries and cities, covering diverse urban scenarios, demonstrate the high scalability and generalizability of the proposed annotation method. Furthermore, performance analysis and real-world deployment for autonomous robot navigation showcase that the trained semantic traversability estimator is highly accurate, able to handle diverse camera viewpoints, computationally light, and real-world applicable. The summary video is available at
comment: Accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2024, First two authors contributed equally
♻ ☆ Certifiably Correct Range-Aided SLAM
We present the first algorithm to efficiently compute certifiably optimal solutions to range-aided simultaneous localization and mapping (RA-SLAM) problems. Robotic navigation systems increasingly incorporate point-to-point ranging sensors, leading to state estimation problems in the form of RA-SLAM. However, the RA-SLAM problem is significantly more difficult to solve than traditional pose-graph SLAM: ranging sensor models introduce non-convexity and single range measurements do not uniquely determine the transform between the involved sensors. As a result, RA-SLAM inference is sensitive to initial estimates yet lacks reliable initialization techniques. Our approach, certifiably correct RA-SLAM (CORA), leverages a novel quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) formulation of RA-SLAM to relax the RA-SLAM problem to a semidefinite program (SDP). CORA solves the SDP efficiently using the Riemannian Staircase methodology; the SDP solution provides both (i) a lower bound on the RA-SLAM problem's optimal value, and (ii) an approximate solution of the RA-SLAM problem, which can be subsequently refined using local optimization. CORA applies to problems with arbitrary pose-pose, pose-landmark, and ranging measurements and, due to using convex relaxation, is insensitive to initialization. We evaluate CORA on several real-world problems. In contrast to state-of-the-art approaches, CORA is able to obtain high-quality solutions on all problems despite being initialized with random values. Additionally, we study the tightness of the SDP relaxation with respect to important problem parameters: the number of (i) robots, (ii) landmarks, and (iii) range measurements. These experiments demonstrate that the SDP relaxation is often tight and reveal relationships between graph connectivity and the tightness of the SDP relaxation.
comment: Accepted to Transactions on Robotics (T-RO)
♻ ☆ Generalizable whole-body global manipulation of deformable linear objects by dual-arm robot in 3-D constrained environments
Constrained environments are common in practical applications of manipulating deformable linear objects (DLOs), where movements of both DLOs and robots should be constrained. This task is high-dimensional and highly constrained owing to the highly deformable DLOs, dual-arm robots with high degrees of freedom, and 3-D complex environments, which render global planning challenging. Furthermore, accurate DLO models needed by planning are often unavailable owing to their strong nonlinearity and diversity, resulting in unreliable planned paths. This article focuses on the global moving and shaping of DLOs in constrained environments by dual-arm robots. The main objectives are 1) to efficiently and accurately accomplish this task, and 2) to achieve generalizable and robust manipulation of various DLOs. To this end, we propose a complementary framework with whole-body planning and control using appropriate DLO model representations. First, a global planner is proposed to efficiently find feasible solutions based on a simplified DLO energy model, which considers the full system states and all constraints to plan more reliable paths. Then, a closed-loop manipulation scheme is proposed to compensate for the modeling errors and enhance the robustness and accuracy, which incorporates a model predictive controller that real-time adjusts the robot motion based on an adaptive DLO motion model. The key novelty is that our framework can efficiently solve the high-dimensional problem subject to multiple constraints and generalize to various DLOs without elaborate model identifications. Experiments demonstrate that our framework can accomplish considerably more complicated tasks than existing works, with significantly higher efficiency, generalizability, and reliability.
comment: Accepted by IJRR. Project website:
♻ ☆ Real-time Planning of Minimum-time Trajectories for Agile UAV Flight
We address the challenge of real-time planning of minimum-time trajectories over multiple waypoints, onboard multirotor UAVs. Previous works demonstrated that achieving a truly time-optimal trajectory is computationally too demanding to enable frequent replanning during agile flight, especially on less powerful flight computers. Our approach overcomes this stumbling block by utilizing a point-mass model with a novel iterative thrust decomposition algorithm, enabling the UAV to use all of its collective thrust, something previous point-mass approaches could not achieve. The approach enables gravity and drag modeling integration, significantly reducing tracking errors in high-speed trajectories, which is proven through an ablation study. When combined with a new multi-waypoint optimization algorithm, which uses a gradient-based method to converge to optimal velocities in waypoints, the proposed method generates minimum-time multi-waypoint trajectories within milliseconds. The proposed approach, which we provide as open-source package, is validated both in simulation and in real-world, using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. With accelerations of up to 3.5g and speeds over 100 km/h, trajectories generated by the proposed method yield similar or even smaller tracking errors than the trajectories generated for a full multirotor model.
♻ ☆ Closed-Loop Visuomotor Control with Generative Expectation for Robotic Manipulation NeurIPS 2024
Despite significant progress in robotics and embodied AI in recent years, deploying robots for long-horizon tasks remains a great challenge. Majority of prior arts adhere to an open-loop philosophy and lack real-time feedback, leading to error accumulation and undesirable robustness. A handful of approaches have endeavored to establish feedback mechanisms leveraging pixel-level differences or pre-trained visual representations, yet their efficacy and adaptability have been found to be constrained. Inspired by classic closed-loop control systems, we propose CLOVER, a closed-loop visuomotor control framework that incorporates feedback mechanisms to improve adaptive robotic control. CLOVER consists of a text-conditioned video diffusion model for generating visual plans as reference inputs, a measurable embedding space for accurate error quantification, and a feedback-driven controller that refines actions from feedback and initiates replans as needed. Our framework exhibits notable advancement in real-world robotic tasks and achieves state-of-the-art on CALVIN benchmark, improving by 8% over previous open-loop counterparts. Code and checkpoints are maintained at
comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 2024. Code and models:
♻ ☆ A Central Motor System Inspired Pre-training Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Control
The development of intelligent robots requires control policies that can handle dynamic environments and evolving tasks. Pre-training reinforcement learning has emerged as an effective approach to address these demands by enabling robots to acquire reusable motor skills. However, they often rely on large datasets or expert-designed goal spaces, limiting adaptability. Additionally, these methods need help to generate dynamic and diverse skills in high-dimensional state spaces, reducing their effectiveness for downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose CMS-PRL, a pre-training reinforcement learning method inspired by the Central Motor System (CMS). First, we introduce a fusion reward mechanism that combines the basic motor reward with mutual information reward, promoting the discovery of dynamic skills during pre-training without reliance on external data. Second, we design a skill encoding method inspired by the motor program of the basal ganglia, providing rich and continuous skill instructions during pre-training. Finally, we propose a skill activity function to regulate motor skill activity, enabling the generation of skills with different activity levels, thereby enhancing the robot's flexibility in downstream tasks. We evaluate the model on four types of robots in a challenging set of sparse-reward tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that CMS-PRL generates diverse, reusable motor skills to solve various downstream tasks and outperforms baseline methods, particularly in high-degree-of-freedom robots and complex tasks.
comment: 12 pages; 9 figures
♻ ☆ Deep Attention Driven Reinforcement Learning (DAD-RL) for Autonomous Decision-Making in Dynamic Environment
Autonomous Vehicle (AV) decision making in urban environments is inherently challenging due to the dynamic interactions with surrounding vehicles. For safe planning, AV must understand the weightage of various spatiotemporal interactions in a scene. Contemporary works use colossal transformer architectures to encode interactions mainly for trajectory prediction, resulting in increased computational complexity. To address this issue without compromising spatiotemporal understanding and performance, we propose the simple Deep Attention Driven Reinforcement Learning (DADRL) framework, which dynamically assigns and incorporates the significance of surrounding vehicles into the ego's RL driven decision making process. We introduce an AV centric spatiotemporal attention encoding (STAE) mechanism for learning the dynamic interactions with different surrounding vehicles. To understand map and route context, we employ a context encoder to extract features from context maps. The spatiotemporal representations combined with contextual encoding provide a comprehensive state representation. The resulting model is trained using the Soft Actor Critic (SAC) algorithm. We evaluate the proposed framework on the SMARTS urban benchmarking scenarios without traffic signals to demonstrate that DADRL outperforms recent state of the art methods. Furthermore, an ablation study underscores the importance of the context-encoder and spatio temporal attention encoder in achieving superior performance.
comment: 6 pages, 3 figures
♻ ☆ RPMArt: Towards Robust Perception and Manipulation for Articulated Objects IROS 2024
Articulated objects are commonly found in daily life. It is essential that robots can exhibit robust perception and manipulation skills for articulated objects in real-world robotic applications. However, existing methods for articulated objects insufficiently address noise in point clouds and struggle to bridge the gap between simulation and reality, thus limiting the practical deployment in real-world scenarios. To tackle these challenges, we propose a framework towards Robust Perception and Manipulation for Articulated Objects (RPMArt), which learns to estimate the articulation parameters and manipulate the articulation part from the noisy point cloud. Our primary contribution is a Robust Articulation Network (RoArtNet) that is able to predict both joint parameters and affordable points robustly by local feature learning and point tuple voting. Moreover, we introduce an articulation-aware classification scheme to enhance its ability for sim-to-real transfer. Finally, with the estimated affordable point and articulation joint constraint, the robot can generate robust actions to manipulate articulated objects. After learning only from synthetic data, RPMArt is able to transfer zero-shot to real-world articulated objects. Experimental results confirm our approach's effectiveness, with our framework achieving state-of-the-art performance in both noise-added simulation and real-world environments. Code, data and more results can be found on the project website at
comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), project website at
Robotics 62
☆ UniCal: Unified Neural Sensor Calibration ECCV 2024
Self-driving vehicles (SDVs) require accurate calibration of LiDARs and cameras to fuse sensor data accurately for autonomy. Traditional calibration methods typically leverage fiducials captured in a controlled and structured scene and compute correspondences to optimize over. These approaches are costly and require substantial infrastructure and operations, making it challenging to scale for vehicle fleets. In this work, we propose UniCal, a unified framework for effortlessly calibrating SDVs equipped with multiple LiDARs and cameras. Our approach is built upon a differentiable scene representation capable of rendering multi-view geometrically and photometrically consistent sensor observations. We jointly learn the sensor calibration and the underlying scene representation through differentiable volume rendering, utilizing outdoor sensor data without the need for specific calibration fiducials. This "drive-and-calibrate" approach significantly reduces costs and operational overhead compared to existing calibration systems, enabling efficient calibration for large SDV fleets at scale. To ensure geometric consistency across observations from different sensors, we introduce a novel surface alignment loss that combines feature-based registration with neural rendering. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets demonstrate that UniCal outperforms or matches the accuracy of existing calibration approaches while being more efficient, demonstrating the value of UniCal for scalable calibration.
comment: ECCV 2024. Project page:
☆ Towards Super-Nominal Payload Handling: Inverse Dynamics Analysis for Multi-Skill Robotic Manipulation ICRA
Motion planning for articulated robots has traditionally been governed by algorithms that operate within manufacturer-defined payload limits. Our empirical analysis of the Franka Emika Panda robot demonstrates that this approach unnecessarily restricts the robot's dynamically-reachable task space. These results establish an expanded operational envelope for such robots, showing that they can handle payloads of more than twice their rated capacity. Additionally, our preliminary findings indicate that integrating non-prehensile motion primitives with grasping-based manipulation has the potential to further increase the success rates of manipulation tasks involving payloads exceeding nominal limits.
comment: Accepted as an extended abstract to ICRA@40
☆ Safe Decentralized Multi-Agent Control using Black-Box Predictors, Conformal Decision Policies, and Control Barrier Functions ICRA 2025
We address the challenge of safe control in decentralized multi-agent robotic settings, where agents use uncertain black-box models to predict other agents' trajectories. We use the recently proposed conformal decision theory to adapt the restrictiveness of control barrier functions-based safety constraints based on observed prediction errors. We use these constraints to synthesize controllers that balance between the objectives of safety and task accomplishment, despite the prediction errors. We provide an upper bound on the average over time of the value of a monotonic function of the difference between the safety constraint based on the predicted trajectories and the constraint based on the ground truth ones. We validate our theory through experimental results showing the performance of our controllers when navigating a robot in the multi-agent scenes in the Stanford Drone Dataset.
comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted for ICRA 2025
☆ Open-Nav: Exploring Zero-Shot Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environment with Open-Source LLMs
Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) tasks require an agent to follow textual instructions to navigate through 3D environments. Traditional approaches use supervised learning methods, relying heavily on domain-specific datasets to train VLN models. Recent methods try to utilize closed-source large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 to solve VLN tasks in zero-shot manners, but face challenges related to expensive token costs and potential data breaches in real-world applications. In this work, we introduce Open-Nav, a novel study that explores open-source LLMs for zero-shot VLN in the continuous environment. Open-Nav employs a spatial-temporal chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning approach to break down tasks into instruction comprehension, progress estimation, and decision-making. It enhances scene perceptions with fine-grained object and spatial knowledge to improve LLM's reasoning in navigation. Our extensive experiments in both simulated and real-world environments demonstrate that Open-Nav achieves competitive performance compared to using closed-source LLMs.
☆ Excavating in the Wild: The GOOSE-Ex Dataset for Semantic Segmentation
The successful deployment of deep learning-based techniques for autonomous systems is highly dependent on the data availability for the respective system in its deployment environment. Especially for unstructured outdoor environments, very few datasets exist for even fewer robotic platforms and scenarios. In an earlier work, we presented the German Outdoor and Offroad Dataset (GOOSE) framework along with 10000 multimodal frames from an offroad vehicle to enhance the perception capabilities in unstructured environments. In this work, we address the generalizability of the GOOSE framework. To accomplish this, we open-source the GOOSE-Ex dataset, which contains additional 5000 labeled multimodal frames from various completely different environments, recorded on a robotic excavator and a quadruped platform. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the semantic segmentation performance on different platforms and sensor modalities in unseen environments. In addition, we demonstrate how the combined datasets can be utilized for different downstream applications or competitions such as offroad navigation, object manipulation or scene completion. The dataset, its platform documentation and pre-trained state-of-the-art models for offroad perception will be made available on \
comment: Submitted to IEEE for review
☆ A POMDP-based hierarchical planning framework for manipulation under pose uncertainty
Robots often face challenges in domestic environments where visual feedback is ineffective, such as retrieving objects obstructed by occlusions or finding a light switch in the dark. In these cases, utilizing contacts to localize the target object can be effective. We propose an online planning framework using binary contact signals for manipulation tasks with pose uncertainty, formulated as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). Naively representing the belief as a particle set makes planning infeasible due to the large uncertainties in domestic settings, as identifying the best sequence of actions requires rolling out thousands of actions across millions of particles, taking significant compute time. To address this, we propose a hierarchical belief representation. Initially, we represent the uncertainty coarsely in a 3D volumetric space. Policies that refine uncertainty in this space are computed and executed, and once uncertainty is sufficiently reduced, the problem is translated back into the particle space for further refinement before task completion. We utilize a closed-loop planning and execution framework with a heuristic-search-based anytime solver that computes partial policies within a limited time budget. The performance of the framework is demonstrated both in real world and in simulation on the high-precision task of inserting a plug into a port using a UR10e manipulator, resolving positional uncertainties up to 50 centimeters and angular uncertainties close to $2\pi$. Experimental results highlight the framework's effectiveness, achieving a 93\% success rate in the real world and over 50\% improvement in solution quality compared to greedy baselines, significantly accelerating planning and enabling real-time solutions for complex problems.
comment: Under review (2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation)
☆ Learning from Demonstration with Implicit Nonlinear Dynamics Models
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) is a useful paradigm for training policies that solve tasks involving complex motions. In practice, the successful application of LfD requires overcoming error accumulation during policy execution, i.e. the problem of drift due to errors compounding over time and the consequent out-of-distribution behaviours. Existing works seek to address this problem through scaling data collection, correcting policy errors with a human-in-the-loop, temporally ensembling policy predictions or through learning the parameters of a dynamical system model. In this work, we propose and validate an alternative approach to overcoming this issue. Inspired by reservoir computing, we develop a novel neural network layer that includes a fixed nonlinear dynamical system with tunable dynamical properties. We validate the efficacy of our neural network layer on the task of reproducing human handwriting motions using the LASA Human Handwriting Dataset. Through empirical experiments we demonstrate that incorporating our layer into existing neural network architectures addresses the issue of compounding errors in LfD. Furthermore, we perform a comparative evaluation against existing approaches including a temporal ensemble of policy predictions and an Echo State Networks (ESNs) implementation. We find that our approach yields greater policy precision and robustness on the handwriting task while also generalising to multiple dynamics regimes and maintaining competitive latency scores.
comment: 21 pages, 9 figures
☆ Transparency evaluation for the Kinematic Design of the Harnesses through Human-Exoskeleton Interaction Modeling
Lower Limb Exoskeletons (LLEs) are wearable robots that provide mechanical power to the user. Human-exoskeleton (HE) connections must preserve the user's natural behavior during the interaction, avoiding undesired forces. Therefore, numerous works focus on their minimization. Given the inherent complications of repeatedly prototyping and experimentally testing a device, modeling the exoskeleton and its physical interaction with the user emerges as a valuable approach for assessing the design effects. This paper proposes a novel method to compare different exoskeleton configurations with a flexible simulation tool. This approach contemplates simulating the dynamics of the device, including its interaction with the wearer, to evaluate multiple connection mechanism designs along with the kinematics and actuation of the LLE. This evaluation is based on the minimization of the interaction wrenches through an optimization process that includes the impedance parameters at the interfaces as optimization variables and the similarity of the LLE's joint variables trajectories with the motion of the wearer's articulations. Exploratory tests are conducted using the Wearable Walker LLE in different configurations and measuring the interaction forces. Experimental data are then compared to the optimization outcomes, proving that the proposed method provides contact wrench estimations consistent with the collected measurements and previous outcomes from the literature. Copyright 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
☆ Royal Reveals: LiDAR Mapping of Kronborg Castle, Echoes of Hamlet's Halls
This paper presents a large scale dataset from a meticulous 360-degree LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scan conducted on Kronborg Castle, a renowned Renaissance fortress located in Elsinore (Helsing{\o}r), Denmark, famously associated with Shakespeare's "Hamlet." Utilising a vertical mounted, gimbal stabilised, 16 channel, 360-degree Velodyne VLP-16 LiDAR scanner, paired with an Intel RealSense L515 depth camera. This research offers an unparalleled digital representation of the castle's intricate architectural details and structural nuances, enabling fellow researchers to conduct experiments utilising the data for SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) as well as floorplan generation.
comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables
☆ A study on the effects of mixed explicit and implicit communications in human-virtual-agent interactions
Communication between humans and robots (or virtual agents) is essential for interaction and often inspired by human communication, which uses gestures, facial expressions, gaze direction, and other explicit and implicit means. This work presents an interaction experiment where humans and virtual agents interact through explicit (gestures, manual entries using mouse and keyboard, voice, sound, and information on screen) and implicit (gaze direction, location, facial expressions, and raise of eyebrows) communication to evaluate the effect of mixed explicit-implicit communication against purely explicit communication. Results obtained using Bayesian parameter estimation show that the number of errors and task execution time did not significantly change when mixed explicit and implicit communications were used, and neither the perceived efficiency of the interaction. In contrast, acceptance, sociability, and transparency of the virtual agent increased when using mixed communication modalities (88.3%, 92%, and 92.9% of the effect size posterior distribution of each variable, respectively, were above the upper limit of the region of practical equivalence). This suggests that task-related measures, such as time, number of errors, and perceived efficiency of the interaction, have not been influenced by the communication type in our particular experiment. However, the improvement of subjective measures related to the virtual agent, such as acceptance, sociability, and transparency, suggests that humans are more receptive to mixed explicit and implicit communications.
comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables. Under review for International Journal of Social Robotics
☆ OpenObject-NAV: Open-Vocabulary Object-Oriented Navigation Based on Dynamic Carrier-Relationship Scene Graph
In everyday life, frequently used objects like cups often have unfixed positions and multiple instances within the same category, and their carriers frequently change as well. As a result, it becomes challenging for a robot to efficiently navigate to a specific instance. To tackle this challenge, the robot must capture and update scene changes and plans continuously. However, current object navigation approaches primarily focus on semantic-level and lack the ability to dynamically update scene representation. This paper captures the relationships between frequently used objects and their static carriers. It constructs an open-vocabulary Carrier-Relationship Scene Graph (CRSG) and updates the carrying status during robot navigation to reflect the dynamic changes of the scene. Based on the CRSG, we further propose an instance navigation strategy that models the navigation process as a Markov Decision Process. At each step, decisions are informed by Large Language Model's commonsense knowledge and visual-language feature similarity. We designed a series of long-sequence navigation tasks for frequently used everyday items in the Habitat simulator. The results demonstrate that by updating the CRSG, the robot can efficiently navigate to moved targets. Additionally, we deployed our algorithm on a real robot and validated its practical effectiveness.
comment: Project website:
☆ Optimum Configuration for Hovering n-Quadrotors carrying a Slung Payload SC
This work proposes a strategy for organising quadrotors around a payload to enable hovering without external stimuli, together with a MATLAB software for modelling the dynamics of a quadrotor-payload system. Based on geometric concepts, the proposed design keeps the payload and system centre of mass aligned. Hovering tests that are successful confirm the method's efficiency. Moreover, the algorithm is improved to take thrust capacities and propeller distances into account, calculating the minimum number of quadrotors needed for hovering. The algorithm's effectiveness is demonstrated by numerical examples, which reveal that larger quadrotors may require fewer units while smaller ones give greater flexibility. Our code can be found at: \href{}{}
comment: accepted for publication at AIAA SCITECH 2025
☆ Discrete Policy: Learning Disentangled Action Space for Multi-Task Robotic Manipulation
Learning visuomotor policy for multi-task robotic manipulation has been a long-standing challenge for the robotics community. The difficulty lies in the diversity of action space: typically, a goal can be accomplished in multiple ways, resulting in a multimodal action distribution for a single task. The complexity of action distribution escalates as the number of tasks increases. In this work, we propose \textbf{Discrete Policy}, a robot learning method for training universal agents capable of multi-task manipulation skills. Discrete Policy employs vector quantization to map action sequences into a discrete latent space, facilitating the learning of task-specific codes. These codes are then reconstructed into the action space conditioned on observations and language instruction. We evaluate our method on both simulation and multiple real-world embodiments, including both single-arm and bimanual robot settings. We demonstrate that our proposed Discrete Policy outperforms a well-established Diffusion Policy baseline and many state-of-the-art approaches, including ACT, Octo, and OpenVLA. For example, in a real-world multi-task training setting with five tasks, Discrete Policy achieves an average success rate that is 26\% higher than Diffusion Policy and 15\% higher than OpenVLA. As the number of tasks increases to 12, the performance gap between Discrete Policy and Diffusion Policy widens to 32.5\%, further showcasing the advantages of our approach. Our work empirically demonstrates that learning multi-task policies within the latent space is a vital step toward achieving general-purpose agents.
☆ Automatic Gain Tuning for Humanoid Robots Walking Architectures Using Gradient-Free Optimization Techniques
Developing sophisticated control architectures has endowed robots, particularly humanoid robots, with numerous capabilities. However, tuning these architectures remains a challenging and time-consuming task that requires expert intervention. In this work, we propose a methodology to automatically tune the gains of all layers of a hierarchical control architecture for walking humanoids. We tested our methodology by employing different gradient-free optimization methods: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), Evolution Strategy (ES), and Differential Evolution (DE). We validated the parameter found both in simulation and on the real ergoCub humanoid robot. Our results show that GA achieves the fastest convergence (10 x 10^3 function evaluations vs 25 x 10^3 needed by the other algorithms) and 100% success rate in completing the task both in simulation and when transferred on the real robotic platform. These findings highlight the potential of our proposed method to automate the tuning process, reducing the need for manual intervention.
☆ Pseudo-kinematic trajectory control of tracked vehicles
Tracked vehicles are used in complex scenarios, where motion planning and navigation can be very complex. They have complex dynamics, with many parameters that are difficult to identify and that change significantly based on the operating conditions. We propose a simple pseudo-kinematic model, where the intricate dynamic effects underlying the vehicle's motion are captured in a small set of velocity-dependent parameters. This choice enables the development of a Lyapunov-based trajectory controller with guaranteed performance and small computation time. We demonstrate the correctness of our approach with both simulation and experimental data.
☆ From One to the Power of Many: Augmentations for Invariance to Multi-LiDAR Perception from Single-Sensor Datasets
Recently, LiDAR perception methods for autonomous vehicles, powered by deep neural networks have experienced steep growth in performance on classic benchmarks, such as nuScenes and SemanticKITTI. However, there are still large gaps in performance when deploying models trained on such single-sensor setups to modern multi-sensor vehicles. In this work, we investigate if a lack of invariance may be responsible for these performance gaps, and propose some initial solutions in the form of application-specific data augmentations, which can facilitate better transfer to multi-sensor LiDAR setups. We provide experimental evidence that our proposed augmentations improve generalization across LiDAR sensor setups, and investigate how these augmentations affect the models' invariance properties on simulations of different LiDAR sensor setups.
☆ Analysis of Truncated Singular Value Decomposition for Koopman Operator-Based Lane Change Model
Understanding and modeling complex dynamic systems is crucial for enhancing vehicle performance and safety, especially in the context of autonomous driving. Recently, popular methods such as Koopman operators and their approximators, known as Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition (EDMD), have emerged for their effectiveness in transforming strongly nonlinear system behavior into linear representations. This allows them to be integrated with conventional linear controllers. To achieve this, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), specifically truncated SVD, is employed to approximate Koopman operators from extensive datasets efficiently. This study evaluates different basis functions used in EDMD and ranks for truncated SVD for representing lane change behavior models, aiming to balance computational efficiency with information loss. The findings, however, suggest that the technique of truncated SVD does not necessarily achieve substantial reductions in computational training time and results in significant information loss.
comment: Submitted to the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024)
☆ Unscented Transform-based Pure Pursuit Path-Tracking Algorithm under Uncertainty
Automated driving has become more and more popular due to its potential to eliminate road accidents by taking over driving tasks from humans. One of the remaining challenges is to follow a planned path autonomously, especially when uncertainties in self-localizing or understanding the surroundings can influence the decisions made by autonomous vehicles, such as calculating how much they need to steer to minimize tracking errors. In this paper, a modified geometric pure pursuit path-tracking algorithm is proposed, taking into consideration such uncertainties using the unscented transform. The algorithm is tested through simulations for typical road geometries, such as straight and circular lines.
comment: Submitted to the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024)
☆ An Epistemic Human-Aware Task Planner which Anticipates Human Beliefs and Decisions
We present a substantial extension of our Human-Aware Task Planning framework, tailored for scenarios with intermittent shared execution experiences and significant belief divergence between humans and robots, particularly due to the uncontrollable nature of humans. Our objective is to build a robot policy that accounts for uncontrollable human behaviors, thus enabling the anticipation of possible advancements achieved by the robot when the execution is not shared, e.g. when humans are briefly absent from the shared environment to complete a subtask. But, this anticipation is considered from the perspective of humans who have access to an estimated model for the robot. To this end, we propose a novel planning framework and build a solver based on AND-OR search, which integrates knowledge reasoning, including situation assessment by perspective taking. Our approach dynamically models and manages the expansion and contraction of potential advances while precisely keeping track of when (and when not) agents share the task execution experience. The planner systematically assesses the situation and ignores worlds that it has reason to think are impossible for humans. Overall, our new solver can estimate the distinct beliefs of the human and the robot along potential courses of action, enabling the synthesis of plans where the robot selects the right moment for communication, i.e. informing, or replying to an inquiry, or defers ontic actions until the execution experiences can be shared. Preliminary experiments in two domains, one novel and one adapted, demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.
comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 table
☆ DynaWeightPnP: Toward global real-time 3D-2D solver in PnP without correspondences
This paper addresses a special Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem: estimating the optimal pose to align 3D and 2D shapes in real-time without correspondences, termed as correspondence-free PnP. While several studies have focused on 3D and 2D shape registration, achieving both real-time and accurate performance remains challenging. This study specifically targets the 3D-2D geometric shape registration tasks, applying the recently developed Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) to address the "big-to-small" issue. An iterative reweighted least squares method is employed to solve the RKHS-based formulation efficiently. Moreover, our work identifies a unique and interesting observability issue in correspondence-free PnP: the numerical ambiguity between rotation and translation. To address this, we proposed DynaWeightPnP, introducing a dynamic weighting sub-problem and an alternative searching algorithm designed to enhance pose estimation and alignment accuracy. Experiments were conducted on a typical case, that is, a 3D-2D vascular centerline registration task within Endovascular Image-Guided Interventions (EIGIs). Results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm achieves registration processing rates of 60 Hz (without post-refinement) and 31 Hz (with post-refinement) on modern single-core CPUs, with competitive accuracy comparable to existing methods. These results underscore the suitability of DynaWeightPnP for future robot navigation tasks like EIGIs.
☆ Exploiting Physical Human-Robot Interaction to Provide a Unique Rolling Experience with a Riding Ballbot
This study introduces the development of hands-free control schemes for a riding ballbot, designed to allow riders including manual wheelchair users to control its movement through torso leaning and twisting. The hardware platform, Personal Unique Rolling Experience (PURE), utilizes a ballbot drivetrain, a dynamically stable mobile robot that uses a ball as its wheel to provide omnidirectional maneuverability. To accommodate users with varying torso motion functions, the hanads-free control scheme should be adjustable based on the rider's torso function and personal preferences. Therefore, concepts of (a) impedance control and (b) admittance control were integrated into the control scheme. A duo-agent optimization framework was utilized to assess the efficiency of this rider-ballbot system for a safety-critical task: braking from 1.4 m/s. The candidate control schemes were further implemented in the physical robot hardware and validated with two experienced users, demonstrating the efficiency and robustness of the hands-free admittance control scheme (HACS). This interface, which utilized physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) as the input, resulted in lower braking effort and shorter braking distance and time. Subsequently, 12 novice participants (six able-bodied users and six manual wheelchair users) with different levels of torso motion capability were then recruited to benchmark the braking performance with HACS. The indoor navigation capability of PURE was further demonstrated with these participants in courses simulating narrow hallways, tight turns, and navigation through static and dynamic obstacles. By exploiting pHRI, the proposed admittance-style control scheme provided effective control of the ballbot via torso motions. This interface enables PURE to provide a personal unique rolling experience to manual wheelchair users for safe and agile indoor navigation.
☆ Get It For Free: Radar Segmentation without Expert Labels and Its Application in Odometry and Localization
This paper presents a novel weakly supervised semantic segmentation method for radar segmentation, where the existing LiDAR semantic segmentation models are employed to generate semantic labels, which then serve as supervision signals for training a radar semantic segmentation model. The obtained radar semantic segmentation model outperforms LiDAR-based models, providing more consistent and robust segmentation under all-weather conditions, particularly in the snow, rain and fog. To mitigate potential errors in LiDAR semantic labels, we design a dedicated refinement scheme that corrects erroneous labels based on structural features and distribution patterns. The semantic information generated by our radar segmentation model is used in two downstream tasks, achieving significant performance improvements. In large-scale radar-based localization using OpenStreetMap, it leads to localization error reduction by 20.55\% over prior methods. For the odometry task, it improves translation accuracy by 16.4\% compared to the second-best method, securing the first place in the radar odometry competition at the Radar in Robotics workshop of ICRA 2024, Japan
☆ BoT-Drive: Hierarchical Behavior and Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving using POMDPs
Uncertainties in dynamic road environments pose significant challenges for behavior and trajectory planning in autonomous driving. This paper introduces BoT-Drive, a planning algorithm that addresses uncertainties at both behavior and trajectory levels within a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) framework. BoT-Drive employs driver models to characterize unknown behavioral intentions and utilizes their model parameters to infer hidden driving styles. By also treating driver models as decision-making actions for the autonomous vehicle, BoT-Drive effectively tackles the exponential complexity inherent in POMDPs. To enhance safety and robustness, the planner further applies importance sampling to refine the driving trajectory conditioned on the planned high-level behavior. Evaluation on real-world data shows that BoT-Drive consistently outperforms both existing planning methods and learning-based methods in regular and complex urban driving scenes, demonstrating significant improvements in driving safety and reliability.
☆ Word2Wave: Language Driven Mission Programming for Efficient Subsea Deployments of Marine Robots
This paper explores the design and development of a language-based interface for dynamic mission programming of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The proposed 'Word2Wave' (W2W) framework enables interactive programming and parameter configuration of AUVs for remote subsea missions. The W2W framework includes: (i) a set of novel language rules and command structures for efficient language-to-mission mapping; (ii) a GPT-based prompt engineering module for training data generation; (iii) a small language model (SLM)-based sequence-to-sequence learning pipeline for mission command generation from human speech or text; and (iv) a novel user interface for 2D mission map visualization and human-machine interfacing. The proposed learning pipeline adapts an SLM named T5-Small that can learn language-to-mission mapping from processed language data effectively, providing robust and efficient performance. In addition to a benchmark evaluation with state-of-the-art, we conduct a user interaction study to demonstrate the effectiveness of W2W over commercial AUV programming interfaces. Across participants, W2W-based programming required less than 10% time for mission programming compared to traditional interfaces; it is deemed to be a simpler and more natural paradigm for subsea mission programming with a usability score of 76.25. W2W opens up promising future research opportunities on hands-free AUV mission programming for efficient subsea deployments.
☆ An Augmented Reality Interface for Teleoperating Robot Manipulators: Reducing Demonstrator Task Load through Digital Twin Control
Acquiring high-quality demonstration data is essential for the success of data-driven methods, such as imitation learning. Existing platforms for providing demonstrations for manipulation tasks often impose significant physical and mental demands on the demonstrator, require additional hardware systems, or necessitate specialized domain knowledge. In this work, we present a novel augmented reality (AR) interface for teleoperating robotic manipulators, emphasizing the demonstrator's experience, particularly in the context of performing complex tasks that require precision and accuracy. This interface, designed for the Microsoft HoloLens 2, leverages the adaptable nature of mixed reality (MR), enabling users to control a physical robot through digital twin surrogates. We assess the effectiveness of our approach across three complex manipulation tasks and compare its performance against OPEN TEACH, a recent virtual reality (VR) teleoperation system, as well as two traditional control methods: kinesthetic teaching and a 3D SpaceMouse for end-effector control. Our findings show that our method performs comparably to the VR approach and demonstrates the potential for AR in data collection. Additionally, we conduct a pilot study to evaluate the usability and task load associated with each method. Results indicate that our AR-based system achieves higher usability scores than the VR benchmark and significantly reduces mental demand, physical effort, and frustration experienced by users. An accompanying video can be found at
comment: 6 pages, 4 figures
☆ Speech to Reality: On-Demand Production using Natural Language, 3D Generative AI, and Discrete Robotic Assembly
We present a system that transforms speech into physical objects by combining 3D generative Artificial Intelligence with robotic assembly. The system leverages natural language input to make design and manufacturing more accessible, enabling individuals without expertise in 3D modeling or robotic programming to create physical objects. We propose utilizing discrete robotic assembly of lattice-based voxel components to address the challenges of using generative AI outputs in physical production, such as design variability, fabrication speed, structural integrity, and material waste. The system interprets speech to generate 3D objects, discretizes them into voxel components, computes an optimized assembly sequence, and generates a robotic toolpath. The results are demonstrated through the assembly of various objects, ranging from chairs to shelves, which are prompted via speech and realized within 5 minutes using a 6-axis robotic arm.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. An updated version will replace this version
☆ Robo-CSK-Organizer: Commonsense Knowledge to Organize Detected Objects for Multipurpose Robots
This paper presents a system called Robo-CSK-Organizer that infuses commonsense knowledge from a classical knowledge based to enhance the context recognition capabilities of robots so as to facilitate the organization of detected objects by classifying them in a task-relevant manner. It is particularly useful in multipurpose robotics. Unlike systems relying solely on deep learning tools such as ChatGPT, the Robo-CSK-Organizer system stands out in multiple avenues as follows. It resolves ambiguities well, and maintains consistency in object placement. Moreover, it adapts to diverse task-based classifications. Furthermore, it contributes to explainable AI, hence helping to improve trust and human-robot collaboration. Controlled experiments performed in our work, simulating domestic robotics settings, make Robo-CSK-Organizer demonstrate superior performance while placing objects in contextually relevant locations. This work highlights the capacity of an AI-based system to conduct commonsense-guided decision-making in robotics closer to the thresholds of human cognition. Hence, Robo-CSK-Organizer makes positive impacts on AI and robotics.
☆ AquaMILR+: Design of an untethered limbless robot for complex aquatic terrain navigation
This paper presents AquaMILR+, an untethered limbless robot designed for agile navigation in complex aquatic environments. The robot features a bilateral actuation mechanism that models musculoskeletal actuation in many anguilliform swimming organisms which propagates a moving wave from head to tail allowing open fluid undulatory swimming. This actuation mechanism employs mechanical intelligence, enhancing the robot's maneuverability when interacting with obstacles. AquaMILR+ also includes a compact depth control system inspired by the swim bladder and lung structures of eels and sea snakes. The mechanism, driven by a syringe and telescoping leadscrew, enables depth and pitch control-capabilities that are difficult for most anguilliform swimming robots to achieve. Additional structures, such as fins and a tail, further improve stability and propulsion efficiency. Our tests in both open water and indoor 2D and 3D heterogeneous aquatic environments highlight AquaMILR+'s capabilities and suggest a promising system for complex underwater tasks such as search and rescue and deep-sea exploration.
☆ CurricuLLM: Automatic Task Curricula Design for Learning Complex Robot Skills using Large Language Models ICRA 2025
Curriculum learning is a training mechanism in reinforcement learning (RL) that facilitates the achievement of complex policies by progressively increasing the task difficulty during training. However, designing effective curricula for a specific task often requires extensive domain knowledge and human intervention, which limits its applicability across various domains. Our core idea is that large language models (LLMs), with their extensive training on diverse language data and ability to encapsulate world knowledge, present significant potential for efficiently breaking down tasks and decomposing skills across various robotics environments. Additionally, the demonstrated success of LLMs in translating natural language into executable code for RL agents strengthens their role in generating task curricula. In this work, we propose CurricuLLM, which leverages the high-level planning and programming capabilities of LLMs for curriculum design, thereby enhancing the efficient learning of complex target tasks. CurricuLLM consists of: (Step 1) Generating sequence of subtasks that aid target task learning in natural language form, (Step 2) Translating natural language description of subtasks in executable task code, including the reward code and goal distribution code, and (Step 3) Evaluating trained policies based on trajectory rollout and subtask description. We evaluate CurricuLLM in various robotics simulation environments, ranging from manipulation, navigation, and locomotion, to show that CurricuLLM can aid learning complex robot control tasks. In addition, we validate humanoid locomotion policy learned through CurricuLLM in real-world. The code is provided in
comment: Submitted to ICRA 2025
☆ A New 10-mg SMA-Based Fast Bimorph Actuator for Microrobotics IROS 2024
We present a new millimeter-scale bimorph actuator for microrobotic applications, driven by feedforward controlled shape-memory alloy (SMA) wires. The device weighs 10 mg, measures 14 mm in length, and occupies a volume of 4.8 mm3, which makes it the lightest and smallest fully functional SMA-based bimorph actuator for microrobotics developed to date. The experimentally measured operational bandwidth is on the order of 20 Hz, and the unimorph and bimorph maximum low-frequency displacement outputs are on the order of 3.5 and 7 mm, respectively. To test and demonstrate the functionality and suitability of the actuator for microrobotics, we developed the Fish-&-Ribbon-Inspired Small Swimming Harmonic roBot (FRISSHBot). Loosely inspired by carangiformes, the FRISSHBot leverages fluid-structure interaction (FSI) phenomena to propel itself forward, weighs 30 mg, measures 34 mm in length, operates at frequencies of up to 4 Hz, and swims at speeds of up to 3.06 mm/s (0.09 Bl/s). This robot is the lightest and smallest swimmer with onboard actuation developed to date.
comment: To be presented at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
☆ An Interactive Hands-Free Controller for a Riding Ballbot to Enable Simple Shared Control Tasks
Our team developed a riding ballbot (called PURE) that is dynamically stable, omnidirectional, and driven by lean-to-steer control. A hands-free admittance control scheme (HACS) was previously integrated to allow riders with different torso functions to control the robot's movements via torso leaning and twisting. Such an interface requires motor coordination skills and could result in collisions with obstacles due to low proficiency. Hence, a shared controller (SC) that limits the speed of PURE could be helpful to ensure the safety of riders. However, the self-balancing dynamics of PURE could result in a weak control authority of its motion, in which the torso motion of the rider could easily result in poor tracking of the command speed dictated by the shared controller. Thus, we proposed an interactive hands-free admittance control scheme (iHACS), which added two modules to HACS to improve the speed-tracking performance of PURE: control gain personalization module and interaction compensation module. Human riding tests of simple tasks, idle-keeping and speed-limiting, were conducted to compare the performance of HACS and iHACS. Two manual wheelchair users and two able-bodied individuals participated in this study. They were instructed to use "adversarial" torso motions that would tax the SC's ability to keep the ballbot idling or below a set speed. In the idle-keeping tasks, iHACS demonstrated minimal translational motion and low command speed tracking RMSE, even with significant torso lean angles. During the speed-limiting task with command speed saturated at 0.5 m/s, the system achieved an average maximum speed of 1.1 m/s with iHACS, compared with that of over 1.9 m/s with HACS. These results suggest that iHACS can enhance PURE's control authority over the rider, which enables PURE to provide physical interactions back to the rider and results in a collaborative rider-robot synergy.
☆ Optimization-based Task and Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications using Logic Network Flow
This paper proposes an optimization-based task and motion planning framework, named ``Logic Network Flow", to integrate signal temporal logic (STL) specifications into efficient mixed-binary linear programmings. In this framework, temporal predicates are encoded as polyhedron constraints on each edge of the network flow, instead of as constraints between the nodes as in the traditional Logic Tree formulation. Synthesized with Dynamic Network Flows, Logic Network Flows render a tighter convex relaxation compared to Logic Trees derived from these STL specifications. Our formulation is evaluated on several multi-robot motion planning case studies. Empirical results demonstrate that our formulation outperforms Logic Tree formulation in terms of computation time for several planning problems. As the problem size scales up, our method still discovers better lower and upper bounds by exploring fewer number of nodes during the branch-and-bound process, although this comes at the cost of increased computational load for each node when exploring branches.
☆ Signal Temporal Logic Planning with Time-Varying Robustness
This letter aims to generate a continuous-time trajectory consisting of piecewise B\'ezier curves that satisfy signal temporal logic (STL) specifications with piecewise time-varying robustness. Our time-varying robustness is less conservative than the real-valued robustness, which enables more effective tracking in practical applications. Specifically, our continuous-time trajectories account for dynamic feasibility, leading to smaller tracking errors and ensuring that the STL specifications can be met by the tracking trajectory. Comparative experiments demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
☆ S-RRT*-based Obstacle Avoidance Autonomous Motion Planner for Continuum-rigid Manipulator
Continuum robots are compact and flexible, making them suitable for use in the industries and in medical surgeries. Rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT) are a highly efficient path planning method, and its variant, S-RRT, can generate smooth feasible paths for the end-effector. By combining RRT with inverse instantaneous kinematics (IIK), complete motion planning for the continuum arm can be achieved. Due to the high degrees of freedom of continuum arms, the null space in IIK can be utilized for obstacle avoidance. In this work, we propose a novel approach that uses the S-RRT* algorithm to create paths for the continuum-rigid manipulator. By employing IIK and null space techniques, continuous joint configurations are generated that not only track the path but also enable obstacle avoidance. Simulation results demonstrate that our method effectively handles motion planning and obstacle avoidance while generating high-quality end-effector paths in complex environments. Furthermore, compared to similar IIK methods, our approach exhibits superior computation time.
☆ Robust Proximity Operations using Probabilistic Markov Models ICRA 2025
A Markov decision process-based state switching is devised, implemented, and analyzed for proximity operations of various autonomous vehicles. The framework contains a pose estimator along with a multi-state guidance algorithm. The unified pose estimator leverages the extended Kalman filter for the fusion of measurements from rate gyroscopes, monocular vision, and ultra-wideband radar sensors. It is also equipped with Mahalonobis distance-based outlier rejection and under-weighting of measurements for robust performance. The use of probabilistic Markov models to transition between various guidance modes is proposed to enable robust and efficient proximity operations. Finally, the framework is validated through an experimental analysis of the docking of two small satellites and the precision landing of an aerial vehicle.
comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE ICRA 2025 for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. Accompanying video : arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2409.09665
♻ ☆ Explaining Explaining
Explanation is key to people having confidence in high-stakes AI systems. However, machine-learning-based systems -- which account for almost all current AI -- can't explain because they are usually black boxes. The explainable AI (XAI) movement hedges this problem by redefining "explanation". The human-centered explainable AI (HCXAI) movement identifies the explanation-oriented needs of users but can't fulfill them because of its commitment to machine learning. In order to achieve the kinds of explanations needed by real people operating in critical domains, we must rethink how to approach AI. We describe a hybrid approach to developing cognitive agents that uses a knowledge-based infrastructure supplemented by data obtained through machine learning when applicable. These agents will serve as assistants to humans who will bear ultimate responsibility for the decisions and actions of the human-robot team. We illustrate the explanatory potential of such agents using the under-the-hood panels of a demonstration system in which a team of simulated robots collaborate on a search task assigned by a human.
♻ ☆ Learning Occlusion-aware Decision-making from Agent Interaction via Active Perception
Occlusion-aware decision-making is essential in autonomous driving due to the high uncertainty of various occlusions. Recent occlusion-aware decision-making methods encounter issues such as high computational complexity, scenario scalability challenges, or reliance on limited expert data. Benefiting from automatically generating data by exploration randomization, we uncover that reinforcement learning (RL) may show promise in occlusion-aware decision-making. However, previous occlusion-aware RL faces challenges in expanding to various dynamic and static occlusion scenarios, low learning efficiency, and lack of predictive ability. To address these issues, we introduce Pad-AI, a self-reinforcing framework to learn occlusion-aware decision-making through active perception. Pad-AI utilizes vectorized representation to represent occluded environments efficiently and learns over the semantic motion primitives to focus on high-level active perception exploration. Furthermore, Pad-AI integrates prediction and RL within a unified framework to provide risk-aware learning and security guarantees. Our framework was tested in challenging scenarios under both dynamic and static occlusions and demonstrated efficient and general perception-aware exploration performance to other strong baselines in closed-loop evaluations.
♻ ☆ Proprioception Is All You Need: Terrain Classification for Boreal Forests IROS 2024
Recent works in field robotics highlighted the importance of resiliency against different types of terrains. Boreal forests, in particular, are home to many mobility-impeding terrains that should be considered for off-road autonomous navigation. Also, being one of the largest land biomes on Earth, boreal forests are an area where autonomous vehicles are expected to become increasingly common. In this paper, we address this issue by introducing BorealTC, a publicly available dataset for proprioceptive-based terrain classification (TC). Recorded with a Husky A200, our dataset contains 116 min of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), motor current, and wheel odometry data, focusing on typical boreal forest terrains, notably snow, ice, and silty loam. Combining our dataset with another dataset from the state-of-the-art, we evaluate both a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the novel state space model (SSM)-based Mamba architecture on a TC task. Interestingly, we show that while CNN outperforms Mamba on each separate dataset, Mamba achieves greater accuracy when trained on a combination of both. In addition, we demonstrate that Mamba's learning capacity is greater than a CNN for increasing amounts of data. We show that the combination of two TC datasets yields a latent space that can be interpreted with the properties of the terrains. We also discuss the implications of merging datasets on classification. Our source code and dataset are publicly available online:
comment: Accepted to the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)
♻ ☆ Universal Trajectory Optimization Framework for Differential Drive Robot Class
Differential drive robots are widely used in various scenarios thanks to their straightforward principle, from household service robots to disaster response field robots. There are several types of driving mechanisms for real-world applications, including two-wheeled, four-wheeled skid-steering, tracked robots, and so on. The differences in the driving mechanisms usually require specific kinematic modeling when precise control is desired. Furthermore, the nonholonomic dynamics and possible lateral slip lead to different degrees of difficulty in getting feasible and high-quality trajectories. Therefore, a comprehensive trajectory optimization framework to compute trajectories efficiently for various kinds of differential drive robots is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a universal trajectory optimization framework that can be applied to differential drive robots, enabling the generation of high-quality trajectories within a restricted computational timeframe. We introduce a novel trajectory representation based on polynomial parameterization of motion states or their integrals, such as angular and linear velocities, which inherently matches the robots' motion to the control principle. The trajectory optimization problem is formulated to minimize complexity while prioritizing safety and operational efficiency. We then build a full-stack autonomous planning and control system to demonstrate its feasibility and robustness. We conduct extensive simulations and real-world testing in crowded environments with three kinds of differential drive robots to validate the effectiveness of our approach.
comment: 15 pages, 15 figures
♻ ☆ AnySkin: Plug-and-play Skin Sensing for Robotic Touch
While tactile sensing is widely accepted as an important and useful sensing modality, its use pales in comparison to other sensory modalities like vision and proprioception. AnySkin addresses the critical challenges that impede the use of tactile sensing -- versatility, replaceability, and data reusability. Building on the simplistic design of ReSkin, and decoupling the sensing electronics from the sensing interface, AnySkin simplifies integration making it as straightforward as putting on a phone case and connecting a charger. Furthermore, AnySkin is the first uncalibrated tactile-sensor with cross-instance generalizability of learned manipulation policies. To summarize, this work makes three key contributions: first, we introduce a streamlined fabrication process and a design tool for creating an adhesive-free, durable and easily replaceable magnetic tactile sensor; second, we characterize slip detection and policy learning with the AnySkin sensor; and third, we demonstrate zero-shot generalization of models trained on one instance of AnySkin to new instances, and compare it with popular existing tactile solutions like DIGIT and ReSkin. Videos of experiments, fabrication details and design files can be found on
♻ ☆ Soft Acoustic Curvature Sensor: Design and Development
This paper introduces a novel Soft Acoustic Curvature (SAC) sensor. SAC incorporates integrated audio components and features an acoustic channel within a flexible structure. A reference acoustic wave, generated by a speaker at one end of the channel, propagates and is received by a microphone at the other channel's end. Our previous study revealed that acoustic wave energy dissipation varies with acoustic channel deformation, leading us to design a novel channel capable of large deformation due to bending. We then use Machine Learning (ML) models to establish a complex mapping between channel deformations and sound modulation. Various sound frequencies and ML models were evaluated to enhance curvature detection accuracy. The sensor, constructed using soft material and 3D printing, was validated experimentally, with curvature measurement errors remaining within 3.5 m-1 for a range of 0 to 60 m-1 curvatures. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for estimating curvatures. With its flexible structure, the SAC sensor holds potential for applications in soft robotics, including shape measurement for continuum manipulators, soft grippers, and wearable devices.
comment: To appear in Robotics and Automation Letter
♻ ☆ Deep Bayesian Future Fusion for Self-Supervised, High-Resolution, Off-Road Mapping
High-speed off-road navigation requires long-range, high-resolution maps to enable robots to safely navigate over different surfaces while avoiding dangerous obstacles. However, due to limited computational power and sensing noise, most approaches to off-road mapping focus on producing coarse (20-40cm) maps of the environment. In this paper, we propose Future Fusion, a framework capable of generating dense, high-resolution maps from sparse sensing data (30m forward at 2cm). This is accomplished by - (1) the efficient realization of the well-known Bayes filtering within the standard deep learning models that explicitly accounts for the sparsity pattern in stereo and LiDAR depth data, and (2) leveraging perceptual losses common in generative image completion. The proposed methodology outperforms the conventional baselines. Moreover, the learned features and the completed dense maps lead to improvements in the downstream navigation task.
♻ ☆ Learning Adaptive Multi-Objective Robot Navigation Incorporating Demonstrations
Preference-aligned robot navigation in human environments is typically achieved through learning-based approaches, utilizing user feedback or demonstrations for personalization. However, personal preferences are subject to change and might even be context-dependent. Yet traditional reinforcement learning (RL) approaches with static reward functions often fall short in adapting to these varying user preferences, inevitably reflecting demonstrations once training is completed. This paper introduces a framework that combines multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) with demonstration-based learning. Our approach allows for dynamic adaptation to changing user preferences without retraining. It fluently modulates between reward-defined preference objectives and the amount of demonstration data reflection. Through rigorous evaluations, including a sim-to-real transfer on two robots, we demonstrate our framework's capability to reflect user preferences accurately while achieving high navigational performance in terms of collision avoidance and goal pursuance.
♻ ☆ TinyVLA: Towards Fast, Data-Efficient Vision-Language-Action Models for Robotic Manipulation
Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models have shown remarkable potential in visuomotor control and instruction comprehension through end-to-end learning processes. However, current VLA models face significant challenges: they are slow during inference and require extensive pre-training on large amounts of robotic data, making real-world deployment difficult. In this paper, we introduce a new family of compact vision-language-action models, called TinyVLA, which offers two key advantages over existing VLA models: (1) faster inference speeds, and (2) improved data efficiency, eliminating the need for pre-training stage. Our framework incorporates two essential components to build TinyVLA: (1) initializing the policy backbone with robust, high-speed multimodal models, and (2) integrating a diffusion policy decoder during fine-tuning to enable precise robot actions. We conducted extensive evaluations of TinyVLA in both simulation and on real robots, demonstrating that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art VLA model, OpenVLA, in terms of speed and data efficiency, while delivering comparable or superior performance. Additionally, TinyVLA exhibits strong generalization capabilities across various dimensions, including language instructions, novel objects, unseen positions, changes in object appearance, background variations, and environmental shifts, often matching or exceeding the performance of OpenVLA. We believe that \methodname offers an interesting perspective on utilizing pre-trained multimodal models for policy learning. Our project is at
comment: add more citations
♻ ☆ FracGM: A Fast Fractional Programming Technique for Geman-McClure Robust Estimator
Robust estimation is essential in computer vision, robotics, and navigation, aiming to minimize the impact of outlier measurements for improved accuracy. We present a fast algorithm for Geman-McClure robust estimation, FracGM, leveraging fractional programming techniques. This solver reformulates the original non-convex fractional problem to a convex dual problem and a linear equation system, iteratively solving them in an alternating optimization pattern. Compared to graduated non-convexity approaches, this strategy exhibits a faster convergence rate and better outlier rejection capability. In addition, the global optimality of the proposed solver can be guaranteed under given conditions. We demonstrate the proposed FracGM solver with Wahba's rotation problem and 3-D point-cloud registration along with relaxation pre-processing and projection post-processing. Compared to state-of-the-art algorithms, when the outlier rates increase from 20% to 80%, FracGM shows 53% and 88% lower rotation and translation increases. In real-world scenarios, FracGM achieves better results in 13 out of 18 outcomes, while having a 19.43% improvement in the computation time.
comment: 8 pages, 6 figures
♻ ☆ Comparing Apples to Oranges: LLM-powered Multimodal Intention Prediction in an Object Categorization Task
Human intention-based systems enable robots to perceive and interpret user actions to interact with humans and adapt to their behavior proactively. Therefore, intention prediction is pivotal in creating a natural interaction with social robots in human-designed environments. In this paper, we examine using Large Language Models (LLMs) to infer human intention in a collaborative object categorization task with a physical robot. We propose a novel multimodal approach that integrates user non-verbal cues, like hand gestures, body poses, and facial expressions, with environment states and user verbal cues to predict user intentions in a hierarchical architecture. Our evaluation of five LLMs shows the potential for reasoning about verbal and non-verbal user cues, leveraging their context-understanding and real-world knowledge to support intention prediction while collaborating on a task with a social robot.
comment: Accepted at ICSR 2024,14 pages,5 figures,2 tables; work was co-funded by Horizon Europe project TERAIS under Grant agreement number 101079338
♻ ☆ Commonsense Scene Graph-based Target Localization for Object Search
Object search is a fundamental skill for household robots, yet the core problem lies in the robot's ability to locate the target object accurately. The dynamic nature of household environments, characterized by the arbitrary placement of daily objects by users, makes it challenging to perform target localization. To efficiently locate the target object, the robot needs to be equipped with knowledge at both the object and room level. However, existing approaches rely solely on one type of knowledge, leading to unsatisfactory object localization performance and, consequently, inefficient object search processes. To address this problem, we propose a commonsense scene graph-based target localization, CSG-TL, to enhance target object search in the household environment. Given the pre-built map with stationary items, the robot models the room-level knowledge with object-level commonsense knowledge generated by a large language model (LLM) to a commonsense scene graph (CSG), supporting both types of knowledge for CSG-TL. To demonstrate the superiority of CSG-TL on target localization, extensive experiments are performed on the real-world ScanNet dataset and the AI2THOR simulator. Moreover, we have extended CSG-TL to an object search framework, CSG-OS, validated in both simulated and real-world environments. Code and videos are available at
♻ ☆ Query-based Semantic Gaussian Field for Scene Representation in Reinforcement Learning
Latent scene representation plays a significant role in training reinforcement learning (RL) agents. To obtain good latent vectors describing the scenes, recent works incorporate the 3D-aware latent-conditioned NeRF pipeline into scene representation learning. However, these NeRF-related methods struggle to perceive 3D structural information due to the inefficient dense sampling in volumetric rendering. Moreover, they lack fine-grained semantic information included in their scene representation vectors because they evenly consider free and occupied spaces. Both of them can destroy the performance of downstream RL tasks. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel framework that adopts the efficient 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) to learn 3D scene representation for the first time. In brief, we present the Query-based Generalizable 3DGS to bridge the 3DGS technique and scene representations with more geometrical awareness than those in NeRFs. Moreover, we present the Hierarchical Semantics Encoding to ground the fine-grained semantic features to 3D Gaussians and further distilled to the scene representation vectors. We conduct extensive experiments on two RL platforms including Maniskill2 and Robomimic across 10 different tasks. The results show that our method outperforms the other 5 baselines by a large margin. We achieve the best success rates on 8 tasks and the second-best on the other two tasks.
♻ ☆ TOP-Nav: Legged Navigation Integrating Terrain, Obstacle and Proprioception Estimation
Legged navigation is typically examined within open-world, off-road, and challenging environments. In these scenarios, estimating external disturbances requires a complex synthesis of multi-modal information. This underlines a major limitation in existing works that primarily focus on avoiding obstacles. In this work, we propose TOP-Nav, a novel legged navigation framework that integrates a comprehensive path planner with Terrain awareness, Obstacle avoidance and close-loop Proprioception. TOP-Nav underscores the synergies between vision and proprioception in both path and motion planning. Within the path planner, we present and integrate a terrain estimator that enables the robot to select waypoints on terrains with higher traversability while effectively avoiding obstacles. In the motion planning level, we not only implement a locomotion controller to track the navigation commands, but also construct a proprioception advisor to provide motion evaluations for the path planner. Based on the close-loop motion feedback, we make online corrections for the vision-based terrain and obstacle estimations. Consequently, TOP-Nav achieves open-world navigation that the robot can handle terrains or disturbances beyond the distribution of prior knowledge and overcomes constraints imposed by visual conditions. Building upon extensive experiments conducted in both simulation and real-world environments, TOP-Nav demonstrates superior performance in open-world navigation compared to existing methods.
comment: Published on CoRL 2024
♻ ☆ Enabling On-Chip High-Frequency Adaptive Linear Optimal Control via Linearized Gaussian Process
Unpredictable and complex aerodynamic effects pose significant challenges to achieving precise flight control, such as the downwash effect from upper vehicles to lower ones. Conventional methods often struggle to accurately model these interactions, leading to controllers that require large safety margins between vehicles. Moreover, the controller on real drones usually requires high-frequency and has limited on-chip computation, making the adaptive control design more difficult to implement. To address these challenges, we incorporate Gaussian process (GP) to model the adaptive external aerodynamics with linear model predictive control. The GP is linearized to enable real-time high-frequency solutions. Moreover, to handle the error caused by linearization, we integrate end-to-end Bayesian optimization during sample collection stages to improve the control performance. Experimental results on both simulations and real quadrotors show that we can achieve real-time solvable computation speed with acceptable tracking errors.
♻ ☆ Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting For Dense Visual SLAM
Recent work has shown that 3D Gaussian-based SLAM enables high-quality reconstruction, accurate pose estimation, and real-time rendering of scenes. However, these approaches are built on a tremendous number of redundant 3D Gaussian ellipsoids, leading to high memory and storage costs, and slow training speed. To address the limitation, we propose a compact 3D Gaussian Splatting SLAM system that reduces the number and the parameter size of Gaussian ellipsoids. A sliding window-based masking strategy is first proposed to reduce the redundant ellipsoids. Then we observe that the covariance matrix (geometry) of most 3D Gaussian ellipsoids are extremely similar, which motivates a novel geometry codebook to compress 3D Gaussian geometric attributes, i.e., the parameters. Robust and accurate pose estimation is achieved by a global bundle adjustment method with reprojection loss. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves faster training and rendering speed while maintaining the state-of-the-art (SOTA) quality of the scene representation.
♻ ☆ Constraint-Guided Online Data Selection for Scalable Data-Driven Safety Filters in Uncertain Robotic Systems
As the use of autonomous robots expands in tasks that are complex and challenging to model, the demand for robust data-driven control methods that can certify safety and stability in uncertain conditions is increasing. However, the practical implementation of these methods often faces scalability issues due to the growing amount of data points with system complexity, and a significant reliance on high-quality training data. In response to these challenges, this study presents a scalable data-driven controller that efficiently identifies and infers from the most informative data points for implementing data-driven safety filters. Our approach is grounded in the integration of a model-based certificate function-based method and Gaussian Process (GP) regression, reinforced by a novel online data selection algorithm that reduces time complexity from quadratic to linear relative to dataset size. Empirical evidence, gathered from successful real-world cart-pole swing-up experiments and simulated locomotion of a five-link bipedal robot, demonstrates the efficacy of our approach. Our findings reveal that our efficient online data selection algorithm, which strategically selects key data points, enhances the practicality and efficiency of data-driven certifying filters in complex robotic systems, significantly mitigating scalability concerns inherent in nonparametric learning-based control methods.
comment: The first three authors contributed equally to the work. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
♻ ☆ AquaMILR: Mechanical intelligence simplifies control of undulatory robots in cluttered fluid environments
While undulatory swimming of elongate limbless robots has been extensively studied in open hydrodynamic environments, less research has been focused on limbless locomotion in complex, cluttered aquatic environments. Motivated by the concept of mechanical intelligence, where controls for obstacle navigation can be offloaded to passive body mechanics in terrestrial limbless locomotion, we hypothesize that principles of mechanical intelligence can be extended to cluttered hydrodynamic regimes. To test this, we developed an untethered limbless robot capable of undulatory swimming on water surfaces, utilizing a bilateral cable-driven mechanism inspired by organismal muscle actuation morphology to achieve programmable anisotropic body compliance. We demonstrated through robophysical experiments that, similar to terrestrial locomotion, an appropriate level of body compliance can facilitate emergent swim through complex hydrodynamic environments under pure open-loop control. Moreover, we found that swimming performance depends on undulation frequency, with effective locomotion achieved only within a specific frequency range. This contrasts with highly damped terrestrial regimes, where inertial effects can often be neglected. Further, to enhance performance and address the challenges posed by nondeterministic obstacle distributions, we incorporated computational intelligence by developing a real-time body compliance tuning controller based on cable tension feedback. This controller improves the robot's robustness and overall speed in heterogeneous hydrodynamic environments.
♻ ☆ 3D Diffusion Policy: Generalizable Visuomotor Policy Learning via Simple 3D Representations
Imitation learning provides an efficient way to teach robots dexterous skills; however, learning complex skills robustly and generalizablely usually consumes large amounts of human demonstrations. To tackle this challenging problem, we present 3D Diffusion Policy (DP3), a novel visual imitation learning approach that incorporates the power of 3D visual representations into diffusion policies, a class of conditional action generative models. The core design of DP3 is the utilization of a compact 3D visual representation, extracted from sparse point clouds with an efficient point encoder. In our experiments involving 72 simulation tasks, DP3 successfully handles most tasks with just 10 demonstrations and surpasses baselines with a 24.2% relative improvement. In 4 real robot tasks, DP3 demonstrates precise control with a high success rate of 85%, given only 40 demonstrations of each task, and shows excellent generalization abilities in diverse aspects, including space, viewpoint, appearance, and instance. Interestingly, in real robot experiments, DP3 rarely violates safety requirements, in contrast to baseline methods which frequently do, necessitating human intervention. Our extensive evaluation highlights the critical importance of 3D representations in real-world robot learning. Videos, code, and data are available on .
comment: Published at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2024. Videos, code, and data:
♻ ☆ AED: Adaptable Error Detection for Few-shot Imitation Policy NeurIPS2024
We introduce a new task called Adaptable Error Detection (AED), which aims to identify behavior errors in few-shot imitation (FSI) policies based on visual observations in novel environments. The potential to cause serious damage to surrounding areas limits the application of FSI policies in real-world scenarios. Thus, a robust system is necessary to notify operators when FSI policies are inconsistent with the intent of demonstrations. This task introduces three challenges: (1) detecting behavior errors in novel environments, (2) identifying behavior errors that occur without revealing notable changes, and (3) lacking complete temporal information of the rollout due to the necessity of online detection. However, the existing benchmarks cannot support the development of AED because their tasks do not present all these challenges. To this end, we develop a cross-domain AED benchmark, consisting of 322 base and 153 novel environments. Additionally, we propose Pattern Observer (PrObe) to address these challenges. PrObe is equipped with a powerful pattern extractor and guided by novel learning objectives to parse discernible patterns in the policy feature representations of normal or error states. Through our comprehensive evaluation, PrObe demonstrates superior capability to detect errors arising from a wide range of FSI policies, consistently surpassing strong baselines. Moreover, we conduct detailed ablations and a pilot study on error correction to validate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture design and the practicality of the AED task, respectively.
comment: Accepted to NeurIPS2024
♻ ☆ Speech-Guided Sequential Planning for Autonomous Navigation using Large Language Model Meta AI 3 (Llama3)
In social robotics, a pivotal focus is enabling robots to engage with humans in a more natural and seamless manner. The emergence of advanced large language models (LLMs) such as Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) and autoregressive models like Large Language Model Meta AI (Llamas) has driven significant advancements in integrating natural language understanding capabilities into social robots. This paper presents a system for speech-guided sequential planning in autonomous navigation, utilizing Llama3 and the Robot Operating System~(ROS). The proposed system involves using Llama3 to interpret voice commands, extracting essential details through parsing, and decoding these commands into sequential actions for tasks. Such sequential planning is essential in various domains, particularly in the pickup and delivery of an object. Once a sequential navigation task is evaluated, we employ DRL-VO, a learning-based control policy that allows a robot to autonomously navigate through social spaces with static infrastructure and (crowds of) people. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in simulation experiment using Turtlebot 2 in ROS1 and Turtlebot 3 in ROS2. We conduct hardware trials using a Clearpath Robotics Jackal UGV, highlighting its potential for real-world deployment in scenarios requiring flexible and interactive robotic behaviors.
comment: Accepted at the 16th International Conference on Social Robotics + AI
♻ ☆ Efficient Navigation of a Robotic Fish Swimming Across the Vortical Flow Field
Navigating efficiently across vortical flow fields presents a significant challenge in various robotic applications. The dynamic and unsteady nature of vortical flows often disturbs the control of underwater robots, complicating their operation in hydrodynamic environments. Conventional control methods, which depend on accurate modeling, fail in these settings due to the complexity of fluid-structure interactions (FSI) caused by unsteady hydrodynamics. This study proposes a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithm, trained in a data-driven manner, to enable efficient navigation of a robotic fish swimming across vortical flows. Our proposed algorithm incorporates the LSTM architecture and uses several recent consecutive observations as the state to address the issue of partial observation, often due to sensor limitations. We present a numerical study of navigation within a Karman vortex street, created by placing a stationary cylinder in a uniform flow, utilizing the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method (IB-LBM). The aim is to train the robotic fish to discover efficient navigation policies, enabling it to reach a designated target point across the Karman vortex street from various initial positions. After training, the fish demonstrates the ability to rapidly reach the target from different initial positions, showcasing the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed algorithm. Analysis of the results reveals that the robotic fish can leverage velocity gains and pressure differences induced by the vortices to reach the target, underscoring the potential of our proposed algorithm in enhancing navigation in complex hydrodynamic environments.
comment: We would like to request the withdrawal of our submission due to some misunderstandings among the co-authors concerning the submission process. It appears that the current version was submitted before we reached a consensus among all authors. We are actively working to address these matters and plan to resubmit a revised version once we achieve agreement
♻ ☆ Teaching Robots Where To Go And How To Act With Human Sketches via Spatial Diagrammatic Instructions
This paper introduces Spatial Diagrammatic Instructions (SDIs), an approach for human operators to specify objectives and constraints that are related to spatial regions in the working environment. Human operators are enabled to sketch out regions directly on camera images that correspond to the objectives and constraints. These sketches are projected to 3D spatial coordinates, and continuous Spatial Instruction Maps (SIMs) are learned upon them. These maps can then be integrated into optimization problems for tasks of robots. In particular, we demonstrate how Spatial Diagrammatic Instructions can be applied to solve the Base Placement Problem of mobile manipulators, which concerns the best place to put the manipulator to facilitate a certain task. Human operators can specify, via sketch, spatial regions of interest for a manipulation task and permissible regions for the mobile manipulator to be at. Then, an optimization problem that maximizes the manipulator's reachability, or coverage, over the designated regions of interest while remaining in the permissible regions is solved. We provide extensive empirical evaluations, and show that our formulation of Spatial Instruction Maps provides accurate representations of user-specified diagrammatic instructions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our diagrammatic approach to the Mobile Base Placement Problem enables higher quality solutions and faster runtime.
♻ ☆ Multi-Robot Coordination Induced in an Adversarial Graph-Traversal Game
This paper presents a game theoretic formulation of a graph traversal problem, with applications to robots moving through hazardous environments in the presence of an adversary, as in military and security scenarios. The blue team of robots moves in an environment modeled by a time-varying graph, attempting to reach some goal with minimum cost, while the red team controls how the graph changes to maximize the cost. The problem is formulated as a stochastic game, so that Nash equilibrium strategies can be computed numerically. Bounds are provided for the game value, with a guarantee that it solves the original problem. Numerical simulations demonstrate the results and the effectiveness of this method, particularly showing the benefit of mixing actions for both players, as well as beneficial coordinated behavior, where blue robots split up and/or synchronize to traverse risky edges.
comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
♻ ☆ Detecting and Mitigating System-Level Anomalies of Vision-Based Controllers
Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones, have made significant strides in recent years by leveraging visual inputs and machine learning for decision-making and control. Despite their impressive performance, these vision-based controllers can make erroneous predictions when faced with novel or out-of-distribution inputs. Such errors can cascade to catastrophic system failures and compromise system safety. In this work, we introduce a run-time anomaly monitor to detect and mitigate such closed-loop, system-level failures. Specifically, we leverage a reachability-based framework to stress-test the vision-based controller offline and mine its system-level failures. This data is then used to train a classifier that is leveraged online to flag inputs that might cause system breakdowns. The anomaly detector highlights issues that transcend individual modules and pertain to the safety of the overall system. We also design a fallback controller that robustly handles these detected anomalies to preserve system safety. We validate the proposed approach on an autonomous aircraft taxiing system that uses a vision-based controller for taxiing. Our results show the efficacy of the proposed approach in identifying and handling system-level anomalies, outperforming methods such as prediction error-based detection, and ensembling, thereby enhancing the overall safety and robustness of autonomous systems.
♻ ☆ Vision Transformers for End-to-End Vision-Based Quadrotor Obstacle Avoidance
We demonstrate the capabilities of an attention-based end-to-end approach for high-speed vision-based quadrotor obstacle avoidance in dense, cluttered environments, with comparison to various state-of-the-art learning architectures. Quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have tremendous maneuverability when flown fast; however, as flight speed increases, traditional model-based approaches to navigation via independent perception, mapping, planning, and control modules breaks down due to increased sensor noise, compounding errors, and increased processing latency. Thus, learning-based, end-to-end vision-to-control networks have shown to have great potential for online control of these fast robots through cluttered environments. We train and compare convolutional, U-Net, and recurrent architectures against vision transformer (ViT) models for depth image-to-control in high-fidelity simulation, observing that ViT models are more effective than others as quadrotor speeds increase and in generalization to unseen environments, while the addition of recurrence further improves performance while reducing quadrotor energy cost across all tested flight speeds. We assess performance at speeds of up to 7m/s in simulation and hardware. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to utilize vision transformers for end-to-end vision-based quadrotor control.
comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables (with supplementary)
♻ ☆ In-Context Imitation Learning via Next-Token Prediction
We explore how to enhance next-token prediction models to perform in-context imitation learning on a real robot, where the robot executes new tasks by interpreting contextual information provided during the input phase, without updating its underlying policy parameters. We propose In-Context Robot Transformer (ICRT), a causal transformer that performs autoregressive prediction on sensorimotor trajectories without relying on any linguistic data or reward function. This formulation enables flexible and training-free execution of new tasks at test time, achieved by prompting the model with sensorimotor trajectories of the new task composing of image observations, actions and states tuples, collected through human teleoperation. Experiments with a Franka Emika robot demonstrate that the ICRT can adapt to new tasks specified by prompts, even in environment configurations that differ from both the prompt and the training data. In a multitask environment setup, ICRT significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art next-token prediction models in robotics on generalizing to unseen tasks. Code, checkpoints and data are available on